Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Dec 21

TRIBUTE TO ZIG ZIGLAR:  Over the years this newsletter has posted a lot of quotes, videos, links to valuable and interesting articles but this link may be the best yet.  It is a tribute to my mentor for more than 30 years - Zig Ziglar.  You cannot read, watch and/or listen to Zig without coming away different than when you first started to read, watch or listen.  See for yourself in this short video tribute to a giant:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtrZCvmhzOs

QUOTE"Your personal values are vitally important to your ability to be a remarkable leader. However, if you are leading from inside an organization, whether as a volunteer, Scout leader, a first-line supervisor, a vice president, or the CEO, you must also consider the values of the organization. If your values don't match those of your company or organization (whether they are stated or culturally embedded), you won't be happy or successful."
- Kevin Eikenberry: Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time

SOMETHING TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY IF NOT YEAR:  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150373441113934

YOUR  STA˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  www.StarPower.com.  LISTING PRESENTATION – PRICING; Buyers buy by Comparison:  Buyers buy by comparison.  When they enter your house, chances are they have seen three or four homes with similar features and amenities.  They are practically experts on market value in your price range.  They will make offers on or buy the home that offers the most for their money.  If we want our (your) home to sell before the competition then we must be more aggressive with our pricing than the competition.  Does that make sense to you?   (Gymbeaux Note:  Note that in this script both “house” and “home” had been used.  I changed the word “home” to read “house” when talking about the Seller’s House vs. Home and “Home” when talking about what the buyer will buy.  The word “house” is a hard, impersonal word; it is a structure whereas “home” is warm and fuzzy brings up memories.  You want the seller to think of their home as a commodity, a house.  You want the buyer to think of a house as a home, warm and fuzzy where they will build their dreams.)

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret. Pages 88/89, suggest you look at the graphs following these pages in the book.  Special Note:  This was written in 2002; see if you think it applies to today especially in light of what happened this past week in Connecticut.  “…We talked earlier about compulsory education in American which began in the 1920’s.  Children were no longer taught to think.  They were taught to learn.  Learn whatever the government decided they needed to know.  Most of the curriculum was left brain (Beta phase) based.  It is analytical and objective which forces the students to exercise left brain activity such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.  You know 2+2=4. (Gymbeaux Note: - Stay within the lines.)  Left brain thinkers use little creativity, imagination, and show little or no initiative.  Because of this, left brain thinkers are easily led by whatever information they are programmed with through schools, the media, and other sources of external stimuli.  Scientist believe that 70% of the children who enter schools today are right brain thinkers, but most become left brain thinkers by the time they reach the second grade.  A perfect example of what happens in the human mind when we spend most of or all of our time in the left brain (Beta phase) happened in 1962.  Right brain (Alpha phase) was removed from schools.  The left brain (Beta phase) of millions of children was now free to be guided by television, media, and their own ego.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Contrary to a lot of studies (probably created by Hollywood) that indicate that the violence in movies and television have no effect on children, I believe it does.  How can you subject your mind, especially the subconscious mind, to a constant barrage of violence on television and in the movies without it leaving some effect on young (and old) minds?  Maybe you can but personally I think not.  If you want to watch violence, watch the cartoons that our children watch; they may be the most violent of all.  The garbage on television and in the movies desensitizes minds and cheapens the value of life.  Want proof; just watch the news.)  
THE GENIUS OF JOE TYE; NEVER FEAR; NEVER QUIT; EXPECT A MIRACLE!  Rule #7:  FEAR GETS LOST IN THE BIG PICTURE.  As long as your are still breathing, you haven’t lost everything.     http://www.sparkstore.com/success-motivation-book-cd-nfnq.html

THE WORLD OF RODNEY DANGERFIELD:   It's tough to stay married.  My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass! 

UNDENIABLE TRUTHS:  You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

AND THEN THE COACH SAID:  "Gentlemen, it is better to have died a small boy........than to fumble THIS football.”  John Heisman 

SOMETHING FOR TODAY’S WORLD:  The Blue Dot by Carl Sagan.  Sure hope everyone takes a moment to watch this.  It puts a great deal into its proper perspective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wupToqz1e2g&feature=share

AN AMERICAN ICON IN AUDIO AND VIDEO:  For those of you who have never had the opportunity to watch Archie Bunker, here you go.  This will make you laugh, it might even make you cry.  Can’t imagine Archie being on the politically correct television these days.  https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/13b953773d5dc358

GO WITH YOUR GUT!  Here’s proof that being alert is essential to our business.  http://realtormag.realtor.org/daily-news/2012/12/17/man-charged-plotting-attack-real-estate-agents 

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU HIT A “ROAD CLOSED” SIGN by Joe Tye.  Joe hits the nail on the head once again.  http://tinyurl.com/a226fo8

WHAT WILL THEY COME UP WITH NEXT?  Check out this piece of gear making your iPhone a big screen projector:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PprANK2RWdw

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE WEB SITE?  Check out www.Plaxo.com.  You have two choices, you can subscribe to the FREE Plaxo or the PAID Plaxo; both are excellent.  I use Plaxo to maintain an email database but more importantly, I use it to send out E-Cards on special occasions and specifically on birthdays?  How many birthday cards do I send out?  About 8 cards per day, 7 days a week.  You can use the pre-developed post cards or you can create your own as I do.  You can use the pre-determined text or you can create your own as I do.  How do you get everyone’s birthday?  You use Plaxo to send out an email and ask them for it.  Then Plaxo notifies you about 7 days prior to upcoming birthdays so you will not miss one.  Most of the people who will read this probably have received such an E-Card from me; most more than one.

WHAT IS YOUR BFG?  Click here to find out:  http://www.jongordon.com/positive-tip-your-bfg.html

HUD PILOT PROGRAM; (If you know who is reading this, pilot means experimental program not flight school).  In Illinois, Georgia and Indiana, because home values are on the increased, HUD is experimenting with listing homes at 105% of the appraised value.  In some areas HUD is receiving as many as 30 offers on HUD listed homes.  HUD feels that they are leaving money on the table by listing them at the appraised value only to have the home increase in value by the time it goes to act of sale.  Therefore, if a buyer offers more than the appraised value and finances the home using FHA financing, the buyer will have to bring the difference to the closing table between the sales price, the appraised value and down payment made.  If the home is financed using conventional financing, appraisals will continue to be "real time" meaning that a buyer would get a new appraisal to support the conventional financing and hopefully the more recent appraised value would cover the sales price of the property.  Homes listed at 105% of the appraised value will be identified in the MLS listings but again, so far this is ONLY in Illinois, Georgia and Indiana.

WES HOPPER ON THE SECRET OF GREATNESS.  I found this Daily Gratitude Email very interesting and true.  Initially I found myself pursuing what others THOUGHT I should pursue and hated it.  I was fortunate to almost be forced in a different direction and found myself in the U. S. Coast Guard which I knew nothing about or even heard about in 1965.  Merely by accident or divine intervention, I loved it.  Not once did anyone ever direct me towards real estate as a career.  I would like to say my interest in real estate was something natural and that I had a passion for; I didn’t.  I had a very bad experience with the purchase of our first home and said it would never happen again so I took real estate courses.  That led to becoming a real estate broker for the past 33 years and once again I loved it.  I doubt that most people grow up wanting to become a REALTOR® so I would have to believe that most make that choice as a real choice in their life.  I believe most REALTORS® begin their real estate careers with the passion Hopper discuses below.  I also believe that at times they lose sight of their passion and desires and it simply needs to be rekindled.  Rekindling that passion was easy for me; it occurred every time I would “sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide the keys to a purchasers new home across the closing table.”  If you are not excited about pursuing your chosen passion, what would it take?  Find it and pursue it.  You owe it to yourself.


"There is no greatness without a passion to be great, whether it's the aspiration of an athlete or an artist, a scientist, a parent (REALTOR®) or a businessman."
Tony Robbins
How do most of us choose the career we select as young adults?  It's true that we usually select something that we like, or think we like, but we're usually choosing from a list that represents what some other people feel are "the appropriate choices."

It's rare that we're encouraged to go within and see what sets our heart on fire! Those kinds of choices would be "impractical" or "idealistic."

So we end up doing something that doesn't inspire us with a passion to be great, and so great we are not. We get by, and we look elsewhere for that inner excitement.

Let's change that. Look around you and ask yourself - if you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?

What would it take to get you from where you are to that place?

Just imagine how that would feel. Visualize yourself in that position and having that kind of a day.

As our quote says, there are no limits. You can be a business person, or an artist. Whatever you want. And you can be the best that you can be.

The secret ingredient is passion! You've got to work, so why not work at something you're passionate about?

It's your choice!

All the best, Wes

@DailyGratitude_ on Twitter

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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