Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 30, 2011

QUOTE:  "I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen."  Frank Lloyd Wright.  Gymbeaux Note:  “An unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.”  Think about that.  Does that describe you and how you approach achieving your BIG WHY in life (you do have a BIG WHY don’t you?)?  The most definitive question you should be asking yourself on a daily basis comes from Joe Tye, my friend and mentor.  DDQ:  Is what I am about to say or do consistent with achieving my BIG WHY?  If yes say or do it; if no, don’t!  Can’t get any easier than that!

LICENSE RENEWAL:  Time is running out to renew your Louisiana Real Estate License for 2012.  If not renewed before January 1, 2012, you must not engage in any real estate activities otherwise you may (will) be subject to a fine from the Real Estate Commission.  DO NOT LET YOUR LICENSE EXPIRE!

FROM MICHAEL P. DUNN, WHAT’S THE BIG SECRET?  Each day stop and honor the voice in your gut that is giving you a nudging, write it down, and commit to get it done.  If you do this for 365 days, you will accomplish more in this one year than in all the other years of your life put together.  And as us Cajuns say - I gua-ran-tee-it. http://michaelpdunn.blogspot.com/

LATEST NUGGET:  Habits, Insanity, Are They The Same. By Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown  www.NuggetsFortheNoggin.com

RESOLVE TO BE MORE PROFESSIONAL IN 2012:  General theme of this Nugget and its links.  This is a good article by Kerry Preston via Jeffrey Gitomer’s weekly Ezine.  What will you do to be more Professional in 2012 and by whose standards; yours?  Or your customers? http://www.idimage.com/blog/2011/12/24/resolve-to-be-more-professional-in-2012/#respond

THE GREATEST DEMONSTRATION OF EXPECTATIONS I HAVE EVER SEEN AND ENJOYED:  Bobby McFerrin http://www.ted.com/talks/bobby_mcferrin_hacks_your_brain_with_music.html

DAN PINK ON THE SCIENCE OF MOTIVATION:  This is a 19 minute video that will surprise you.  Remember, as a real estate salesperson, you are a business owner you literally hire yourself as an agent.  So what motivates you to better performance.  http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pink_on_motivation.html

THIS IS BROKEN:  Funny site showing you how ridiculous some people can be in creating stuff without really proof reading what they are doing.  http://goodexperience.com/tib/

By Wes Hopper

 "What arises out of that ground of being is an impulse to evolve, an impulse that is not separate from the explosion in motion that emerged from nothing when the universe was born."
Andrew Cohen
Here's something for you to consider as you plan the next year of your life.

Many great teachers have pointed out that we have an inborn need to grow and evolve.

Our quote says that it's not an accident - our drive to evolve is rooted in the same eternal forces that drove the creation of the physical universe.

Wow! If that's true, we should take that urge pretty seriously!

So how are you going to evolve in 2012? Are you planning to have a year pretty much like the last year, or are you going to give those creative forces a chance to explode and emerge?
Not sure what you want to do or how to start on your dream?  This program takes you through the process of getting clarity and getting started. And if you have questions, you're not on your own. It includes coaching if you want it or need it.  Get the info here: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kx6ZW&m=IrxgE19vFsR9M1&b=XYAAJUOl6Q4zN7e56TGLeg
Here's how you set the stage for real change. Write down what you want your life to be at the end of the year.

Visualize yourself filled with the explosive creative power that brought the Universe into existence and imagine what a year of that might do for your life.

Don't worry about "how", just get clear about "what" you want it to be.

Think about it, meditate on it, go to sleep with it and wake up with it.

There is an impulse in you that wants to evolve dramatically, and it's time you turned it loose.

Let's make this the year.

Many blessings, Wes

Not a subscriber? Get your own issue every week day.

Horn Creek Productions, LLC
PO Box 2965
Peoria, AZ 85380

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Online Newsletter for Week Ending Dec 23

QUOTE:  "Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."  Peter T Mcintyre.   Gymbeaux Note:  But when you ARE wrong as we oftentimes are, take responsibility for being wrong, accept it.  When you try to make a wrong right it only occurs in YOUR mind.  Everyone else knows you are wrong and you lose their respect by trying to cover it up.

FROM MICHAEL DUNN:  When the picture or self image you hold of yourself lines up with the picture or image God holds of you, the core of your soul will fill with a substance that makes you feel like you can do anything....  http://michaelpdunn.org/inder.html

SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE (BETA CLASS)  If you-know-who is reading this, Beta Class means it is the first one ever taught.  This is your chance to be a Guinea Pig.  Today, Tuesday December 20th at 10:00 am in the training room.  If you want to learn how to use Social Media to enhance your web presence, mostly for free, come to the class.

REQUIRED QUADRENNIAL ETHICS TRAINING:  On January 1, 2012, we start the LAST YEAR in which you can take the REQUIRED 4 Hours of Continuing Education Credit as mandated by the National Association of REALTORS (NAR).  NAR requires 4 hours to be taken once every four years and December 31, 2012 is the last day on which this can be done.  The course is offered locally on occasion.  You can take the course ONLINE at www.REALTOR.org.  It is a free course and a good course; taken it twice over the past 8 years.  This is just a reminder you are on your last 12 months in which you can take it.  Do not put this off; get it out of the way now.  If you are new to the business over the past 3 years and attended Board Training, check your certificates of completion, you may have already received credits for taking the course.

RICK GEHA will be hosting a Business Clinic, watch this video and then sign up.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rnI20yEynA  The clinic will be January 26, 9:00 to 5:00 at the Sheraton Hotel in Metairie.  Click here to register, only $39.00 if you register before December 31; don’t wait to attend this fabulous day in Metairie:  http://2012businessplanningclinic.eventbrite.com/

THE KEY TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS, by Jon Gordan.  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-121911-happiness-success.html

BROKER BIT:  If you want 2012 to be better than 2011, you are about to learn “The Secret” and it is right there in front of you – the Holidays!  Most people in sales use the Christmas holidays to make more money in a short period of time than they do all year long.  Real Estate Sales seems to be just the opposite.  Most real estate salespeople get in the holiday mode at Thanksgiving and do not re-emerge until at the earliest after New Year’s Day.  Now the football season is extended at least until the second week in January. But wait, Mardi Gras is only a few weeks away and you have to get ready for Mardi Gras.  Therefore, in Southeast Louisiana and Southern Mississippi real estate salespeople take at least two months off without going on vacation.  They simply stop doing what they know they must do to keep the prospect pipeline full of probable buyers and sellers.  So the agents, few as they are, who stay focused on the basics and work their database (met and unmet), FSBOs and Expireds will be the agents who lead the pack in 2012.  That would of course be you; right?

GREAT WAY TO SAVE FOR YOUR KNOWN ANNUAL REAL ESTATE EXPENSES.   Seems like every year License Renewals Fees; E&O Insurance renewal fee, Board Dues, MLS Dues sneak up on us and come as a surprise even though we know they are coming, they come every year.  Here is a very simple way to prepare for these costs.  NEVER, EVER, SPEND A ONE-DOLLAR BILL, EVER AGAIN.  If an item costs 50 cents, pay for it with a $5.00 bill or higher.  At the end of the day, start a stack of $1.00 bills and you will be absolutely amazed at not only how much you will save but also how quickly the amount saved starts to add up.  Over a 12 month period you should have enough $1.00 bills to pay all your real estate expenses for 2012; all of them.  Even if you don’t have enough, the amount left will be insignificant and not a problem.  Try it; you’ll like it.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


QUOTE:  "When achievers fail, they see it as a momentary event, not a lifelong epidemic.  It's not personal...  The last time you failed, did you stop trying because you failed, or did you fail because you stopped trying?  What was your level of commitment?  Did you give the task everything you had?  Did you go the extra mile?  Did you put enough of yourself on the line to guarantee that you would give your very best?  If you're committed, a failure doesn't mean that you'll never succeed.  It just means that you will take longer."  - John C. Maxwell: Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping-Stones for Success, provided by Joe Tye in his daily SparkPlug eZine.

LICENSE RENEWALS:  If you intend to renew your license, you must do so before January 1, 2012.  Failure to renew your license and/or complete the required 12 hours of CE including the 4 hours of mandatory CE will cause you and me to be fined $325 IF you continue to conduct real estate after December 31, 2011.  Reminder:  The Louisiana Real Estate Commission has created an email address for each licensee.  You must go to the Commission’s web site and log onto your email account.  When the Commission wants to send you information they send it to the email address it created for you and the only place to retrieve it, like your license renewal email, is on the Commission’s site.  Once there you can set up your Commission email to be forwarded to your regularly checked email program.  The Louisiana Real Estate Commission site is: http://www.lrec.state.la.us/

PARTNERS MEETING:  There will be a Partners Meeting on Wednesday, December 21 hosted by Terry Hughes and again on Wednesday, December 28,

INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA.  This is a “beta test” of a class I have been working on to introduce you to several types of social media and how you can use them to promote yourself and your business.  When, Tuesday, December 20 at 10:00 in the Training Room.  Class should last about 90 minutes but could be longer depending upon how good the information is and how interested everyone is in learning more.  Gymbeaux will be conducting the class.  You may bring your laptops and tablets if you wish but they are not needed; this is an introduction and I can send everyone who attends a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that has all the links you will need.  THE CLASS IS OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WISHES TO ATTEND; WITH KELLER WILLIAMS OR NOT.  Note, a Facebook entry had indicated the class started at 1:00 pm, it starts at 10:00 am.

BLACK HOLES AND FREE REFILLS.  Joe Tye is a genius, don’t know how he comes up with these.  The title should be enough to get you to read this short article.  http://tinyurl.com/c9s29rp

WHEN YOU FALL, AT LEAST FALL FORWARD!  Love that quote, it is contained in a Leslie Householder tip The Swell In Fronts of You at http://www.positivethinkingtips.org/the-swell-in-front-of-you/#comment-1352

GIVING TO CHARITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS MAKING AN INVESTMENT IN ANOTHER PERSON, Dave Ramsey.  He is so right. Sometimes people knowing that someone simply cares for them could make all the difference in the world.  Don’t give because it is the socially right thing to do, give because it IS the RIGHT thing to do.

THE MONEY JAR!  LOTS of people have been asking how much we raised in one week with the Christmas Jar going to benefit the family and two boys who lost their mother in October. In just one short week, our KW family came together to raise $600. WOW! I spoke with the guidance counselor at the school, and she said several other people decided to have drives, much like we did, to help out the boys and their aunt, who is now raising them. All in all, over $4,000 was raised. Some went to buy presents for the boys, some went to the aunt to help pay her for all the gas she's been using driving back and forth to the west bank daily and for food, and $2,250 went into a fund to help raise the kids.  Thank you to everyone for your generosity. It is appreciated at a level greater than many of us may ever know. Here's a link to the video (you may need to turn up the volume) http://youtu.be/8FqJEHxFcS0

NABOR AWARDS:  It is that time of year again.  The applications for NABOR awards MUST be at the Board Office no later than 2:00 pm on Wednesday, January 25, 2012.  With the Christmas/New Year/Super Bowl activities, this process tends to get lost in the shuffle.  In the next few days, information will be put in the mailboxes of associates who have already qualified for an award or who are close to being qualified for an award.  Please do not wait until the last minute to get all your information together and verify your qualifications for awards.  Please check your mailbox after Monday, December 19 for more information.
PERSONAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT REQUEST:  If you have not as yet LinkedIn with me, please follow this link and do so for me before December 31, 2011, shooting for 1000 connections; currently have 921.  Are you one of them?  http://www.linkedin.com/in/gymbeaux

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 16

QUOTE:  “Not making a decision is making a decision to stay stuck!”  Wes Hopper  “Are you stuck on stupid?”  Lieutenant General Russell Honore

A MESSAGE FROM MICHAEL DUNN:  We've all heard the saying, "You Reap What You Sow" - If you sow fear, you'll reap fear.  If you linger in worry, depression, or anger you are planting those seeds to reap in your life.  Choose your seeds wisely and watch your future grow.  http://www.thebigsecret.org/BRAINSECRETS1.html

YOU ARE THE DRIVER OF YOUR BUS; YOU HAVE THE BEST SEAT; avoid energy vampires.  Jon Gordon says it all in this short 3.5 minute video.  Hope you watch it:  http://www.jongordon.com/blog/2011/12/06/no-energy-vampires-allowed-video/

LOUISIANA REAL ESTATE LICENSE RENEWALS:  It is that time of year again.  Time to renew your license for Louisiana.  You must have the required 12 hours of Continuing Education credits four of which in the mandatory subject Broker and Agent Responsibility.  If you do not have the required CE credits YOU CANNOT PRACTICE REAL ESTATE IN ANY WAY AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2011.  Should you continue to practice real estate it will be so WITHOUT a license and you and your broker (that would be me) will be subject to a HEFTY FINE; NOT GOOD!  You can obtain your CE by going to www.KW.com and entering Continuing Education in the search box.  You can purchase the hours you need in all 50 states.  I took an online course on “Going Green” and it was a very good course.

GAME CHANGER:  Warning, the tone of this article is brutal but to the point.  Is Ryan Fletcher talking about you?  Read the article to find out for yourself:  http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1391/a-game-changer-respect-finally

NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDENDUM:  The Louisiana Real Estate Commission has uploaded a new New Construction Addendum that is RECOMMENDED you use (as compared to being MANDATORY) on all Agreements to Purchase that involve New Construction.  A copy has been included in the Sales Form Binder in the Resource Room and has been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section in the Sales Document folder.

GREETING AN UNHAPPY CUSTOMER, of course that would never happen to you but if it does, read this article by Lauri Brown (no relation).  This comes courtesy of Jeffrey Gitomer’s weekly Sales Caffeine Newsletter.  Gymbeaux Note:  When a customer is angry and speaking loudly, become an effective listener, don’t try to out talk an angry customer.  When you REALLY listen and the customer knows it, it tends to calm the anger because the customer knows you also probably have the solution.  Learn to be a GREAT listener: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewSCArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OVMk35YY58SQ%3D%3D

LEASE AGREEMENT ADDENDUM:  The lease agreement addendum has been slightly modified and uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com, Documents section in the Rental Forms folder and it should be used on all Residential leases.  The addendum change addresses which party to the lease holds and is responsible for the Deposit.  The following forms should be utilized on ALL Residential Leases:
  • Lease Agreement
  • Addendum to the Lease Agreement
  • Rules & Regulations (if used and it should be)
  • Customer Information Sheet
  • Dual Agency Agreement as applicable
  • Seller’s (Owner’s) Property Disclosure if it is KW listing
  • Lead Base Paint Disclosure if home was built before 1978
  • Mold and Mildew Disclosure
  • Sewer Disclosure as applicable
  • Greensheet
  • MLS (Leased) Description Sheet if it is a KW Listing
  • MLS (Active) if it is not a KW Listing
  • Tenant Final Walk Through and Acceptance (this protects all parties including you)

LIST YOUR COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES WITH THE ST. TAMMANY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION  Yvette Sehon-Catoire provided information on the new property database Launched November 2, 2011. Our site is part of Louisiana Economic Development's (LED):  http://www.louisianasiteselection.com/stedf/

By listing your available properties with the Louisiana Site Selection Center, it will ensure that your properties continue to be available for site selector requests and will allow your properties to reach broad markets as companies search for new locations. Additionally, this new site allows you, site selectors, economic developers and potential clients access to tools such as mapping, data downloads and community profiles, in addition to searching available buildings and sites.

Please note, first time users of this system will have to complete a brief registration form. Registration and property listings are free. Once you have registered, log in to the system and follow the prompts to add your available properties. One a month you will receive an email from Entergy, on behalf of LED, asking you to verify that your property(ies) is/are still available. You must respond or your listings will be removed. 

LISTINGS; THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX:  Have you thought about going paperless on your listings?  Electronic Photo Frames are very inexpensive.  Put one in each of your listings with a loop of photos about the property including information about you.  Use this instead of putting out a lot of paper.  Ask visitors to the property to record their email address on the sign-in sheet and you will send them information on the property as our way of “going green”.  Instead of a “flyer box” use the QR code on your sign.  You might also want to consider metal signs that can be used over and over again and while you are thinking, think about reflective signs that literally light up when headlights hit them. 

THIS WEEK’S HUMOR:  Provided by Joyce Albert.  Laws on the books in various states (kind of explains why our government is so dysfunctional).  Bet you read them all:  http://www.divinecaroline.com/22323/99603

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Online Newsletter For The Week Ending Dec 9, 2011

QUOTE:  This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anyone could have. ~Author Unknown

A MESSAGE FROM MICHAEL DUNN:  “Other people see us as we were.  We see ourselves as we are.  But God sees us as we will be.  When we see ourselves as God sees us - unlimited potential - we are unstoppable.  Picture That!!”  www.michaelpdunn.org
FALSE CEILING.  If anyone wants to know where I picked up on the phrase “dollar productive activities” go to Dr. Fred Grosse’s web site at:  http://drfredgrosse.com/videos/ and then click on False Ceilings.  All of the very short videos on this site are good check them all out you won’t regret it.

THIS WEEK’S HUMOR AND IT IS GREAT:  “Amazing Grace - And that’s when I got the spanking” by Andy Andrews.  If you have not read, listen to or heard Andy Andrews, you are missing a great deal.  Watch this and you will see why:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cINrWlfCPI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN:  The Law of Attraction; Re-visted.  Recent events (in my life) has caused me to re-visit The Law of Attraction.  This Nuggets is about those events and hopefully it will strike a “never” for you as it did me.  www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.

20.5 ATTITUDE SNACKS TO CHEW ON.  This was written by Jeffrey Gitomer but was included in the Sales Gravy weekly ezine, the title says it all:    http://tinyurl.com/
SHARPEN YOUR KNIVES:  Jon Gordon is one of favorite writers.  Here is a comment about not only sharpening your knives in your business but also at home, especially during the Christmas season.  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-120511-sharpknives.html

OF ALL YOUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES, SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOW IN THE TOP FIVE.  This is Jeffrey Gitomer’s weekly sales eZine and it is right on target.  If you are not involved in Business Social Media, you have already fallen behind your competition and falling further behind every day.  I would encourage everyone to follow Gitomer’s advice on this link:  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3M1YE%2BJ%2BkgPHQ%3D%3D

LINKEDIN POSTS:  I am registered on www.LinkedIn.com.  Currently I have 905 connections (pretty good if I may say so myself).  My original goal was 500, now it is 1000.  More importantly, I received emails from LinkedIn that provide me with articles on real estate issues that I can then post on LinkedIn adding value to the 905 first line connections and ultimately almost 10,000,000 others, yes that is 10 MILLION with an “M”.  Why would you not do this? I’ll wait for the answer…….
TEN SELF-LIBERATING WORDS, by Joe “Jeaux” Tye.  Very short, to the point, great words to live by:  http://tinyurl.com/86fjxt3

COMMERCIAL “DEAL” WEBSITE;  For your information.  I did not sign up; it appears very interesting:  http://www.realestatedealsheet.com/user/register?id=1597&key=1323054015


  • Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue!
  • Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
  •  It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
  •  Never buy a car you can't push.
  • Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.
  • Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
  • Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.
  • The second mouse gets the cheese.
  • When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
  • Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
  • You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.
  •  Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.
  • A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
  • *Save the earth..... It's the only planet with chocolate !*

To which I might add:
Never fight with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig loves it.