Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending July 20, 2012

QUOTE:  Today may be the first day of the rest of your life, but it is also the day after the last day that you where able to get away with not doing the things you need to be doing.  You know what you need to do.  You need to talk with that inner self to have your inner self hold you accountable to perform the actions that you KNOW you should be doing but may have put aside in the past.  Gymbeaux

LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN:  by Jim "Gymbeaux" Brown.   A little bit of "tough love".  You know you might be an Amateur Real Estate Agent when.....   Check it out at www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.  See if it applies to you, either way, you are described in the Nugget. :-)
YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  Prospecting – Ask For Testimonials:  Hey, I need a testimonial.  My new customers want to know what we do that’s better or different.  Would you mind if I put a few ideas together and sent them over?  You can select a phrase or two, or write your own, sign it, and send it back.  I’d really appreciate your help.  (Gymbeaux Note:  This of course will only work if you actually do something that is “better or different” and you can only insure that by continuing to learn and you can only do that by attending classes and reading books – imagine that!) 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret:  From page 55.  (Gymbeaux Note:  That is what is so cool about What’s The BIG Secret, you can literally go to any page, put your finger on a paragraph and BAM! There is your quote for the week, geeze this is too easy!)  Television, the media, and our educational institutions teach our children they can participate in any activity their left brain (ego) wants to with no consequences.  People crave happiness and fulfillment.  When we take away communication with God (or if you prefer, the Universe), which is the right brain alpha state and the chemicals that are released into the body that bring clarity, sanity, and emotional fulfillment from that state, people, using their survival instinct, will find a way to substitute the normal process of peace with God (or if you prefer the Universe).  They become addicted to the daily temporary fulfillment of drugs, sex for ego gratification instead of marital relationship building, or obsessive compulsive behavior which is a mental addition to some type of hobby, ritual, or lifestyle causing the person to feel depressed, angry, and/or bitter.  I’m guilty.  Sometimes I just need to get away from it all and fish my brains out.”   http://michaelpdunn.org/Success.html 

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: When I was in high school, I got in trouble with my girlfriend's Dad. He said, "I want my daughter back by 8:15." I said, "The middle of August? Cool!"  

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?   

STEPHEN COVEY MAY HAVE PASSED BUT HIS WORK WILL REMAIN FOREVER.  If you have not read his Seven Habits of Highly Successful People you should.  It should be required reading for anyone breathing.  Here is a link to the habits and a testimonial by David Frey on The Most Important Habit of all.  Hope you take the time to read this and Covey’s book:  http://www.marketingblogger.com/2012/most-important-habit/
Bureau (CFPB) issued the long awaited RESPA/TILA harmonization proposal. The proposal, at 1,100 pages, is far more ambitious than simplifying and combining the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) and Truth in Lending (TIL) disclosures given to consumers upon application for a mortgage as the National Association of REALTORS advocated.

The proposal contains many significant changes to the settlement process including combining the HUD-1 Settlement Statement and the final TIL into a single document to be provided by an undetermined party three days before closing. While the CFPB took NAR's advice and provided some exceptions to the mandatory three day waiting period, it remains to be seen if these are adequate to cover the vast majority of last second eventualities that would cause neither buyer nor seller to want to wait three days close but may have to under this proposal.

The proposal is extensive and also contains changes to the APR, changes to what and how items are disclosed, when an initial disclosure must be issued, and myriad other issues. NAR will offer extensive comments.

Comments on the vast majority of the proposal are due November 7, 2012.  The entire 1,100 pages are available for review if you have a desire to read it.  If so, go to the LRA Newsletter where there is a link to the entire document.
11 WAYS TO BUILD TRUST by Jon Gordon.  It must get tiring to hit the nail on the head in every article; Jon Gordon does just that – again.  Rules to live by, eleven of them.  Use a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being that you do NOT do it and 10 being you do it all the time and grade yourself.  You will quickly discover where you need to put focus on your career and relationships.  http://www.jongordon.com/positive-tip-buiild-trust.html

WANT TO HAVE A GREAT REPUTATION, EARN IT!  It always seems to obvious, at least to me, when Jeffrey Gitomer says or writes something that we all should know but so often put on the back-burner of forgetfulness.  I know you know this but I also know you probably either forgot it or you haven’t given it any serious thought.  If you knew your business depended upon this article you would read it.  Trust me – IT DOES!  http://gitomer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5167beaf83e83a6dc363c28c9&id=27cdb096b5&e=0d5919d54b

WHILE YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE GRILLING OUT; ARE YOU SELLING OUT?  Andy Horner lists 8 steps you could (should) be taking now to increase your opportunity of success.  http://gitomer.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=5167beaf83e83a6dc363c28c9&id=8b924a221f&e=0d5919d54b

WHAT’S YOUR BAG?  What does BAG mean?  Excuse the language but it stands for Big Ass Goal.  What is your BAG?  Most people when asked cannot identity the biggest goal in their life.  That is sad.  If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?  What will you do in the next minute if the next minute is not being directed toward achieving your life’s Big Ass Goal?   Joe Tye says it best, “Is what I am about to say or do leading me toward achieving my life’s Big Ass Goal; or will it take me away from achieving it?”  It really is that simple.  Want to be debt free?  Is what I am about to spend leading me to being debt free or not?  Want to provide for your children’s college education?  Is that I am about do say or do, right now, helping me to fund my children’s college education?  What is it that you want in life and what are you doing, right now, to achieve it?  I dare say in most cases, nothing.  I am not being critical but in a very famous study of Harvard Graduates, only 3% had written goals.  20 years later the 3% had more wealth accumulated than the 97% COMBINED!  That was COMBINED!  That means “all together” in case you-know-who is reading this.  So, What’s In YOUR Bag?  Inquiring minds (me) want to know.  When I see you in the hall and I ask you, are you prepared with an answer other than a smart ($%^ answer?  Remember, if you do nothing else than what you are doing now, you probably will be at the same stage in your life five years from now that you are now.  Want to change your future, change what you are doing now. 
AN EXTREMELY VALUALBE LESSON LEARNED JUST THIS WEEK:  See Old Dogs can learn new tricks.  When setting a goal we oftentimes set one that is outside our comfort zone.  The problem is not with the goal but with our mindset towards the goal.  Subconsciously we DO NOT BELIEVE we can achieve the goal even thought we may write it down and repeat it often.  Unless you change the way you talk to yourself, nothing will change and you probably will fall short of achieving the goal you desire.
Let’s say for argument purposes, you want to have $1,000,000 (that’s ONE MILLION for you-know-who) in some time of account that is accessible if you so desire and you want to have it in place within 5 years.  In our real estate industry that would mean you would have to earn about $200,000 a year above and beyond what you currently “need” to survive at a level you have been living.  Is that achievable?  Of course it is yet some will say quietly and to them, “I can’t do that.”  So what good is the written goal if your inner self is telling you that you can’t do it?  Not good at all. 
So here’s the deal folks.  Say to yourself, “I have $1,000,000 in an accessible account (insert the date) and everything I do leads me to that result.  There is nothing keeping me from achieving my goal, NOTHING!”  The second part of that statement it the secret.  You need to convince yourself using the words you say to yourself that your goal is in fact achievable.  You know it is you just need to convince yourself it is otherwise you will not even start the journey.
HAVE TICKETS TO SEE AND HEAR KEIKO MATSUI.  If you have never heard her play, check this out:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8KMZepj7Ao&feature=related

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