Tuesday, October 6, 2009


QUOTE: “Are you a wandering generality or a meaningful specific?” Zig Ziglar. RIGHT ON ZIG! If you do not have a Mission Statement and goals, you ARE a wandering generality. If you HAVE a Mission Statement and goals but do not pay attention to them or if they are meaningless, you still are a wandering generality. You only become a meaningful specific if you are doing what love and love what you are doing and following your Mission Statement and the goals you have set for yourself.

JEFFREY GITOMER'S SALES CAFFEINE ON MISSION STATEMENTS. Do you know what Keller Williams’ Mission Statement is? “To build careers worth living, businesses worth having and lives worth living.” How are we doing at that? More importantly, are you taking advantage of what is being offered. What is my Mission Statement? “To help others do whatever they do to do it better.” How am I doing at that? If you are reading this, I am off to at least a good start wouldn’t you say? Check out Gitomer’s Sales Caffeine at: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OwZBkVc0yjvQ%3D%3D then ask yourself “What is my missions statement? Do I have one? Can I repeat it? Is it something that my customer would want or care to know? How am I doing living up to it? Do I need to change it if I have one?” A Mission Statements gives you direction, it lets you know when you are no longer going in the direction you said you wanted to go or do the things you said you wanted to do. Check out this week’s quote; it is right on target!

NEW BOOK: THE CHRISTMAS LIST by Richard Paul Evans. I have read several of Evans’ books and they are outstanding and this one should be no different. For those of you who would like a personalized Christmas gift, the book signed by Evans, you must purchase the book prior to October 11. Email me at jimbrown@gymbeaux.com and I will send you the instructions on how to get it signed. The Christmas List is the story of James Kier, a wealthy real estate developer who has lost his way. When the local paper mistakenly prints his obituary, Kier doesn't like what he sees. He asks his secretary to create a special list of people he has wronged. As he goes out to fix the wrongs of his past, he gets more than he bargained for. Much more. You'll want to share this book with your friends and loved ones. http://richardpaulevans.com/

DAVID KNOX FIRST TUESDAY VIDEO SALES MEETING. David talks about the changing economy and how your attitude needs to change as well and includes a section on how to set up your facebook account AND why we need to pay more attention not only to what we write but also how we write it. Another Knox Gem!

PEARL RIVER BOARD OF REALTORS SENTRILOCK electronic card system has been installed on the third computer in the resource room where you can renew your card.

KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL by Jon Gordon. Everything Gordon writes is good. This is a link to a short article on how distractions can keep us from achieving our goals. If you want to make changes in your life, READ – FOR A CHANGE! Read something positive every day, ideally first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. You can start with this article. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-100509-keepyoureyeontheball.html

FOOD FOR THOUGHT; RENTALS. If what we hear on the news is correct, people getting laid off from work, homes going into foreclosure, uncertainty about the future, what should all this mean to a real estate professional like you? Rentals are going to increase! If that becomes reality, you need to decide if you will work rental customers and if the answer is yes, then you need to become an expert on rental transactions. It is an older Nugget but you can find out what I know about rentals by reading Everything I Know About Rentals that is attached to the email that notified you about this issue of the newsletter as well as posted on www.SlidellCalendar.com under Documents and then Everything I Know About. These are my thoughts on rentals and I sticking to them.

WHAT ONE THING DO ALL GREAT SPORTS PERFORMERS, SINGERS, ACTORS AND SOME REALTORS HAVE IN COMMON? They have coaches; do you? Someone like Tiger Woods has several, one for each aspect of his game. Here is a recommendation that could help your business. Notice the headline says “some REALTORS” as most do not have coaches in fact very few have them. If you want to improve your business, read The Business Coach by Bradley J. Sugars. It is written in novel format but the messages and lessons are very clear to grasp. It would be difficult to imagine anyone reading this book and not enhancing their success. For more information go to: http://www.actioncoach.com/

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