Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Friday June 29, 2012


Saw this awesome message/design on Facebook page of one of my heroes, Dr. Dr Nido R Qubein. Dr. Qubein is currently President of High Point University in North Carolina. A Lebanese immigrant to the U.S. knowing not a word of English upon his arrival, he became, through study, hard work and entrepreneurship, a hugely successful entrepreneur. He then became a professional speaker and author of numerous books (I believe I've read most all of them). Doesn't surprise me at all that a bookcase filled with books and spelling out READ would be posted on his page. Thank you for all you've done for so many people, Nido!  Gymbeaux Note:  I want that book case!

THE PAPER AIRPLANE From: Michael McMillan  NOTE:  My typical newsletter format has always started with the quote of the week (my choice).  This week there are two articles that appear before the quote, the one from Bob Burg and this one included in the weekly ezine from Dr. Tom Hill, another very good friend and mentor.  This video is one you should want to share with your family, especially the kids.  What a great video, don’t take my word for it, watch it at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QODh5s3XKJE 

QUOTE:  "My suggestion is to keep questioning your beliefs. Keep asking questions, and then ask some more questions. If something doesn't seem to be right, if it doesn't seem to be logical, then findpeople who might know the answers and ask them."  Bob Burg  www.BobBurg.com 

KELLER WILLIAMS MEGA CAMP:  September 18-21 in Austin Texas.  The BIG news is that John Maxwell will be the featured speaker.  If you have never heard Maxwell speak, you are missing something very special.  Mega Camp is a fabulous 4 day experience where you can both learn things you can immediately use to grow your business and create life-long relationships with other like-minded Keller Williams agents throughout the country.  It is hard for me to imagine attending and not learning something that would bring you a sale you otherwise would not have made thus repaying you for your INVESTMENT (as compared to COST) to attend.  If you want to really grow your profit tree, invite someone other than Keller Williams agent to go with you and pay their way.  It will come back to you more than you can imagine!  To register and I sincerely hope everyone of you do, go to http://www.kw.com/eventReg/secure/user/GetEvent.do?eventId=3135 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret: http://readforachange.com  From page 149 regarding Journals.  "Keeping a journal is something corporations, professional athletic teams, entrepreneurs, and 3%'s claim is a necessity.  Even though they might not call it a journal, they all use some type of written record to keep up with progress and set goals so their subconscious brain can retrieve all necessary information needed to accomplish the task it has been handed."  Gymbeaux Note:  Gary Keller calls it his "Spiral Notebook", (creative thought).  He inserts a starting date on the cover and then uses the notebooks to record all his thoughts, ideas, goals, notes from classes and books, literally everything.  When the notebook is completely filled he inserts an ending date and files it with all of his completed spiral notebooks.  The information is there literally forever as a resource.  What are you doing to preserve your information? 

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: I Xeroxed a mirror. Now I have an extra Xerox machine.   

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?   

I WISH MY FIRST REAL ESTATE BROKER HAD TAUGHT ME….. by Marte Cliff.  Been saying this for as long as I have been in the business; hope you all were listening.  If not you can read what you missed by clicking here:  http://ymlp.com/zOcGyJ
GOALS REVISITED:  MET AND UNMET.  WHY YOU DON’T.  AND WHAT TO DO! By Jeffrey Gitomer.  One of the reasons people do not have goals is the word itself.  The word “Goal” hinders success like a cross scares off werewolves.  Read what Jeffrey Gitomer has to say on the subject and begin achieving what you both need and want to achieve but AFTER you do an analysis of your present situation.  Good stuff!  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NfySDzNHdZuw%3D%3D
WORKING FOR A BIGGER PURPOSE:   By Jon Gordon.  This is a classic from Gordon.  He talks about how each of can make a difference, big or small.  I personally like to think that the biggest difference maker in the world DOES like lie, just beneath our noses YOUR SMILE.  Because of an illness back in the 90’s, I am unable to smile but I have learned you can also smile with the nod of your head and everyone has a smile in their eyes as well.  Read this short article and tell me you cannot make a HUGE difference in the world.  http://www.jongordon.com/positive-tip-bigger-purpose.html
10 GOOD (GREAT) REASONS TO KEEP A JOURNAL (DIARY/DAILY LOG/WAS HAPPEN’G NOW?) by Joe Tye, (added the words in the parens).  This really is a a very good way to start and end your day.  Read what you did yesterday, write down what you did today especially your little and large successes.  You can build on success; don’t dwell on the small failures.  http://tinyurl.com/77rpyvs
WANT TO ADD DRAMA TO YOUR LIFE, PUSH THE DRAMA BUTTON IN BELGIUIM:  http://www.youtube.com/v/316AzLYfAzw%26autoplay%3d1%26rel%3d0   Would you have pushed it?  Well would you?

THIS WEEK’S HUMOR:  How to tick off a frog.  http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=db5ed59e2e&view=att&th=13821a8d7e764fb

THE QUESTION OF TRUST, post by Darren Hardy, editor of Success Magazine.  Darren asks a very interesting question as to how your customers will think of you in 3 years.  Try the experiment yourself.  As a side note, Darren was the person who interviewed me and put it on CD two years ago, appeared with Jeffrey Gitomer and Zig Ziglar, would like to think “3 of a kind” J  http://darrenhardy.success.com/2012/06/the-question-of-trust/  Thank you Michelle Fradella for sending this link along for others to learn from.


  1. Gymbeaux, what a great honor to be mentioned by you in your publication, and in such a kind and complimentary way. Thank you so very much!!

  2. Great stuff Jm! I really enjoy reading your newsletters. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.


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