Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Newsletter for the Week Ending November 30

This online newsletter normally begins with an interesting quote.  This newsletter begins with a link to a video that would do everyone, including you-know-who, a world of good if they would start every day by watching and learning from it, Enjoy The Ride:

QUOTE"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it."  Jordan Belfort,   Wes Hopper continues it by saying:  (Therefore) The secret of success is very simple. People who succeed are the ones who don't buy the bull**** story.  Gymbeaux Question:  Just how much bull**** are you selling to others expecting them to buy it consciously or unconsciously?  Hmmmmmmmmm?

BOOK RECOMMENDATION:  Parenting the QBQ Way (Expanded Edition).  How to Be an Outstanding Parent and Raise Great Kids Unsing the Power of Personal Accountability written by John G. Miller author of “QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, and Karen G. Miller.  Why is this such a great book to read?  You WILL find yourself on page after page in the book when certain situations are described and then followed by how some people, probably not you) would have responded to their children.  I know I was on every page clearly demonstrating how NOT to react.  If you can’t learn something from Miller’s book, you are not paying attention.  www.QBQ.com.  I would highly recommend following Miller on Facebook and Twitter.

SECOND BOOK RECOMMENDATION:  SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING, AN HOUR A DAY by Dave Evans.  This is not a book you read.  It is a book you both STUDY and WORK.  I initially bought it to share info from via this weekly newsletter but that is not going to happen.  It is a study of Social Media as it was and as it has developed.  The initial chapters are following lessons you perform about a hour each day.  The end of the book as a workbook where you keep up with your progress.  Social Media is here and has become a dominant part of our individual marketing or at least should be.  You could do nothing and let Social Media pass you by as about 80% of your contemporaries will do or you can become part of the 20% who lead the market instead of following it by working through this book.  I am finding this book very fascinating and my intent it to work through it to promote my new book www.RealEstateLagniappe.com

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  LISTING PRESENTATION – PRICING.  “The time to understand the verbiage in the Agreement to Purchase is when the blanks are not filled in.  That’s why we will review the blank contract together tonight.  Once the blanks are filled, Mr. & Mrs. Seller, your eyes will most likely be drawn to one place.  I’ve circled it here.  The sales price.  Prepare now for the fact that no matter what that number is, (in most cases) it will not be enough at the moment.  (Gymbeaux Note:  also, it may be more than what the bottom line will be when you read the rest of the Agreement to Purchase. And if there are any  questions regarding the Agreement to Purchase you are always encouraged to seek legal advice but now is the time to do it not after we receive the first Agreement to Purchase.)

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret. http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html From Pages 79-80.   From page 168:  AFFIR – WHAT?  That’s affir-mation.  An affirmation is simply a statement we make to ourselves which we want our left brain to program into our subconscious (mind) which uses it to facilitate our life.  Ralpf Waldo Emerson said, “A man becomes what he thinks about most of the time.”  Whatever you put in is what you get out.  When we dwell on thoughts or speak out about situations in other people’s lives or our own, we are automatically programming our mind.  It doesn’t know the difference.  When we way negative things about another person, we plant those seeds right back in our own garden.  Remember the old saying, “When you point a figure at someone, you have nine pointing back at you.”  Think negative and your mind says, “Ok, no problem.”  Think about good and positive things and your mind says, “Ok, no problem.”  It’s the law of reciprocation.  Give and it shall be given unto you.  That law works with your money, your time, your love, your ideas and your words (Gymbeaux addition, it also works in your golf game, seriously).  With every word that comes out of your mouth (Gymbeaux note:  and also the words you think but do not say). 
THE GENIUS OF JOE TYE; NEVER FEAR; NEVER QUIT; EXPECT A MIRACLE!  Rule #4:  Any Harm Violence Can Do, Fear Can (Also) Do.  Fear, you see, can’t hurt you by itself, because it’s not even real.  It needs a weapon, and the weapon fear most often wields is panic.  Panic is simply an unreasoned reaction to fear.  More often than not, panic is not only an inappropriate reaction; it actually causes the very thing of which you are afraid.  UNDERSTAND YOUR FEAR, BUT NEVER SURRENDER TO IT. THE FIRST BACKWARD STEP CAN CAUSE A DOWNWARD SPIRAL OF PANIC, RETREAT AND FAILURE.  http://www.sparkstore.com/success-motivation-book-cd-nfnq.html

AN AMERICAN ICON IN AUDIO AND VIDEO:  The Edmund Fitzgerald will never be forgotten primarily because of Gordon Lightfoot’s rendention of The Emund Fitzgerald.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgI8bta-7aw&feature=related  Can’t help but wonder if a similar song will be written and sung about Bengazi?  Outght to!

GOT GRATITUDE?  MY THANKSGIVING BINGE by Tommy Newberry.  I have favorite authors and Tommy Newberry is one of them.  I sent his Thanksgiving email to everyone but wanted to repeat it here just in case someone reading this may have missed  it;  http://www.tommynewberry.com/got-gratitude/

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  Why in a country of free speech, are there phone bills?

SPEAKING OF AMBUGUITY:  Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?

UNDENIABLE TRUTHS:  Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. 

SOMETHING FOR TODAY’S WORLD:  “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”  John F. Kennedy

DID YOU KNOW; HEAT MAPS, PASSIVE AD AVOIDENCE.  The practice of sitting within view or earshot of an ad but effectively ignoring it.  This has been documented by Jakob Nielsen and others through visualizations by using eye movement detection devices, maps of eye movement during page scans showing that most consumers now know where to look and not look.  Taken from the book Social Media Marketing, An Hour A Day by Dave Evans.  Try it yourself.  Look at any printed page in a magazine or page on the internet and see for yourself – you tend to NOT look at the ads on the page; imagine that.  Now look at your own web pages/blogs/flyers/advertisements.  What do you see and what do you NOT see if you were the consumer.  The key is “if you were the consumer”.  I have found that when agents create their own ads they make them look like THEY (the agent) thinks makes for a great presentation, NOT from the eyes of the consumer.  Are your ads/web pages/flyers actually working?  How do you know?  Are you sure?  Why not ask a non-real estate person to review them for you for their first impression.  Remember, you only have a couple of seconds to make a favorable first impression.  Hmmmmm.  Who would have thunk it?

HAVE YOU PROGRESSSED SINCED THE THIRD GRADE? by Jeffrey Gitomer.  (Gymbeaux Note:  I totally agree with Gitomer (as I usually do but in this case I think he left  out one extremely important factor in his article – the skill of listening.  The problem as I see it with my real estate agents is that they fail to listen.  They are formulating their next spoken words while the customer is speaking.  The mind cannot do two things at one time; in this case hear what is being said while you are thinking of a response.  Another great article by the King, my definition, not his.) http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NNiITG8GX2TA%3D%3D

NOW THAT’S SALESMANSHIP, from www.SalesDog.com.  I have been doing hiring interviews for a very long time.  I think this fellow would have impressed even me, the critic.  But when you read this, ask yourself what would have been your first impression.  Then in your mind modify the story to where the job applicant started off by Why Should He Consider The Company HE is interviewing with.  Would that make a difference by knowing he has researched you and then do the self promotion showing why the company should hire him?  Just asking.  There is a capper for every “first face-to-face” interview that has literally become a lost art and that is the art of HAND WRITING THANK YOU NOTES for the privilege of having the interview.  When was the last time you hand wrote a thank you note card?  When was the last time you received on?  When you did, how did it make you feel?  In most cases, appreciated.  If that is true, why would you not get into the habit of hand writing note cards everyday?   http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2012/sales_training_nl0600.htm#newsletter

UPGRADING TO WINDOWS 8:  I recently upgraded my home desktop and my notebook to Windows 8.  I usually upgrade when a new version of Windows is released.  This time I discovered two things.  My desktop has only 3 MG of RAM.  That is the internal memory that helps programs to run efficiently and quickly.  Apparently uploading the new Windows 8 too my desktop to its extremes in regards to running programs.  When I used the Internet to conduct an analysis of my desktop it was suggested I upgrade to 8 MG of RAM.  I ordered the parts but have not as yet received them.  Going from 3 to 8 is about $110.00.  I weighted that over purchasing replacement computer.  Hope I made the right decision, only time will tell.  Just be careful if you decided to upgrade.  Know what your present computer's limitations might be.  By the way, I received numerous suggestions to buy an Apple Computer just so you know.

EMBROIDERED LOGO SHIRT FROM WWW.QUEENSBORO.COM FOR ONLY .99 CENTS.  Check it out.  Don’t think this offer will last long.  http://www.queensboro.com/promo/RT2B1

By Wes Hopper

"Personally I find it fascinating that there are these invisible little memes that I allowed to be implanted in my mind which continue to impact how I think and behave today.
And I've passed them on to my kids."
Wayne Dyer

What is a meme? It's an idea, a belief, that impacts our behavior automatically. When we catch one of these ideas it acts like a mind virus and not only affects us but spreads to others.

We get lots of them as kids. I learned that money was scarce, jobs were precious and work was not pleasant but it was necessary. That was what I heard around the kitchen table.

So that was what I went out and experienced. It wasn't until much later that I found out that I could deeply enjoy what I do, and that it was all right to do that!

Memes control what we think we can do, and what we think we can't do. Memes are at the root of every excuse we have for not getting what we want out of life.

And here's something to really think about - memes are the reason for almost everything you fear! The fear of speaking up, the fear of trying something new, the fear of failure, the fear of public speaking, the fear of leaving a "secure job" that you hate - all of these fears are the result of your believing lies about the consequences of doing something new; lies that were planted in your mind like a virus.

So question every excuse that you use. Most of them are not true.  Then do something you fear to do. When you survive (and you will) you will have drained the power from that meme.

Catch yourself with your excuses and see them for what they are.  Old idea viruses.

You don't have to fear them any more.

All the best, Wes

@DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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