Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Market Center Online Weekly Newsletter for August 14, 2009

QUOTE: “If 10% is okay with Jesus; it ought to be okay for Uncle Sam!” Ray Stevens

Simplicity: Lack of complexity, complication.

UNIQUE WEB SITE: LYRICSWORLD What was the name of that song?...
Just type in some music lyrics, song title, artist, etc...

A NEW EPA LEAD BASE PAINT AND RENNOVATION RULE CHANGE will be implemented in 2010 and REALTORS ARE going to be affected and especially REALTORS who manage properties. Please watch the 17 minute video in the following link to make certain you are aware of the forthcoming change and you can then begin preparing to be in compliance now rather than later. THIS IS IMPORTANT, especially when you see that fines up to $37,500 A DAY MAY APPLY IF IN VIOLATION!

SALESDOG NEWSLETTER. A Few Tips for Building New Business in a Down Economy. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2009/nl0437.asp

WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM KFC (KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN). Another fabulous blog by Jim Meisenheimer.

BILLY MAY’S SALES TIPS AND SELLING STRATEGIES. By Jim Meisenheimer http://ezinearticles.com/?Billy-Mays-Sales-Tips-and-Selling-Strategies&id=2703674

A BRAVEHEART WOMAN VIDEO FEATURING LES BROWN: This video should inspire you in less than 10 minutes. Awesome! http://tv.braveheartwomen.com/?bcpid=5094621001&bclid=28124462001&bctid=31805906001

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUCCESS AND EXCELLENCE. By Jon Gordon. Very good article and appears to be a great book recommendation.

FALSE EMAILS: Before you forward emails that appear to be real, check them out at http://www.snopes.com/. It has been my experience that about 95% of emails that are circulated are false or based on incorrect material. Granted, some of them you want to believe; others are hard to believe and for good reason.

MARKETING TIP: Co-branding. “Back in the day…” I worked out a deal with a local locksmith and created a size 10 envelope type card to give to MY buyers that promoted my company, me, and the locksmith company where the locksmith gave 10% off on the rekeying of their new home if they presented the card. I considered it a value added service, a chance to promote my service and the locksmith’s service and generally was a good thing to do because no one knows for certain who has keys to the home they just purchased. Be careful if you do this NOT to give the card directly to another agent’s buyer. You can give it to the other agent but not their buyer. Obviously you can give it to YOUR buyers.

MARKETING TIP: If you use a brochure box, put only about 5 flyers in the box with each of them displaying a bright colored small tab stabled to the flyer. The tab reads, “This tab means my supply of flyers is running low. Please call to let me know. Gymbeaux 640-3564” For you-know-who, put YOUR name and YOUR number on the tab. They may not be interested in your listing but you get the chance to talk to them and hopefully get them as a customer. What have you got to lose? It works even better on occupied homes when the homeowner can watch the number flyers in the box for you.

PERSEVERANCE, By Joe Tye: http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001HhQnE6XQxkDTK0gxPDonGP2nLtMC3KkQFWbdHTa0D_90VxdCzIzkFmY2UBCDUio5Kmo69OPX1TULO9GZ0zwk4i_D8gxmfxLCgRWZcEMLb052IXkCE6QIUFYTxvBZ03X5figpFZrk_ls%3D

SIX STEPS TO SUCCESS, by Wes Hopper, 50 minute audio file

WEEKLY HUMOR: This is a repeat but if this doesn’t make you have a real belly laugh, nothing will. A true classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHnEFbmnxqk

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