Monday, August 27, 2012

QUOTE: “Hope for the best; prepare for the worst!” (English Proverb)  Given that Isaac is bearing down on Southern Louisiana and Southern Mississippi it would be fantastic  advice.  Hoping that this newsletter, posted a bit early due to the storm, finds you and your families safe now, during and after Isaac visits; an unwelcomed guest to say the least. 

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON: LISTING PRESENTATION, EXPLAIN MARKETING:  I may not be the person that sells your home, but I most assuredly will be the REASON it sells.  I’m going to do a marketing booklet, brochure and internet presence that will actually market your home on paper and on the Internet.  I won’t be present for every showing because many times the agents won’t want me there with their buyers so they can speak freely.  But I’m going to put everything down on paper and the Internet that will tell people and agents why they should buy your home.  I’m going to do all I can to equip every agent that shows your home with everything they need to sell your home.  

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret, From page 147:  Don’t let your hurts, depression, or addictions keep you from chasing your goals.  You’ll find that in the passionate pursuit of your goals these hindrances will be stripped from you as a butterfly leaving the cocoon.  Yes, they bound you in the past, but when you begin to pursue your goals (fly), you will literally feel different.  When you fly, the freedom you feel overcomes the pain of the past.  The less you weigh – the higher you fly.  You can’t change your past, but you can immediately change your future by setting goals at the end of this book to get out of debt, hang out with people who don’t weight you down, and give your time and spiritual energy to your future instead of dwelling on the past.  Remember.  The less you weigh spiritually, the higher you fly.  Simply dump the garbage, grow up, and get over it.   

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:   How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there? 

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  If the police arrest a Mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? 

WHATEVER HOLDS OUR ATTENTION MOLDS OUR INTENTION:  The title alone makes this worth reading.  A great article from Tommy Newberry.  If you want to read a great book, read Newberry’s The 4:8 Principle.  It is on the bookshelf in the Market Center. 

A DECK OF CARD:  I promise you that you will enjoy this video. 

SEA TURTLES….AND DISTRACTIONS THAT LEAD US IN THE WRONG DIRECTION by Jon Gordon.  Great analogy; hopefully Gordon is not talking about you. 


I am your constant companion.
I’m your greatest helper, or your greatest burden.
I will push you onward, or drag you down to failure.
I’m at your command.

Half of the tasks that you do,
You might just as well turn over to me and
I’ll do them quickly and correctly.
I’m easily managed.

You must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
And after a few lessons, I’ll do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people and,
Alas, of all failures as well.

Those who are great, I have made great.
And those who are failures, I have made failures.
I’m not a machine but I work with all the
Precision of a machine plus the intelligence of

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin,
It makes no difference to me.
Just take me, train me, be firm with me
And I’ll lay the work at your feet.
But you be easy with me and I’ll destroy you.

Who am I?

Email me your answer to Who am I? to  I’ll let you know if you are right or send you the answer.


"We can't have real courage without fear.
To know what we are, we must first know what we are not."
Rev Karen Rice
Did you know that we're born with only two fears - the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises? Every other one is something that we picked up along the way in our life. 

Sometimes we're not even aware of what we've learned, but we sure know what fear feels like when it shows up. So let's learn to deal with it. 

One of the side benefits of pushing ourselves into work that is outside of our comfortable familiar zone is that sooner or later fear will show up. This is good. 

We feel these emotions that cause us to ask, "Am I good enough for this? Am I way over my head? How can I ever pull this off? Am I going to embarrass myself, crash and burn in public?" 

Every fear is a question about what you are. When you feel questions like these coming up for you; read today's quote again. This is your chance to decide what you are not. 

Am I incompetent? Am I unprepared? Am I a quitter? Your fear is a lying emotion urging you to say Yes, and quit. But you can look that fear in the eye and declare, "No! That is not what I am." 

Each fear has a corresponding positive choice that you can make.  Look at the fear and deny it, then affirm for yourself the flip side of the fear - the positive statement. 

"I'm smart! I'm prepared! I'm creative! I never quit! People are happy to help me!" Find the right statements that match your fears and keep them handy. Repeat them until you believe them. 

People have known and taught about the power of denials and affirmations for a long time, because they work! This process allows you to create your statements to match the fear that comes up for you. 

Fear is not a sign that you're doing something wrong, it's a sign that you're out of your comfort zone and growing. 

Don't stop! 

All the best, Wes 

Follow @DailyGratitude_ on Twitter 

Not a subscriber? Get your own issue every weekday. 

Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending August 24

QUOTE: “Tomorrow changes only as a result of what you do today.  Either we take the lead and discipline ourselves or life will at some point step in and play the role of disciplinarian for us.”  Tommy Newberry  Author of The 4:8 Principle among others (all are great Gymbeaux)

DISCIPLINE YOURSELF-BECOMING A WORLD CLASS SUCCESS:  by Tommy Newberry  This is a great article that everyone should read and heed about securing your own successful future.

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  TAKING CONTROL:  If you want to know the market value of your property, I can do one of two things.  If you are strictly calling for the price, we can give you the name of a couple of fee appraisers with whom I have built a relationship.  They will come out and appraise the property for a fee for you.  I can also at the same time send you out information on comparable homes from the computer.  If you want to put your home on the market, then I encourage you to come into the office and discuss the process of selling your home with me.  Would you like an appraiser or an appointment? 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret, From page 83:  A salesman says, “I’m not going to sell anything today.  It’s raining and I’m wearing my ugly shirt.”  That day, even if someone wants to buy something from him, he’ll find a reason to blow it.  On the other hand if he says, “I am a (lean, mean) selling machine!” and someone wants to buy, then the sale will get done.  He will even sell to some people who didn’t want to buy anything because they become enchanted with his desires, passion, and energy.  Now there is a chance he won’t sell anything, but if he even gets close to making a deal, he’ll get the sale.  Success happens when preparation meets opportunity.  

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:   There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. 

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY:  Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? 

NEVER DISPAIR:  Short and sweet article by Joe Tye.  You can download a great poster on the Hope Diamond from the link. 

WHAT THE MIND CAN THINK OF:  This is an amazing video on someone’s hobby that kind of went overboard.  The details and activity are amazing.  You have seen model railroading, this is about model airplanes at a model modern airport.  Your kids would love it.  After a while you think you are watching a real airport: 

FALL COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE EXPO:  So you want to get involved in Commercial Real Estate.  Here is your opportunity to learn more about it and rub elbows with Commercial Agents from all over the State.  September 19/20, in Shreveport, LA.  You can earn 1 GRI credit just by attending.  There will be several classes offered with up to 14 Hours of CE Credit.  To check out specific information and register, go to: 

THE YING AND YANG OF SOUL AND EGO, great article by Joe Tye on the inner struggles we all face every day: 

THIS WEEK’S HUMOR:  This has been in the newsletter in the past but it just never gets old.  Dare you to listen without laughing. 

ATM SAFETY:  Nothing is safe anymore.  Thieves are installing devices OVER the existing card slots that look exactly like the card slots so that when you insert your card, the phony device can read your card.  It is recommended that when you use an ATM to examine the card slot to make certain it is part of the machine and not an add-on device.  Thieves are also installed micro-cameras on the ATM devices to read your pass code when you enter it.  It is suggested that when you enter your pin number to cover the key pad with one had as you enter the pin number with the other.  It was also suggested that you use ATM machines located inside banks whenever possible even though there is no guarantee those devices will not have been tampered with.  

TRY GOING IN REVERSE by Marte Cliff:  It IS all about becoming an effective LISTENER.  This is a great article about the value of really listening, not only to your customers but to everyone around you.  When you get the chance, take the Market Center course on Listening when it is on the schedule. 

WORTH REMEMBERING:  Don’t feel bad when people only remember you when they need you.  Feel privileged you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness.  Author Unknown.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Newsletter for the week ending August 17

QUOTE #1 :  "You can't get to genius on a platform of excuses."  Robin Sharma 

QUOTE #2:When people suck the life out of you why don't they take some fat as well.”  Author unknown  

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON: Prospecting – FSBO:  This is a courtesy call, checking to see how it’s going with your marketing.  Have you had any calls?  What kind of reaction are you getting?  Have you received any offers?  Where are they coming in from?  Sounds like you’re trying hard.  Why don’t you let me handle this whole thing for you?  I can have this thing up and going and help get you moved as soon as you need to be moved.  How soon do you need to be moved? 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret,  From Page 107:  The reason we never heard of these accounts (pages 104-106) when we went through our school system is because the curriculum specialists who have weaseled their way into creating our textbooks, which influence every child in America today and the future of our country, simply decided to take it out.  … I don’t have the space here to share with you the slow, deliberate, and calculate breakdown being perpetrated on our country by a small group of individuals, but you can go to the web site at and get the references and links you need to educate yourself.  They’re just links.  They don’t cost anything, and you’ll learn what you need to know to make a sound decision.   

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:   Whenever I think of the past it brings back so many memories. 

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY: If a turtle doesn’t have a shell is he homeless or naked? 

DON’T LET ANYONE SELL YOU ON USING “I-ITIS” LETTERS:  From Marte Cliff.  This week I had occasion to review a couple of instructional books. Included in those books were samples of letters for students to use - and they were possibly the worst letters I've ever seen for sale.  Each had 5 to 7 paragraphs. Each paragraph began with the word "I." Well, except for the ones that began with "We."  Writing a letter meant to persuade when you're suffering from a bad case of "I-itis" is the surest way to get your messages sent straight to the trash, so don't do it.  Your letters always need to be focused on your reader and what matters to him or her. And the truth is, your reader doesn't give a darn about you or what you want.  So if you've got letters that begin with "I," re-work them. You'll see much better results.  Here's to your prosperity, 208-448-1479.  Gymbeaux Note:  Sign up for Marte’s newsletter, you won’t regret it.   

HUMOR FOR TODAY:  For the political side of this video, it is funny and very well done:   Tim Hawkins 

NABOR FALL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON:  Here about developing news for the Northshore.  Thursday, September 13, 11:30,  guest speakers, Wade Ragas (formerly of the University of New Orleans); Bruce Ugnanst (LA Real Estate Commission); Pat Brister (President of St. Tammany Parish); at Palmettos in Slidell.  $30.00 for NABOR members, $35.00 for non-members.  See registration form in the Resource Room. 


QUADRENNIAL ETHICS COURSE, Time is running out in order for you to be in compliance.  Tuesday, August 21, St. Tammany Library, Robert Road.  1:00 to 4:00.  To Register, call Stephanie Turnage at 985-710-0585 or Colleen Dixon at 985-643-3111. 

NOMAR GREEN COMMITTEE LUNCH & LEARN:  NOMAR’s Green Committee is hosting a Lunch & Learn Series. We will be hosting the first part of the series on Friday, August 17, 2012; 11:30 TO 12:30. Our Guest Speaker will be Cassey DeMoss Roberts, Executive Director of Alliance for Affordable Energy. This would be a great opportunity to learn about key green real estate issues and how you can stay involved. For more information please contact Letitia (504)274-0705 or Tranell (504) 274-0785. Seating is LIMITED….FREE ADMISSION!!! REGISTER TODAY AT: 

NEW ORLEANS DICTIONARY:  “The Big Easy” became the official nickname for New Orleans after a contest was run years ago. Historically, New Orleans has weathered primitive conditions, yellow fever, hurricanes, floods, wars--English, French, Indians, Union--and just plain hard living. Being a survivor was something to celebrate. In addition, New Orleans is noted for an eclectic mix of cultures that have held onto their traditions and languages. New Orleans is also constantly celebrating! There are music festivals, food festivals, etc., throughout the year. The bottom line is that "The Big Easy" won because it fits! If it's fun, tastes good, and sounds right, then we're all for it! 

5 WAYS TO REALLY MOTIVATE, by Jon Gordon.  In my opinion there are actually 6 or even 7.  I would add that everyone should imagine a tattoo on the forehead of everyone they meet that reads:  MMFI.  Make Me Feel Important.  In addition you should at the same time think;  “What can I learn from this person?” 

THE NEW COLD CALL; IT’S NOT COOKIE CUTTER:  By Jeffrey Gitomer.  If you are going to call someone “out of the blue” so to speak, do you have a plan?  Do you have an objective?  Really.  Read what Jeffrey suggests; he is rarely if ever wrong: 

OUT OF THIS WORLD OUT OF THE OFFICE REPLIES by Andy Horner.  What kind of voice mail messages do you leave on your phone for callers when you are out of town on extended periods of time?  What kind should you leave.  Andy Horner has a different way of thinking.  Brought to you via Jeffrey Gitomer’s weekly ezine.  This is not what you might be thinking: 

POSITIVE THOUGHTS from Dr. Tom Hill’s (personal friend and mentor and GREAT GUY!) weekly Ezine from his Eagle Institute: 


One of my personal quotes is "Every one of us has a moral responsibility to become the best person possible - every day focused on becoming better - reaching our God-given capacity." Now, for a mental exercise, give this some thought: 1) What can I do to get closer to my potential - in my spiritual life (yes, we're spiritual beings having a physical experience) or physical life (approximately 70% of the population is overweight). Secondly, visualize everyone becoming their best person every morning - what a world this would be.  

Here is the quote that daughter Terri found a few weeks ago and we had in the Eaglezine - try reading this the first thing every morning - it will make a difference: 

Today I Will Make a Difference 

Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference. 

I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference. 

I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble.... I will get up. It's OK to fail.... I will rise again. Today I will make a difference. 

I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends. 

Today I will make a difference. 

From Shaped by God (original title: On the Anvil)
Copyright (Tyndale House, 1985, 2002) Max Lucado 

From the Louisiana Real Estate Commission online Newsletter
As illustrated in the following case, a licensee’s ignorance of the licensing law and the rules and regulations led him down a slippery road, and his actions snowballed into multiple violations.
(Gymbeaux Note:  It would be difficult for agents in our Market Center to claim “ignorance of the licensing law” because this topic is repeatedly addressed.  The simplest of solutions to avoid situations like this from happening:  FILL IN EVERY BLANK ON EVERY FORM!  Seriously, it cannot be any easier than that!)
A couple had made two, unsuccessful offers on a residential property. Later, they learned that the property sold for substantially less than the price that they offered. The couple filed a complaint with the Commission alleging that their offer was never submitted to the seller for his consideration. Their agent had returned both offers to them without the seller’s signature rejecting the offers. The respondent, acting as the listing agent, had written the words: “Rejected by seller per telephone call” across the first page of their offer. The complainants suspected that the agent failed to present their offer because he had not wanted to share the commission with the agent representing them. A complaint was filed, and a formal investigation ensued. 
During an investigation all documentation is collected. It was determined that the agent had presented both of the complainants’ offers and the buyer who purchased the property had been represented by an agent from another real estate company. Offers had been tendered by 4 different buyers and the seller had made different “verbal” offers through their listing agent. The sellers then verbally rejected the offers. 
After interviewing the sellers, the investigator determined that the offers had been presented to the sellers; however, a review of the documents revealed several other violations:
If the respondent had been aware of another rule, Section 3909. A., he may have avoided the complaint being filed. This rule states that if the seller is not available and grants authority to the listing broker to reject an offer on his behalf, the broker or his designated agent should mark the offer as rejected and sign the offer in lieu of the seller. The rule also directs the agent to forward a copy of the rejected written offer to the seller for his signature acknowledging the rejection of the offer. The copy of the rejected offer signed by the seller must be retained in the listing broker’s files. If the transaction is a cooperative transaction, the listing broker shall provide a copy of the rejected offer bearing the signature of the owner to the cooperating selling broker within five days after the signed rejection is received from the seller.
The complaint was adjudicated by a formal hearing wherein the respondent’s salesperson’s license was censured, and he was ordered to pay a fine of $500 with a $358 administrative cost.
- Marsha Stafford
Case Study:  The Snowball Effect
The property was owned by a husband and wife and yet the respondent had obtained only the husband’s signature on the listing contract, in violation of LSA-R.S. 37:1455. A. (11). 
When representing the sellers and two of the buyers who made offers, the agent failed to provide the parties with an agency disclosure informational pamphlet and a dual agency disclosure form, in violation of LSA-R.S. 37: 1455.A. (21). 
The agent received several written offers and failed to annotate the offers to indicate the time of day and date the offers were received,  (Gymbeaux Note:  Page 1 of the Agreement to Purchase) in violation of 3905. A. of the Rules and Regulations and LSA-R.S. 37: 1455. A. (2).
The respondent failed to ensure the time of day and date the offers were rejected, in violation of 3901. C. of the Rules and Regulations & LSA-R.S. 37: 1455. A. (2).
Although several offers were presented to the seller, the offers were not rejected with the seller’s signature affixed to the document, in violation of 3907 A. of the Rules and Regulations and LSA-R.S. 37: 1455. A. (2).
Note: This rule, 3907. A., states that if the seller refuses to sign a rejected offer, the licensee shall annotate this fact, indicate the time and date of the rejection, and provide a copy of the rejected offer bearing the annotation to the buyer within five days after the signature or annotation is affixed.  (Gymbeaux Note:  This is one reason you need to insure you complete lines 328 and 348 on page 6 of the Agreement to Purchase to document that you in fact presented the offers to your buyers and sellers!)
If the respondent had been aware of another rule, Section 3909. A., he may have avoided the complaint being filed. This rule states that if the seller is not available and grants authority to the listing broker to reject an offer on his behalf, the broker or his designated agent should mark the offer as rejected and sign the offer in lieu of the seller. The rule also directs the agent to forward a copy of the rejected written offer to the seller for his signature acknowledging the rejection of the offer. The copy of the rejected offer signed by the seller must be retained in the listing broker’s files. If the transaction is a cooperative transaction, the listing broker shall provide a copy of the rejected offer bearing the signature of the owner to the cooperating selling broker within five days after the signed rejection is received from the seller. 
The complaint was adjudicated by a formal hearing wherein the respondent’s salesperson’s license was censured, and he was ordered to pay a fine of $500 with a $358 administrative cost

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Newsletter for the Week Ending August 10, 2012

SOMETHING SPECIAL:  This weekly online newsletter usually starts with a quote or two but this link is to a very special video taken over time that clearly demonstrates the power of belief in yourself.  I can only hope everyone who opens this newsletter takes the time to watch this video and then put your priorities in the right order.  As of 8/4/2012, over 5.5 million people have watched it.

QUOTE #1:  “Each individual must build the kind of career strength that makes him (her) marketable.” Says Intel’s Andrew Grove, “No matter where you work, you are not an employee.  You are in a business with one employer – yourself – in competition with millions of similar businesses worldwide….Nobody owes you a career-you own it as a sole proprietor.  And the key to survival is to learn to add more value every day.”From Sun Tzu’s The Art of War for Managers.

QUOTE #2:  "Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,  for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."   Leonardo da Vinci  (Gymbeaux question: did Leonardo know how you would feel unless he had experienced flight?  For you-know-who, Leonardo was born in 1452, died 1519.  The Wright Brothers first flew Dec 17, 1903.   Hmmmmmmmmm

WE ARE NOW A MEMBER OF THE LOUISIANA COMMERCIAL DATABASE (LACDB):  The Market Center is NOW a member.  Any member desiring to work commercial real estate should give extra serious consideration to becoming a member in order to have access to the metro-New Orleans area Commercial Property Database at LACDB.  There is a $100 application fee required upon joining and then the monthly fee is $35.00 a month UNLESS you also join the CID (Commercial Investment Division) of NOMAR; cost is $50.00 a year.  LACDB is reduced to $30.00 a month IF you are also a member of CID.  You can access the application process at

YOUR  ST˜R  POWER, SCRIPTS FOR YOUR SUCCESS FROM HOWARD BRINTON:  Prospecting – Expireds:  “Hi, this is Ima Agent from Keller Williams Realty Professionals.  I saw that your home just expired from the multiple listing service and we specialize in homes just like yours that I feel should have sold but did not.  Tell me are you still interested in getting the property sold?” 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of What’s The BIG Secret,  The hits keep coming, this from page 115.  I’ve noticed that all the people I know who are well off in relationships, finances, and life overall are calm and never in a hurry.  Yes, you know the people I’m talking about.  Don’t you just hate them?  Well, we call it envy.  Envy is not always a bad thing.  It’s when we see something in someone else that we desire.  When I feel envy in my heart, I look at the person and try to figure out what I’m missing in my life that is making me envious of theirs.  I then add it to my goals list and let my left brain get to work (the good seed).  Envy simply wakes up hidden dreams.  How we handle envy is up to us.  If we take the path to self-pity and start to feel sorry for ourselves, we will eventually reap the harvest of the seed (the bad seed) that we planted, watered, cultivated, and worshipped.  (Gymbeaux Note:  Michael Dunn has given me copies of the book.  If you would like to read it,which I highly recommend, you will not regret it.  Ask me for a copy.  There are limited supplies.)

THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:   Hermits have no peer pressure.

SPEAKING OF AMBIGUITY: Why do they lock gas station bathrooms?  Are they afraid someone will clean them?

NABOR FREE TECH DAY CONDUCTED BY OUR OWN TERRI THOMAS:    Thursday August 16th 2012.10am – 1.00pm.  SMH Founders Medical Building (First Floor Conference Room) 1150 Robert Boulevard, Slidell.  To register:  Seating IS limited.

INTERNET LEADS:  When was the last time you logged onto your eEdge Account to check how many leads you may have received via the web site.

SERVICE THE WAY IT OUGHT TO BE:  This is worth writing about.  About two years ago I purchased an LED battery light to put over my front door that would automatically turn itself on when motion was detected.  It has been a great buy.  When we come home at night with the lights off, the light would go off lighting up the entry way and the door lock.  The light fell off the door (we won’t discuss why) and the battery cap broke and I could not fix it.  I was on the verge of throwing it out when I decided to email the company just to ask if I could get a replacement cap.  I was shocked.  Within 8 hours I had a response that the cap was in the mail.  Not that is service.  I repeat this because the question ought to be, how would YOUR customers rate YOUR service?  Ask them.  Pose the question.  On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being horrible and 10 being truly outstanding, how would you rate my service as your Real Estate Advisor?  If you get negative reports, what are you going to do to make absolutely certain you will not get any more?  By the way.  The automatic LED would be a great gift to your buyers.  Every time the light would go on they would remember you whether they want to (great service) or not (poor service).  Here is the contact info for the light which costs $29.00.   Karen Walker, Wireless Environment, LLC,  877-298-9082; also MrBeams on Facebook; MrBeamsLED on Twitter; and Mr Beams on Pinterest

THREE WAYS TO IDENTIFY A STROKE:  This link has lots of great information that everyone of us should know about strokes and how to identify them:   ALSO, there is a great site where you can enter a long URL (domain name) and it converts it to a “tiny” url, it is called  To demonstrate the result, the following domain name on the stroke info is the same as the domain name above.  Very simple to use and is great for social media sites where you are limited in the number of characters you can use.

QUADRENNIAL ETHICS TRAINING:  Time is running out.  You are required by the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) to complete 4 hours of continuing education on specific ethics training.  This quadrennial term ends December 31, 2012.  You MUST complete the required CE by this date or you will be unable to renew your membership with NAR and that means you would be ineligible to be a member of a local Board and MLS.  You can complete the training online at using the education links.  This is free and requires a test at the end of the training.  Unless the rules have changed, you will NOT be given CE credit by the State if you complete this training online through NAR so be advised. 

FLOOD INSURANCE LAW EXTENDED:  At last Congress and the President did something right.  The Flood Insurance Bill HAS BEEN EXTENDED through September 30, 2017.  Why this was not made more public I have no idea.  May have to rethink my Facebook comment about the “clowns in Washington”…..Nah!  Read the entire article at:

WHOLE HOUSE SURGE PROTECTOR:  I recently had several electrical appliances fail due to an apparent electrical surge.  One was part of the sound system and since it was wireless, I could not replace just the part that failed; I had to replace the entire system.  I had an electrician install a whole house surge protection unit between the main circuit breaker panel and the incoming power line.  However, the electrician explained that a great many of the surges that hit homes do NOT come through the power grid but rather are a result of lightning strikes nearby that transit the ground and enter the home through telephone and cable television connections.  He highly recommended purchasing surge protectors that have connections for incoming telephone lines AND cable lines.  The electrician referred to the Joules rating of the surge protector, the higher the Joules rating the better the protector.  For everyone’s information, Sam’s Club have them for about $25.00.  Small price to pay instead of replacing an entire sound system.

HOW DID HE DO THAT?  Your guess is as good as mine.


CUSTOMERS FROM HELL; 5 DO’S AND DON’TS FOR CALMING CRANKY CUSTOMERS by Jeff Mowatt presented in  Good article that everyone should read.  Who hasn’t had a cranky customer?

THIS REAL ESTATE LINK TO A GREAT NICHE WON’T MAKE YOU A VULTURE BUT MAY MAKE YOU A HERO from Marte Cliff.  Highly recommend you sign up for the newsletter.  Rarely can you get such great advice and at no cost to you:

ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR DOG?  Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards. -Diogenes    Micheal Dalton Johnston has written Rules of the Hunt that might be just what you are looking for and now you can get the book with a ton of valuable rewards from people like Jeffrey Gitomer, Wendy Weiss, Jim Meisenheimer, Zig Ziglar, Art Sobzcak and others.  Check it out at:

INSIDE SALES BUZZ NEWSLETTER.  Came across a newsletter that appears to center on using the telephone to enhance your business; that can’t be a bad thing.  Here is the link to latest newsletter:

TIRED OF THE 90+ DEGREE HEAT AND HUMITY; coll off with this video:


Top 10 Things You Need to Know About the 3.8% Tax
(within the Health Care Reform Bill) 

Learn the most important takeaways for REALTORS® when it comes to the 3.8% tax that's part of health care reform:

1.     When you add up all of your income from every possible source, and that total is less than $200,000 ($250,000 on a joint tax return), you will not be subject to this tax.

2.     The 3.8% tax will never be collected as a transfer tax on real estate of any type, so you’ll never pay this tax at the time that you purchase a home or other investment property.

3.     You’ll never pay this tax at settlement when you sell your home or investment property. Any capital gain you realize at settlement is just one component of that year’s gross income.

4.     If you sell your principal residence, you will still receive the full benefit of the $250,000 (single tax return)/$500,000 (married filing joint tax return) exclusion on the sale of that home. If your capital gain is greater than these amounts, then you will include any gain above these amounts as income on your Form 1040 tax return. Even then, if your total income (including this taxable portion of gain on your residence) is less than the $200,000/$250,000 amounts, you will not pay this tax. If your total income is more than these amounts, a formula will protect some portion of your investment.

5.     The tax applies to other types of investment income, not just real estate. If your income is more than the $200,000/$250,000 amount, then the tax formula will be applied to capital gains, interest income, dividend income and net rents (i.e., rents after expenses).

6.     The tax goes into effect in 2013. If you have investment income in 2013, you won’t pay the 3.8% tax until you file your 2013 Form 1040 tax return in 2014. The 3.8% tax for any later year will be paid in the following calendar year when the tax returns are filed.

7.     In any particular year, if you have no income from capital gains, rents, interest or dividends, you’ll never pay this tax, even if you have millions of dollars of other types of income.

8.     The formula that determines the amount of 3.8% tax due will always protect $200,000 ($250,000 on a joint return) of your income from any burden of the 3.8% tax. For example, if you are single and have a total of $201,000 income, the 3.8% tax would never be imposed on more than $1,000.

9.     It’s true that investment income from rents on an investment property could be subject to the 3.8% tax. But: The only rental income that would be included in your gross income and therefore possibly subject to the tax is net rental income: gross rents minus expenses like depreciation, interest, property tax, maintenance and utilities.

10.  The tax was enacted along with the health care legislation in 2010. It was added to the package just hours before the final vote and without review. NAR strongly opposed the tax at the time, and remains hopeful that it will not go into effect. The tax will no doubt be debated during the upcoming tax reform debates in 2013. 

By Wes Hopper 

"Since the Creative Principle is universal, there is no reason why we should postpone its application until we find ourselves in 'the right place', and the best place and time to begin are Here and Now."
Thomas Troward

One of the most common mistakes that we humans make with our mental creative work has to do with timing. We're prone to put things off until it's the right place and the right time to start. 

That's why almost every piece of spiritual or personal development literature contains, in one form or another, the same teaching. 

Today is the day! Or, as Troward wrote, the best time and place are Here and Now 

When you think about it, you'll quickly realize that the only time we can start is Here and Now. Our delaying tactics are just fear and uncertainty showing up to do their dirty work. 

Now here's the good news. What Troward is telling us is that the Creative principle within us is always ready. It will work at any time and in any place. It simply awaits our call. 

Get the clearest vision you can of what you want, and then take action toward it. As you go, update your vision based on your progress. 

Remember, you are creative. You are not at the mercy of a Universe that either is inflexible or opposes you. Your biggest challenge is to keep your intention focused and keep moving. 

That is, after you start! Nothing happens until you start. 

What are you putting off? What do you need to start? 

Now would be a good time. 

All the best, Wes 

Do you know what you care deeply about? Helping you figure that out is one of the exercises in this program. And you have 4 months to ask me questions if you need help. 

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PO Box 2965
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