Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Online Newsletter for November 23

QUOTE:  "People who are clearest about their personal vision and values are significantly more committed to their organizations [vision and values]." James Kouzes and Barry Posner: A Leader's Legacy.  Gymbeaux Note:  Can you say WI4C2TS?

ANGEL FLIGHT:  Impressive song and video to our fallen veterans.  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=70Ikj1hZDnw&feature=related

LATEST NUGGET:  INCOME INSURANCE, OR NOT.  This has been published in the past and updated each time including this one.  This may be the most important Nugget I have ever written that works to help you by insuring your financial future, but you have to read it first.  Please take the time to read it.  www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  LISTING PRESENTATION – DON’T SELECT AN AGENT ON PRICE.  I know you are probably interviewing other agents and the one thing I would like to say is don’t select your agent based on the price.  I could come in here today and guess at your home’s value.  You  could list with me, but perhaps I couldn’t sell it.  So whatever you do just don’t select your agent because of price.  It’s your home, Mr. & Mrs. Seller, and we can list it at any price you want to.  I’m going to come back with a CMA (computer market analysis).  I’m going to show you what the market indicates that your home will sell for.  We’ll discuss the offering price at that time.  (Gymbeaux Script:  One of my favorite scripts is:  Mr. & Mrs. Seller, before we even discuss list price, I need to know one thing.  Do you want me to tell you the truth or what you want to hear?  (They always say truth.)  Great, you will know I am telling you the truth when you start to feel uncomfortable with what I am telling you about the market.  It really doesn’t matter what I think your property is worth, what your neighbors or family think it is worth or even what you think it is worth.  The only thing that matters is what the MARKET thinks your property is worth; wouldn’t you agree?)

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret. http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html From Pages 79-80.   With Thanksgiving upon us, I was hoping to find something in Michael’s book that might be applicable.  I kid you not when I say I opened to the book to page 169 and there it was; like just waiting for me and hopefully you as well.  Remember that your brain does not understand the concept of sarcasm, joking, or statement of self-pity.  It only programs the words and works them to pass.  People’s lives reflect what they say, whether it is about themselves or others.  Our heart, soul, and mind move in the direction of the attitude we create.  Take some time to dwell on that one…..  I remember the first time my wife and I took this seriously and created affirmations on index cards (below):


THE GENIUS OF JOE TYE; NEVER FEAR; NEVER QUIT; EXPECT A MIRACLE!  Rule #3:  Fear Is A Prison From Which Action Wins Freedom!  “Fear is a prison.  It will no more keep frightening things out of your life than the Great Wall kept Mongol invaders out of China.  But it can destroy your freedom of action so effectively that you can’t do the things that could prevent what you fear from happening.  POSITIVE THINKING IS WORKING FOR SOMTHING AND BELIEVING THAT IT WILL HAPPEN.  WISHFUL THINKING IS WAITING FOR SOMETHING AND HOPING THAT IT WILL HAPPEN. http://www.sparkstore.com/success-motivation-book-cd-nfnq.html

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  Ballerinas are always on their toes. Why don't they just get taller ballerinas?

SPEAKING OF AMBUGUITY:  Whose cruel idea was it for the word “lisp” to have “s” in it? 

UNDENIABLE TRUTHS:  Was learning cursive really necessary? 

3 WAYS TO GET YOUR PROSPECTING LETTERS OPENED by Marte Cliff  http://ymlp.com/zqMyqC

THE POWER OF THANK YOU, by Jon Gordon.    How appropriate for Thanksgiving week.  http://www.jongordon.com/positive-tip-power-of-thank-you.html

NUDGE, WHAT MIGHT YOU BE MISSING OUT ON.  I don’t know anything about this program; it does seem worthy of checking into because you can use it to post information on your listings and sales.  http://getnudgeapp.com/agents  Here is a link from Facebook as an example:  http://getnudgeapp.com/users/6981/reports/17297

By Wes Hopper

"Take on difficulties while they are still easy.  Do great things while they are still small.  The sage does not attempt anything very big, and thus achieves greatness.
Tao Te Ching
The two biggest mistakes that I see people make in their goal setting for their life are goals that are too small, and goals that are too big.

It's easy to see the problem with too small goals. You're never challenged to reach them, you never have to change, and so you never really transform your life.

The problem with goals that are too big is more subtle. All the books seem to tell you that you have to have great big exciting and impossible-seeming goals to get ahead. Shouldn't we have great big goals?

Like all great wisdom, the devil is in the details. You see, we can't work on great big goals - because they're too big! It's like trying to eat an elephant and we don't even know where to start.

We have to follow the sage advice of the Tao and do great things by doing small things. If your goal is to build a house, you start small. You draw plans, then survey the land, then dig a foundation,
then pour the concrete, and so forth. One manageable task at a time.

As the Tao says, we achieve greatness by doing small things that we can achieve, every day, day after day, rather than overwhelming ourselves with giant goals.

By doing small things, the problems that come up are likely to be small problems. We "take on difficulties while they are still easy."

One task, one problem, one solution at a time, we put the pieces together and build something great.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

All the best, Wes

@DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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