Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Newsletter for the Week Ending November 16

QUOTE:  You can only sell poop pudding once!” Advertising Wizzard Darby O'Brien

VETERANS DAY SPECIAL:  Thank you Stacey Chehardy for this on Veterans Day video:  God bless the Flag Man - God bless those that he honors.  Dustin’s parents took care of him for 18 years, and then he went into the Army.  His rank on the date of his death was Private First Class. He was 19.  http://www.youtube.com/embed/TNJ9umv10EM?feature=player_detailpage

BOOK RECOMMENDATION:  How Do You Kill 11 Million People?  By Andy Andrews.  This book can be read in about 15 minutes and is so powerful.  Several generations have no idea what happened up to and including World War II.  Everyone ought to read this book and when you do, I can almost guarantee you that you will look upon world events through a much clearer lens.  History has, does and can repeat itself.  http://www.11millionvotes.com/

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  LISTING PRESENTATION – EXPLAIN MARKETING CONTINUED (from last several weeks’ newsletters which is archived on the blog):  “Let’s say you have three apples and they’re all 65 cents; then most people will choose the BIGGEST apple.  If they are all the same size, but one is all shined up and the others are kind of dusty, they’ll pick the shiny one.  Now that we’ve “right-priced” your house, we just need to add the polish and we’ll be leading the market (instead of chasing it) by selling faster and for more money.”  (Gymbeaux Note:  Check out the Document section on www.SlidellCalendar.com where there is a booklet entitled “Staging Your House For Success!”.  It can and should be customized to include your contact information and change anything you desire to make it uniquely yours.)

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret.  http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html From Pages 79-80.  Because the left brain doesn’t have a conscience, integrity, or even care what is right or wrong, it takes the information of facts that it has and now makes decisions based on the new database.  Most (captive” soldiers were strong enough mentally to overcome these procedures (brainwashing), but some would sympathize with the enemy and give in.  A good illustration occurs when people lie about something.  Scientists have found they tend to glance to the left (people, not the scientists in case you-know-who is reading this).  The left brain, our ego, is lying because it wants something or is trying to hide something and the right brain, our conscience, is saying, “Hey, you lied.”  We respond to the controversy by looking to our right brain, which controls the left side of the body.  Hence the glance to the left saying, “Shut up, right brain, I’m trying to lie.”  (Gymbeaux Note:  If you have ever watched “The Mentalist”, Patrick Jane’s ability to tell when someone is not telling the truth is not that far from reality.  In fact, I was privileged to sit in a class taught by the FBI on this very subject.  It was scary just how the FBI agent could tell when someone he just met was not being truthful.)

THE GENIUS OF JOE TYE; NEVER FEAR; NEVER QUIT; EXPECT A MIRACLE!  Rule #2:  Fear Attacks Only Weakness, So Confront It with Strength!   Fear is a coward and a liar.  It wants to see you weak, because only then can it be strong.  From page 17:  “To conquer this cowardly liar (fear), you must confront it with strength and determination, and with the facts and the hope that it wishes to hide from you in the fog of despair.  Do not listen to fear.  ATTACK IT!”   http://www.sparkstore.com/success-motivation-book-cd-nfnq.html

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  I make my own water - two glasses of H, one glass of O.   

SPEAKING OF AMBUGUITY:  If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

UNDENIABLE TRUTHS:  How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? 

DALE CARNEGIE COURSE SKILLS FOR SUCCESS.  This is an 8 week course being held in Gulfport on Thursday March 14, from 4 to 7, every Thursday.  It features:  Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking; Human Relations & Communication; Presentation Skills; Leadership Development; Managing Stress & Worry; Attitude Control; Memory Training; and, Goals & Visioning.  Thank you to Michelle Fradella for this information.   For more information and registration go to:  http://mississippi.dalecarnegie.com/events/dale_carnegie_course/

10 TIPS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH ENERGY VAMPIRES (EV), by Jon Gordon.  Suggestion.  Read this article so you will be more aware of when someone is trying to tell you that you are an Energy Vampire by them taking one or more of the 10 tips towards you.  http://www.jongordon.com/positive-tip-energy-vampires.html

By Wes Hopper

"No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of cooperation.
Orison Swett Marden

Gymbeaux Note:  Each Independent Contractor REALTOR is also an employer of sorts.  As such you are employing YOURSELF so do not be put off by the term “employer” in this quote.

One of the biggest problems that small businesses have is the problem of competition. Actually, competition isn't the problem, but belief in competition is!

Belief in competition causes businesses to focus on other businesses instead of the customer. It leads businesses to cut prices (Gymbeaux Note:  certainly not you) rather than add value. It's a race to the bottom.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Is that your objective?  In my opinion the biggest problem is that most real estate agents have fail to identify their own and their company’s “points of difference” that when put together clearly demonstrates to customers you are worth every penny of what you charge.  If you don’t believe you are worth it why would a customer?)

It leads organizations like our local Chamber to do stupid things like prohibiting my good friend Connie and I from being in the same networking group because we were "competitors".

Ha! In that same 2 year period she was my single biggest source of leads. I took my entire networking group to one of her seminars. Pretty funny for competitors.

We both are in the sales training business, but with very different material. Like our quote says, cooperation can be the secret of success. The customer benefits, and we benefit.

You can benefit immensely by building relationships with related businesses like that. Find them in trade associations, networking groups, trade shows and other gatherings. Build relationships.

Cooperate, don't compete. Provide great value and seek the best for your customer.

That works in personal relationships, too.

All the best, Wes

@DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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