Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Online Newsletter for April 27, 2012

QUOTE:  "If we are not responsible for the thoughts that pass our doors, we are at least responsible for those we admit and entertain."  Charles B. Newcomb (writer)     "Thoughts have power; thoughts are energy. And you can make your world or break it by your own thinking."  Susan Taylor (writer)  "The biggest quality in successful people, I think, is an impatience with negative thinking."  Edward McCabe (writer)


►Summaryof May 1, 2012 MLS Required Photo Rule Change –

Section1.2.4 Photos, Sketches, Renderings, Depictions or Virtual Tours on Listings Filed with the Service:

1. Effective for listings with a list date of May 1, 2012 Residential Single Family, Condominium, Multifamily, Lease properties (excluding properties that are under construction, to be built and vacant land) that are listed in “EXCELLENT” Condition will require a minimum of “10”photos to include the exterior front, exterior back, all baths, kitchen, living room/den and master bedroom.  The first image slot must display the exterior front of the listing and be a true representation of the existing structure.  The first “10” required photos must appear in the MLS listing within 72 hours, unless written documentation requesting a photo not be submitted is signed by the Seller and submitted to the MLS.  

2. Effective for listings with a listdate of May 1, 2012 Residential SingleFamily, Condominium, Multifamily, Lease properties (excludingproperties that are under construction, to be built and vacant land) that arelisted in “NEW”,“VRGD”, “AVG”, “FAIR”, “POOR”Condition will require a minimum of “5”photos to include the exterior front, exterior back, main bath, kitchen, andliving room/den.  The first image slot must display the exteriorfront of the listing and be a true representation of the existing structure. The first “5” required photos must appear in the MLS listing within72 hours, unless written documentation requesting a photo not be submitted issigned by the Seller and submitted to the MLS.  

3. Effective for listings with a listdate of May 1, 2012 Commercial properties(excluding properties that are underconstruction, to be built and vacant land) will require a minimum of “1”photo. The first image slot must display the exterior front of thelisting and be a true representation of the existing structure.  The firstphoto must appear in the MLS listing within 72hours, unless written documentation requesting a photo not be submitted issigned by the Seller and submitted to the MLS.

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  I bought some powdered water, but I didn't know what to add.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”  It is not what you are thinking; it is what you are feeling that shows you your future path.  Take an accounting of what you are feeling every hour today and write down your feelings.  This is what you are expecting subconsciously and will determine what you actually get.  We reap what we sow and we sow what we feel.  So take an accounting and guard your feelings; they affect every other area of your life.  www.michaelpdunn.org
REFERRALS DEFINED.  IN A WAY YOU AND YOUR BOSS WON’T LIKE.  Here you go folks, this is what your future business is all about, or not, from Jeffrey Gitomer.  As usual, he is right!  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3MpSs6lrA2yaw%3D%3D

11 BENEFITS OF BEING POSITIVE, by Jon Gordon, who else?  This is a great article and you can download and print the poster with the 11 Benefits.  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-11-benefits.html
WHY WOULD SOMEONE WANT TO KEEP YOUR BUSINESS CARD?  That is the $64,000 question.  Recognizing that everyone has a business card, what would make YOUR card so special someone would want to keep it even though he or she would not necessarily have a specific need for your service at any given moment.  These are unique business cards that people would want to keep, check them out at:  http://www.magnicard.com/examples.html

THE RIGHT ATTITUDE FOR CHANING TIMES by Joe Tye.  Another gem.  http://tinyurl.com/85ncoc6

A WONDER CURE?  Maybe so, maybe no but you have nothing to lose by watching this short video news clip.  http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/LJO190v1_WS

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending April 20, 2012

Are you one of them?
If NOT; why NOT?

QUOTE:  "It is easy enough to be pleasant, when life flows by like a song. But the man worthwhile is one who will smile, when everything goes dead wrong." Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Author/poet)

TEE OFF FOR SCHOLARSHIPS; HUGE SUCCESS!  Special thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors and players in the 2012 Tee Off For Scholarships Golf Tourney created to provide college scholarships to local high school students.  Watch www.TeeOffForScholarships.com for the list of awardees in early May.  Thus far the events have created a total of FIFTEEN $1000.00 college scholarships!

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: My neighbor has a circular driveway. He can't get out.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”  Here is the number one question I have gotten asked over the last 20 years.  “How do I know God’s plan for my life?”  Another way the question is asked is “How does God talk to me?”  Well, I have good news and bad news…. Which do you want first?  Good News – I can answer that.  Bad News – You might not like the answer.  God speaks to us all the time, but we are too busy running around living the American Life, and we don’t have time to stop and listen.  For the two ways to know the plan for your life - http://www.michaelpdunn.blogspot.com/

ATTACK THIS DAY WITH ENTHUSIASM UNKNOWN TO MANKIND!  The title pretty much says it all; read the rest of Jon Gordon’s article at:  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-enthusiasm-unknown-to-mankind.html

IT WAS A CHANCE MEETING; OR WAS IT?  Interesting thought provoking article by Jeffrey Gitomer.  Why do people remember who you are and what you do?  If it is not be design you are missing out on excellent business opportunities.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3O9pUzgUVvbnA%3D%3D

THANK YOU FOR SAYING NO!  By Eddie Mayen.  Would you rather be motivated by fear or inspired by love? Would you rather prove right the people that love you or prove wrong the doubters? Would you rather hear, "I am proud of you because I knew you could do it" from someone who loves you? Or would you rather hear "You got lucky that time, bet you can't do it again" by someone who doubts you?  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewSCArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3N%2BCr1pkJdZ2Q%3D%3D

ON STANDING OUT!  PEOPLE WHO SPREAD IDEAS – WIN!  Video by Seth Godin on marketing your idea(s) or in the case of a real estate agent, themselves and why the consumer needs you as compared to someone else.   In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones. http://www.ted.com/talks/seth_godin_on_sliced_bread.html

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending April 13, 2012

QUOTE:  "Happiness is the ability to recognize it."  Carolyn Wells (Author)

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: I spilled Spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”  E.M. Gates would sit in an 8 foot by 8 foot room that was sound and light proof with a table, chair, paper and pen to receive ideas for inventions.  He created over 200 useful patents in his lifetime and corporations would hire him to sit for them to find solutions to their problems.  Where is your quiet place?  www.michaelpdunn.org

HOW COULD YOU NOT BE TOUCHED BY THIS VIDEO?  By Marriane Williamson thanks for the link from Joe Tye.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQBR_NJxW1M

LATEST NUGGET:  I Have Met The Enemy; It Is Conventional Wisdom.  Located at www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com written by Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown

MISSION (STATEMENT) OR PROMISE?  IS IT A STATEMENT OR WORDS OF HOT AIR?  Another great article by Jeffrey Gitomer.  We have a company mission statement, do you know it?  Do you have a personal company mission statement, do you know it?  Can you recite it?  Do your customers know it?  Can your customers recite it?  If not, what good is it?  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3N1FEeVqoTGOQ%3D%3D

THE ROOT OF SUCCESS:  By Jon Gordon.  Pointed little story that parallels the career of a real estate salesperson.  Failure to pay attention to providing nutrients and water to the root of the tree ultimately reduces the fruit of the tree.  Failure to feed and nurture your database, ultimately reduces the productivity of your efforts or lack thereof.  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-the-root-of-success.html

DAN MILHAM’S NEW ORLEANS STREET NAME NOTE CARDS; very clever idea:  http://www.danmilhamphotographyblog.com/2012/04/ny-new-look-at-old-things.html

DOG SALTY, 9/11 MESMORIZING STORY on video you will want to watch:  http://www.sonnyradio.com/hero-dog-of-911.html

LEST WE FORGET:  I would estimate there are millions of Americans because of the passing of time have no idea of the tragedy of Pearl Harbor.  This is a very fitting reminder.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgE2KiPd3xg&f

REVISED AUTHORIZATION TO LEASE FORM:  The Authorization to Lease form has been revised effective April 4, 2012; loaded up to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under Rental Forms.  Please dispose of all previous versions immediately and use the April 4, 2012 version.

MORTGAGE 101 CLASS:  On the first Thursday of each month, John Boatman conducts a class on involving the mortgage process.  The class on April 5 walked you through the actual process of taking a loan and getting it approved.  The class was outstanding and would have benefited everyone.  John said he would schedule a class on Credit Reports, how to read them, how to fix them, etc.  Watch for details, you won’t want to miss this one.

ARE YOU COMPLIANT?  Extract from the latest news from the Commission.


The investigative staff has been contacted by licensees with questions regarding compliance with the law regarding their real estate activity as a property manager. These agents are simultaneously working as an employee for one or more owners while licensed as a salesperson or associate broker. The property management is not conducted through their sponsoring broker. This action constitutes a violation of the Louisiana Licensing Law, and the licensee could be censured, suspended or revoked, as well as face fines.

Managing property in Louisiana is a real estate brokerage activity that requires a real estate license. A licensee who wants to act as a leasing agent or property manager must conduct this activity through the brokerage firm that holds his or her license.

It has been determined that, in some instances, the broker has granted "permission" for their sponsored licensee to work outside of the broker’s company. This practice is in violation of the law:

Associates Brokers and Salespersons

- Shall not accept a commission or other valuable consideration for a defined real estate activity from anyone other than their sponsoring or qualifying broker,

- Must place any funds entrusted to them in connection with any transaction involving the sale, lease, or management of real property with their sponsoring or qualifying broker.

Sponsoring or Qualifying Brokers:

- Shall not permit a sponsored licensee to operate as an individual real estate broker. Our investigators have found several brokers who were fully aware that their sponsored licensees owned and operated a separate property management company,

- Shall not permit a sponsored licensee or an employee to conduct real estate activities in violation of the licensing law.

The Commission has the authority to regulate the issuance of licenses and censure, suspend, or revoke licenses of those that violate license law or rules and regulations.  - Marsha Stafford


The Investigation Division issued 37 advertising citations in the month of March. The majority of these citations were issued on team advertisements, wherein the team member advertising failed to include all team members’ names in the advertisement

THIS WEEKS HUMOR VIDEO, what would you have done?  http://www.dump.com/mannequinhead/

"The Universe is not indifferent. It is actively hostile."
Stephen Pressfield

You may know Stephen Pressfield as the author of "Bagger Vance," made into a great movie with Will Smith.

He's also written two astonishing books, "The War of Art" and "Do The Work!" on why we don't get things done and what to do about it.  Gymbeaux Note:  The War of Art is in our Market Center Library. 

He says our most fearsome enemy is Resistance!
 "The Astonishing Power of Gratitude" is available as an audiobook on CD, or as an MP3 download, with bonuses! An inspirational companion for your drive time or walks. Get it today!
Resistance is all the reasons we don't get it done. All the excuses, all the distractions, all the fear. 

He says, "Resistance is an active, intelligent, malign force whose sole object is to stop us from achieving our higher goals." 

It's a way of personifying all those inner voices that create doubt, distraction and self-criticism when we step out into the work that we are here to do. 

I don't know about you, but I can relate to that. It's a struggle to get the important work done. 

Now I know who I'm fighting - resistance! 

Does any of this sound familiar to you?  If so, get his books. Study them, and then like St George and the dragon, set out to slay that monster! 

You can do it. 

All the best, Wes 

Follow @DailyGratitude_ on Twitter 

Not a subscriber? Get your own issue every week day.

Wes Hopper
Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380 


§  I will be friendly.
§  I will be professional.
§  I will provide the highest quality products.
§  I will provide the highest quality training.
§  I will do what I promise.
§  I will keep you informed as we progress.
§  I will keep my technology state-of-the-art.
§  I will think long term in all our endeavors.
§  I will be an expert resource for you.
§  I will provide prompt service.
§  I will maintain a great attitude toward service.
§  I will earn your loyalty with quality and value.
§  I will use creativity to differentiate and dominate.
§  I will customize and personalize all enterprise training.
§  I will increase your results.
§  I will cultivate relationships by paying attention to your individual needs and interests.
§  I will take as much pride in your business and needs as you do.
§  I will maintain my dedication to lifelong learning.
§  I will recover memorably when an error occurs.
§  I will respond in a heartbeat or faster.
§  I will serve with a smile.
§  I will serve memorably – service is an opportunity and a priority, not a job function.
§  I will make providing you the best service my top priority.
§  I will treat all customers the same – LIKE GOLD.
§  I will collaborate with you every step of the way.
§  I will become an expert in your business to exceed your business needs, and mine.
§  I will be your BEST partner.
§  I will not just lead by example – I will set a standard, and raise the bar for others to follow
§  I will always go the “Extra Mile” and then a little bit more
§  I will kiss ass.
§  I will practice what I preach.
§  I will do what I love and love what I do!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending April 6

QUOTE:  Work is love made visible. Not all parts of any work will be equally delightful, but the purpose and the end result of the right work will always be love in manifestation.”  Wes Hopper

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: I went to a general store, but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”  There are three types of people in this world, most people are type 1, they spend all their time talking about other people.  The next level is type 2, they spend their time talking about things.  Then there is level 3, they spend their time talking about their dreams.  We call this (last) group the *3% Club* because only 3% *choose *to be in this group.  It is important, if you decide to use this process, to find other 3%'s to associate with, or your dreams and desires can easily die on the skillet of vain conversation.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Love that phrase.)  Your ten closest friends or associates will have a tremendous impact on your life.  Information from studies backed by results we get from the seminar show that if you add up the income of your ten closest associates and divide it by 10, you will find your income....If most of your friends are gossips, then you are probably one also.  If most of your friends are happy, then you are probably happy also. 

Gymbeaux Note:  Using this principle consider this:  There are 80 people in our Market Center.  The 3% Club Theory would calculate to less than 3 agents being dreamers, 3 agents being happy, 3 agents knowing where they want life to take them.  Only 3.  Sure am glad you are one of the 3.

EDUCATIONAL AUDIT:  Several of our teammates have been notified by the Louisiana RE Commission that their education records are being audited.  You need to be able to prove (copies of training certificates) that you have completed the required number of hours and that those hours include the required 4 hours of CE training.  Everyone is encouraged to gather their certificates to double check compliance and have them ready if asked for.  Suggestion:  Scan all of the training certificates and then save them as a file on your computer thus making it really easy to locate in the future.  NABOR Continuing Education Classes have been posted to the Market Center Training Calendar for your convenience.

FIRE YOUR EVIL ASSISTANT:  Check out this Nugget For The Noggin posted on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.  It applies to everyone; no exceptions.  Gymbeaux

EARN REWARDS WITH NEW MVP PROGRAM FROM NAR:  This is a program sent to every member via email.  If you take the recommended action you will be eligible for MVP Points that you can use to redeem valuable items.  What for the email from NAR.

ERASING NEGATIVE SELF-TALK WITH THE JANITOR IN YOUR ATTIC:  Absolutely great article by Joe Tye.  We all do it; we talk to ourself or at least listen to some voice in our ear usually telling us how stupid we are because of something we just did.  You owe it to yourself to read this article (that was me not a voice in your head telling you that).  Joe Tye produced a CD you listen to at night as you go to bed and again in the morning when you awake on this subject.  I have contacted him to see if the CD is still available.  Will let you know.  http://tinyurl.com/7vjltla

BILL OF RESPONSIBILITIES; from the genius of Joe Tye comes the obvious in one location.  How’s that for a tease.  Everyone should read this and forward it to friends and maybe even your elected officials.  http://tinyurl.com/836h7t4

PEOPLE FIRE ORGANIZATIONS:  The theme of the Outstanding! book is this: People fire organizations—but they do not fire the outstanding ones.  The organizations that stand behind their stuff (Ch. 26), show humility (Ch. 2), never forget who pays the bills (Ch. 24), put people before policies (Ch. 20), and keep the mission "top of mind" (Ch. 3)—are clearly exceptional, premier, striking, and superior. Said another way, they are OUTSTANDING!  Check it out at www.outstandingorganizations.com  Outstanding!  47 Ways To Make Your Organization Outstanding by John G. Miller

GREAT SALES PEOPLE OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION:  This is a link to the www.SalesDog.com newsletter.  The featured article was written by by Dave Kahle.  Included in the newsletter is a link to a short video that should cause you to look at people a little differently.  GREAT MESSAGE!  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2012/sales_training_nl0570.htm

THE POWER OF INTENTION, 10 minute video by Natalie Ledwell.  Really good video on getting to where you want to go.  While you are on the site, there are other links including one to a free webinar that you might (should – hint, hint, hint) be interested in. So if you're sick and tired of being stuck in the same place you've been in the last one, two or even ten years, watch this complimentaryonline TV show episode, and get an instant injection of positivity from the gal from down under, Natalie Ledwell. http://www.mindmovies.com/inspirationshow/index.php?25155&episode=82

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF WOW!  HOW DO YOU CREATE IT IN YOUR BUSINESS?  Great article by Jeffrey Gitomer on staying ahead of your competition by Wowing Your Customers.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3Oa1xlzZoY7SA%3D%3D

NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL ESTIMATES THAT AT LEAST 1.6 MILLION CRASHES EACH YEAR INVOLVE DRIVERS USING CELL PHONES AND TEXTING:    NSC updated its annual attributable risk estimate in 2011 using new data from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The updated assessment estimates that at least 23 percent of all traffic crashes - or at least 1.3 million crashes - involve cell phone use per year. An estimated 1.2 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones for conversations and at least 100,000 additional crashes can be related to drivers who are texting. Cell phone conversations are involved in 12 times as many crashes as texting.  To view the complete report, go to:  http://www.nsc.org/Pages/NSCestimates16millioncrashescausedbydriversusingcellphonesandtexting.aspx

10 THOUGHTS ABOUT LEADERSHIP by Jon Gordon.  There is a link to an excellent poster you can download, save and print for FREE.  Remember, within the Keller Williams Realty Model, each and everyone of us is a leader.  How do you measure up to these thoughts?  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-10-thoughts-about-leadership.html

TEACHABLE SECOND, LITERALLY.  Thank you Kevin Savoie for sending this along.  Please watch this video, as horrible as it is, it will hopefully encourage you to do the right thing while driving.  This is a video taken by a State Trooper dash cam.  See how quickly your life could change by taking your eyes off the road for just a split second.  Think about this the next time you think about using your cell phone while driving or you see someone else using their cell phone to talk, text, read something or putting on makeup.  http://rmirror.net/r/videos/comments/q5hu9/car_accident_nsfl/ 

TURN OFF THE CELL PHONE:  Worry about your children using a cell phone while driving, check out this APP for SmartPhones that shuts off SmartPhones when the speed of the car reaches a certain pre-determined speed.  If the driver tries to turn the phone on while driving it sends you a text messages letting you know.  Basic version is free.  There are enhanced versions for up to $6.99.  http://turnoffthecellphone.com/

YOUR EMAILS SUCK!  This is a short video link created by Jeffrey Gitomer.  Yes he is selling his Ace of Sales program and it is a great program; that is not why it is linked.  Rather watch the video for his message and see if it applies to you and your emails.  http://blog.aceofsales.com/

EVERYONE IS A SALES PERSON:  This is a link to a FREE report by Brian Tracy.  It is only 15 pages long but contains a wonderful explanation of getting from point A to point B in the sales process that he refers to as filling the GAP.  He discusses a question an insurance sales person asks that will cause you to say WOW!  At least it did me.  Get your free report at: http://www.briantracy.com/files/pages/squeeze/salesperson.html?cmpid=2263&proid=776&aid=456

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SECRETS:  This is an eBook that has been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under eBooks.  It is what the title suggests. 

THINK DOGS REMEMBER?  Heartwarming video.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAbCyA2rbxM