Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week ending March 2

Make it a complaint & gossip free day!
Just for me!

QUOTE:  “Everyone deserves to be amazingly amazing!” Author Unknown

ACCORDING TO THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  What's another word for "thesaurus"?

MORE WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret?  Are you taking action to activate your desires.  When our goals do not line up with the greater purpose for our life, we find ourselves taking actions to try to make something happen that seems as if it does not want to happen.  When our goals line up with our greater purpose, we are able to activate our desires and they seem to take on a life of their own in a flow that feels good and is easy to move with.  www.michaelpdunn.org

THE YES!ATTITUDE, by Jeffrey Gitomer Webinar.  “The YES!Attitude” may be the best book you could ever read.  When was the last time you took a course on attitude?  Probably never yet your attitude will determine your success, or not.  Sign up to listen in a Jeffrey’s webinar on February 29, cost $29.00.  http://www.gitomer.com/products/Webinar_YesAttitude.html

THE “MONEY BALLS” OF NO GRASS ROOTS B.S. MARKETING by Jeff Slutsky  Slutsky offers you a unique way to get local business involved in marketing.  How will you take advantage of this sales tip or will you at all?  Linked from Jeffrey Gitomer’s weekly ezine. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewSCArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NVfH6zJrREdg%3D%3D

THE GRASS ISN’T GREENER.  Everyone needs to read this very short article by Jon Gordon.  He has perfectly defined where our mindset should be at all times:  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-022712-grass-isnt-greener.html

LINKEDIN.  My goal was to reach 1000 by January 1, fell a little short.  Currently stand at 977.  If you are reading this and have NOT Linkedin with me, please do so at www.LinkedIn.com/in/gymbeaux  Remember, I know where you live. J

REVERSE MORTGAGE; BUT HAVE YOU HEARD OF A REVERSE MORTGAGE PURCHASE?  It was introduced at this past week’s Partners Meeting.  In either case Jean Pigott, Regional Reverse Mortgae Specialist has some great info for you and your customers.  Watch the Market Center Calendar for a soon to be announced Workshop to take place in the Market Center.  You DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS.  Need help on this subject now, call Jean at 770-297-8060, www.MyFirstCenturyBank.com.

RAISING THE ROOF FOR CHARITY HOUSE RAFFLE.  Every year a home is raffled off for several local charities including Good Samaritian Ministries, Habitat For Humanity, Support Our War Heros, St. Tammany HBA Charitable Trust, and St Tammany Trace Trust.  Here is the web site:  http://raisingtheroof.net/

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Feb 24, 2012

QUOTE:  “The more I know about people, the better I like my dog.”  Mark Twain

THE WORLD ACCORDING TO STEVEN WRIGHT:  "Last week, I went to a furniture store to look for a decaffeinated coffee table. They couldn't help me."

MORE WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret?  “Your soul is like a muscle.  The more you work it by following your goals and feed it by reading, listening to tapes, and going to seminars, the more you can handle and the more you can do.” http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html

COOL NEW “BE HAPPY” FREE WEB SITE:  There is a new social web site called “Revelri” that is free to join based on The Law of Attraction and becoming happy.  It is designed to improve relationships and lead a happier more joyous and prosperous life.  You will be linked to like-minded people. You might want to check it out at:  http://www.revelri.com/

WHO WANTS TO WRITE A BOOK?  ANSWER:  EVERYONE.  Jeffrey Gitomer tells you how to get started in this short article.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OE5RR4y%2BVQ8Q%3D%3D

10 RULES OF SPECTACULAR FAILURE, by Jack Goldenberg  You read it correctly, how to become a spectacular FAILURE; assuming that is your objective.  Great article link.  http://10minutesofbrilliance.com/2012/02/goldenbergs-10-rules-of-spectacular-failure/

SOCIAL MEDIA:  If you are going to take Social Media seriously, you need to set aside 15 to 20 minutes a day (Time Block) a time when you will work on your Social Media to include but not limited to your Facebook FAN Page; Twitter; Linkedin; Plaxo and any other web site where you can promote yourself and your business.  FIRST you need to have training.  The problem with Social Media training is that it can be overwhelming when you try to learn everything at once.  Jeffrey Gitomer has written a great book that leads you from step 1 to step whatever on many of the most important Social Media sights.  “Social Boom!”by Jeffrey Gitomer.  The subtitle reads:  How to Master Business Social Media to Brand Yourself, Sell Yourself, Sell Your Product, Dominate Your Industry Market, Save Your Butt, Rake in the Cash and Grind Your Competition into the Dirt.  I particularly like the Save Your Butt part.  You can purchase the book at www.JeffreyGitomer.com.

THE 4 STAGES OF PURPOSE by Jon Gordon.  Another article right on target:  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-022012-stages-of-purpose.html

IT’S BETTER TO BE A 3-LEGGED COYOTE THAN A 4-LEGGED FUR COAT, by Joe Tye.  The title kind of says it all don’t you think?  Hope you read this short article by one of the best:  http://tinyurl.com/7ejak5h

10 TIPS TO DO YOUR BEST, by Jon Gordon.  How many do you do now?  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-021312-10-tips-to-be-your-best.html

JUMP IN:  Agents new to the Real Estate Industry tend to “wait” for the next step before they get started.  The problem with that plan is that oftentimes one opportunity after another goes by the wayside while they are waiting for the next step.  Keller Williams Realty has been recognized over the years as having one of the best if not THE best training programs in the industry but taking all of the training that is available would mean that the plan would be READY – AIM – AIM – AIM – AIM and you would never get to the FIRE step.

What should an agent consider the “first step” to having a successful real estate career?  After 32+ years I can say without reservation it would be to realize that no one is going to do it for you, YOU MUST MAKE THE MOVE TO BE LEARNING BASED; it is a conscious decision – I AM LEARNING BASED WITH NO EXCEPTIONS!  I MUST CREATE MY OWN PLAN TO LEARN THE BUSINESS AND CONTINUE TO LEARN THE BUSINESS AND ONCE THAT HAPPENES TO TURN IT AROUND AND TEACH SOMEONE ELSE TO LEARN THE BUSINESS.  Gary Keller, Dave Jenks and Jay Papasan laid out the plan in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent (MREA).  Why reinvent the wheel, make the MREA a life-time study.  The fastest way to MASTERY in any subject matter is to TEACH IT!


"The trouble with the world is not that people know too little,
but that they know so many things that aren't true."
Mark Twain

There's one thing wrong with the conventional wisdom. It's usually a lot of conventional, and not very much wisdom.

One piece of the conventional wisdom is that to be successful you have to know what you're doing.

Now that may be at least partly true if you're just improving on something that's already been done.

But what if you're doing something brand new? That's what keeps people stuck - they feel like they have to know how, even if no one has ever done it.

It's a good thing some people didn't let that stop them, or we'd still be living in caves!

Thomas Edison tested over 1,000 kinds of material for light bulb filaments. When asked about his 1,000 failures, he said, "I didn't fail at all. I eliminated 1,000 possibilities."
For the step-by-step keys to your power, get this inexpensive program. It's the ONLY program like this that actually includes personal help from the author (that's me) if you need it. Get the info here: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kx6ZW&m=Io2yuLwtusR9M1&b=KpDoUfLRJdqhZrNhewyZeg
Do you see how important Edison's reframing of his results was? He saw it as being 1,000 steps closer to victory. And he was.

If someone tells you, "It will never work," ask them why not. And if they say, "Because no one's ever done it," then you say, "Good, I can be first!"

Now someone who says, "Have you thought of this (issue, thing, or condition)?" is being helpful. Sometimes you miss things.  That doesn't mean it kills your idea, it just gives you something to put in the plan. That's good.

Just beware of people who say that they know something won't work. It probably wouldn't work - for them.  But you're different.

All the best, Wes

Follow @DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Feb 17, 2012

QUOTE:  “How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?”  Stephen Wright

PERSONAL UPDATE:  My eye surgeries for cateracts apparently went very well.  Vision is still a little blurry in the right eye; expect that to improve over the next few days.  Thank you to everyone for your concern.  It is very much appreciated.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, What's The BIG Secret?  You will never reach your full potential until you know all of your options.  You won't know your options until you stop trying and you start writing.  The plans of a man's heart are like deep waters, but a man of understanding will draw them out.  Solomon http://www.michaelpdunn.org/Picture-Page.html

ARE YOU READY FOR A PERSONAL ASSISTANT?  Take the quiz at:  http://www.realtor.org/rmoquiz2.nsf/assistantquiz?openform

NOTES TO SELF:  This is a program that sends you very short, easy to read daily inspirational/motivational/funny quotes to get your day started in the right direction.  Encourage everyone to sign up.  http://conta.cc/NotesToSelf

A BAD WAY TO USE YOUR SMART PHONE & THEY ARE ONLY WORDS from www.SalesDog.com.  Pay attention to the suggestions in A Bad Way To Use Your Smart Phone:  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2012/sales_training_nl0564.htm#newsletter

THE REAL TEST OF A SUCCESSFUL SALES PERSON:  If you are in sales and that would apply to everyone except maybe you-know-who, this article by Jeffrey Gitomer is for you.  What are you doing AFTER the sale; an inquiring mind wants to know:  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3MQkl9SUrljVQ%3D%3D

by Gymbeaux

It is amazing how many people arrive late and leave early to a sales meeting or training event.  Either way their (certainly not you) arrival and/or departure disrupts the event not to mention the presenter.  In fact it shows a certain level of disrespect for the attendees who are on time and stay to the end and the presenter/speaker.

As mentioned in the article above A Bad Way To Use Your Smart Phone, letting your phone ring is always a bad thing while in a meeting; answering it is even worse.  There is little difference however when you put your smart phone on vibrate and then leave it on the table so that when it does go off it alerts everyone in the room as it dances across the table.

Here are some rules that everyone ought to make their personal rules for attending events:

1.     Be on time.

2.     Stay to the end.

3.     Time block the event so nothing else interrupts your attendance

4.     Turn your phone off and do not leave the room every time it vibrates

5.     Realize that very few things in life are so important that they cannot wait for a better time to respond

6.     Advise your customers, friends and family to leave messages and that you WILL call them back when appropriate and that from time to time you do turn your phone off.  Then make certain you return calls.

7.     Side conversations CAN and ARE heard contrary to popular belief.  If you must talk, add to the meeting by talking to the presenter instead of your neighbor.

THE KILLER HABIT:  When an “outside” presenter conducts a meeting or class, send them a handwritten thank you note.  Most presenters/trainers are donating their time and effort, a little thank you goes a very long way.  Handwritten personal thank you notes are quickly becoming a lost art and a thing of the past, pity!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending February 10, 2012

QUOTE:  "You are the average of the people you have met and the books you have read."  Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.  Amen Charlie.

DAILY AFFIRMATION:  What would happen if everyone would ask the question when they first wake up each morning, “How am I going to change the world today?” Or better yet, just say, “I AM GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD TODAY!”

MADE IN AMERICA:  This is a video sent by Stacey Chehardy.  It is difficult to find “Made In America” products; this is an example of what could happen when you do.  Be patient, there is an ad that precedes the video. http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/index.php/kwidget/wid/0_04vzdsr5/uiconf_id/5590821

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, What’s The BIG Secret?  When you are stuck, blocked, or unsure of what to do, list all your options.  As people, we have a tendency to think of a way to do something and then decide that it must be done that way.  The problem with this strategy is that there might be a better way.  So list out any possible option and one of them will begin to make sense.  Don't forget the options of wait and stop.  www.michaelpdunn.org  Gymbeaux Note:  If you read only one more book, make sure it is What's The BIG Secret by Michael Dunn. 
SPARK PLUG FROM JOE TYE:  “When you got up this morning, did you see a chalk line around your body?  If not, why not choose to see the opportunities all around you? Opportunities to make things better, opportunities to be of service to those in need, opportunities to create new products and services, opportunities to make a difference.”   Gymbeaux additional note:  Realize that things rarely go as smooth as you might like and to have the wisdom to expect issues and then accept them as a part of life.  Fretting over the minor things in life is simply not worth the effort and self-imposed aggravation expended.”

ASK DON’T TELL:  Using Power Questions To Create Clients For Life.  From Andrew Sobel.  This article is about sales in general, not real estate yet the principles still apply.  Modify them to fit your customer’s needs:  http://andrewsobel.com/blog/2012/02/ask-dont-tell-using-power-questions-to-create-clients-for-life
TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE A RIGHT.  HOW RIGHT ARE YOU?  By Jeffrey Gitomer.  This is a great article and certainly worth your time to read, short, to the point and essential.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3MHdCEOEacxMA%3D%3D

WIN OR LOSE, article by Jon Gordon.  When you read this, think about the Indianapolis 500 race.  The drivers who finish second sometimes do so by just tenths of seconds.  Those seconds could be something as simple as taking an extra drink of water while in the pit area, a tire changer taking just one second longer to change a tire.  Yet at the finish line, people do not remember second place.  The difference between winning and losing usually takes place during the game or race, not at the finish line.  Pay attention to the details both large and small; they make a difference in the result.  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-020612-win-or-lose.html
KENNY BROOKS, the ultimate door-to-door salesman?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAo-DmzdvK0&feature=youtu.be 

ODDS IN MY FAVOR - FROM DR. TOM HILL’S EZINE:  I love this acronym - "Odds In My Favor": What if everything I did got the odds in my favor - by always wearing a seat belt - by exercising a minimum of 5 days a week - by staying within 5 pounds of my ideal weight (it's not rocket science - it's your genes, diet and exercise) - by telling and showing your loved ones how much you do love and care about them - by reading a minimum of a book a week (you would be in the top 1% of the adults in America). My advice is to make this a part of your conscious and subconscious being  - your attitude in all six areas of your life - especially in your spiritual, health and relationships. A part of my morning prayer is "Today, I will get the odds in my favor in every way that I can."
Remember: One person who's attracted to you because of who you have become, can change your life forever and one idea, well executed, can also change your life forever. In my experience about 85% of the population just does not get it and 15% do. Daily, get the odds in your favor in all areas of your life - be a daily learner and a daily "Today I will become the best person possible."

One of my all time favorite quotes is from Charlie "Tremendous" Jones - "You are the average of the people you have met and the books you have read."  Amen Charlie.