29 WAYS TO COLLECT EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR YOUR BUSINESS. We have been told repeatedly to collect as many email addresses as we can in order to use them for prospecting and marketing (1) because they work and (2) because they are FREE and whenever you can use FREE, that is a good think in case you-know-who is reading this. Here is the link to a great article on the subject: http://blog.verticalresponse.com/verticalresponse_blog/2009/09/change-up-your-newsletter-get-more-clicks.html?utm_campaign=29%20Ways%20to%20Collect%20Email%20Addresses%20for%20Your%20Business&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_term=Click%20here%20to%20read%20ideas%202-29
BOOK RECOMMENDATION: A JOURNEY TO INNER HEALING. By Dr. Louis P. Bauer, a resident of Pearl River, MS. I read this book quite a while ago and while I thought it was outstanding, my second reading of it this week meant more to me than I could ever describe. I highly recommend this book if you want to work on a positive attitude, if you want to achieve your dreams, if you want to learn to forgive, if you just want a better life. If interested, buy it from Dr. Bauer’s web site, the difference in price between it and Amazon.com is unbelievable. http://www.goodtapes.com/
THE HYBRID REAL ESTATE AGENT: This is just too good! Love the way Kris Berg writes. This is a must read article: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/krisberg/the-hybrid-real-estate-agent?page=0%2C0
OUTSIDE THE BOX BUT FUNNY MARKETING TIP COURTSEY OF JEFFREY GITOMER. One of the most valuable tips I have ever received was from Mike Scrutchfield a RE/MAX agent when he said, “You want the customer to remember you from the mailbox to the trash can.” When working For Sale By Owners, the hardest part of the presentation is the opening, how do you get their attention. You have a better chance of closing the sale or at least moving the process forward any time you can get a probable buyer or seller to laugh with you. So here you go: either write a letter of introduction, use your personal brochure if you have one or bring something like a booklet on selling their own home (both of which we have on www.slidellcalendar.com) or something as simple as a Seller’s Disclosure Sheet with you TO THE FRONT DOOR. (IMPORTANT POINT: Do really think that someone who as yet does not know you is really going to keep what you give them? Really?) Ring the door bell, take two to three steps back, turn to a 45 degree angle (this was taught by an FBI agent and he went on to say you are then not blocking the door or interfering with the owners personal area). In one hand you have whatever it is you are going to eventually give them, in the other hand a personalized trash can. That is what I said, a personalized trash can. Then after you do your introduction and any other conversation that might ensue, or whenever the opportunity strikes, you give the owner your gift and then give them the trash can. “Mr. or Mrs. Homeowner, I would like for you to have ________ and here is a trash can for you to put it in when you are finished with it; just in case you don’t have one. I would appreciate it if you would also put whatever my competitors give to you in the same can if you would please?” This has to be a guaranteed ice breaker! You have to admit, you probably laughed as you read it; so will the homeowner. When was the last time YOU received a trash can as a promotional item? Want a very inexpensive can with your name and logo on it? Go to: http://www.wadayaneed.com/smalldesksidewastebasketscustommadepromotionallogo.htm You can get these 60 for $6.35 each; the cost of a good ad.
JEFFREY GITOMER SEMINAR. It is no secret that I think Jeffrey Gitomer is a genius as evidenced by his books, CDs and DVDs. I attended a live seminar this week and have to tell you that it was the most interesting and educational seminar that I have attended in 30 years in the business. He kept everyone laughing while at the same time giving them raw meat sales tips and suggestions. He definitely thinks outside the box and he teaches like he talks (as he says upfront). As a result, the seminar could have been label PG-14 or even R but I can assure you that few if any attendees were offended except for maybe the bald guys. The three hour seminar whizzed by and it was over way too soon. If you ever get the chance to catch him live, do it! Follow him on www.JeffreyGitomer.com and sign up for his free ezine newsletter.
CONVERTING SOCIAL MEDIA FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS INTO DOLLARS. A Jeffrey Gitomer sponsored seminar in Atlanta, January 29, 2010. Cost is $297 ($397 for the VIP Ticket). Check out the web site for the list of presenters: http://www.gitomer.com/seminars/SocialMedia.html I was surprised at the recent Gitomer seminar in Jackson how much emphasis he put on becoming proficient in using the Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo, etc) to enhance your business. Good idea: For anyone who is interested, start a sign up page to send someone from the Market Center and share the cost. That person would become the Market Center “go to person” and “trainer” for the Market Center.
RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE REVIAL. Another Jeffrey Gitomer sponsored seminar to be held in Atlanta on February 10, 2010. Cost: Early Bird Special $147 (VIP $247). Information at: http://www.gitomer.com/seminars/RealEstateRevival.html
DOMAIN NAME TAKEN? Mine is. Had to be early to get Jim Brown; that is one of the reasons I went with www.Gymbeaux.com. Here is a solution: www.TheGreatJimBrown.com. or; www.TheOneAndOnlyJimBrown.com. What can you use to include your name and you not only want YOUR name, you ought to consider reserving your children’s and grandchildren’s names as domain names, the cost is so inexpensive and you can reserve them while they are still available. There are many sites to reserve Domain Names such as www.Domaindad.com. www.GoDaddy.com.
DON’T HAVE A WORKING COPY OF MICROSOFT OFFICE? The JAVA folks have unveiled a free download that seems to have all the bells and whistles of Office. I downloaded it to check it out and was able to call up the files created in Office so it seems to work plus there are additional programs included that I have not as yet tried. If you do not have Office on your computer and want something similar at no cost, check out: http://download.openoffice.org/
- Make a sale, make a commission. Make a friend, make a fortune! It is all about building life-long relationships.
- Your job as seen by the customer: “Mr. or Ms. Real Estate Agent, your job is to engage ME about ME. I could care less about you until you can demonstrate what’s in it for me.”
- What are you known for? Ask the people in your database: “When I say (insert your name), what ONE word comes to mind?” You can’t give a better answer than your customers can.
- When it comes to Real Estate, there is no such thing as a “global market”, real estate is local. Therefore, THINK LOCALLY; ACT PERSONALLY! It doesn’t matter what the real estate market is like in California, Florida or where ever. What is the market like on your street?
BEFORE YOU HAVE LASIK EYE SURGERY. Joe Tye had Lasik Eye Surgery and it did not go as well as he would have hoped. As he said in this report, he wishes he had taken the advice he is providing in this report. The report is not to deter you from having the surgery but rather it gives you info to consider before you do, as compared to after you have had it done. Thank you Joe for what you do. The report has been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com for future reference and has been attached to the email that notified you that this online newsletter has been posted to the Internet.