Monday, February 24, 2014

Blessed Beyond Measure

Blessed Beyond Measure, A look into an exceptional life and an invitation to exceptional living! by Tom Hill in Conversation with Russell Stuart Irwin
By Dr. Tom Hill

Date Review Posted:  February 2014
Authors:  Tom Hill
Release Date:  2013
Web Site:
Video Message:  This is a video message from Dr. Tom Hill regarding his weekly Ezine published every Friday.

  CCCCC  (A case could be made that I would only review the best of the best because if while reading a book it does not hold my interest, I would not finish it and therefore would not review it.)

Format:  Quite different that I have ever read.  It is a mix between a life lived, a travel log, and lessons learned.  It goes from present day back in time and then back to present day and then back in time.  Very interesting concept.

Reason For Reading THIS book:  I have known Dr. Tom Hill and his wife Betty for over 20 years so when he published his book there was no question I was going to read it which I did.  However, you don't need to know Dr. Hill to appreciate his life, his teachings, and his books (there are now three, Living at the Summit; Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneurs Soul; and now Blessed Beyond Measure and I have read them all).

Number Of Times I Have Read This Book:  So far only once and can guarantee you that there will be more.

Brief Summary of Content:   Before I provide you with a brief summary, consider this taken from the Forward of the Book written by John O'Leary ( 

"Blessed Beyond Measure unites Tom's purpose to make a profound and positive difference in as many lives as possible with his own life story proving the benefit of what he teaches.  Many authors eloquently talk the talk, but Dr. Tom Hill boldly walks the walk.  This book is his road map to guide the rest of us forward with him."

"Read this book for enjoyment.  You will e blessed immeasurably by the wow and wonder of Tom's story and the humor and profundity of his storytelling.  Read this book for instruction.  You will hurdle over excuses active in your life.  Read this book to imagine a life of even greater significance than you'd dreamed.  Read this book to discern how you can change the world through your life."

"Blessed Beyond Measure will inspire you through the incredible life of Dr. Tom Hill.  Even more importantly, after reading this book you'll be inspired and equipped to start soaring in your own life."  John O'Leary

In the interest of full disclosure, my personal relationship with Dr. Hill began in the early 1990's and therefore I am well aware of the development of his story from the point where he purchased RE/MAX Dixie Region.  I worked for Dr. Tom for a couple of years and they were some of the best years of my life.  One cannot help but learn from him both in his teachings but more importantly in the way he leads his life by example and you can't teach that in schools.  I was fortunate to experience it firsthand.  But that experience in no way leads to a biased review of the book.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned from it as I am confident you will as well.

What is the book about?  It is a biography of Dr. Tom Hill's life.  It is a travel log with vivid descriptions of his travels and the parts of his life that lead to where he is today.  It is an inspirational novel that takes the lessons learned and how they helped him to become the absolute success he has become.

This book is an example of "do as I say AND do as I DID!"  While there are many lessons to be taken from this book and his life the one that stands out the most is his willingness to take the giant leap from where he was to where it wants to be based solely on the knowledge that he knew what he wanted and where he wanted to go and that he also knew that he possessed the deep perseverance and dedication to his desires and goals to see it through.

I have watched and admired him as he went from a Regional Director of a real estate company to a nationally known and respected motivational (somehow that word just doesn't seem to fit) presenter (as compared to speaker).  He has always gotten involved and up close with his students (as compared to audience).  He has also always developed his presentations to fit the needs of his students.

This is a great book and a great story well worth the read because with a little planning it could become your story as well.

Who Should Read the Book?    A success story like this one should be read by everyone.  The people who I believe would get the most out reading/studying this book would be teenagers.  But as evidenced by Dr. Tom's own story, you are never too old to go after what it is you want.  So the book really applies to everyone.

Final Test:  Would I read the book again?  ABSOLUTELY AND I AM!  Would I give it as a gift?  ABSOLUTELY; and I am!

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