Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending January 28, 2010

QUOTE: “Dear God. Please give me a fat bank account and a thin body for 2011. And, please don't mix these up like you did last year. AMEN!” Carol Poems said it but is uncertain who said it first.

IMPOMRTANT BROKER BIT ON CHECKING EMAILS. The www.ReadForAChange.com email is certainly not something that is REQUIRED reading but ought to be; it contains a lot of great content most of which is NOT written by me (some is like in this one). My concern as your Designated Broker, responsible for your licensed activities is that oftentimes there is Compliance issues contained in the weekly newsletter or the compliance issues are sent separately under the heading of IMPORTANT. A great feature of my email program (or maybe not) is that it reports on HOW MANY PEOPLE OPEN THE EMAIL. The 20/80 rules seems to apply. About 20% open it; 80% don’t. That’s scary when the content may contain something that helps to keep you legal or even more importantly, may chalk up another sale in your closed sale column. Studies have clearly shown that people who use emails and voice mail messages expect an response within hours or they may go somewhere else for their real estate needs. For those who are NOT checking their email on a regular basis like 2 or 3 times a day, what other information are you missing? Over the weekend I had two friends email me about buying real estate in our area. If I did not respond, do you think they would wait forever? Doubt it!


THE LOST OPPORTUNITY YOUR SEMINAR NOTES. WHAT DO YOU DO (NOW)? By Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=16006

BLOGGING AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW. Or in other words, COPYWRITING. This is one of the best explanations I have ever read, it comes from the www.LegalZoom.com folks. As you read it, keep in mind that LegalZoom is a business looking for customers but with that said, copywriting your work is a good idea. Check out the article on http://www.legalzoom.com/intellectual-property-rights/copyrights/blogging-and-intellectual-property-law?

A MARKT CENTER BLOG “FOR AGENT’S ONLY?” You got it. This is your chance to post information that you think would benefit other agents in our market center. Something go wrong, what did you do to remedy the situation; inquiring minds want to know. What new market or advertising strategy is working for you; what is not working? Someone may be able to comment to make it work for you. This is YOUR blog to post YOUR ideas, concerns, struggles. Check it out, use it. You can access directly by going to http://kwrpagents.blogspot.com/ or you can always access from the HOME PAGE on www.SlidellCalendar.com

CREATIVITY IS NOT DEAD AFTER ALL: When Mr. Jim Barthelman, 5th grade teacher in the tiny village of Quinhagak, Alaska suggested a video as a class project, he thought the students would have friends and family a viewers. Little did they know that their delightful and creative presentation of the Hallelujah Chorus would be seen by millions of viewers around the world after going viral. Watch and find out why! http://www.sonnyradio.com/hallelujah.html

HOW TWO SIMPLE SENTENCES GENERATED FIVE REFERRALS by Joe Stumpf. This is a very short but powerful word document on http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Marketing Folder; you will want to at least try this, you have nothing to lose.


CHECK OUT THE KELLER WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE AGENT REPELLANT REPELLER. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR-R4zDKxdA&feature=related

YOU CAN’T SEND A DUCK TO EAGLE SCHOOL. (Gymbeaux Note: You actually CAN send a Duck to Eagle School; the question is will the Duck pay attention and learn anything.) Here is a very short video that applies to all of us but some more than others (buy as stated above, they probably didn’t open this newsletter to even read it; I’m just saying….). Please take just 3 minutes to watch this video. Here is my offer after watching. I have over 30 years experience in the real estate business, in sales, management and ownership, not to mention some successes and some failures – been there done that!. I don’t know everything and what I don’t know I will tell you so. With what I do know I can help you if help is what you are looking for as this short video will suggest. Check it out. If you want to talk, you know how to reach me JimBrown@gymbeaux.com. Video link: http://www.eagleschoolmovie.com/?cm_mmc=CheetahMail-_-Corp-_-01.21.11-_-YCSDMovie&utm_source=CheetahMail&utm_campaign=YCSDmovieCorp

GO FIGURE: This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ......... So figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL .... 111

A CLEAN GETAWAY, NEW ORLEANS AREA HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE AT A GOOD PRICE: http://livingsocial.com/deals/18910-house-cleaning?msdc_id=59&ref=NOLADeal012411_59_1336email


ON THE LIGHTER SIDE. If this does not bring a smile to your face and maybe even a tear in your eye, nothing will. Check out the Preacher and the Zipper: http://www.youtube.com/user/billybobjr705

POSITIVELY CONTAGIOUS! If you want to be motivated in the right direction, you may want to consider signing up to receive Jon Gordon’s emails which you can do if you follow this link. The question is this: Are you qualified to be the Chief Energy Officer for our Market Center. There should be over 80 Chief Energy Officers in our company; are you one? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-012411-positively-contagious.html

JON GORDON’S TOOLS FOR SUCCESS. Links to various Jon Gordon resources, action plans based on the books he has written and much more. Good stuff as usual from Jon:

CLASSICAL GUITAR CONCERT AT THE DUBISSON ART GALLERY IN OLD TOWN. Follow the link for more info: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=q9bzuldab&v=001Akwh5HY8vpy4mWvyuvPGsTK2inhnmFYkFDX_RhwmkQ_xJPwCCcM_WObfhlk21hoN1x0GJ0TZkVuoEtzgyTDv50arum1plnJgBRdf9H7lwWZcdLFgtIwpxw%3D%3D

THE PERILS OF DISCOUNTING, article provided by http://www.salesdog.com/. While this article is written regarding sales in general and not real estate, the same principle applies. When agents begin discounting commissions that are telling the world that they “are not worth what they typically charge”. Is that the message you want to send? Do you want your personal real estate business to be profitable? If so you need to know the “cost of the sale”. Without this knowledge you may be working for nothing. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2011/nl0510.htm

Sign up to follow Lew on his Facebook page:  http://www.facebook.com/lew.smallwood.  I read Lew's ezine and Gmail Buzz every day. 

Today I will continue to reflect on the power of beliefs. I read once that we are simply thought machines. While I realize there’s more to human beings than that, we are the only species on the planet capable of rational thought. We both allow and absorb beliefs from our cultural environment and we also create our own unique beliefs by the thoughts we dwell on. The more we think about something the more likely it is to solidify into a belief. That’s not to say that all thoughts inevitably become beliefs, although they can and they frequently do. The repetition of any thought can eventually focus the mind more and more so that the thought seems more acceptable, real, and believable. If repetition is the mother of learning, repeatedly dwelling on any thought is the mother of beliefs. Our thoughts only exist as representations in consciousness, and our beliefs only exist as validation of those representations. My mind doesn’t have an internal quality control mechanism for weeding out stupid, ridiculous, or harmful beliefs; therefore I need to take care with what I allow myself to think because I may be building a belief.

Our beliefs can be said to act as traffic lights for manifesting our dreams. When the lights are green or in other words when our beliefs and dreams are a match, we can move forward to our destination. When the lights are red; that is when our beliefs and dreams are a mismatch, we are unable to move forward. How does this work? And more importantly how can we change the lights from red to green so we can move more quickly to claim our dreams? I think it is about aligning our thoughts with our beliefs, energizing them with emotion and then taking the correct action.

1. Beliefs. We speak here about the fundamental and important building blocks of life. Some of our beliefs are apparent to us; however many like the foundations of a building, are hidden from immediate view and we have to dig deep within to uncover them. Beliefs operate as self-validating constructs; this explains their immense power and also their potential danger. Once installed, a belief functions as part of our perception system and therefore filters out everything that does not fit with it. In this way, beliefs are blind.

2. Thoughts. It’s not possible to direct our thoughts and centre them for any period of time on any dream that doesn’t match our beliefs. Try it, and you will find as I have that your thoughts quickly drift. As a result it’s not possible to create the clarity required to charge your thoughts with emotion. It’s our emotions that move us, not just our thoughts. However that said, all our thoughts are dynamic and seek to transform to their physical equivalent, so we must be watchful about aligning our thoughts with our beliefs. (Gymbeaux Note: Planting the seeds of weeds.)

3. Feelings. Whenever we soak our thoughts in emotion we supercharge them. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the role of our emotions and also the deeper moods in which we all live that inform what’s possible for us in life. And in particular about how they act as prompts and precursors for achievement. For me emotions are the juice that energizes my dreams. My daughter says that feelings clear ‘fuddles’ I have no idea exactly what that means except that she wanted me to include it in this article.

4. Action. As I observe and examine my own life it is apparent to me that whenever my beliefs, thoughts and emotions are aligned I then take appropriate action to manifest my dreams and desires. And when I take action, when I am in motion with processional effects, I think of them as serendipitous events that occur and then enhance and further open my life to receive my good. The universe responds to action.

5. Results. When our beliefs, thoughts and feelings are aligned we can move forward and results occur quickly. When they aren’t aligned we become stuck and we can then simply spin our wheels. The way to create any outcome in life is to dwell on the vision of our deepest desires. And at the same time take action. By doing this, tension is created between our current state and our desired state. This tension is the primary force behind the manifestation of any outcome or result. It's as natural and powerful as the force of gravity. And in all this please remember that the most splendid achievement of all in life is the constant striving to surpass yourself and be worthy of your own approval. May all your lights be green!

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