Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Newsletter for the Week Ending May 11

QUOTE:   "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."  Ann Landers   "If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart."   Socrates

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”   From Page 70 (actually you could pick any paragraph from the book and make it noteworthy; the book is that good.)  If we as humans spend all our time in the Beta state trying to get all this stuff done, keeping up with the Jones’, or giving up and living with anxiety, tension, and fear, (which by the way keeps us in the Beta state) we don’t receive what we need to function properly – mentally, physically, socially, or spiritually.  We have no personal direction.  We are like a ship being tossed to and fro by the sea in a storm of life that never seems to slow down or give us a chance.  It’s time to stop!  Slow down so your life can catch up with you.  Right now, right here, come on I’ll show you how.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Michael Dunn DOES show you how throughout this wonderful book.  Read it for yourself.  Buy a copy for your best friends and family.  It is a book that WILL make a difference; ask anyone who has read it.)

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things. 
THE LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN:  What Can We Learn From Korean Air?  By Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown (that would be me).  www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com

PAULENA’S WEEKLY MARKET CENTER UPDATE VIA VIDEO:  Just in case you might have missed it, tune in to the first of the Team Leader’s weekly video Market Center Update posted each Friday:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkTP0S_7HsE&list=PLFCAA853A733E2637&feature=mh_lolz
HOW IMPORTANT IS WRITING?  IT IS THE KEY TO THE LOCKED DOOR OF YOUR SUCCESS!  Written by Jeffrey Gitomer.  This brief article touches on all aspects of writing for success including Youtube Video scripts, LinkedIn articles, etc.  I would suggest that you sign up for Gitomer’s weekly Sales Caffine Newsletter if for no other reason than taking the one question quiz each week.  I am not bragging because I have read all of Gitomer’s books but over the past 3 years I think I have answered all but three of the weekly questions correctly.  Gitomer is a marketing genius, in my opinion, and you would be wise to study his work.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NZbkAyudYAQg%3D%3D

11 HABITS FOR GRADUATES AND YOU:  Very timely article by Jon Gordon.  You are strongly encouraged to read as much Jon Grodon as you can, he is always “right on!” as in this case.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkTP0S_7HsE&list=PLFCAA853A733E2637&feature=mh_lolz
IRRATATING LISTENING HABITS, from www.SalesDog.com.  This is an extremely useful article that mentions how few training classes there are on how to become an effective listener.  The SalesDog people would proud of our Market Center as we HAVE such a course.  Have you ever attended?  Read the article and you may want to consider attending the course a top priority.  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2012/sales_training_nl0575.htm#newsletter

NO FEAR WEBINAR BY JEFFREY GITOMER.  The webinar is designed to teach you to be fearless and achieve your objective at such events as the Chamber Afterhours specifically and networking events in general.  The cost is only $29.00.  May 15th, two different times to register; get more information at:  http://www.gitomer.com/products/Webinar_NoFearNetworking.html
REAL ESTATE CLIENTS WHO DRAIN YOUR ENERGY – IT COULD BE TIME TO FIRE THEM.  Great article by Marti Cliff, Copywriter.  I think we all have come across someone in business that would apply to this article.  How much does it costs to continually work with people who drain your time and energy?  Do you mean if you DO; or if you DON’T?  I have added Ms. Cliff’s blog link to the upper right corner of www.ReadForAChange.com.  All of posted articles are GREAT!  http://ymlp.com/zmM16d

TRULIA OVERHAULS INDUSTRY OFFERINGS.  The changes are suppose to enhance broker/agent services on internet listings on the www.Trulia.com site.  Click here to read the entire announcement: http://corp.truliablog.com


By Joe Tye

Two things happen when you sit down on a thumbtack that's pointed business side up.  First, you become incredibly focused.  At that moment you are not thinking about how annoyed you are with your spouse, the overdue mortgage payment, what you're having for dinner, or anything other than the sudden searing pain in your rear. 

Second, you become incredibly motivated.  No matter how fatigued, stressed out, or lethargic you were when you sat down, you are not going to procrastinate getting back up for a single nanosecond.

That is the power of focused dissatisfaction.  And sitting on a thumbtack is a great metaphor for it.  Learning to tightly focus your dissatisfaction can lead to life-changing results.  Unfortunately, most people scatter their dissatisfaction like dandelion seeds in the wind, with the result that instead of being focused and motivated, they are unproductive and unhappy. 

If you can discipline yourself to be unhappy about - and to complain about - one thing and one thing only, you will have given yourself an almost unstoppable power.  Let's say that the one thing you allow yourself to complain about is the dump of a house you live in (like Jeff Foxworthy's redneck, your house has wheels and your car doesn't). 

Every time you catch yourself starting to complain about something - even if you're just thinking it - you redirect that mental moan toward the one thing you've given yourself permission to be dissatisfied about, in this case the house with wheels.  So a typical inner dialog might go like this: 

I can't believe they're charging eight dollars for a cheeseburger - when I'm in the new house I'm going to grill cheeseburgers every weekend! 

I wish those kids across the street would stop making such a racket - in my new house I'm going to have a silent sanctuary where I can go to meditate and pray. 

Uh-oh, they've delayed my flight by an hour - that will give me a chance to read the book I just checked out from the library on fireplace design. 

If you get into the habit of redirecting every mental complaint - every single one! - toward that one big goal you've given yourself permission to be unhappy about, you will start dreaming at night about ways to fulfill the goal and waking up in the morning with the determination to work toward it. 

Oh, and by the way, you'll serendipitously end up being a much happier and more fulfilled person who is a lot more fun to be around than the one who was always complaining about whatever little annoyance was on your mind.

GYMBEAUX NOTE:  The greatest single tool I have ever been given was given to me by Joe Tye.  It is the Direction-Deflection-Question (DDQ).  It works for anything you want to achieve in life.  You simply ask yourself a question and then follow the direction both your gut and your heart provide:


Think about it, if the answer is YES - say or do it!  If the answer is NO; don't!

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