Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending April 1

QUOTE: “No pressure, no diamonds.” I might have to explain that to you-know-who.


YARD SALE A SUCCESS! Thank you Sandy Bertram for organizing this week’s yard sale for Keller Cares. The event cleared over $500. There were so many members of the Market Center who donated items for the sale, helped set up and promote the event, and worked and cleaned up after the event. If I start naming them all here I know I will leave a name or two out of the list and I do not want to do that. THANK YOU ALL!

NON-PROFIT: We have received verbal notification that Charitable Endeavors, our charitable organization within the Market Center, has been approved as a non-profit organization. That means that donations to endeavors such as Tee Off For Scholarships are truly tax deductible. This is a great achievement for our Market Center.

STAYING FOCUSED IN AN ADD (ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER) WORLD, another great article by Joe Tye. http://tinyurl.com/6ce6gzk

CLASSES. It is extremely important that if you intend to attend a Market Center class that you sign up at the front desk. Oftentimes instructors have handouts that have to be reproduced and when more students show up than have signed up, it takes time to make additional copies. When you sign up and then fail to attend, there are typically more handouts than students and that is just a waste of money as handouts then to change over time. If the presenter is planning on bring food to the class there is no way to properly plan for the number of students who actually attend. Most instructors are NOT paid to teach class and they obviously could use the class time for dollar-productive activities if no one signs up to attend the class. It is critical that if you plan to attend, sign up. The signup sheets are at the front desk.

eEdge: Surprisingly as of last week, only 23,136 agents of over 77,000 have set up their eEdge program. Are you one of them? Here are 30,392 reasons that you should have. There have been 30,392 leads distributed through the eEdge program. Did you get one or more of them? You won’t get any if you have not set up your program. Wayne Setliff teaches the eEdge program every Monday at 9:00 am, have you been attending? The room should have standing room only.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC, presented by the Jefferson Performing Arts Society. In concert - sing-along performance Saturday April 9, 7:30 p.m. Northshore Harbor Center. Sing along with the Von Trapp family as they undergo the eve of World War II, in this classic performance of the music we all know and love! Tickets on sale now at The Northshore Harbor Center or visit www.jpas.org or call 1-877-884-JPAS

AMAZING PRESENTATION, How It Feels To Have A Stroke. This is a presentation by a doctor who studies the human brain and who had a stroke and then created this presentation. It is a spellbinding presentation that will absolutely make you think a little differently than you might otherwise think. This is worth watching if you have not seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU

FAILING FORWARD. This is an article by Jon Gordon that has the same title as a book written by Dr. John Maxwell. I highly encourage you to read both the article and the book (which is on the book shelf in the Market Center). Personally I like to refer to making mistakes (failing) as the Gymbeaux Oreo Principle. Why an Oreo cookie? Because you never want to end a critique of your efforts on a negative note. When evaluating everything you do, not just the mistakes, think of an Oreo and think of the chocolate sides as something really good. So you start your critique with all that went well because even in failure some things do go correctly. Then consider what went wrong, the cream filling but always end with what went correctly the second chocolate side of the cookie. ALWAYS END ON A POSITIVE NOTE! Don’t beat yourself up needlessly. Here is the link to Jon’s article: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-032811-failing-forward.html

PAPERLESS UPDATE. There are 61 folders that need attention that have been waiting for over 30 days. There are 58 folders that need attention for less than 30 days. Everyone, please check your dashboards to see if you have any folders requiring attention.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending March 25, 2011

QUOTE: You can’t make this stuff up. "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend ... if you have any." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill. "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second ... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response.

INTERIM TEAM LEADER. In case you have not heard, I will be keeping the Team Leader seat warm until a replacement can be found for Leah. I know you all join me in wish Leah all the best on her new endeavor. Until further notice, you can visit with me, call me or email me for both broker and team leader issues. Gymbeaux

CALIFORNIA REALTORS LAUNCH AGENT RATINGS PILOT PROGRAM. This is interesting. How would you measure up if our MLS did something similar? http://www.inman.com/news/2011/03/16/california-realtors-launch-agent-ratings-pilot-program


Broker responsibilities have become a major focus of the commission this year, and certain areas of this broad topic are already under review. Advertising by sponsored licensees and real estate teams, as well as timely license renewal, as it relates to practicing without a license, are at the forefront of the review. When all is said and done, it is safe to say that the commission intends to educate or adjudicate. Gymbeaux Note: In Louisiana that means that the agent’s name (as it appears on the real estate license), the company name and the company phone number must appear in the ad in addition to “Each Office Independently Owned & Operated”. For all electronic advertising you must also include the COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, and "Broker and Associate are licensed by the State of Louisiana." If the advertisement is a property flyer you must also include the DATE the flyer was prepared and distributed.

WORKING WITH AN AGENT? ARE YOU SURE? You can now search the Internet to see if someone who claims to be a licensed real estate agent in another state is really licensed in that state. Go to http://www.arello.com/ and start by searching for your information to see how it works.

BROKER BIT: Multiple Listing Property Condition. If an agent enters EXEC for EVERY listing, it diminishes the value of the definition. If every home is EXEC how can an appraiser make an accurate value determination. Here is how the MLS Guidelines define property condition:

NEW = New construction; never occupied. (Should be self-explanatory)

EXCELLENT = No functional inadequacies of any consequence and all major components in like-new condition. The overall effective age has been substantially reduced upon complete revitalization of the structure regardless of the actual chronological age. (Gymbeaux Note: The problem is obvious; what does “completely revitalization” actually mean? If you feel your listing qualifies, you should insert the words in the “public remarks” that the property has been “completely revitalized”, this will tell the world that you considered the MLS description and that your listing qualifies. When agents insert EXEC for EVERY listing it diminishes the value of the definition. All one has to do is look at some of the more expensive neighborhoods and almost every listing indicates that the property is EXEC. Is that possible? Maybe so but not very probable.)

VERY GOOD = No obvious maintenance required but neither is everything new. Appearance and utility are above the standard, and the overall effective age will be lower than the typical property. (Gymbeaux Note: This describes almost every previously owned home that has been taken care of yet a lot of these homes are listed as EXEC because that is what agents do.)

AVERAGE = All major components still functional. Some evidence of deferred maintenance and normal obsolescence with age in that a few minor repairs are needed.

FAIR = Badly worn, much repair needed. Many items need refinishing or overhauling, deferred maintenance obvious, inadequate building utility and services all shortening the life expectancy and increasing the effective age. Post Katrina gutted.

POOR = Excessive deferred maintenance and abuse, approaching abandonment or major reconstruction.

THE POWER OF POSITIVE INTERATIONS, by Jon Gordon. Valuable lesson for everyone of us both at home and at work. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-032111-power-of-positive-interactions.html

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending March 18

QUOTE: "Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essays

BLACK BAGS AND STANDING OUT by Jon Gordon. This article makes so much sense. The “black bag” syndrome as I like to call it applies everywhere. When our cruise ship pulled into New Orleans we were told, along with all the other passengers, to pull our bags from the hundreds of bags that have been set out for everyone. Do you have any idea how many of those bags were black? My guess would be about 80% of them. What are you doing to stand out from all the other real estate agents in the area? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-031411-stand-out.html

THE CURE FOR ENTHUSIASM DEFICIT DISORDER by Joe Tye. Joe hits this one out of the park! http://tinyurl.com/4k5b2x2

CAN LEADERS INFLUENCE WITHOUT AUTHORITY? HARDLY! Great article by Jeffrey Gitomer. Everyone in our Market Center is or should be a leader. This article applies not only to be a leader but also to being a great sales adviser to your customers. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OVg%2Fn5Q%2Fj8Jg%3D%3D

HOW TO MAKE WORK-LIFE BALANCE WORK, by Nigel Marsh. This is short, entertaining and far more importantly a great video if you wish to have more balance in your life and live a meaningful existence. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/nigel_marsh_how_to_make_work_life_balance_work.html

WWW.GOALSCAPE.COM. This is a computer program to record and track your goals. Highly recommend you visit the site and watch the demo video that explains how the program works. It provides you with a very good video graphic of your goal(s), how much time you are spending achieving your goal(s) (or not) and the resources spent to achieve your goals (or not). Since it is computerized and can be placed on your desktop and cell phone, it places your goals front and center to where your focus needs to be. The cost is $124.00. http://www.goalscape.com/

A HUMAN TOUCH FOR DIGITIZING BUSINESS CARDS, by Gaylord Dewald. This is an article on an IPhone APP that literally takes a photo of a business card, digitizing the information and sends the info back to your phone. (Blackberry is working on a similar app). The App is called the CardMunch. Good article: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/gahlorddewald/a-human-touch-digitizing-business-cards

PAPERLESS NOTE: Please enter something in the Cooperative Agent portion of Greensheets. If you are a dual agent, simply enter DUAL AGENT. If there is a coop agent involved, fill in the blanks.

RENTAL CONCERN: Not sure how you can be the agent involved on a lease without doing a very thorough walk through with the prospective tenant documenting the exact condition of the property being leased. You want to protect your owners against damaged caused by the tenant during occupancy and you want to protect your tenant from being responsible for damage that pre-existed prior to occupancy. Yet so many paperless submissions fail to include any result of a final walk through inspection. You really ought to be taking lots of photographs to protect all parties to the transaction.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending March 9

QUOTE:  "Our purpose in life isn't to arrive at a destination where we find inspiration, just as the purpose of dancing isn't to end up at a particular spot on the floor. The purpose of dancing - and of life – is to enjoy every moment and every step, regardless of where we are when the music ends." Wayne W. Dyer

2011 MANDATORY CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: Topic: Broker and Agent Responsibility This 4-hour course must be completed through an approved real estate school or vendor by December 31, 2010, as part of the twelve (12) hour continuing education requirement for license renewal. Note that the approved course is a specific curriculum taught by instructors who have completed special training related to presentation of the mandatory topic. This course should not be confused with similar courses of the same name. Be specific and request the 2010 mandatory topic course. If you are a new licensee, please remember that completion of the 45-hour post-license curriculum does not relieve you from completing the mandatory topic course.

QUADRENNIAL NAR ETHICS TRAINING: Every member of NAR is required to complete a designated course on ethics EVERY FOUR YEARS. The current four-year period expires on December 31, 2012. You can attend offered courses or you can take it free of charge by going to http://www.realtor.org/ Select EDUCATION. Select CODE OF ETHICS TRAINING. Then scroll down and select GO TO THE COURSE PAGE. Make certain you retain your course completion certificates for proof of having taken the course when needed.

PLAN AHEAD. Reminder MLS dues become due in June. Last year they were $298 for the year. The 2011 fee has not as yet been determined but you should plan ahead and accordingly so it does not come as a surprise.

THE SALES WORLD IS A CHANGING.  ARE YOU CHANGING WITH IT?  Another great article by Jeffrey Gitomer with a list of changes that have already occurrred.  The question is are you changing with it the market; there is no standing still and the market will never return to what it once was.  Do you have a plan to change with the market?  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OhjkgWzxft0Q%3D%3D

5 TIPS TO DEVELOP POSITIVE KIDS from Jon Gordon. Great advice. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-030711-positive-kids.html

A MUST READ BOOK FOR EVERYONE! The Inner Game of Work by W. Timothy Gallwey. This is the second book I have read by Gallwey and it is outstanding. It is all about the two voices we tend to listen to every day on every aspect of our lives. The one voice that criticizes what we do, suggests we are not worthy of success, tends to direct our lives on paths we may not want to go. Then there is the second voice, our sub-conscious, if left alone would probably lead us to where we really want to go and achieve the things we really want to achieve without the interference of the outer voice. Believe it or not, YOU are described on almost every page of the book! We all are! Learn to get out of your own way! http://www.theinnergame.com

YOU'LL ENJOY THIS AMAZING BIRD! Please take the time to watch the whole video. It will make your day. Read the narrative before viewing. Music video featuring a special free-flying Bald Eagle named 'Challenger' (in honor of the lost space shuttle crew) cared for by the non-profit American Eagle Foundation (AEF).

He's a 'human socialized' bird accidentally raised by the people who rescued him - after being blown from a wild Louisiana nest in a storm as a baby in the late 1980s. Declared 'non-releasable' by federal and state wildlife authorities, he was trained by the AEF to perform educational free-flight demonstrations at high profile public events.

He's the first Bald Eagle in U.S. History that learned to free-fly into stadiums, arenas and ballrooms during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.. The celebrity eagle has appeared at numerous major sporting events like the World Series , Pro-Bowl, All-Star game, BCS National Championship, Fiesta Bowl , Men's Final Four , etc.

Challenger has also flown before 4 U.S. Presidents! His life story is told in a children's storybook titled 'Challenger, America 's Favorite Eagle..' Turn on your speakers and click on link below. Challenger - Amazing Free-Flying Bald Eagle.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOZF4vTAF2M&feature=channel

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending March 4

QUOTE: “Teamwork costs so little and in time and effort, and it pays huge dividends.” Napoleon Hill

GYMBEAUX UPDATE: This Thursday will be two weeks from the date of my surgery and I don’t think I could be doing any better. Visited the Cardiologist today and he said the same thing, in fact he does not see a need to see me for at least 3 months; that is a good thing. Staples should be removed this Friday. I have been walking and exercising every day. The physical therapy begins next Monday after the staples have been removed. Thank you for all your prayers and concerns and well wishes. They all help!

2011 REAL ESTATE COMMISSION FORMS. We are in March and some agents are still using outdated Property Disclosures and Agency Disclosure (now called Customer Information Form). The revised forms went into effect January 1. I will no longer verify a listing or sales folder as being correct if an outdated form is used. Two months is plenty of time to replace all your outdated forms.  The new forms are in the forms binders in the Resource Room as well as posted on www.SlidellCalendar.com.

GAMBIT CLASSIFIED AD CONSULTANT: Mary Lou Noonan, Classifieds Sales Consultant, 3923 Bienville Street, New Orleans, LA 70119, Direct: 985-809-9933, Fax: 985-809-1335, maryloun@bellsouth.net www.bestofneworleans.com

WHAT DO YOU DO TO MAINTAIN SUCCESS? Article by Jeffrey Gitomer on what HE does to stay atop of his business. You will have heard these things before because they are known to work. The questions is, how many of them do you do on a regular and consistent basis? http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15998

11 BENEFITS OF BEING POSITIVE, great article by Jon Gordon. Rate yourself using the 0 to 10 scale with 0 being you do not do it and 10 you always do it. The score will be very revealing. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-022811-11-benefits-of-being-positive.html

WISE MOVES by George Ludwig. This is a really cool FREE ebook that was posted to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the eBook folder in the Document. It would make a very inspirational daily reader as each “move” is on only one to two pages.


NABOR AWARDS LUNCHEON INFORMATION: The Awards Luncheon will be held at the beautiful Tchefuncta Country Club on Thursday, March 24, 2011. Please download a copy of your luncheon reservations form on the NABOR website www.nabors.org. Cash bar begins at 11:30am. Lunch and program begin at 12:15pm. Tables are rounds of eight (8) seats each. Reserved seating is only available if you purchase an entire table. All other non-reserved seating is subject to availability upon arrival. Tickets purchased before March 15 are $29 each. Non-NABOR guests are invited for $35 each. All tickets purchased after March 15 are $39 each. Save $10 on your ticket and purchase it before March 15 ! Sorry, but no tickets are available at the door.

MARKET CENTER AWARDS LUNCH, FRIDAY MARCH 11 AT TODD SCHAEFFERS. Watch for details posted in the Market Center.


HOW CAN YOU USE THE TEE OFF FOR SCHOLARSHIPS TO BENEFIT YOUR BUSINESS. The annual Tee Off For Scholarships Golf Tournament is conducted to raise sufficient funds to provide SIX $1000.00 college scholarships to the areas 6 high schools. The $1000 amount is a goal, the actual amount will be determined by the amount of funds raised.

Inform your sphere of influence what YOU are doing to give back to the community. Use the post card and/or flyer posted on http://www.slidellcalendar.com/, Document Section, Golf Tournament Folder. Ask for their participation as a player, sponsor or donor of prizes to be given away at the event.

Market your listings by indicating that a portion of the proceeds of the sale will be donated to the Tee Off For Scholarship Fund to provide area students with college scholarships. The actual amount donated is entirely up to you.

Let people know that you care about your community. A good friend of mine would use the Christmas Card season to send out cards to people in his sphere (including me) to both wish them (me) a Merry Christmas and to let them (me) know that a donation was made in their (my) name to (he would then name the charity, such as, Tee Off For Scholarships.)


1. Personal donation of money

2. Personal donation of your time

3. Encouraging local businesses to become sponsors and/or donating door prizes.

4. Encouraging golfers to sign up and play in the event