QUOTE: "The rubber meets the road between your ears, not beneath your feet." Gymbeaux
THOUGHT OF THE DAY/MAYBE THE YEAR: The Secret Service scandal was discovered when a disagreement on how much a prostitute wanted for her services came to light. She wanted $800.00. The Secret Service Agent offered $30.00. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?
FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT: I bought a house on a one-way dead-end road. I don't know how I got there.
WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s The BIG Secret, http://readforachange.com From Page 69: "Remember the last time you had a good laugh. When you finished, you felt relaxed and exhilarated. When we laugh, the muscles we use cause hormones to be released which make us feel a sense of rejuvenation. Basically we drug ourselves. ... Studies have been done in mental institutions where mental patients who were on drugs for depression were made to smile and look at the ceiling several times a day for a few minutes because it increased mental clarity. They were able to lower the doses of drugs and in some cases stop taking drugs altogether. Try it. Smile and stare at the ceiling for 10 minutes. You look foolish but it feels great. Ok, I just did it, after 2 minutes I felt an exhilarating change in my body. After 4 minutes my mouth and shoulders got sore. Guess I am not smiling enough."
SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY: The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
IMPORTANT REPEAT OF CRAIG’S LIST AND COMPLIANCE ISSUES (LOUISIANA): Craig’s List is NOT considered a social media site and it is typically NOT space restrictive. Meaning that when you place a Craig’s List Advertisement you MUST include all of the State of Louisiana’s required information that will appear on every page of the site. Specifically:
Keller Williams Realty Professionals
2053 East Gause Blvd, Ste 100
Slidell, LA 70461 – USA
985-649-6333 – Office
Each Office Independently Owned & Operated
Broker and Associate are licensed by the State of Louisiana
You can include other information about yourself but the above is the minimum required. Failure to do so could and probably will result in a “cite and fine” by the Commission amounting to $75.00 for a first offense.
MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION TO ASK A POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: ARE YOU WORKING WITH AN AGENT? Just about every issue BETWEEN agents as to who has a right or expectation to work with a potential customer can be resolved BEFORE it becomes an issue if you ask: ARE YOU WORKING WITH AN AGENT? If the answer is YES, you have the right to ask more questions to ascertain if the relationship is current and/or desired. “When was the last time you had contact with (other agent)? Are you happy with the service you have received? Did you sign a Buyer Agency Agreement/Listing Agreement with the (other agent)?” Once you determine if the relationship is current or desirable, you can proceed either by entering into an agreement the customer or strongly suggesting that the customer contact the agent he or she is working with.
13 WAYS TO MAKE IDEA GENERATING A DAILY HABIT by Kerry Jones. I particularly like #1. Have you ever had an idea only to have it “firehosed” by others at the table? For a definition on “firehosing” read the post immediately below this one. This is really a great article to read. Ask yourself, how do I measure up with the 13 ways: http://www.blueglass.com/blog/how-to-generate-ideas/
FIREHOSING: Ever heard of the term? “Firehosing is what David Brandt and I (Bob Kriegel), (Gymbeaux Note: I call it that as well) in our book, Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers, call that response. A firehose dampens people’s enthusiasm, douses their spark and kills creativity. In other words it just plain puts out the fire, killing excitement and motivation. Firehosing is not a legitimate dissent. It’s an automatic response that effectively ends conversation. Genuine differences of opinion extend the dialogue, hosing stops it and you dead in your tracks. Below are some of the more common firehoses.” Read the 15 Killer Phrases and see how many you have heard or unfortunately may have used with the key word being “used” like in the past but not in the future.
THE SECRET TO GETTING ALL THE REFERRALS YOU EVER HOPED FOR, by Jeffrey Gitomer, the title says it all; now it’s up to you. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3ME3B0qWXLMRw%3D%3D