Jerri Candebat
Stephanie McElroy
Homer Simpson
LISTING FORMS AND SALES FORMS CLASSES SET: If you have not attended a class on using the Listing Forms and/or the Sales Forms, you need to attend these two classes. Listing Forms Friday, June 22, 2:00 until about 3:30. Sales Forms Tuesday, June 26, 2:00 until about 4:00. If you HAVE attended these classes you are strongly encouraged to attend again to add your experience and input to the class for newer agents.
September 18-21 in Austin Texas.
The BIG news is that John
Maxwell will be the featured speaker.
If you have never heard Maxwell speak, you are missing something very
special. Mega Camp is a fabulous 4 day
experience where you can both learn things you can immediately use to grow your
business and create life-long relationships with other like-minded Keller
Williams agents throughout the country.
It is hard for me to imagine attending and not learning something that
would bring you a sale you otherwise would not have made thus repaying you for
your INVESTMENT (as compared to COST) to attend. If you want to really grow your profit tree,
invite someone other than Keller Williams agent to go with you and pay their
way. It will come back to you more than
you can imagine! To register and I
sincerely hope everyone of you do, go to http://www.kw.com/eventReg/secure/user/GetEvent.do?eventId=3135
WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret: EAGLES WINGS from page 71. Written by Debbie Lemacher: An eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks. The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. What can we learn from this? We all experience difficulties, even an occasional failure. Use the situation to rise above it. http://readforachange.com
FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: I have a hobby. I have the world's largest
collection of sea shells. I keep it scattered on beaches all over the world.
Maybe you've seen some of it.
What if there were no hypothetical
questions? I may have to explain that to
you-know-who. J
Go to www.TinyUrl.com and enter your long domain name (URL) and it
shortens it. See the link in the next
article by Joe Tye, The domain name was
shortened to http://tinyurl.com/8yzm3rv from a real domain name that was at least 3 lines long. Especially valuable for entries on sites like
Twitter where you are limited to just 140 characters on your posts.
A must read; it applies to everyone.
Getting a stone to smile. When
you read this, and I hope you do, remember the Gratitude Stone, if you don’t know what a Gratitude Stone is, see Paulena and she will give you one. http://tinyurl.com/8yzm3rv
We have been fine tuning the Amendment to the Listing Agreement over the
past several weeks and unfortunately have posted the amendment with a few
errors in it. The Amendment dated June
15 is the correct Amendment and it has been posted to www.SlidellCalendar.com as well as our new Beta Intranet
Site and a copy has been put in the Rental Forms Binder and replaced in the
rental forms at the front desk. Please
dispose of all older versions of the forms.
MOLD AND MILDEW FORM: The provision contained in the Louisiana Real
Estate Commission’s Agreement to Purchase regarding Mold and Mildew is
considered to accomplish the same goal as the Mold and Mildew Form that has
been used since Hurricane Katrina.
Therefore the form has been discontinued and removed the Slidell
Calendar, the Beta Intranet Site and the Forms binder. Please dispose of all the forms as they are
no longer needed/required.
By Jeffrey Gitomer. Everyone should be in a Mastermind
Group. The group should consist of no
more than 5 (including yourself). Other
than that, Gitomer puts forth an excellent description of what a Mastermind
Group would look like and do in order to be effective. This should be a must read for everyone even
if you are currently in a Mastermind Group. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NBogUalVhToQ%3D%3D
AMAZING VIDEO OF CAT AND SEVERAL DOLPHINS, well worth your time to watch
it. http://www.slothster.com/2352-Cat-On-Boat-Plays-With-Dolphins.html
is a simple way to remind yourself.
Signup for www.Plaxo.com (free). You can schedule and
send yourself an email (as I do) the day before the appointment or meeting date
so you should never forget an important date again.
"Most people
have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all
of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives."
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
How can
we get the most done if we have a lot of competing projects that all want our
Most of us allow ourselves to jump from one task to another, get distracted by
phone calls, emails
and visitors, and find we have not gotten much done at all.
So here's how to change that. Set aside blocks of time for each task. Recent research shows that 90 minute blocks are the best, so get as close to that as you can. Then shut the door, turn off the phone, and focus! Get as much done as you can, take a ten minute break, and do the same thing on the next task. Repeat as required. If you get interrupted, get back to your task as soon as possible without starting on another task.
This is important, because the biggest reason that so many of us get so little done is because of the interruptions that redirect our efforts.
I struggle with the "shiny object syndrome" of distractions on my computer screen. My challenge is self discipline.
Yours may be different; having a process for work helps. Some writers/bloggers have a time that they go sit and write, and they won't allow themselves to do anything else in that time - even if no inspiration comes! They just sit.
That takes discipline, but it works.
Find what works for you.
All the best, Wes
Learn the only proven process for reprogramming your mind for success. You'll learn why it's so hard to change your mind, choose your purpose and achieve your goals. Then, you'll do it!
Follow @DailyGratitude_ on Twitter
Not a subscriber? Get your own issue every week day.
So here's how to change that. Set aside blocks of time for each task. Recent research shows that 90 minute blocks are the best, so get as close to that as you can. Then shut the door, turn off the phone, and focus! Get as much done as you can, take a ten minute break, and do the same thing on the next task. Repeat as required. If you get interrupted, get back to your task as soon as possible without starting on another task.
This is important, because the biggest reason that so many of us get so little done is because of the interruptions that redirect our efforts.
I struggle with the "shiny object syndrome" of distractions on my computer screen. My challenge is self discipline.
Yours may be different; having a process for work helps. Some writers/bloggers have a time that they go sit and write, and they won't allow themselves to do anything else in that time - even if no inspiration comes! They just sit.
That takes discipline, but it works.
Find what works for you.
All the best, Wes
Learn the only proven process for reprogramming your mind for success. You'll learn why it's so hard to change your mind, choose your purpose and achieve your goals. Then, you'll do it!
Follow @DailyGratitude_ on Twitter
Not a subscriber? Get your own issue every week day.
Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380
Imagine EACH task you want to
accomplish as a circle with half of the circle as yet to be completed; like a
“U”with an opening at the top. Now imagine all of the partial circles on a
piece of paper. Looking at 3, 6, 10, or 12 half completed circles would be
demoralizing when you can literally SEE
all of your half completed projects. Using the principles Wes Hopper describes
above, your first task ought to be to prioritize your projects from MOSTimportant and timely to LEASTimportant and not timely. Then
one-by-one, starting with the MOST
important, time-block enough time (days) to complete your most important and
time sensitive project – COMPLETE THE
CIRCLE. Then begin on partially completed circle #2, then #3 and so on.
Obviously as new demands arise, you may have to reorganize your partially
completed circles. Your objective should be to remove as many uncompleted tasks
(circles) as possible in the shortest period of time. This will remove from
your conscious or unconscious life your worry about the things you know you
have to do but have not as yet done. Then step back and look at all the
“completed” circles on your paper – it WILL
give you a great feeling of accomplishment.
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