Monday, September 24, 2012

Newsletter for the Week Ending Sep 28, 2012


QUOTE:  The Law of the Out or Back Door (Option) by Bob Burg.  The bigger the out or the back door you give someone to take, the less they will feel the need to take it.   The greater the level of choice one has, the less he or she feels the need to exercise that choice. 

TIME SENSITIVE INFORMATION: According to a recent study by ComScore, 14 million Americans used QR codes in JUNE alone, and usage is on the rise. Attend this session (Webinar) for a deep dive into QR code usage in real estate, and learn how these tiny barcodes could change the way you think about marketing.  The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26; 10:00 Central Time (make sure to check the time when you register to make certain the 10:00 CT is correct) 

LATEST NUGGET:  RATED M FOR MATURE by Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown.  This is my take on what is wrong with America today and why.  More importantly if each one of us fails to take corrective action, there will be nothing to stop the decay.  Check it out at 

FABULOUS BOOK:  Thanks to Jeannine Gaster, I read (almost all in one sitting) the book by Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken.  It is the true story of a World War II U. S. Army Bombardier and his survival first from a crash in the Pacific, then to being a Prisoner of War in Japan and then the after effects of such ordeals following the war.  I literally could not put the book down until I had finished it, word-for-word.  Besides awakening you to a significant but somewhat forgotten piece of our history, it is about perseverance, persistence, faith, individual and group endurance and enlightenment.  You will not regret reading this book! 

REGIONAL FALL CONFERENCE:  You do not want to miss this.  Renaissance Hotel Mobile 64 S Water St. Mobile, AL 36602.  November 14, 15 & 16, 2012.  Resister at: 

DID YOU KNOW?  You should know that there are separate forms for Residential Listings, Commercial Listings, Land Listings including a Land Listing Agreement and Rental Listings but all of them require the use of the same Listing Agreement Addendum.  The Addendum enables the reviewer to insure that the agreed to COOP Commission with the owners is correctly stated on the MLS sheet in addition to insuring compliance with various aspects of the REALTOR Code of Ethics and the state’s Rules and Regulations.  Also, did you know that the recommended Sewerage Disclosure has only initials on it and that the Market Center has recreated this form to include signature lines instead of just initials?  Dispose of the older version and use the disclosure that has signatures spaces. 

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  LISTING PRESENTATION – EXPLAIN MARKETING CONTINUED (from last several weeks’ newsletters which is archived on the blog):  I’m always marketing to two complete different segments of the marketplace.  I’m marketing to the buyers who are running around independently, doing their homework on their own, especially on the Internet.  The second group that I always market to are the other REALTORS who are my co-workers in the marketplace.  They have an inventory of buyers who are pre-shopped and ready to buy.  We’ll find the buyer, wherever they are.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Personally I always explained that I have to sell the owners home three times.  First I have to mentally buy it.  It is difficult to sell something that you do not believe in and that means priced right, staged right and that you have all the tools to sell it like a home warranty, yard sign, etc..  The second group of buyers are all the real estate agents.  Agents have to immediately see value the first time they see it or they pass on the property not wanting to waste their buyers; time and efforts.  The third sale is obviously to the actual buyer and in that regard I must anticipate any objection a buyer may have regarding the property.) 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret.  From Page 143 (this is really too easy.  I open the book, close my eyes and put my finger on a page and there is the message; it works every time.  How could you not want to read this book?):  We got sucked in to the belief that we could do anything we wanted without worrying about the repercussions.  Television began to teach that having sex as teenagers was normal.  It began to teach that most people were not faithful to their mates and those that were didn’t want to be.  Television taught that there was no God.  It taught that parents, policemen, and teachers were idiots and should be treated so….Television began to teach that children should be able to make their own decisions without discipline or boundaries which protect us from our own ignorance.  Then when these children grew up they couldn’t figure out why there were no many barriers in life called laws, house notes, car notes, or why there were repercussions for breaking the rules and doing whatever they wanted without concern for other humans.  Gymbeaux Note:  If you really want to know why things are the way they are but also discover how things can as they “could” be, read the book.) 

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  I remember when the candle shop burned down. Everyone stood around singing "Happy Birthday".   

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  One nice thing about egotists, they don’t talk about other people.  Might have to explain that to you-know-who. 

REAL LIFE GRATITUDE, from Michelle Fradella:  My mother passed away 2 months ago, and we inherited her White Havanese, "Beanie". Yesterday I went to the groomer to pick Beanie up from his appointment. When I started to pay for the service, they told me that someone had gone in there last week and had paid for his next grooming, in honor of my mother. They didn't know who the lady was. What a wonderful blessing it was, it made me cry. :') My Mom was a tender-heart. I know she would be crying tears of joy as well. I am blessed to have special people
in my life, and blessed that my Mother was loved by so many.  Gymbeaux question:  What could each of us do similar to this wonderful story?  The opportunities are endless.

40 DAYS TO A JOY-FILLED LIFE:  I have read all of Tommy Newberry’s books and they all have been fabulous.  He is releasing his latest book, 40 Days To A Joy-Filled Life on October 2.  If you follow the link and purchase his book between October 2 and October 6 you also receive $100 worth of bonus items.  I am confident you will not be disappointed. 

5 WAYS TO THINK LIKE A CHAMPION, by Jon Gordon.  Jon is the best at these short but very informational articles.  He is also a fabulous author that I highly recommend.  Several of his books are on the book shelf in the Market Center.  Check out the 5 ways at: 

CREATING A SENSE OF URGENCY:  From   This is a unique way of looking at your presentation to buyers and sellers with the goal of making the sale.  There is also a free download available when you click on the site:

5 SURPRISING BUYER TURN OFFS, You know this is all true when you really think about it.  Some if not all WILL surprise you.  In order to successfully market homes you have to be aware of the mindset of the buyer.  So here you go, here is a start:  

6 NEW TACTICS TO UNLEASH YOUR PRODUCTIVITY.  Great 8 minute video by Robin Sharma.  Watch this ONLY if you want to be more successful; others need not watch. Gymbeaux Note:  While you watch you can also sign up for Robin’s newsletter.  I have read several of Sharma’s books and they are excellent reads; highly recommended – any of them! 

THE NECESSITY FOR SOLITUDE by Joe Tye.  Tye suggests we seek out solitude to help get our "heads on straight" my words not his. When I had my office in Gulfport, MS there was no better place to do this than to sit at the end of the seawall overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. One unique aspect of the Mississippi Gulf Coast is that you can also go there at dawn and watch the sun rise over the Gulf and then go back in the evening and watch it set over the Gulf. Very calming and relaxing; I highly recommend it. 

BUCKET FILLERS:  Unique online newsletter, Bucket Fill-osophy 101TM.  Check it out, you can subscribe to the Bucket Fillers Newsletters at:

FILE TO LARGE FOR GSREIN?  Joyce Albert discovered a software that will reduce the size of your file to enable you to upload your file to GSREIN.  It costs $29.95 and it worked great. . . Downsized my file by 90%!!!! From 6475 KB to 644 KB.;7   Definitely worth the $30.. And no more hung-up emails because of attached files being too big.  When you download from, you can be sure you’re not downloading viruses. However, almost all softwares try to download additional programs for special toolbars and offers on your computer – MSN, ASK, Google, whatever, and make their search engines your default.  Therefore on ANY download, always click on the radial button that says “Custom Install”. Then you can UN-check these downloads. There may even be another page that says you want to subscribe to ad notifications, etc. Change that radial button to “I Disagree” That’s it. You now have the download you want without all the junk you don’t want.  You get a free trial program with VeryPDF.

By Wes Hopper 

"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise."
Alden Nowlan

There's a wonderful progression of wisdom in today's quote, and it
seems to illustrate the themes of the Four Agreements in Don Miguel Ruiz's book.  As small children we see adults as gods in human form. They have all the power and all the knowledge, and they seem magical. Plus, they know all the rules and they enforce the rules.  Then comes the day when we realize that some of the things they do and say make no sense. They lose the magic and we learn to argue, and instead of seeing adults as superhuman, we see them as imperfect at best, and really dumb at worst.

In fact, it's just the Second Agreement. What people do is always about them, not about you. It always was, and it always will be.  We, as self centered little critters, had always thought that it was all
about us, when in fact it never was. When we realize that, then we can forgive them and move on to adulthood.  Early adulthood is exciting and filled with possibilities. Later when we realize that we may not make all the goals that we so enthusiastically set we can get very self critical.

That's when the Fourth Agreement shows up. It says, "Always do
your best" and the fact is that we do our best in every moment of our lives.  Oh, we may criticize ourselves and be very sure that we could have done better, but hindsight is always a fantasy. The fact is, in that moment, we did the best we could.  When we accept that, we forgive ourselves for not demonstrating the perfection we never had, and we become wise.

So if you're trapped in a cycle of blaming yourself, just remember -
you did your best then. And you're doing your best now.  If your best gets better, even a little bit, each time, you're doing fine.

All the best,

@DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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issue every weekday.

Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

BONUS - 22 Rules to Live By
By Bob Bly 

1.     Show up for appointments 10 minutes early.
2.     Customers are not always right, but they must be treated as if they are.
3.     When speaking before groups, dress up one level from what the group is wearing; e.g., if they wear shorts and tee shirts, you wear business casual.
4.     Never offer unsolicited advice.
5.     Leave your ego at the door.
6.     Don't waste people's time by sending jokes or stories via e-mail.
7.     Do not brag by talking about your accomplishments to people who didn't ask you about them.
8.     Be humble.
9.     Proofread your e-mails before you send them.
10.  80% of your activity should be in your comfort zone, and 20% should be outside it. This keeps you both productive and challenged.
11.  Of the people who opt into your e-list, 90% of those who eventually buy from you will do so within 90 days of subscribing to the list.
12.  The more recently a customer had made a purchase, the more likely he is to do so again.
13. Old but good advice: under-promise and over-deliver.
14.  Don't give your customers their money's worth. Give them more than their money's worth.
15.  The easiest way to add value to an offer is with a free bonus gift.
16.  The most powerful words in the English language are "free" and "you."
17. Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.
18.  Spend time with your children while they are still young enough to want you to spend time with them.
19.  Neither a borrower or a lender be.
20.  Don't be so sure you are right. Perhaps you are not.
21.  Life is short - over in the blink of an eye. So enjoy it now.
22.  Avoid discussing religion or politics with colleagues or customers. There is little to gain from it and much to lose. 

This article appears courtesy of Bob Bly's Direct Response Letter, learn more at

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