Saturday, December 17, 2011


QUOTE:  "When achievers fail, they see it as a momentary event, not a lifelong epidemic.  It's not personal...  The last time you failed, did you stop trying because you failed, or did you fail because you stopped trying?  What was your level of commitment?  Did you give the task everything you had?  Did you go the extra mile?  Did you put enough of yourself on the line to guarantee that you would give your very best?  If you're committed, a failure doesn't mean that you'll never succeed.  It just means that you will take longer."  - John C. Maxwell: Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping-Stones for Success, provided by Joe Tye in his daily SparkPlug eZine.

LICENSE RENEWALS:  If you intend to renew your license, you must do so before January 1, 2012.  Failure to renew your license and/or complete the required 12 hours of CE including the 4 hours of mandatory CE will cause you and me to be fined $325 IF you continue to conduct real estate after December 31, 2011.  Reminder:  The Louisiana Real Estate Commission has created an email address for each licensee.  You must go to the Commission’s web site and log onto your email account.  When the Commission wants to send you information they send it to the email address it created for you and the only place to retrieve it, like your license renewal email, is on the Commission’s site.  Once there you can set up your Commission email to be forwarded to your regularly checked email program.  The Louisiana Real Estate Commission site is:

PARTNERS MEETING:  There will be a Partners Meeting on Wednesday, December 21 hosted by Terry Hughes and again on Wednesday, December 28,

INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA.  This is a “beta test” of a class I have been working on to introduce you to several types of social media and how you can use them to promote yourself and your business.  When, Tuesday, December 20 at 10:00 in the Training Room.  Class should last about 90 minutes but could be longer depending upon how good the information is and how interested everyone is in learning more.  Gymbeaux will be conducting the class.  You may bring your laptops and tablets if you wish but they are not needed; this is an introduction and I can send everyone who attends a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that has all the links you will need.  THE CLASS IS OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WISHES TO ATTEND; WITH KELLER WILLIAMS OR NOT.  Note, a Facebook entry had indicated the class started at 1:00 pm, it starts at 10:00 am.

BLACK HOLES AND FREE REFILLS.  Joe Tye is a genius, don’t know how he comes up with these.  The title should be enough to get you to read this short article.

WHEN YOU FALL, AT LEAST FALL FORWARD!  Love that quote, it is contained in a Leslie Householder tip The Swell In Fronts of You at

GIVING TO CHARITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS MAKING AN INVESTMENT IN ANOTHER PERSON, Dave Ramsey.  He is so right. Sometimes people knowing that someone simply cares for them could make all the difference in the world.  Don’t give because it is the socially right thing to do, give because it IS the RIGHT thing to do.

THE MONEY JAR!  LOTS of people have been asking how much we raised in one week with the Christmas Jar going to benefit the family and two boys who lost their mother in October. In just one short week, our KW family came together to raise $600. WOW! I spoke with the guidance counselor at the school, and she said several other people decided to have drives, much like we did, to help out the boys and their aunt, who is now raising them. All in all, over $4,000 was raised. Some went to buy presents for the boys, some went to the aunt to help pay her for all the gas she's been using driving back and forth to the west bank daily and for food, and $2,250 went into a fund to help raise the kids.  Thank you to everyone for your generosity. It is appreciated at a level greater than many of us may ever know. Here's a link to the video (you may need to turn up the volume)

NABOR AWARDS:  It is that time of year again.  The applications for NABOR awards MUST be at the Board Office no later than 2:00 pm on Wednesday, January 25, 2012.  With the Christmas/New Year/Super Bowl activities, this process tends to get lost in the shuffle.  In the next few days, information will be put in the mailboxes of associates who have already qualified for an award or who are close to being qualified for an award.  Please do not wait until the last minute to get all your information together and verify your qualifications for awards.  Please check your mailbox after Monday, December 19 for more information.
PERSONAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT REQUEST:  If you have not as yet LinkedIn with me, please follow this link and do so for me before December 31, 2011, shooting for 1000 connections; currently have 921.  Are you one of them?

1 comment:

  1. I love the quote at the top. I think there have been studies done on really successful people, and they have found that most of them have failed many more times than most people, and what separated them was how they viewed the failure. They tended to view any failure as a learning experience. And in the future often learned to put more into something.


Your comments and critiques are always welcome.