Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending November 2

QUOTE:  We love instant gratification! We want speed and drama. We celebrate the "over-night sensation," and it's wonderful when that happens. But in real life, it's actually quite rare. For most of the winners in life, success is the culmination of multiple, predictable small victories.  Typically, this takes time. It takes Patience. Endurance. And Persistence. The good news is that with a good plan and daily victories, you can absolutely do this!”  Phillip Humbert Group  To subscribe, http://www.philiphumbert.com  soooooo if you read this, then click on the next link directly below and register for the Regional Fall Conference and start making not a good plan but a GREAT PLAN â

REGIONAL FALL CONFERENCE:  You do not want to miss this.  Renaissance Hotel Mobile 64 S Water St. Mobile, AL 36602.  November 14, 15 & 16, 2012.  Resister at: http://tinyurl.com/8kblbtl

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  LISTING PRESENTATION – EXPLAIN MARKETING CONTINUED (from last several weeks’ newsletters which is archived on the blog):  When you say the buyer can pay for the repairs, I agree with you, then can but will they?  That can be done and we can wait to see what we must do.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Good time to talk about buying a car.  How many car buyers buy a car knowing that repairs must be made before they can drive it away?  Not many!)  However, I’d rather put you in control by finding out what we need to do and making the needed changes while the property is on the market.  This way is really to your benefit because improvements will increase the salability, reduce objections, and prevent you from having a broken down transaction.  Listen, you don’t want to be a week or two weeks away from moving and then have to make all the corrections (discovered in a home inspection).  Let’s stay in control and get you moving down the road.  (Gymbeaux Note:  This is where you encourage your sellers to obtain a home inspection before the buyer does.  Find out what needs to be fixed before you receive a contract on the home then either fix it or price it accordingly.  You and the Seller can then use the Home Inspection Report as a marketing tool demonstrating to a potential buyer that you take selling the home seriously, that you have already identified issues and have taken action to fix the issues or price the home accordingly.  The buyer does not have to accept the report and can still obtain another but why would they, official home inspections are done by third party un-biases and usually licensed home inspectors.)

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret.  http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html From pages 101:  In light of the passing of Amy McClain this except seems very appropriate:  We find peace in the alpha state, and its message is pure, and its proddings are firm.  Self-confidence soars the closer you become.  During the tough time peace stands its ground.  It cannot be moved.  It demands respect and its influence is known worldwide.  It speaks all languages and knows no strangers, except for those who have wandered from its womb-like silence.  IT calls you now and desires your company.  It’s a spring of living water that quenches your soul.

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  Yesterday, my eyeglass prescription ran out. 

SPEAKING OF AMBUGUITY:  If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown as well?

UNDENIABLE TRUTHS:  I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. 

A GREAT PERSPECTIVE, by John Miller, author of QBQ, The Question Behind the Question, a great read if you have not read it as yet, on the book shelf in the Market Center.  This is a story about the birth of his grandchild and the highs, lows and highs of that event.  Really does put things into perspective when you think about it.  http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=cd06eff84c98607bafc972804&id=ccc4aade41&buffer_share=36aae&utm_source=buffer

YOU DO REALIZE THAT YOU ARE NOT SELLING HOUSES, DON’T YOU, great article by Marte Cliff;  http://ymlp.com/zOxWyZ

ABSOLUTLY AMAZING VIDEO ABOUT SAVING A WHALE:  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=EBYPlcSD490

GREAT BOOKLET FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS.   The Landlord and Tenant Guide created by the Louisiana Secretary of State has been reproduced as a word document and uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com, Documents, Rental Forms.  You can customize the first page with your contact info. It is a work in progress so it may contain some typos.

Fusion” New MLS System NOW AVAILABLE
In our ongoing search to add new value to our member services, we are excited to announce that the Gulf South Real Estate Information Network (GSREIN) now brings you the newest MLS system “Fusion.”  The new Fusion MLS system will run alongside of the MLXchange MLS platform you use today.  Fusion runs on leading computer operating systems and browsers like Apple, Mac OS, Apple Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.  In your browser type:   http://nom.fusionmls.com/

Never Fear Never Quit - Webinar on Courage and Perseverance
By Joe Tye, my personal mentor, coach and friend.
Wednesday October 31, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM CDT
In the Market Center Training Room.  No Cost, just show up.

What will be covered in the webinar:
  • Why fear won’t go away
  • What courage is – and is not
  • Differentiating anxiety, fear, worry, and dread
  • How anxiety distorts memory, perception, and vision
  • Finding your place on the Anxiety-Performance Curve
  • The three big fears and the two enormous fears we all face
  • Three things fear might be trying to tell you
  • Why you need to turn your fear into a problem to be solved
  • Three things you must change to conquer fear
  • The Ten Laws of Adversity
  • Two strategies for leaving behind painful emotional baggage
  • A simple formula for mental toughness in the face of adversity
  • A therapeutic trinity for courageous living
  • The promises that will change your life

By Wes Hopper

"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade."
Tom Peters

Have you ever had the Universe call your bluff?

You know what I mean. You've had this idea that someday you were going to do - something, something big, something meaningful.

Start a movement, build a following, write a book, change the world in some way. For years you've told yourself this. But you haven't done it because there were always obstacles, and the time wasn't right. Or so you thought.

Then one day, seemingly out of nowhere, the right person or circumstance or opportunity opens up right in front of you and says, "OK, do it now!"

Yikes! You stand there looking at the possibilities and this wave of emotion, half excitement and half fear, washes over you. The Universe has called your bluff. Which emotion will win?

This is when you find out what you really want and if your dream has been just a dream for years, you may find the fear factor is hard to overcome.

Here's a better way. Find little bits of things related to your big dream that you can do now. You may not speak to thousands but you can speak to small groups. You may not write the next big blockbuster novel, but you can start blogging.

There's always some way that you can live bits of your dream now, and when the big opening comes, you'll be ready. It's easier to step into the opportunity when you're already living bits of it.

When your window of opportunity appears, the shade will be UP, and you'll be ready!

Live your dream in some way every day. That's the best gift you can give yourself.

All the best, Wes

@DailyGratitude on Twitter

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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