Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Newsletter for the Week Ending May 25, 2012

QUOTE:  TREADMILLS COULD BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH, JUST ASK WILL SMITH (ACTOR):    "I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked. You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on a treadmill together you are going to get off first or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple. I’m not going to be outworked."  Will Smith 

LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN by Gymbeaux:  Lost In The Travel Section.  www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com 

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT "I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day because that means it's going to be up all night." 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret, http://readforachange.com   From page 147 and closely related to the latest Nugget For The Noggin, Lost In The Travel Section, referred to in this newsletter.  “Don’t let your hurts, depression, or addictions keep you from chasing your goals.  You’ll find that in the passionate pursuit of your goals these hindrances will be stripped from you as a butterfly leaving the cocoon.  Yes, they bound you in the past, but when you begin to pursue your goals, you will literally feel different.  When you fly, the freedom you feel overcomes the pain of the past.”  Amen to that!   

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:   If Man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?  (One of my personal favorites.) 

CRAIG’S LIST AND COMPLIANCE ISSUES (LOUISIANA):  Craig’s List is NOT considered a social media site and it is typically NOT space restrictive.  Meaning that when you place a Craig’s List Advertisement you MUST include all of the State of Louisiana’s required information that will appear on every page of the site.  Specifically: 

Keller Williams Realty Professionals
2053 East Gause Blvd, Ste 100
Slidell, LA  70461 – USA
985-649-6333 – Office
Each Office Independently Owned & Operated
Broker and Associate are licensed by the State of Louisiana

You can include other information about yourself but the above is the minimum required.  Failure to do so could and probably will result in a “cite and fine” by the Commission amounting to $75.00 for a first offense. 

JEFFREY GITOMER GEM ON REJECTION; HE CALLS IT BS! http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3P1TC6xdsjS7Q%3D%3D 

WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT; ACTUALLY I DID.  With the explosion of the social media, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Plaxo, etc, what happens to all the accounts and info when a family member dies.  Sounds goofy but it does present a problem.  Check out this article on “Social Media Wills”; it may clear this subject up a bit:  http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/05/the-social-media-will-an-expert-guide-to-your-digital-afterlife/257112/

LOUISIANA REACHES HIGH RANK EVER IN CEO SURVEY:  Want some good news, read this article about what Chief Executive Officers now think of the State of Louisiana.  Will  raise your spirits:  http://www.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/led-news/news-releases/louisiana-reaches-highest-rank-ever-in-ceo-survey.aspx

CREATE A URL FOR YOUR PHOTO:  Ever try to upload a photograph only to discover it asks for a URL from which to pull the photo?  It is a roadblock to what you want to accomplish.  Here is a free site where you can create a URL address for the photo you want to upload.  Not quite self explanatory but it does work.
MLS DUES RENEWAL is fast approach, please plan ahead.  The dues are due on or before June 30, 2012.  You will be considered delinquent after July 31 and should that happen for anyone in the Market Center there is only one option, returning the license to the state because it is quite probable that MLS access will be terminated for the entire Market Center if not paid.

QUADRENNIAL ETHICS TRAINING DEADLINE FAST APPROACHING.  December 31, 2012 is the deadline for completing your National Association of REALTORS Quadrennial Ethics Training.  It is not offered that often in classroom settings, what for announcements.  You CAN, however, take the course ONLINE at www.Realtor.org.  I took it online and it was a great course.  You must have proof of completion in order to renew your Board Dues January 1, 2013.
HOME PRICES RISE IN HALF U.S. CITIES AS HOME PRICES STABILIZE; report: http://tinyurl.com/chcdxwx  
COMPUTER KEYBOARD WITH BUILT IN SCANNER; Here is a Wal-Mart link to the keyboard I purchased.  I don't remember where I bought it, might have been Office Depot or Best Buy.  I really like the scanner and makes signing documents very easy  http://tinyurl.com/c5fjklq   
GREAT EZINE BY MARTE CLIFF.  I have been reading and following the writings of Marte Cliff and they are both very good and very informative.  I highly recommend that you check her out at: http://activerain.com/blogs/copybymarte
PERSONAL SECURITY APP:  Provided by Yvette Sehon-Caitore.  Titled Guardly, this is the fastest way to contact family, friends, 911 when you are in danger and help them to reach AND locate you.  I typed in Guardly in my App Store and easily found it.  The download is free.  Beyond that I am not certain as to how it works.  Seems like it would be a “natural” for REALTORS meeting customers for the first time.  Check it out.  There were two other programs, one called Bluelight and the second called Safestreet ($19.95 a month).  I could not find either one on my App Store, if you do, please let me know and I’ll spread the word.
SHORT SALES AND FORECLOSURES.  What Buyer’s Representatives Need To Know.  CE class June 7th at New Orleans Metropolitan Association of REALTORS. Fee Schedule: $135.00.  Course Credit: 1 day, counts as 1 REBAC elective credit toward ABR, earns 1 GRI credit, earns credit towards SFR certification, and 8 hours of CE  Go to:  http://www.larealtors.org/calendar/EventDetail.asp?CompanyID=LAR&ScheduleID=1891 For more information and to register.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MINOR LAPSE OF INTEGRITY:  The following is a daily Gratitude message from Wes Hopper.  It is so true.  The message refers to Peer Pressure as one of the major cause of a lapse of integrity.  We in real estate are also faced with opportunities to violate our integrity because of the amounts of money that can be made on any one real estate transaction.  No commission is worth forfeiting your reputation and integrity.  The “I” in WI4C2TS stands for Integrity – do the right thing; to which I always add, especially when no one is watching. The “Golden Rule” is never MORE prevalent than in the real estate business.  Do unto others as you would have done unto you.  Use Joe Tye’s Direction-Deflection-Question and ask yourself, 


By Wes Hopper 

"There is no such thing as a minor lapse of integrity"
Tom Peters

I know that all of us would like to think that we speak and act with integrity in our lives.  But as I follow the news and read about people, I see that it's more difficult to stay in integrity than we think.

What is it that makes us prone to slip in this area? It seems to me that  there is one major thing towatch for.  Peer pressure. The desire to be accepted and liked by our group. 

We can start with the best intentions and yet find that we're soon telling little lies to fit in.  We agree with things we don't really agree with. We don't object to behavior that we really should object to. 

It's hard to back out of these patterns so we rationalize our decisions to feel better.  But what happens if we're suddenly confronted by a BIG issue?
In case you missed the announcement a while back, the collected 2011 Daily Gratitude Messages, all 263 pages of them, are now available. As my thanks for getting the ebook, you'll get a powerful chapter from James Allen's classic, "As A Man Thinketh" too!  These collections make a great reference for inspiration when you need it, too!
There have been several cases in the news in the United States recently, all involving child abuse and all revealing a pattern of group cover up of the crimes rather than concern for the victims. 

"How could that happen?" we ask ourselves, and we believe that we would never do that!  But we might be wrong, you know. It all starts with the little things. 

So here's the challenge for all of us, today and every day. 

Can we go through the day without even a minor lapse of integrity? Can we determine to tell and act our truth, no matter who agrees or not?  Catching ourselves in the act is the first step to full authenticity in our lives. 

With a little practice we can learn to be gentle and non judgmental about our decisions. We don't have to make anyone wrong, we just have to stick to our truth.  Live, act and speak with integrity. 

All the best, Wes (Hopper) 

Follow @DailyGratitude on Twitter 

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Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

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