Monday, July 30, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week of August 3, 2012


 QUOTE #1:  “Tactical flexibility is the hallmark of many organizations with a reputation for customer service.  That is, within guidelines, associates are empowered to take whatever action is necessary to serve the customer.”  Gerald A. Michaelson & Steven Michaelson, Sun Tzu, The Art of War for Managers, 50 Strategic Rules.  (Important Gymbeaux Note:  This is truly a great book and the 50 strategic rules would apply to each individual agent’s business as you create and build it.  The overall principle is a mainstay of the Keller Williams Realty belief in that KW “empowers” YOU, the agent, to conduct your business as you see fit, no middle man; it is YOU who are “empowered to take whatever action is necessary to serve the customer.  Imagine that!)
QUOTE #2:  Who can put a price on a satisfied customer and who can figure out the cost of a dissatisfied customer?    The process of stroking ourselves with our own convictions and ignorning the signals can be a spiral that ends in disaster.  Gerald A. Michaelson and Steven Michaelson, Sun Tzu, The Art of War for Managers, 50 Strategic Rules (and good ones they are - Gymbeaux) 

9:00 TO 4:00

Gene Rivers is one of the best trainers you will ever hear!  He is very informative, holds your attention and provides you with information that will enhance your business and your life.  It just doesn't get any better than Gene.  Build a Game Plan that gets referrals.  Equip yourself with a new Wealth Building Strategies.  All attendees will receive a first edition of the new book HOLD.  How to Find, Buy and Rent Houses For Wealth.  Cost for the course only $69.00.  To register go to or call 512-306-6236.  THIS COURSE IS NOT JUST FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS, it applies to everyone.

YOUR  STAR  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  Prospecting – Buyers Want To See Home:  Hi, I’m _______ With Keller Williams Realty Professionals.  I have some buyers in my car we just looed at a home around the neighborhood and they like your neighborhood a lot.  The home we saw didn’t meet their needs.  I was wondering if you would be willing to work with me as a buyer’s agent and let me show your home.  I do need to let you know that my buyers have been pre-qualified for a mortgage.  They need to be in their home within the next six to eight weeks.  Would you be interested in showing your home to a qualified buyer today or are you aware of a neighbor who might be considering selling their home? (Gymbeaux Note:  This is a great script for many reasons (1) it shows that YOU are aggressive in working with your customers; (2), you have a buyer right now, this very minute that has already qualified the neighborhood and is ready to buy; (3) the buyer has already been pre-qualified for a mortgage; (4) you have someone (the owner) that you can add to your database; (5) you might add someone else to your database if the owner gives you a referral to call on; (6) YOU can help the Seller find a new home or refer to agent in another area to work with; and, (7) if the owner is willing to show their home but the buyer is not interested in buying, YOU can show the buyer they need to list with you, because YOU ARE AGGRESSIVE, who wants a non-aggressive agent working for them?  Can you think of any more reasons?  Can you think of any reason you would NOT use this script?  I’ll wait for the answer to that one……) 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, From Page 99:  If I try to build a house without plans, it could get kind of messy.  If I try to build my life without plans, it could get kind of messy.  By the way, did you know that most people, I would guess in the 98% area, spend more time planning their two-week vacation each year then they do planning their whole life?  They do not teach this in school, and you will not hear it on television.  Why is it that some people have all the luck?

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:   He's in a minimum security prison now; he's on a whiffle ball and chain.

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  Would a fly without wings be called a walk?  (Might have to explain that one to you-know-who.)

DOGS ON HOMEOWNERS POLICY:  Just had my homeowner’s policy reviewed and the issue of dogs came up.  First the policy I was considering excluded damages by any dog.  By asking you can get an Animal Liability Endorsement.  The real question is what kind of dog?  Here is what the policy specifically excludes:  Akitas, American Bulldogs, Beaucerons, Caucasian Mountain Dogs, Chow Chows, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Staffordshire Terriers and Wolf hybrids.  Any mixed breed make up of one or more of the breeds listed above is also considered a prohibited breed of dog.   I have had my dog Sophie, a Miniature Schnauzer for about 8 years and she has never even snapped at anyone that I am aware of but she is still an animal and is capable of snapping/biting anyone especially you-know-who.  I asked for and received the Animal Liability Endorsement and would highly recommend advising your customers of the same. It is a lot like Flood Insurance.  You are in Southeast Louisiana.  Some homes REQUIRE Flood Insurance some don’t.  Why would you put yourself at risk by not obtaining Flood Insurance even when it is not required or the sale is all cash?  If you never use the insurance it is a total waste of money except for the peace of mind it offers.  If you use it, it is priceless!

THE INVISIBLE ARTHITECTURE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION by Joe Tye.  If you follow the link and read the article which I hope you do, please keep in mind that in YOUR career, you are really looking at TWO organizations; the one you work AT (example Keller Williams Realty Professionals) and the one you work IN; your own business (example, your real estate business).  This article applies to each.  Keller Williams has core values, example, WI4C2TS; do you have similar core values for your own business?

COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE:  If you intend to list, sell, lease commercial real estate, you really need to schedule yourself to attend as many commercial real estate courses as you can over the next 12 months.  NOMAR offers them quite often.  Commercial real estate, while it “appears” to “look like” residential sales, it is really very different and when you work with other commercial real estate agents, you need to be able to walk the talk and understand the lingo not to mention the specific differences between commercial and residential real estate.  I would also like to point out that the REALTOR® Code of Ethics states that you should work within your field(s) of expertise.  If you make no attempt to learn the commercial side of the business and you end up in court or before the Real Estate Commission, it will be a difficult task to convince the court or investigator that you know commercial real estate when you have little to no training.  Same with property management. 

OFFER “MY LOWES HOME PROFILE” TO YOUR CLIENT BASE:  The service is free.  Check it out at this short video:

SCAM(S) ALERT:  Periodically I receive an EMAIL “supposedly” from the IRS regarding tax refunds.  The IRS has made it clear that they do not send emails to notify citizens.  I would be extremely careful in responding to any email involving the IRS.  Wish I had a nickel for every email I received over the years from Nigeria and the millions of dollars I am missing out on. J   I also receive email from my bank stating there is an issue and they want me to verify my information; also a fraud.  The most effective scam in this regards has been from PayPal.  Received an email and followed the link and it took me to a page that looked exactly like the PayPal home page but it was not.  Sometimes you have to think this would be a great place to live if it weren’t for people; probably should have put that as Quote #3 to this newsletter. J

FOR LEASE/FORSALE SIGNS:  The Graphics Sign Center made Beth Lemonier a stick on For Lease sign to put over the For Sale sign on her yard sign and the St. Clairs made a separate For Lease sign for Cyn Hadley for use on her rental property(s).  Either solution would suffice for the issue of using a For Sale sign with a For Lease rider on “for lease only” listings.

WHEN TELEVISION WAS FUNNY:  Foster Brooks and Don Rickles.

RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS, SO COOL:  Three bear cubs rescued with a little ingenuity.  Thank you Bob Burg ( for this link:

By Wes Hopper

"Until you value yourself, you will not value your time.
Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it."
M. Scott Peck

Most of us have an array of things that we could be doing at any particular time. Some of them are easy, some are fun, some of them are complicated and some of them are just plain hard work.  Did I mention that some of them are important and some are not? 
Which ones do you do first? When no one is looking. 
The reason that I write about this is because it's an issue that I have struggled with every day. I'm sitting here in front of my computer connected to the world, and there's no one looking over my shoulder telling me to get to work.  I have to take responsibility for making the right decisions, and deal with the consequences when I don't. 
In Stephen King's great non-fiction book, "On Writing" he shares the secret to getting his writing done even when no one is watching.  He goes into his writing space under the stairs by 9am each day and he doesn't come out until 2,000 words - about 7 pages - are written. 
His family knows that time is sacred, and unless the house is on fire they don't disturb him. In that way he forces himself to do the important work first. 
I've been applying bits of that to my routine. I go to my work and do 3 chapters of the book that's going on Kindle next. I write this Daily Gratitude in the morning instead of at the end of the day.  I'm adding more and more of my to-do list as I go so that more and more gets done first. I'm retraining myself to remember to value myself so I value my time. 
How about you? Are you treating your time with the respect that it deserves? Are you valuing yourself?  You only have a finite amount of time, you know.  Make the most of it. 
All the best, Wes
The process by which your mind keeps your beliefs and your experience of life in harmony is found on page 12.
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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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