Thursday, August 23, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending August 24

QUOTE: “Tomorrow changes only as a result of what you do today.  Either we take the lead and discipline ourselves or life will at some point step in and play the role of disciplinarian for us.”  Tommy Newberry  Author of The 4:8 Principle among others (all are great Gymbeaux)

DISCIPLINE YOURSELF-BECOMING A WORLD CLASS SUCCESS:  by Tommy Newberry  This is a great article that everyone should read and heed about securing your own successful future.

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  TAKING CONTROL:  If you want to know the market value of your property, I can do one of two things.  If you are strictly calling for the price, we can give you the name of a couple of fee appraisers with whom I have built a relationship.  They will come out and appraise the property for a fee for you.  I can also at the same time send you out information on comparable homes from the computer.  If you want to put your home on the market, then I encourage you to come into the office and discuss the process of selling your home with me.  Would you like an appraiser or an appointment? 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret, From page 83:  A salesman says, “I’m not going to sell anything today.  It’s raining and I’m wearing my ugly shirt.”  That day, even if someone wants to buy something from him, he’ll find a reason to blow it.  On the other hand if he says, “I am a (lean, mean) selling machine!” and someone wants to buy, then the sale will get done.  He will even sell to some people who didn’t want to buy anything because they become enchanted with his desires, passion, and energy.  Now there is a chance he won’t sell anything, but if he even gets close to making a deal, he’ll get the sale.  Success happens when preparation meets opportunity.  

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:   There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. 

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? 

NEVER DISPAIR:  Short and sweet article by Joe Tye.  You can download a great poster on the Hope Diamond from the link. 

WHAT THE MIND CAN THINK OF:  This is an amazing video on someone’s hobby that kind of went overboard.  The details and activity are amazing.  You have seen model railroading, this is about model airplanes at a model modern airport.  Your kids would love it.  After a while you think you are watching a real airport: 

FALL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE EXPO:  So you want to get involved in Commercial Real Estate.  Here is your opportunity to learn more about it and rub elbows with Commercial Agents from all over the State.  September 19/20, in Shreveport, LA.  You can earn 1 GRI credit just by attending.  There will be several classes offered with up to 14 Hours of CE Credit.  To check out specific information and register, go to: 

THE YING AND YANG OF SOUL AND EGO, great article by Joe Tye on the inner struggles we all face every day: 

THIS WEEK’S HUMOR:  This has been in the newsletter in the past but it just never gets old.  Dare you to listen without laughing. 

ATM SAFETY:  Nothing is safe anymore.  Thieves are installing devices OVER the existing card slots that look exactly like the card slots so that when you insert your card, the phony device can read your card.  It is recommended that when you use an ATM to examine the card slot to make certain it is part of the machine and not an add-on device.  Thieves are also installed micro-cameras on the ATM devices to read your pass code when you enter it.  It is suggested that when you enter your pin number to cover the key pad with one had as you enter the pin number with the other.  It was also suggested that you use ATM machines located inside banks whenever possible even though there is no guarantee those devices will not have been tampered with.  

TRY GOING IN REVERSE by Marte Cliff:  It IS all about becoming an effective LISTENER.  This is a great article about the value of really listening, not only to your customers but to everyone around you.  When you get the chance, take the Market Center course on Listening when it is on the schedule. 

WORTH REMEMBERING:  Don’t feel bad when people only remember you when they need you.  Feel privileged you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness.  Author Unknown.

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