Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Online Market Center Newsletter for August 28

QUOTE: “The most accomplished performers (like you) have defined specific rituals in daily life where as those who are less successful (like you-know-who) do not.” James E. Loehr, ED.D Author and Psychologist

Executing with precision to achieve results.

STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS: DECLARATIONS WILL HELP YOU DESIGN YOUR IDEAL DAY, By Lew Smallwood. If you hear this message enough, you just may start taking action.

BOOK RECOMMENDATION – TRAINING CAMP By Jon Gordon. No matter what profession people are in or what hobby people pursue, a handful of people will become the best of the best. Training Camp is an inspirational novel that is a compelling read (for you know who, that means it holds your attention). What do the best do to become the best, to stand out from the crowd, to become the person of their desires? This is a book that everyone in our Market Center should read and study. www.TrainingCamp11.com

EINSTEIN THE PARROT TALKS AND SQUAWKS. I can't even imagine how they trained this bird. Video

MARKETING TIP: Create a domain name and web site for your listing. DomainDad.com to my knowledge still enables you to build one free web site with each domain name you purchase. So your listing address is 123 Maple St, you purchase www.123Maple.com. Use the three page free web site to upload info about you and your new listing. Include the domain name on everything you do, create a sign rider that reads, “For more information, go to http://www.123maple.com/ For about $14.00 you have one more tool to use. I have found that the neighbors to your listing check it out first making it a great listing tool. Buyers write down address already as they drive by, turning that into a web site to remember makes it easy. It also impresses the Sellers.

AMERICA’S GOT TALENT, 1930's STYLE, you won’t believe this one. Video.


NABOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH, 8:30 TO 10:30, “Lake House” formerly Bechac’s, 2025 Lakeshore Drive, Mandeville. Tickets are $21 if ordered on or before 9/16; $27 after 9/16. Presentations by The Louisiana REALTORS® Association, Malcolm Young, CEO Norman Morris, Senior VP Governmental Affairs and Scott Johnson, General Counsel

REALTOR.ORG QUIZ ON NEGOTIATING: This is an 8 question quiz regarding negotiating with customers and presenting offers and counter offers. For what it’s worth, I scored 8 of 8 correct; the bar has been set. Go for it!

BROKER BIT - LEASING AND DUAL AGENCY: If you have a Lease Listing and are offering coop agents a small dollar commission expecting them to simply “hand over” the potential tenant for you to work, you are effectively creating a dual agency situation provided the coop agent does in fact “hand over” the customer for you to work. As such, you are expected to complete all the required paperwork that would be completed whenever you are a dual agent including but not limited to the Agency Disclosure and Dual Agency Authorization. If you are the coop agent “handing off” a potential tenant to a Lease Listing agent, you still need to complete the Agency Disclosure before you “hand off” the customer.

HOW NOT TO SELL A HOME, funny video featuring Keller Williams thanks to Stacey Chehardy.

JUST SO YOU KNOW. It seems like so many things start in California. Three major boards have joined a new MLS service that has intentions of going state-wide. The goal of the service is to capture all California listings into one state MLS system. It launched on August 17th and apparently while it has great potential, there are new system flaws that need to be worked out. Like so many things, if it works you could probably expect someone to give it a try in other states.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Market Center Online Newsletter for August 21

QUOTE: “If you’re in sales, now is the time to sell. Sell better and with more passion than ever before. Start with existing customers. Serve them so phenomenally that they buy more and refer you to others. That’s not a change you can ‘live with.’ That’s a change you can survive with, even thrive with.” Jeffrey Gitomer

Aspires to the highest levels of excellence.

REACHING THE AGE OF NON-ACCEPTANCE; ON MY TERMS! By Jeffrey Gitomer. We all get older, that’s a given. The difference between folks is the way in which they accept growing older, or not. This is how Gitomer approaches getting older.
This Gitomer refers to a self test you can take in regards to Achieving, I have provided the link for you:

NORTHSHORE LINKS. This is a unique site where you can access various events calendars that you can use for planning purposes. Thank you Dianna Vanney for the link:

MARKETING TIP #1: Create double-duty property flyers. When you create a property flyer for your listing, include information on your other listings on the reverse side. When a property owner asks why you do this when you are suppose to be putting emphasis on their property you simply explain that all your other listings have THEIR home on those flyers. If you don’t have other listings, put information about other agents in our market center listings. If all else fails use MLS listings but do not put the other agents contact info on them.

MARKETING TIP #2: When your listings are shown but no contracts received, consider asking your sellers to write an Offer to Sell and give it to either the buyers that looked at your listing or the agents who represented the buyers who looked at your property. It just may be that the buyer has cold feet or are afraid to make an offer thinking it may be too low. Get the ball rolling even if it is rejected.

HOW WILL YOU KNOW YOU ARE TRAVELLING TRUE NORTH? By Lew Smallwood. Really good article to get you thinking about what is important. While you are on the site, there are other tremendous short articles you can access listed on the right side of the home page of the blog.

AMAZING VIDEO: Baseball Ball Girl catching a foul ball.

SELLER’S NET SHEET: There are quite a few sellers who prefer that the Seller’s Net Sheet NOT be prepared. A box has been included on the Market Center’s Net Sheet where Seller’s can elect to skip this form. The revised form has been inserted in the Listing Forms binder in the Resource Room as well as uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Documents/Listing Forms folder.

MULTIPLE OFFERS: With the market improving, we will begin to see more and more multiple offer situations. Multiple offers present ethical difficulties and you need to know how to handle them. A document was attached to the forwarding email regarding multiple offers. The same document was uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ under Documents, Sales Documents.

ANDY ANDREWS BLOG. I have read most of Andy Andrews books and have several on CD; he is a fantastic story teller. This is a unique blog entry that you may find interesting as I did given the current state of our country: http://www.andyandrews.com/blog/here-we-go/


FINISH STRONG, POWERPOINT WITH MUSIC: Good stuff. About 2 minutes.

ENCOURAGEMENT, by Jon Gordon. Become an “encourager”,

CREATING MEMORIES OF THE FUTURE, by Joe Tye. This is a great example of how Joe thinks and how his thinking can help you achieve whatever you desire.

THE ULTIMATE SALES TIP, by Jim Meisenheimer. You will be surprised.

RUDE IS THE NEW NORMAL, By Kelly McClean. Interesting article we can all learn from. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2009/nl0439.asp

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Market Center Online Weekly Newsletter for August 14, 2009

QUOTE: “If 10% is okay with Jesus; it ought to be okay for Uncle Sam!” Ray Stevens

Simplicity: Lack of complexity, complication.

UNIQUE WEB SITE: LYRICSWORLD What was the name of that song?...
Just type in some music lyrics, song title, artist, etc...

A NEW EPA LEAD BASE PAINT AND RENNOVATION RULE CHANGE will be implemented in 2010 and REALTORS ARE going to be affected and especially REALTORS who manage properties. Please watch the 17 minute video in the following link to make certain you are aware of the forthcoming change and you can then begin preparing to be in compliance now rather than later. THIS IS IMPORTANT, especially when you see that fines up to $37,500 A DAY MAY APPLY IF IN VIOLATION!

SALESDOG NEWSLETTER. A Few Tips for Building New Business in a Down Economy. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2009/nl0437.asp

WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM KFC (KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN). Another fabulous blog by Jim Meisenheimer.

BILLY MAY’S SALES TIPS AND SELLING STRATEGIES. By Jim Meisenheimer http://ezinearticles.com/?Billy-Mays-Sales-Tips-and-Selling-Strategies&id=2703674

A BRAVEHEART WOMAN VIDEO FEATURING LES BROWN: This video should inspire you in less than 10 minutes. Awesome! http://tv.braveheartwomen.com/?bcpid=5094621001&bclid=28124462001&bctid=31805906001

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUCCESS AND EXCELLENCE. By Jon Gordon. Very good article and appears to be a great book recommendation.

FALSE EMAILS: Before you forward emails that appear to be real, check them out at http://www.snopes.com/. It has been my experience that about 95% of emails that are circulated are false or based on incorrect material. Granted, some of them you want to believe; others are hard to believe and for good reason.

MARKETING TIP: Co-branding. “Back in the day…” I worked out a deal with a local locksmith and created a size 10 envelope type card to give to MY buyers that promoted my company, me, and the locksmith company where the locksmith gave 10% off on the rekeying of their new home if they presented the card. I considered it a value added service, a chance to promote my service and the locksmith’s service and generally was a good thing to do because no one knows for certain who has keys to the home they just purchased. Be careful if you do this NOT to give the card directly to another agent’s buyer. You can give it to the other agent but not their buyer. Obviously you can give it to YOUR buyers.

MARKETING TIP: If you use a brochure box, put only about 5 flyers in the box with each of them displaying a bright colored small tab stabled to the flyer. The tab reads, “This tab means my supply of flyers is running low. Please call to let me know. Gymbeaux 640-3564” For you-know-who, put YOUR name and YOUR number on the tab. They may not be interested in your listing but you get the chance to talk to them and hopefully get them as a customer. What have you got to lose? It works even better on occupied homes when the homeowner can watch the number flyers in the box for you.

PERSEVERANCE, By Joe Tye: http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001HhQnE6XQxkDTK0gxPDonGP2nLtMC3KkQFWbdHTa0D_90VxdCzIzkFmY2UBCDUio5Kmo69OPX1TULO9GZ0zwk4i_D8gxmfxLCgRWZcEMLb052IXkCE6QIUFYTxvBZ03X5figpFZrk_ls%3D

SIX STEPS TO SUCCESS, by Wes Hopper, 50 minute audio file

WEEKLY HUMOR: This is a repeat but if this doesn’t make you have a real belly laugh, nothing will. A true classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHnEFbmnxqk

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Market Center Online Newsletter for August 7

QUOTE: “Never Fear; Never Quit; Expect a Miracle!” Joe Tye

Independence: Free from the influence, guidance, or control of others.


SELLER’S NET SHEET: From Keller Williams Realty International’s Policy and Procedure Manual: Seller's Net Statement. Every seller you make a presentation to, and/or whose property you list, should be given a copy of a Seller's Net Statement. Also, a Seller's Statement should be included with every contract presentation on resale properties. The Seller's Statement should be explained to and initialed by the seller. These Statements could be used to protect us if any problems arise. On the Statement, the word estimate is used many times. The seller needs to be verbally told that figures are just that estimates.

THE UNINTENDED CONCEQUENCES OF THE APPRAISER HVCC BILL. A David Knox 10 minute First Tuesday Training Class complete with scripts to prepare buyers and sellers for the unintended consequences of the HVCC Bill. Very good. https://www.davidknox.com/knox_sales_meetings/080409/

Goes into effect July 31st. Lenders caution that the new requirements may slow down contracts and create delays at closings of 3 to 7 days. http://www.nomar.org/pdfs/MDIA%20July%202009.pdf

PART TWO OF JEFFREY GITOMER’S ARTICLE ON THE ECONOMY AND WHAT HE IS DOING: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NTO%2BaDF9HkHg%3D%3D

Facebook has agreed to let third party advertisers use your posted pictures without your permission. *Click on "Settings" up at the top where you see the "Logout" link. *Select "Privacy". Then select "News Feed and Wall". Next, select the tab that reads "Facebook Ads". In the drop down box, select "No One". Then save your changes. For more information click on link below. http://www.larealtors.org/legal/redstick.asp

THE CE SCHEDULE: Is posted weekly on www.nomar.org under “Education”. Click here for the latest schedule http://www.nomar.org/coned/2009/ceschedule.pdf

“HAVE TO” OR “GET TO”, GREAT SHORT ARTICLE BY JON GORDON: A very small change in the way we think AND speak could change everything!

THE SHARK AND THE GOLDFISH; POSITIVE WAYS TO THRIVE DURING WAVES OF CHANGE. Live FREE tele-seminar, September 14th, will last approximately 30-45 minutes. A recording of the call will be sent to all who register and can be shared with others. Additional F.A.Q. on the following link: (Jon Gordon)



TWELVE STEPS TO CONQUER FEAR, by Joe Tye. This is a fabulous and very timely commentary on facing our fears head-on!

AUDIO RECORDING: Guest Expert Interview with Brian Sullivan - 20 Days to the Top: How to Become a PRECISION-Guided Sales and Negotiation Weapon in 20 Days or Less. Gymbeaux Note: This recording is about 60 minutes long and it is outstanding! I hope everyone takes the time to really listen to Brian’s message; knowing you take your business seriously, you won’t regret it. http://www.8020salesleader.com/public/216.cfm

FREE E-BOOK; JOE TYE’S NEVER FEAR; NEVER QUIT! Uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ under Documents and Ebooks.