Monday, July 9, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending July 13, 2012

QUOTE:  “The ability to learn FASTER than your competitors may soon be the ONLY SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE,” says Arnie DeGeus, head of planning at Royal Dutch Shell.  Please think about what DeGeus said.  In the near future, the only way YOU will be more successful than your competition will be determined by your ability to learn faster than your competitors.  Therefore there is a question to be asked:  What you doing to first become “learning based” and secondly, how are you working towards learning faster than your competition?  Do you have a Learning Plan?  The brutal truth is that most people do not, of course that does not apply to you.  But if this does not open your eyes, nothing will! 

LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN:  As Paul Harvey said, “And now the rest of the story.”  I posted two Nuggets recently.  The first was about the Star Spangled Banner and the flat that forever flew over the fort when Francis Scott Key wrote what eventually became the National Anthem.  The flag flew for reasons that even today people have never heard.  If you read it, you will probably pass it on; it is that impressive.  The second Nugget is kind of personal in nature.  I Earned The Coast Guard Medal by Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown.  Some folks are not going to like this – tuff.  I earned the right to say it as have millions of other veterans. If you can’t tell after reading it, I am a bit upset.  There is no accountability for Supreme Court Justices; NONE!  In fact there is NOTHING SUPREME about any one of them especially when you consider they almost always vote on party lines.  How can that be fair and unbiased?  Just asking. 

KELLER WILLIAMS MEGA CAMP:  September 18-21 in Austin Texas.  The BIG news is that John Maxwell will be the featured speaker.  If you have never heard Maxwell speak, you are missing something very special.  Mega Camp is a fabulous 4 day experience where you can both learn things you can immediately use to grow your business and create life-long relationships with other like-minded Keller Williams agents throughout the country.  It is hard for me to imagine attending and not learning something that would bring you a sale you otherwise would not have made thus repaying you for your INVESTMENT (as compared to COST) to attend.  If you want to really grow your profit tree, invite someone other than Keller Williams agent to go with you and pay their way.  It will come back to you more than you can imagine!  To register and I sincerely hope everyone of you do, go to 

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1945; HISTORY.  It is unfortunate that a great many Americans have very little knowledge of what transpired during and after World War II and how many Americans and its allies gave all and then some.  This video shows the signing of the surrender aboard the battleship Missouri.  Should be watched by everyone. 

IMPORTANT eEDGE INFORMATION:   New checklists.  When you open a loop you have the ability to open the same CheckList that I used to verify compliance.  Each checklist will include a lot more forms that you will probably use but they do contain forms you “may” use.  Some of the forms are marked with an Asterisk (*); these forms are REQUIRED for the specific type of transaction you are creating or continuing.  Your transaction will NOT be 100% completed until all the forms marked with an Asterisk (*) have either been uploaded OR you leave a note indicating why that particular form is not required in this instance. 

When you open a loop, and you also select the checklist, the checklists will remain open throughout the process no matter how many times you or I review the folder.  You can therefore see exactly what has been accepted and what as yet needs work.  When I feel comfortable in doing so I will change the status to Sent to the MCA.  Once the MCA completes the MCA work, the status will be changed again, hopefully to compliance complete.  BUT, if more work is still to be done, example, Buyer/Seller Responses, the MCA will Return the File to the Agent for completion.  When you finish the paperwork you will once again change the status to Submit for Compliance.  Keep watching because more checklists are being developed to cover each type of transaction and separate checklists for Louisiana and Mississippi. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Some agents, certainly not you, are uploading blank forms to eEdge.  I think it is because they want to type out the forms but when you upload them I must review them and that is very time consuming.  BEFORE you send off a transaction for Compliance Review, please insure TWO THINGS:  (1) there are no blank forms included in the upload; and (2) the forms have been uploaded in the correct position meaning not upsidedown or sideways because when they are, it complicates the review process and just adds time to review the documents.  This is compounded when some our right side up, some are sideways and some are upsidedown all in the same upload.  You can imagine……. 

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  Prospecting; Asking for Referrals:  “Your friends are searching for the best service in real estate.  I hope you’ll help them find it by recommending me.  Would you do two things?  Tell your friends about me.  And when one of your friends needs real estate service, pick up the phone and tell me about them.  Would do that for me? 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret:   From page 45:  What’s My Purpose?  Let’s talk about unattainable goals.  Every corporation (except for Keller Williams of course), company, business, club, school, church, or organization teaches us to set attainable goals because, of course, if our goals were unattainable, we would fail.  This is true if you are trying to fulfill other people’s goals.  (Corporations might want to rethink this one – I think Bill Gates already has.)  Everyone has a desire, a thought, or an idea of something that they want to do, but our relatives, friends, schools, television, and the experts have taught us that we can’t do it.  The excuses include, but are not limited to:  not enough money, not enough time, not smart enough, afraid, no one has done it before, too late, I’m too old, I’m too young and on and on.  (How about can’t afford to go to BOLD; when in reality you cannot afford NOT TO.)  Even when we start to think about it, our own minds start to close it out because the thought of maybe being able to have dreams would be too painful if we failed.  Probably the biggest secret and the reason 3% of the people have the wealth and power is they were willing to tap into this area, write it down despite the fears, and supernaturally fulfill their purpose which will always seem unattainable and always, always, always, affect other people. 

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: My school colors were clear. 

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all? 

BOOK RECOMMENDATION:  Sun Tzu, The Art of War for Managers; 50 Strategic Rules.  By Gerald A. Michaelson and Steven Michaelson.  The problem with title and real estate agents is that most agents, certainly not you, do not consider themselves as managers but that is exactly what you are – managers of your own business.  Every real estate agent is an independent contractor but also the President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Vice President in charge of Marketing and Advertising, Chief Accounting Officer, etc, etc. etc.  If you think of yourself as managing your business, this book should be considered a MUST READ!  Every book has some meat within its pages, this book has RED MEAT on every page.  Page after page of items to improve your business based on the military strategies of Sun Tzu written some 2300 years ago.  The lead quote on this newsletter was taken from the book. 



TODAY I WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE, included in a weekly Ezine by Dr. Tom Hill, Eagle Institute and personal friend and mentor.  MAKE THIS YOUR DAILY PLAN! 

This is a terrific message - read this every morning for 30 days - do it when you first wake up - it will make a difference - Tom) 

Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference. 

I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference. 

I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble... . I will get up. It's OK to fail... . I will rise again. Today I will make a difference. 

I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends. 

Today I will make a difference! 

From Shaped by God (original title: On the Anvil)
Copyright (Tyndale House, 1985, 2002) Max Lucado

BORDER CONTROL:  From John Barada: 

Uhhhh, folks, you MUST watch this.  One world order?  Maybe on the comedy channel.

This is tooooooo much.  Although, they probably are watching MSNBC and CNN thinking the same thing.   Daily border closing. Perhaps this is how we should close our Southern Border. There is a fence, so all we need is a gate.  

This is both fascinating and hysterical.  This Is how the border between India and Pakistan is closed every evening!!

This is not a Monty Python comedy skit, but it does resemble one.

Keep in mind that each of these countries have nuclear weapons... 

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