Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending October 19

For repeat readers of the weekly newsletter you should immediately grasp that the first items is NOT the quote but this link to a www.TED.com video.  It is 20 minutes in length so if you don’t have the time, don’t click the link until you do have the time.  Personal note.  Over the past several weeks I have been thinking of just not doing the newsletter because there have been no responses either positive or negative or neutral.  None even when I have asked for them.  The following link to TED.com is a unique presentation that caused me to re-think doing the newsletter for several reasons.  First is very simple:  YOU NEED THIS STUFF EVEN THOUGH A LOT OF YOU DON’T KNOW YOU NEED IT.  Second and very important to me, I NEED THIS STUFF BUT I KNOW I NEED IT IF I AM TO FULFILL MY LIFE’S MISSION:  TO HELP PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY DO TO DO IT BETTER.  Finally, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear and for some of you, your life, your business and your income may one day change because of something you read or watch as a result of the weekly online newsletter.  I think this first link is one of those times but ONLY IF YOU WATCH IT INTENTLY; unfortunately most will not.  This could change the way you conduct your business.  Let me rephrase that, this SHOULD change the way you conduct your business; at least I hope so.  Also, if you watch The Mentalist, some of what Ms. Cuddy says towards the end of this presentation will strike home.  Think of Agent Cho; he stares down the person he is interviewing with no facial changes whatsoever.  I know it would make me nervous. 

YOUR BODY LANGUAGE SHAPES WHO YOU ARE, by Amy Cuddy.  Stacey Chehardy recommended this link and it is very good.  It is all about judging others and ourselves.  We can all learn from Amy Cuddy.  This link comes from TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.  Great web site.  www.TED.com  Question:  Are our non-verbals governing the way people think and feel about us?  More importantly, are our non-verbals governing the way we think about ourselves?  This link may answer those questions for you:  http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are.html

QUOTE:  Give fear a name and it becomes just a problem - it's easier to solve problems than it is to conquer nameless fear.  Joe Tye

12 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT COURAGE, by Joe Tye.  Jeaux is a true secret when he should be a household name.  He is a good man to know and to read.  He will make you think.  http://tinyurl.com/9rhcfcp

REGIONAL FALL CONFERENCE:  You do not want to miss this.  Renaissance Hotel Mobile 64 S Water St. Mobile, AL 36602.  November 14, 15 & 16, 2012.  Resister at: http://tinyurl.com/8kblbtl

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  LISTING PRESENTATION – EXPLAIN MARKETING CONTINUED (from last several weeks’ newsletters which is archived on the blog):  Mr. & Mrs. Seller, I wouldn’t let the length of the listing worry me if I were you.  Let’s me explain.  If you recall, we discussed that you’re in control.  You are the one who decides whether the house sells or not.  If we, you and I, price it right, it will sell.  If you get it in good condition, do the things that I ask you to do, it is going to sell.  It’s not going to take nine months to sell.  But if you don’t choose to do those things and you pick the wrong price, we may very well be here in nine months.  I don’t want to be here any longer than we have to be.  I mean, good grief, we can birth a child in nine months.  So, the time it takes to sell has an awful lot to do with how the seller, you, prepare the house, price it and whether or not he gives us access to it when we have a buyer to show, so that all depends on you.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret.  http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html From pages 112-113:  …The Law of Reciprocity.  It’s one of the many spiritual principles that work the same subconsciously as the law of gravity works physically.  Sowing financial seeds  not only opens up the opportunity of blessings with finances and life overall, but also opens up  to a supernatural source of information and ideas; ideas for business, for budgeting, for saving, for purchases, for jobs, and for many other ways to build wealth which gives us the freedom to pursue our purpose.  Psychologically it tells the subconscious (mind) there is a more than enough so our brain can work proactively (not reactively) with confidence seeking out prosperity, not in fear seeking out a way (just) to survive.  We are making a spiritual statement that we have chosen to plant seeds not just harvest fruit.  It’s not much, but it is one of the differences between having the ability to think like a 3% or think like someone who can barely survive and misses all the great opportunities that pass us each day.  All we need to do is slow down, relax, work hard, listen for His guidance, and make some decisions.  That’s right – no more keeping up with the Jones’. (Gymbeaux Note:  For those who have not read Dunn’s book (shame on you), the 3% does NOT refer to some political group (like the 1% you hear about) but rather to the percentage of really successful people in the world who subscribe to success principles that have been proven to work.)

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  It doesn't matter what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature.

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  How is it possible to have a “civil” war?

UNDENIABLE TRUTH:  I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

THE GRANDDADDY OF ALL FEARS, by Joe Tye.  What do you think it is?  You will have to read Jeaux’s article to find out.  For what it’s worth, I agree with Jeaux!  http://tinyurl.com/92a2dqn

PERSONAL REQUEST:  As a Veteran, a Citizen, fellow REALTOR and your Broker I implore you to vote on November 6, less than a month away.  There are people who literally risk their lives to vote in some parts of the world.  I would suggest that we too are risking our lives NOT to vote.  You have very little to complain about if you do not show up at the polls to cast your ballot.  I don’t care who or what you vote for (actually I do but that is not the point), I care that you vote.  It is an American disgrace that the voter turnout is typically so poor, every year, as if your vote does not count; it does; it should; it will; regardless of who or what you vote for.

POLITICAL POSITION POLL: This is a poll to help you determine which side of the isle you may lean to. Interesting to say the least. the result may surprise you.  http://www.people-press.org/political-party-quiz/?result

AFRAID OF CALLING POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS? Try this unique concept from Art Sobzcak https://bbp.infusionsoft.com/app/hostedEmail/29600715/a35bde33c6edc6a0

3 QUICK TIPS FOR EXCITING SALES PRESENTATIONS:  This was written by Tim Wackel at www.timwackel.com and received via www.SalesDog.com.  If you are not subscribing to the online newsletter at www.SalesDog.com you should be.  The first tip is to perfect a “hook”, to grab your customer or your class.  I would also suggest avoiding the standard opening “Good Morning” then waiting for the class to respond and then you respond, “GOOD MORNING!” said with greater emphasis.  I agree with Wackel and also with Jeffrey Gitomer who both suggest you start with a story that grabs the attention you desire in the first 120 seconds; that’s all you have.  If you don’t grab them early, you most likely will not grab them no matter how much time you take.  As Wackel suggests, humor is a great way to start any presentation.

By Wes Hopper 

"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score."
Bill Copeland

Take out your goals list for this week so you can see if you make any one of these three most common errors with goals.

Oh, you don't have a goals list? That's mistake #1. How do you know if you're getting ahead if you don't have any mileposts? Every successful person that I know has goals written down.

Does your goals list (now that you have one) look like a task list?  There's nothing wrong with having a to-do list, but a powerful goals list goes beyond that. Goals have an element of what you want to achieve, not just what you want to get done.

So, if you're in sales, your task list might have “contact 10 potential customers each day" while your goals might include "create one new lifetime devoted customer this week." See the difference?

Now goals have to be measurable, but some people make mistake #3 by setting goals that are so big and so far out that they qualify as what I call "end of life goals," things you want to be remembered

It's nice to know what that is, but it's hard to measure your progress. So in the meantime, set some goals along that path that you can measure and check off the list as you achieve them.

Years ago a good friend of mine used to greet every new challenge with the phrase, "No guts, no glory!" I'd like to modify that a little bit and suggest we greet each day with "No goals, no glory!"

Because it's true.

All the best, Wes

@DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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