Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending May 18

QUOTE:  On solving problems:  "If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem."  Jiddu Krishnamurti (writer).  "Every problem contains the seeds of its own solution."  Stanley Arnold (writer)  Gymbeaux Note:  “Seek not to know all the answers but rather understand the questions.”  Cain from the TV Series Kung Fu 

LATEST NUGGET, IS IT TRUE?  By Gymbeaux.  www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com 

GREAT NEWS FOR THE SLIDELL AREA:  Two more tenants have signed agreements in the yet to be built Summit on I-10 in Slidell.  The following companies have committed to the development the article did not indicate when the construction will start other than soon (sure wish I could say that Slidell would finally have a first class bookstore but not yet): 

·       Ulta Beauty (latest signee)
·       PetSmart (latest signee)
·       Dick’s Sporting Goods
·       Best Buy
·       TJ Max
·       Michael’s
·       Versona Accessories
·       Rack Room Shoes 

SAD NEWS:  With the good news there was also some sad news.  According to the Slidell Independent, the State plan to cut the budget means that K-Bar-B may close after 40 years.  The K-Bar-B was the site for our participation in Red Day in 2011. 

ARE YOU READING THE KELLER WILLIAMS OFFICIAL BLOG?  Check it out at http://blog.kw.com/ 

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  I have an answering machine in my car. It says, "I'm home now, but leave a message and I'll call when I'm out." 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret?”  From Page 97. On the subject of creating WRITTEN GOALS.  “In the Yale graduating class of 1953, 3 percent had specific goals that were written down.  Twenty years later they went back andsurveyed the same graduates and found that not only were the 3% happier andmore fulfilled, but they were also worth more monetarily than the other 97% put  together.  Why? Well, when they met their original goals they went back and marked themoff and wrote new ones.  Their minds(their own personal computers) work to make it happen.”  www.MichaelPDunn.org

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:   Atheism is a Non-Prophet Organization.  (This one may need to be explained to You-Know-Who.) 

TRULY AN AMAZING VIDEO THAT NEEDS TO BE SHARED WITH EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY THE KIDS IN YOUR LIFE:  http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xHkq1edcbk4?rel=0  \ 

ANOTHER AMAZING POSITIVE VIDEO FROM SEATLE’S CHILDREN HOSPITAL.  Please watch and pass on to your family especially your children.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihGCj5mfCk8 

5 QUICK TIPS FOR MORE EFFECTIVE QUESTIONING:  From www.SalesDog.com a great site to subscribe to.  Particularly like the Phrases that need to be retired.  I would add “Roll Out”, “Next Level” and my personal all time favorite, “You Know”.  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2012/sales_training_nl0576.htm#newsletter 

A WORD TO THE WISE SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT, EXCEPT FOR MAYBE YOU-KNOW-WHO:  This is a great article and clearly demonstrates how an innocent act could turn into a disaster by not thinking it through.  http://activerain.com/blogsview/3241564/a-listing-agent-s-dollar-mistake 

CUSTOMIZED QR CODES:  Thank you David McLaughlin for this very interesting web link.  You can create a QR code and link it to whatever you desire and you can also insert in the center of the Code a word(s) or even a graphic.  Yes there is a cost but it is certainly a way to “brand” your QR codes.  http://www.qrlicious.com/ 

IF YOU HAVE NEVER FAILED, YOU HAVE NEVER LIVED!  Very short video that defines perseverance:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tjYoKCBYag&feature=youtube_gdata_player 

THANK YOU THURSDAY:  From Jon Gordon.  Check out http://www.thankyouthursday.org  Take time to be thankful for someone you know.  But then again, you don’t just have to do it on Thursdays.

LINKS TO LIFE ENHANCING RESOURCES FROM JOE TYE:  Amazing things.  http://tinyurl.com/c5dkzoq 

BRICK WALLS:  By Joe Tye (my hero and mentor) Sometimes, as Randy Pausch said, brick walls are there to make you prove how much you want something.  And sometimes they are there to alert you that you are on the wrong path in life.  The challenge is often discerning what sort of wall you have just smashed into, and then facing down your fears and doing what you must do - which is the point of today's Promise from The Self-Empowerment Pledge:  I will do the things I'm afraid to do but which I know should be done.  Sometimes this will mean asking for help to do that which I cannot do by myself.  Read the rest of Joe Tye’s Spark Plug Ezine at:  http://goo.gl/GCfQT
TEARING DOWN BRICKWALLS.  Watching this video may cause you to look at your brick walls a little differently.  Amazing!  http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/05/14/theres-always-hope-family-of-disabled-child-who-walked-for-marine-dad-speaks-out-takes-on-new-york-city/
14 SIMPLE STRATEGIES TO BE POSITIVE, by Jon Gordon.  Simple but extremely effective.  Remember, people rain on other people’s parades because they don’t have a parade themselves.  Jeffrey Gitomer.   Don’t let others rain on your parade.  http://www.jongordon.com/positivetip-14-strategies.html
KEEPING AN EYE ON YOUR COMPETITION by Marte Cliff.  Good advice in this ezine that I think you will want to consider.  Just remember, it IS important what your competition is doing but the ONLY person you are truly in competition with is yourself.  Are YOU striving to be THE BEST you can be.  Use Joe Tye’s Direction-Deflection-Question:  Is what I am about to say or do leading me to become the best I can be?  Answer:  Following the link to Marte Cliff – YES; DO IT. http://ymlp.com/zR2EKe
DID YOU KNOW?  There are 128 files in the PRODUCTIVITY section of www.SlidellCalendar.com that contain some very remarkable material to help you with your business.  Success leaves clues (Tony Robbins) and these articles, spreadsheets, etc are clues that are not difficult to find.  Have you read any of them lately?  Read….for a change!
TWO FREE BOOKS:  WALKING, LIVING, LEARNING! An Adventure In Personal & Professional Development by Al Argo.  LIMITED TIME ONLY FROM THE AUTHOR:  This is a FREE Download from Amazon to Kindles BUT you can also download a Kindle Reader program to your computer and read this on your computer if you do not have a Kindle.  You need to download the Kindle Reader BEFORE you attempt to download the book at:  www.Amazon.com/KindleForPc.  Then download the book at:  http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Adventure-Professional-Development-ebook/dp/B005D5Y6YS/ref=zg_bs_154949011_1   Also FREE; WRITING YOUR BOOK by Dan Poynter.  http://www.amazon.com/Writing-Your-Book-ebook/dp/B007VP66Z0/ref=sr_1_6?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1336974086&sr=1-6  THESE TWO SITES MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN PULLED FROM THE INTERNET

NEW REALTOR.COM® TV CHANNEL TO REACH 55 MILLION HOMES.  Read the article on the latest venture into getting listings on the “on demand” cable channels.  http://www.eetimes.com/electronics-products/electronic-product-releases/electro-mechanical/4372900/New-Realtor-com-TV-Channel-to-Reach-55-Million-Households
PERSONALLY SETTING A GOAL FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE.  Want to accomplish something special?  Set yourself up to where everyone will be watching just what you do, or not!  www.RealEstateLagniappe.com

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