QUOTE: “You are given a bag of cement and a bucket of water. You can either build a wall or stepping stones. The choice is yours.” Or something to that effect by Joe Tye www.JoeTye.com
QUOTE 2: “Finding a needle in a haystack is easy compared to finding a needle amongst needles!” Criminal Minds (Love that one!)
DAILY GRATITUDE - I have been collecting a Daily Gratitude message from Wes Hopper for over 2 years and saving the articles as a word document. There are currently over 527 such articles that have been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com. Document Section, Technology Folder for your reading. I have removed the previous upload to upload the most recent copy as of 7 Sep 2011. It makes for inspiring reading in a few seconds. I would recommend reading it every morning and again at night to start and end your day on a very positive note.
27% OF REALTORS ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE! That is so hard to believe. There is nothing so precious as our right to vote. I guess a case could be made for a right to not vote but it is not understandable. That is one out of every 5 REALTORS, not registered to vote. On November 19th, citizens of Louisiana will have a chance to prevent governments from imposing a real estate transaction fee on each, that was EACH, closing. It could add thousands of dollars to the cost of transferring ownership of real estate. EVERY REALTOR should not only vote FOR this constitutional amendment, they should encourage their sphere of influence as well. Hard to ask someone else to vote if you are not registered yourself. www.StayTaxFree.com
LIFE SPAN CALCULATOR: Very interesting especially if you play with it by changing some of your answers like losing a few pounds, stop smoking, etc. This is a calculator that estimates your life expectancy. This was developed by Northwestern Mutual Life. http://media.nmfn.com/tnetwork/lifespan/
A CAREER WORTH OF INFO ON A VIDEO: This video captured my attention, start to finish. It contains a lot of things taught over the years but in a concise presentation but you can only benefit from it by watching and paying attention: A word to the wise should be sufficient: http://www.thecodeofinfluence.com/now/3_factors/?hop=rapidnlp
FAIR HOUSING AND RECENT NAR CHANGES: The following is from the 2011 REALTOR Code of Ethics and should be adhered to. Items emboldened are of specific concern and will be addressed in future Fair Housing classes:
Article 10
REALTORS® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, or sexual orientation. REALTORS® shall not be parties to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, or sexual orientation. (Amended 1/11)
REALTORS®, in their real estate employment practices, shall not discriminate against any person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, or sexual orientation. (Amended 1/11)
• Standard of Practice 10-3
REALTORS® shall not print, display or circulate any statement or advertisement with respect to selling or renting of a property that indicates any preference, limitations or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, or sexual orientation. (Adopted 1/94, Renumbered 1/05 and 1/06, Amended 1/11)
HUD AND Q&A FORUM: PEMCO wants you to be knowledgeable about HUD Sales and is inviting you to call in every Friday and ask questions every Friday at 10:00 Mountain Time. Join the Conference Call by dialing in at 1-213-493-0600, use Access Code: 283-030-696
By Wes Hopper
"Add to this the fact that to try to reproduce your mind mechanically would cost billions of dollars and you begin to see yourself for what you really are - an amazing, infinitely valuable creature!
And not only that, you are unique."
Earl Nightingale
When Earl wrote these words about 60 years ago, the dollar was worth a lot more than it is today. But Earl's estimate was still too low.
We know today, with computing power far beyond what was available in Earl's day, that we can't build a computer with a mind.
We humans can do something that no computer today can do - we can come up with a brand new idea!
Computers can only come up with ideas that have been made possible by the software. They are limited and deterministic.
We can originate ideas, ideas that have never been thought before! Our minds are quantum, with infinite possibilities.
"The Astonishing Power of Gratitude" is available as an audiobook on CD, or as an MP3 download, with bonuses! An inspirational companion for your drive time or walks. Get it today!
That's why it's silly to think of yourself as limited. But many of us do. We follow the pattern of everyone around us and get the average results that all the average people get.
But you're not average. You're capable of astonishing feats of creativity and innovation. But you have to quit looking at others for guidance on what to do. Look inside you. Put your quantum mind to work. Get creative and original!
Life will pay you exactly what you think you're worth. And life knows what that is by how you think and act. If you act like a sheep, you'll get sheep pay. You'll get sheared on a regular basis, too.
Leave the crowd and make your decision. How do you want to change your life, and the world with it? Get started. We need you.
Many blessings, Wes