QUOTE: "It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives." Unknown
NEW MEMBER OF THE TEAM: Welcome aboard to VERONICA PHILLIPS. When you see Veronica in the Market Center be sure to give her a BIG Keller Williams welcome.
TAKE THE DISC AND LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF! This is way too cool not to do. Go to www.TonyRobbins.com. And you can take a FREE DISC self assessment. When you do, please send the results to JimBrown@gymbeaux.com. I will go over your assessment with you if you desire. It will be both fun and enlightening. NEW MEMBER OF THE TEAM: Welcome aboard to VERONICA PHILLIPS. When you see Veronica in the Market Center be sure to give her a BIG Keller Williams welcome.
CLASSIFIED ADS: Great ad about classified ads by Craig Proctor: How To Multiply The Number of Leads You Get From Property Ads. http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1239/how-to-multiply-the-number-of-leads-you-get-from-your-property-ads
10 STEPS TO A SAFE OPEN HOUSE: This is great information: http://www.inman.com/news/2011/06/23/10-steps-a-safe-open-house Also check out the Nugget, Everything I Know About Open Houses posted on www.SlidellCalendar.com, Document Section in the Everything I Know folder.
TECHSMART CONFERENCE: July 26 at the Harbor Center. http://tinyurl.com/6juwbdz
THE POWER OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE, by who else, Jon Gordon. This is a copy of an email he received and is pretty powerful: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-062711-positive-attitude.html
YOU ARE INVITED! Friends of Olde Towne Slidell, A Louisiana Mainstreet Community After Hours. Come join us for an introduction of what lies ahead for the future of Olde Towne Slidell and the communities of Greater Slidell. Meet the Friends of Olde Towne Slidell (FOOTS) Board of Directors. If you truly have a passion for the Revitalization of Olde Towne Slidell, then we want you to join us for this meeting and share your ideas and visions. When: Wednesday, June 29th ~ 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Where: City Hall conference room, first floor on 2nd Street
WHAT ARE YOU REALLY NEGOTIATING AND WHY? An article by Jeffrey Gitomer about sales in general but as you read it consider your listing presentation and then answer the question “What are you really negotiating and why?” http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3M79QPFhfndsA%3D%3D
NOT EVERY DAY IS GAME DAY. By Kim Duke. Good article about what you “should” be doing every day. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3M79QPFhfndsA%3D%3D
TAKE THE PICKLE CHALLENGE by Joe Tye. Turn every complaint into something positive. http://tinyurl.com/69apmg9
DAILY GRATITUDE. Every workday I receive a Daily Gratitude email from Wes Hopper. I don’t know how he comes up such valuable insights every day but they just keep on coming and keep on providing great inspirational thoughts. I highly recommend that everyone sign up for his Daily Gratitude message. The following has been included herein with the permission of Wes Hopper. Sign up at: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/
"Stress is the trash of modern life. We all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life."
Danzae Pace
It's easy to say that we have to dispose of stress, but how do you do that?Danzae Pace
After all, stress is caused by outside circumstances that we can't control, so we just have to deal with it, right?
Wrong! Stress is not caused by circumstances, it's caused by our reaction to circumstances. Our
thoughts create the stress.
When you feel stress, can't you hear your mind going through the details of all the bad things that might happen?
So how often do those terrible things happen? If all the terrible things we imagined happened to us, we'd be finished by now.
The first way to dispose of stress is to recognize it as not true. It's a fear of a future event that hasn't happened.
Secondly, we can look realistically at the possible negative outcomes and see that others have been there and survived. It was uncomfortable, but they survived and moved on.
Third, we can dispose of stress by making plans to correct the situation that's causing it. When we
have a plan, and take action, we change all the energy around it.
So when you find yourself generating "stress trash" put this 3-step process to work for you. Calm down, take a deep breath, and get to work on step 3.
You'll be glad you did.
Many blessings, Wes (Hopper)
PS - If you want to learn right thinking rapidly and powerfully, get this inexpensive program. It's a home study, and includes audio tracks to lead you through the workbook. Get the info here:
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