QUOTE: “Getting rich involves the necessity of dealing with people and of being where there are people to deal with, and if these people are inclined to deal in the way you want to deal, so much the better. But that is about as far as (our) environment goes. If anybody else in your town can get rich, so can you, and if anybody else in your state can get rich, so can you. Again, it is not a matter of choosing some particular business or profession. People get rich in every business and in every profession, while their next door neighbors in the very same vocation remain in poverty.” Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Getting Rich. The Science of Getting Rich has been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under EBooks. It is also attached to the Email that forwarded this link to you.
Efficiency: Producing results in a timely manner with a minimal of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort.
BRAND NEW NUGGET: What should a new agent (and even experienced agents) do NOW to be successful in real estate? “REAL ESTATE ACCORDING TO GITOMER (AND OTHERS). The Nugget is posted on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com as well as attached to the Email that forwarded the link to this newsletter.
BROKER BIT: AVOID A $100 (OR MORE) FINE. You are required to enter at least one frontal photo of your listings that you enter into the MLS system. Failure to do so will result in a fine. The listing folders are worked on, usually over the weekend, I get them on Monday. So it is possible I may not get them to review for at least several days AFTER you enter the listing and therefore do not have enough time to warn you about the lack of a photo. When you enter the listing, upload a photo, it is not rocket science (except for you-know-who of course).
THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX BY JEFFREY GITOMER. That is not the actual title of his article it is “Spend a Day Giving Help, You May Just Help Yourself.” It is not what you think and when you first read it you may think as I did, this does not apply to our business. Think again. What would happen if you spent a day with a closing company, a termite inspector, a home inspector, a loan officer, etc. Read the article and you will understand. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3MA2W7AdGLkIA%3D%3D JEFFREY GITOMER WILL BE IN JACKSON MISSISSIPPI SEPTEMBER 25TH. I HAVE MY TICKET, DO YOU?
ARE YOU A SHARK OR A GOLDFISH, by Jon Gordon. Yesterday I purchased the third book in as many weeks written by Jon Gordon, entitled The Energy Bus. As with the first two, I read it in one sitting, it was a compelling read. It is about driving your bus of life and getting as many people onto YOUR bus that you can who all agree with the direction you are headed. Like Training Camp, The No Complaining Rule, this is an inspirational novel with a great message. Highly recommended. Now for the link to this article: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-090809-sharkorgoldfish.html
ON LOSING (AND FINDING) YOUR TRAIL IN THE DESERT. A metaphor for life. By Joe Tye. Jeaux is a good friend, teacher, writer, personal mentor and all of his writings are exceptional as is this one: http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001HhQnE6XQxkDTK0gxPDonGP2nLtMC3KkQFWbdHTa0D_90VxdCzIzkFmY2UBCDUio5Kmo69OPX1TULO9GZ0zwk4rVWOn-9epwt_MbX56R40jdkzBv58MAcs4X24AX_H-QEW0Lfm8vvFlc%3D
QUESTION: I would like to offer a prospect a free home warranty or other special promotion. Is it a violation of the Code of Ethics to offer or advertise free items?
ANSWER: It isn’t a violation of the Code of Ethics to offer or advertise free items or services to clients as long as you comply with Article 12 of the Code. Article 12 requires that REALTORS® “be careful at all times to present a true picture in their advertising and representations to the public.” The key to meeting the “true picture” test is to make sure that any conditions attached to the free offering are clearly disclosed.Standard of Practice 12-1 provides that “REALTORS® may use the term free and similar terms in their advertising . . . provided that all terms governing availability of the offered product or service are clearly disclosed at the same time.” For example, if you require sellers to sign an exclusive listing agreement with you before they’ll be entitled to a “free” home warranty, you must disclose that condition in your ads or in promotional materials that mention the offer. Likewise, if a buyer must sign an exclusive buyer representation agreement to be entitled to the home warranty, you must disclose that.
3900 MARBLES, a very short story you are not likely to forget. https://news.simpletruths.com/servlet/website/ResponseForm?lptisLETC-TY-VTTC-90a8-UHEqptIkhPgFnRtILHNQDJht
HOME WARRANTY CHANGES (ARE) IN THE WIND. At least two states have made “administrative fees”, “marketing fees”, “rebates”, “refunds” from home warranty companies back to real estate companies a thing of the past under the premise they may be in violation of RESAPA laws. “This change is prompted by the February 2008 written but unofficial HUD staff interpretation stating that payments by home warranty companies to real estate brokers and agents under terms of “marketing” or “administrative” agreements appear to violate Section 8(a) of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and the May 2009 nationwide class action lawsuit filed in Alabama against American Home Shield Corporation claiming that the payment of contingent “administrative” or “marketing” fees to brokers and agents violates Section 8(a) of RESPA.” From an internal memo by Van Eaton and Romero, Inc, real estate company. Each KW agent already has the authority to reduce the cost of a home warranty policy by the “administrative fee” thus reducing the cost to their customers. Gymbeaux: This is a change in national policy and is most likely coming; be prepared.
Script, IF you want to use it, “Mr. & Mrs. Seller (or Buyer), Home Warranty Policy providers have for a long time paid approximately $60.00 to a real estate company who sells a policy to a customer. I believe the coverage is extremely important for the seller the buyer and also the real estate company. I want you to buy the policy because it is the right thing to do, not because my company stands to make $60.00 for selling one; wouldn’t you agree? Therefore, if you decide to apply the policy to your property, I am authorized to reduce the amount of the policy by the amount the company was prepared to pay my company for selling it. Would that be fair to you?”
ELIMINATING SADD IN THE WORKPLACE, by Colleen Stanley. If ever an article hit the nail on the head it is thing one. REALTORS, TAKE NOTE! I think she is talking to US! “The Mackay 66” mentioned in the article is attached to the email that forwarded this link to you and it is posted on www.SlidellCalendar.com under the Marketing Documents section. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2009/nl0441.asp
DAVID KNOX FIRST TUESDAY 10 MINUTE VIDEO TRAINING ON TELEPHONES, very good and to the point! The one question he does not ask on the video is “Are you working with an agent?” as required by the Code of Ethics. The article he references in the video is an attachment to the email that sent you the link to this newsletter and has also be uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com. in the Document Section under Training. https://www.davidknox.com/knox_sales_meetings/090109/
WHAT IS IT THAT CAUSES US TO BEHAVE THE WAY WE DO, by Lew Smallwood. Another great article by Smallwood. As you read it think of the times you respond to a situation by saying “I can’t do…!” Can’t is a belief that you are incapable of doing it. Are you incapable or are you uncomfortable in trying to do it; there is a HUGE difference. Please read this article, good stuff! Just so you know; Lew Smallwood sends me a daily motivational email. I have been collecting them and compiling them into a Microsoft Word document that is becoming a wonderful daily reader that I will be making available to everyone in the near future. http://dynagroup-online.blogspot.com/
OPEN LETTER TO NEW AGENTS. Actually it is a letter to all agents, new and experienced. http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/teresa-boardman/an-open-letter-new-agents
THE NEW “NEW” ORLEANS, http://www.inman.com/news/2009/09/3/the-new-new-orleans?page=0%2C0
WHO WILL LIVE IN THE TOP 2% OF AMERICA? WILL IT BE YOU? WARNING: You may not like the answers to this 5 minute quiz! I took the quiz and it is uncanny just how accurate I believe it to be, at least in my case. Take the quiz: http://www.liveinthetwo.com/?source=INTWCA367&cid=INTWCA367
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