Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Online Newsletter for January 2, 2010

QUOTE #1: “So-called failure isn’t fatal. Take courage and face your problems head on. Do not run from creditors, have the integrity to contact them first if there is a problem. Don’t wait for them to be the ones to announce there is a delinquency. Integrity is foundational to these ideas. You must be committed to honesty in all your dealings with your fellow man. God has provided a way for us to keep all of the commandments and honesty is something we must take seriously. So be sure to live that law now, in your present circumstances. Your financial life will improve; you will find the abundance you seek. But never compromise your integrity in the pursuit, or it will all come falling down. Live by LAW. It will set you free.” From Hidden Treasures by Leslie Householder.

QUOTE #2: “To think is to create a vision in my mind of how I want things to be, and then consciously choose to believe in the reality of my vision, no matter the evidence…no matter what the circumstances are. It is to live in the dream in my mind while acting upon those thoughts and patiently waiting for circumstances to eventually reflect them.” From Hidden Treasures by Leslie Householder

NEW NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN. Post on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com. Hope you enjoy it and find some use for it.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO COMMIT? CAN’T BUCKLE MY BELT! By Jeffrey Gitomer. Jeffrey has gained weight and has now set out a plan to get to where he wants to be. Check out his plan and logic to see if can apply to your goals for 2010: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3Pk3YKGvkk8VA%3D%3D

10-12 CORRIDOR NEWSLETTER: Population is back. St. Tammany looking good. Others: http://www.1012corridor.com/1012-corridor-weekly/

SELF IMPROVEMENT A COMPLETE DIRECTORY: Happened upon this directory of locations on the Internet you can go for all kinds of various subjects. Some of the links will take you to programs, some to free eBooks, articles, etc. What a great resource to bookmark on your computer. http://www.selfgrowth.com/topics.html

10 MOST POWERFUL MUSTS IN MARKETING by Kevin Thomas: Article speaks for itself. How many of them are you doing? http://authenticspam.blogspot.com/2009/12/10-powerful-musts-in-marketing.html

EVER WANTED TO MARK UP A .PDF FILE? For example, you are reading an eBook and you want to highlight a section in yellow as you would with a magic marker but you can’t because it is a .pdf file. Maybe you wanted to enter data into a field to complete an exercise from an eBook. Found a product online at www.docudesk.com that enables you to do that. Cost is $39.95 or $59.95 depending upon the version you desire. Lot cheaper than paying hundreds of dollars for a full service Adobe product. This software converts the .pdf file into a Microsoft Word file and then you can treat it as you would any Word file.

RUDOLPH THE RED NOSE RAINDEER; and now you will discover the rest of the story: http://www.insightoftheday.com/quotetext.asp?msgid=1453

SIGNS OF A STROKE: Several people have forwarded emails suggesting what to do to determine if someone has had a stroke. www.snopes.com has indicated that the first three are true but that checking one’s tongue is subject to interpretation. Please check out the snopes file on this link, the information is extremely valuable especially if it is YOU on the receiving end of the instructions: http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/stroke.asp

MARKETING. Not endorsing this only providing the information. Real estate magazine for your database with your photo on the cover. Check it out Your Home and Lifestyle Elite at: http://links.mkt875.com/servlet/MailView?ms=MzQ1MTI0ODMS1&r=Mzk5NTgyOTkyNQS2&j=NjI5Njg3NTcS1&mt=1&rt=0

NO FEAR IN THE NEW YEAR, by Jon Gordon. This is a remarkable story with a fabulous lesson: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-122809-nofearinthenewyear.html

IF I WERE A REALTOR® looking to use social media for my business (from ChrisBrogan.com provided by Joe Tye):
• I’d write a blog about the location where I was selling.
• I’d take tons of pictures and post them on the blog.
• I’d shoot walking tour videos all the time with a Flip camera and post them.
• I’d shoot interview videos with people from my community.
• I’d host meet-ups and tweet-ups for local residents, inviting people who are house hunting.
• I’d find various niche communities (developers, stonemasons, parents) and start community platforms for them on Ning.
• I’d empower as many local businesses onto the Net as I could, and help them get successful.
• I’d encourage as many people in my community to join Twitter as possible, and I’d bundle them into a list.
• I’d consider setting up hyper-local news and events sites, or at least empower/support their construction.

I probably wouldn’t put pictures of me in a tie (or a dress) and write about the rates. I probably wouldn’t pitch you dozens of times in a row. I probably wouldn’t just rehash links to listings.
But that’s just me. You?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Online Newsletter for Christmas Week


QUOTE: "When you develop your ability to balance your emotions, unexpected problems won't knock you off balance as easily, and you'll return more quickly to a positive outlook." Peggy McColl, New York Times Best Selling Author & Creator of the www.relaxyourwaytowealth.com.

CONGRATULATIONS TO AMY, VIRGINIA AND THE MARKET CENTER. If ever there was a win-win-win situation this may be it. Virginia has decided to semi-retire, where have I heard that before? Amy will be moving into the Interim Market Center Administrator position and Virginia will stay on in more of a limited hour capacity. Everyone wins! Amy, Virginia and the Market Center.

I will be in Williamsburg, VA the first week in January 2010. Plan accordingly.

APRIL 23, FIRST ANNUAL KELLER WILLIAMS GOLF TOURNAMENT TO PROVIDE COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS TO LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL GRADS: Our goal is to provide FIVE $1,000 scholarships to the five Slidell area high schools. To accomplish this, you help is desperately needed. By separate email correspondence a tournament flyer was sent to everyone in the Market Center. Please provide a copy to your favorite local Slidell area business to seek their support as a sponsor. You can also help by spreading the word to your favorite golfers and encourage them to plan ahead to participate in this most worthy effort.

LICENSE RENEWALS: Time is running out to renew your licenses without incurring a late fee. According to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission web site, only 25 of 96 have renewed their licenses to date. The site may be behind due to the Christmas season so check to make sure you have been credited with renewing if you have. If you have not renewed, time to get busy! http://www.lrec.state.la.us/

IMPORTANT OR NON-IMPORTANT; YOU DECIDE. This weekend I discovered a magnificent free Ebook entitled The Jackrabbit Factor, by Leslie Householder. Her story is pretty amazing. She and her new husband spent over ten years attending one seminar of self-help after another and read book after book all to no avail until one day the light bulb went on. The Jackrabbit Factor is what she discovered and is making it available free of charge (that speaks volumes about her motive). In addition to the Ebook, you can also watch an 82 minute video of one of her seminars (also pretty amazing) and receive a 19 Rules of Prosperity Guide also free. She does have an eCourse you can purchase if interested. I would highly recommend everyone read the free eBook and in accordance with her wishes, you must go to her site to obtain it. http://www.thoughtsalive.com/. The link to the book is in the upper right corner of the web site. It is only 84 pages long. Written as an inspirational novel that tells a story in addition to giving you a guide to success; it is compelling and easy to read. A great additional to your own self-development personal library. AND IT IS FREE! Please take the time to watch the video. It is in 9 to 10 minute segments and you can stop and start to meet your schedule.

BOLD: Sign up for the first BOLD class. The signup sheet is in the Resource Room with all the details. IT IS FREE! Don’t say NO to something until you know what you are saying NO to. Attend this free class and then YOU decide if it will help you achieve your desired goals. I only wish I could attend but as stated above I will be in Williamsburg, VA.

KELLER WILLIAMS AGENT NEWSLETTERS: I hope everyone received the special email sent to notify you that Keller Williams International now has an agent monthly newsletter that you can copy and paste into your email program to send a monthly real estate specific newsletter that you can customize to your email database. This is a great tool that I hope everyone uses. It provides you with 12 annual touches provided you are collecting email addresses for your database. You can access your monthly newsletter by going to: http://answers.kw.com/knowledgemanager/questions.php?questionid=1734 and logging in with your user name and password to the KW Intranet site. The instructions are on the site.

GET OUT OF DEBT, NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN REVISITED. There were a couple of really nice compliments regarding the Nugget posted last week, “Income Insurance; Or not.” so I recalled another Nugget written by Michael Dunn several years ago about becoming debt free in 3 to 5 years that I thought others may find useful as well. Debt Free in 3 to 5 Years is uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section in the Motivation folder.

COACHING TO OVERCOME THE INVISIBLE BARRIERS TO LIFE, by Lew Smallwood. The following is Smallwood’s link but by the time this is published me may have already updated the blog with another article. Make certain you search the site for previous articles if this is not the featured article when you visit. This is an important article. In most cases most people cannot hit their goals because (1) they don’t know how, (2) they do not have the focus to work on them, (3) they do not have the support of their families, but more importantly, (4) they lack that one person who shares their desire to achieve goals and is focused on helping you to do so. Great article: http://dynagroup-online.blogspot.com/

10-12 CORRIDOR NEWSLETTER: Country Club Estates in Slidell getting a concrete wall sound barrier along I-12 . Check out the newsletter at: http://www.1012corridor.com/archives/1012-corridor-weekly/latest/

HOUSE LOGIC NAR WEB SITE: NAR has created a web site for homeowners where they can obtain valuable information about homeownership. It also enables the homeowner to sign up for notifications when Congress is considering a bill or issue that affects property ownership. You can link this site on your personal web sites (recommended) AND you can download articles and send them to your customer base. You are encouraged to let everyone in your database know about this site, encourage them to sign up. You can use the REALTOR.ORG created articles as a mail out to your database. You will need your NRDS number to log on as a REALTOR at www.HomeLogic.com/members. The site is now open but will have a roll out in February 2010. This is your chance to “jump the gun” and notify your database now. The public (and you) can access and check out the site at www.HomeLogic.com. You can also watch a very short video at www.Realtor.org/HouseLogic to see more on the subject.

10 WAYS WE GET THE ODDS WRONG: Fascinating article that will make you think a bit: http://www.psychologytoday.com/print/24035?page=3

APPRECIATION: The Ebook “Appreciation” was uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Documents Section under Ebooks. It is a compilation of very short descriptions of what people from around the world have done to increase their awareness of being appreciative of life. Great read.

REALTOR CRIMES: Are you guilty? Honestly? http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/613/realtor-crimes

5 WAYS TO BE A MEMORY MAKER, by Jon Gordon. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-122109-memorymaker.html. This is a great article not only for the Christmas season but for all times. When you read this article, think not only of Christmas memories but just memories in general and what causes you to think of someone. For example, one of my agents and friends went to Disneyland and when he returned brought me a Winnie-the-Pooh coffee mug. That was over 20 years ago, I still have the mug and I think of him every time I see it. An agent and friend in my current office went to Alaska and she too brought home a coffee mug for me and every time I see it I think of her. My wife and I received many wedding gifts over 42 years ago but I can remember only one. It was a dinner for two in downtown London, England. The gift was waiting for us when we arrived in London being stationed there immediately, like the next day, after our wedding. Point is that neither mug or unique wedding gift had advertisements all over them yet they are very memorable for the gift not any type of advertisements. How do you create both business and personal memories? Send them to me; I would like to know to help others. JimBrown@gymbeaux.com. Thank you Jerry, Christine and Bob.

GRATITUDE. This is a link to an article written by Bob Burg on the importance of being grateful every day forever! Before you can receive the abundance in the world you must first be grateful for what you already have. http://www.burg.com/sp2-gratitude/

HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS; HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS! By Jeffrey Gitomer. Link to his latest article, his take on being Santa Claus. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PsMB3InoxLpA%3D%3D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Dec 19th

QUOTE: "Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts." Henri Amiel

VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE. You have about 2 weeks to renew your Louisiana Real Estate License to avoid paying late fees. There were only 18 agents out of 96 who have renewed their licenses thus far for 2010. For your sake, please do not wait until the last minute to what you know needs to be done now.

NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN: A revised Nugget was posted on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com and it may be the most important Nugget I have ever written provided you read it and more importantly apply the plan. It is about making money, enough money to pay your bills and plan for the future. Please read it. I will gladly work with anyone who wants to pursue a plan for 2010.

MAKE MY HOUSE FAMOUS! LISTING WEB SITES: Create a web site specifically for your listings. Check this link where you can try it for free. Look at the multitude of benefits and features. If you like what you see and if you can see where it can become a listing and sales tool, it will cost $19.95, one-time fee per listing. This is really worth giving a serious look: http://makemyhousefamous.com/?ac=906278

STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS; HOW TO CREATE MORE ABUNDANCE IN YOUR LIFE, by Wes Smallwood, another great article from Smallwood. http://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/125732bd7e720bc9

AMAZING CHRISTMAS LIGHT DISPLAY VIDEO: http://www.flixxy.com/best-christmas-lights-display.htm

DID YOU KNOW VIDEO, about 5 minutes that will make you think. http://www.flixxy.com/technology-and-education-2008.htm

TERRIFFIC MESSAGE OF THE WEEK FROM DR. TOM HILL. This link is to Dr. Tom’s Friday Ezine. Read it all but don’t miss his Message of the Week. It has some amazing statistics especially if you have been listening to politicians of late. http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/1257df40aef865fc

10 THOUGHTS ABOUT LEADERSHIP, by Jon Gordon. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-121409-10thoughtsaboutleadership.html

GOOD MORNING, I NEED A CUP OF COFFEE! by Jeffrey Gitomer http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NIpFJjXKxTEw%3D%3D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 12

QUOTE: "If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build will end up building us." Jim Rohn Unfortunately Jim Rohn, one of the best known motivators of our time, passed away this December 5th, he will be missed.

NUGGET: Posted a new Nugget, Did I Just Say That? On www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com. Proof you can teach an old dog new tricks. My guess is that the associates who need to read this the most will not and those who probably do not need it will; that’s life.

NUGGET: I have updated a Nugget written in 2008 entitled Holiday Mode. I sincerely hope everyone takes a moment to read it to see if it applies to their business. I uploaded it to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Documents Section under Nuggets

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Your Dreams Are Too Small; Revised 2009 by Joe Tye. Do you really want to achieve greater professional success, financial wealth, and personal fulfillment? Then read Joe’s book or for that matter, read any of Joe Tye’s books. Joe writes in the inspirational novel form where he tells a story while at the same time provides you with a wealth of knowledge and practical exercises to follow. It is not a book to “just read” for enjoyment although you could, it is a book to be studied. Since this is the portion of the year where agents think about their next year’s goals and objectives, this would be a fabulous book to read now. $15.00 www.sparkstore.com

NEED PHOTOS: I am looking for photographs, preferably photos of people in our Market Center, that would symbolize the various elements of the Keller Williams WI4C2TS. Example, send me a photo of someone in the Market Center that would symbolize Integrity – do the right thing! I have a project I am working on and the photos would be greatly appreciated. If you have any other photos (not of folks in the Market Center) that you think would apply, send me those as well. Thanking everyone in advance. Gymbeaux

GREAT ARTICLE BY JON GORDON PLUS LINK TO A GREAT VIDEO: Please take a moment to read this article about how a bad attitude can permeate an office. Do you bright a room when you enter or when you leave; are you sure? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-120709-positivelycontagious.html

SALESDOG NEWSLETTER, 3 FOR 1. Here is your link to the Sales Dog Monthly Newsletter. This issue has three articles. Remember Sales Dog is concerned about all types of sales not just real estate so you need to consider those things that may apply to your business. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2009/nl0453.asp

• Customers Are Not Your Best Source of Referrals
• Do’s and Don’ts About Voice Mail Messaging
• Getting Past The Email Quote

LICENSE RENEWAL: With only a few weeks remaining in 2009, there are only a few agents who have renewed their license for 2010 so far according to the Real Estate Commission’s web site. If anyone needs CE credits, time is definitely running out. You can take most if not all of your CE online.

STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS, by Wes Smallwood. You can subscribe to his blog by sending Lew an email at lew.smallwood@gmail.com and simply put SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER in subject line. His articles are always very good and timely. If this particular article is not featured by the time you access the site, check the archives as he posts new articles quite regularly. This is a great resource for your personal self-improvement library; you do have one, don’t you? Even you-know-who has one of those. http://dynagroup-online.blogspot.com

CHRISTMAS GIFTS; OR ANY GIFT FOR THAT MATTER. You can give your children toys and clothes and you can also give them wisdom and knowledge. Knowing what you know today, which would prove more beneficial in the long run? There is no guarantee that your child will read what you give them if you give them books but if they do……the sky’s the limit. Most people I know have been reinventing the wheel at every turn of life including me. I can only imagine what might have been had I been pointed in the right direction at an early age. You can give a hungry man a fish or you can teach him to fish. You be the judge.

HOW LOUSY ARE YOU? YOU PROBABLY DON’T EVEN KNOW; Another gem from Jeffrey Gitomer that will make you think about the presentations you make. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NhEoYK0G7scg%3D%3D

MISSISSIPPI LICENSE UPDATE: Here are the rules if anyone is anticipating applying for a Mississippi Real Estate License as a reciprocal of their Louisiana License.

1. You must join a board in Mississippi. Any board will suffice.
2. As the Broker of the Picayune Market Center, my primary board membership is with the Pearl River Board of Realtors and I am a member of their MLS system. I am also a secondary member of the Gulf Coast Association of Realtors in Gulfport but I am not a member of the Gulf Coast MLS system.
3. Regardless of your board of choice in Mississippi, you must join the Pearl River Board of Realtors MLS system but not necessarily the board if you belong to another Mississippi Board.
4. Having a dual license means you must pay board and MLS dues in the second state but you do not have to the national NAR dues since you are already a member through your Louisiana membership.

It is my opinion, that if you plan to do real estate business in Mississippi, at least 2 if not 3 sales, you would be better referring business to a Licensed Mississippi agent as compared to paying all the various dues and fees required to obtain your Mississippi license. If you plan to do more than 3 transactions a year, then by all means, get your license.

Just so you know, there are two distinct and very different MLS systems in our area. The Gulf Coast MLS services areas from Waveland to Ocean Springs but not the Picayune area although like GESRIN they have MLS areas that are actually out of the area including Picayune. Picayune has a different MLS service entirely and serves the Picayune, Poplarville, Carriere, Kiln and other communities primarily in the 601 area code. They too have the ability to post listings in areas such as Gulfport, Waveland, etc but those are not their primary area. If your business takes you to both geographical areas, you need to consider joining both boards and both MLS systems. If not, select one and go with it.

CONTACTING YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AT CHRISTMAS: If you want to do something special for the folks in your sphere of influence, instead of buying them a calendar, ruler, tote bag, etc, make a donation in their name to a charity of your choice and then let them know by card that you have done so. I receive about two of these a year and they mean more to me than most of the gifts I receive because I know that others need the help far more than I do. If you watched the Pink Glove Dance from last week’s newsletter, the Breast Cancer Fund would be a good place to donate if you don’t have a favorite charity.


Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Holiday Celebration, Palmettos on the Bayou, 1901 Bayou Lane, Slidell, Decemeber 9, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Come eat, mingle, and be merry. RSVP by December 4th 985-641-1051, flyers in the Resource Room IS your ticket to get in.

Multi-sponsors, check the flyer in the Resource Room, 18 Different Sponsors, December 10, 7:00 to 11:00 pm, Shooters (the old Continental), food, drinks, lots of fun, live music by Witness. Please RSVP by December 7 to Lisa Harris 646-0166. Please bring a can good for the St. Tammany Food Bank, each can is an entry for a door prize.

Gulf Coast Association of REALTORS, December 10 at the Board office from 5:30 to 8:30
Market Center Christmas Lunch: December 15 at Todd Shaeffers, begins at 11:30 AM. $10.00 each for Market Center members, $30.00 for guests. Sign up in the Resource Room.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Dec 5

QUOTE: “They who know a lot, know little, unless they use what they know productively!” Unknown

THE NEXT BUBBLE TO BURST: COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE. This article speaks for itself. This has been predicted for some time. Question is what follows what, does the market follow the news media or does the news media follow the market? http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474977920206&grpId=3659174697244816&nav=Groupspace

DOOR KNOCKING FOR SHORT SALES: Interesting article. For those new to the business and also you-know-who, N.O.D. stands for Notice of Default and N.O.T.S. stands for Notice of Trustee Sale. http://activerain.com/blogsview/1357158/door-knocking-for-short-sales
10 STUPID THINGS SALES PEOPLE DO (AND HOW TO AVOID THEM). AMEN TO THIS ARTICLE! See if any of these 10 items apply to you. A word to the wise “should” be sufficient: http://activerain.com/blogsview/1360886/top-10-stupid-things-sales-people-do-and-how-to-avoid-doing-them-



5 TIPS TO DEVELOP POSITIVE KIDS: Sure could have used this back in the 60’s!

THE PINK GLOVE DANCE: Imagine an entire hospital staff, from doctors to the maintenance crew coming together to make a statement about breast cancer awareness. May you be inspired by the efforts of people to came together to show they cared. -Sonny Melendrez

25 TIPS FOR AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL COMPAING, eBook uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com Inthe Documents section under Ebooks.

TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE AS LONG AS YOU UNDERSTAND IT. A GREAT article by Jeffrey Gitomer, who else? He and I are on the same page on this one. You would be amazed at what you can do when you stop doing things that are non-productive.

MAKING IT A GREAT TIME FOR GIVING, by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. With the Christmas Holidays fast approaching, this article by Jeffers may help change to a less stressful attitude:


Dec 3, MetLife Home Loans, Appreciation Cocktail Party, 5:00 to 7:00 PM, Time Out Martini Bar & Lounge 205 Cousin Street. RSVP by November 30 690-4960, already past but you might give it a try.

Dec 9, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Holiday Celebration. Palmettos on the Bayou, 3:00 to 5:00, RSVP by December 4 985-641-1041

Dec 10, Multiple Sponsors, at Shooters, 7:00 – 11:00 pm, RSVP by December 7 to Lisa Harris 646-0166

Dec 10, Gulf Coast Association of REALTORS Christmas Party, 5:30 to 8:30 PM at the Board Office in Gulfport.

Dec 18, Pearl River Board of REALTORS Christmas Party, at The Bridges Waveland, 7:00 to 10:00 PM