Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending April 6

QUOTE:  Work is love made visible. Not all parts of any work will be equally delightful, but the purpose and the end result of the right work will always be love in manifestation.”  Wes Hopper

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: I went to a general store, but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”  There are three types of people in this world, most people are type 1, they spend all their time talking about other people.  The next level is type 2, they spend their time talking about things.  Then there is level 3, they spend their time talking about their dreams.  We call this (last) group the *3% Club* because only 3% *choose *to be in this group.  It is important, if you decide to use this process, to find other 3%'s to associate with, or your dreams and desires can easily die on the skillet of vain conversation.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Love that phrase.)  Your ten closest friends or associates will have a tremendous impact on your life.  Information from studies backed by results we get from the seminar show that if you add up the income of your ten closest associates and divide it by 10, you will find your income....If most of your friends are gossips, then you are probably one also.  If most of your friends are happy, then you are probably happy also. 

Gymbeaux Note:  Using this principle consider this:  There are 80 people in our Market Center.  The 3% Club Theory would calculate to less than 3 agents being dreamers, 3 agents being happy, 3 agents knowing where they want life to take them.  Only 3.  Sure am glad you are one of the 3.

EDUCATIONAL AUDIT:  Several of our teammates have been notified by the Louisiana RE Commission that their education records are being audited.  You need to be able to prove (copies of training certificates) that you have completed the required number of hours and that those hours include the required 4 hours of CE training.  Everyone is encouraged to gather their certificates to double check compliance and have them ready if asked for.  Suggestion:  Scan all of the training certificates and then save them as a file on your computer thus making it really easy to locate in the future.  NABOR Continuing Education Classes have been posted to the Market Center Training Calendar for your convenience.

FIRE YOUR EVIL ASSISTANT:  Check out this Nugget For The Noggin posted on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.  It applies to everyone; no exceptions.  Gymbeaux

EARN REWARDS WITH NEW MVP PROGRAM FROM NAR:  This is a program sent to every member via email.  If you take the recommended action you will be eligible for MVP Points that you can use to redeem valuable items.  What for the email from NAR.

ERASING NEGATIVE SELF-TALK WITH THE JANITOR IN YOUR ATTIC:  Absolutely great article by Joe Tye.  We all do it; we talk to ourself or at least listen to some voice in our ear usually telling us how stupid we are because of something we just did.  You owe it to yourself to read this article (that was me not a voice in your head telling you that).  Joe Tye produced a CD you listen to at night as you go to bed and again in the morning when you awake on this subject.  I have contacted him to see if the CD is still available.  Will let you know.  http://tinyurl.com/7vjltla

BILL OF RESPONSIBILITIES; from the genius of Joe Tye comes the obvious in one location.  How’s that for a tease.  Everyone should read this and forward it to friends and maybe even your elected officials.  http://tinyurl.com/836h7t4

PEOPLE FIRE ORGANIZATIONS:  The theme of the Outstanding! book is this: People fire organizations—but they do not fire the outstanding ones.  The organizations that stand behind their stuff (Ch. 26), show humility (Ch. 2), never forget who pays the bills (Ch. 24), put people before policies (Ch. 20), and keep the mission "top of mind" (Ch. 3)—are clearly exceptional, premier, striking, and superior. Said another way, they are OUTSTANDING!  Check it out at www.outstandingorganizations.com  Outstanding!  47 Ways To Make Your Organization Outstanding by John G. Miller

GREAT SALES PEOPLE OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION:  This is a link to the www.SalesDog.com newsletter.  The featured article was written by by Dave Kahle.  Included in the newsletter is a link to a short video that should cause you to look at people a little differently.  GREAT MESSAGE!  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2012/sales_training_nl0570.htm

THE POWER OF INTENTION, 10 minute video by Natalie Ledwell.  Really good video on getting to where you want to go.  While you are on the site, there are other links including one to a free webinar that you might (should – hint, hint, hint) be interested in. So if you're sick and tired of being stuck in the same place you've been in the last one, two or even ten years, watch this complimentaryonline TV show episode, and get an instant injection of positivity from the gal from down under, Natalie Ledwell. http://www.mindmovies.com/inspirationshow/index.php?25155&episode=82

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF WOW!  HOW DO YOU CREATE IT IN YOUR BUSINESS?  Great article by Jeffrey Gitomer on staying ahead of your competition by Wowing Your Customers.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3Oa1xlzZoY7SA%3D%3D

NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL ESTIMATES THAT AT LEAST 1.6 MILLION CRASHES EACH YEAR INVOLVE DRIVERS USING CELL PHONES AND TEXTING:    NSC updated its annual attributable risk estimate in 2011 using new data from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The updated assessment estimates that at least 23 percent of all traffic crashes - or at least 1.3 million crashes - involve cell phone use per year. An estimated 1.2 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones for conversations and at least 100,000 additional crashes can be related to drivers who are texting. Cell phone conversations are involved in 12 times as many crashes as texting.  To view the complete report, go to:  http://www.nsc.org/Pages/NSCestimates16millioncrashescausedbydriversusingcellphonesandtexting.aspx

10 THOUGHTS ABOUT LEADERSHIP by Jon Gordon.  There is a link to an excellent poster you can download, save and print for FREE.  Remember, within the Keller Williams Realty Model, each and everyone of us is a leader.  How do you measure up to these thoughts?  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-10-thoughts-about-leadership.html

TEACHABLE SECOND, LITERALLY.  Thank you Kevin Savoie for sending this along.  Please watch this video, as horrible as it is, it will hopefully encourage you to do the right thing while driving.  This is a video taken by a State Trooper dash cam.  See how quickly your life could change by taking your eyes off the road for just a split second.  Think about this the next time you think about using your cell phone while driving or you see someone else using their cell phone to talk, text, read something or putting on makeup.  http://rmirror.net/r/videos/comments/q5hu9/car_accident_nsfl/ 

TURN OFF THE CELL PHONE:  Worry about your children using a cell phone while driving, check out this APP for SmartPhones that shuts off SmartPhones when the speed of the car reaches a certain pre-determined speed.  If the driver tries to turn the phone on while driving it sends you a text messages letting you know.  Basic version is free.  There are enhanced versions for up to $6.99.  http://turnoffthecellphone.com/

YOUR EMAILS SUCK!  This is a short video link created by Jeffrey Gitomer.  Yes he is selling his Ace of Sales program and it is a great program; that is not why it is linked.  Rather watch the video for his message and see if it applies to you and your emails.  http://blog.aceofsales.com/

EVERYONE IS A SALES PERSON:  This is a link to a FREE report by Brian Tracy.  It is only 15 pages long but contains a wonderful explanation of getting from point A to point B in the sales process that he refers to as filling the GAP.  He discusses a question an insurance sales person asks that will cause you to say WOW!  At least it did me.  Get your free report at: http://www.briantracy.com/files/pages/squeeze/salesperson.html?cmpid=2263&proid=776&aid=456

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SECRETS:  This is an eBook that has been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under eBooks.  It is what the title suggests. 

THINK DOGS REMEMBER?  Heartwarming video.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAbCyA2rbxM

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