Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Market Center Newsletter for Friday May 22, 2009

QUOTE: “Broke is a state of wallet; poverty a state of mind.” Joe Tye

REMINDER: Whenever you complete a CE course, please provide the Market Center with two copies of your course completion. One copy goes to the MCA to be filed in your file for the MC. The second copy goes to the Broker will bundle the certificates and periodically send them to the Board Office.

FHA To Allow Monetization of Tax Credit, this is important, the government is looking to allow the $8,000 tax credit to be used as an actual cash down payment. Read about it:


GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICE: Print out the tax role information, compare it to the seller’s information, verify legal description, include on your MLS input and then file in your listing folder. If there is any variation in who the seller is and who is identified on the tax register, ask questions. You should never make assumptions regarding “couples” but whenever there is only one buyer and/or seller you should ask if there is anyone else who appeared on the title when it was purchased (sellers) or will appear on the title when it is purchased (buyers).


LET’S SMOVE! Great video:

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE ON THIS ONE! LinkedIn 101; "Getting started and making money from the largest online network of business professionals!" Thursday, May 21st. Sponsored by Howard Brinton. Online seminar. 2:00 PM Eastern Time; 1:00 PM Central Time. Cost $39.00.

THE ATTRACTOR FACTOR, by Jim Meisenheimer

FREE MOTIVATIONAL STYLE POSTER SITE, CREATE GRADUATION POSTERS as well as other motivational type posters. Once created, you can order professionally printed posters through the web site. I used the site to create a poster for my grandson's high school graduation photo. The finished product ordered through the web site was 15 x 22.5 and cost $31.94 and I am very pleased with the reproduction.

Law of Attraction, notes from a teleclass by Michael Losier

Definition of The Law of Attraction: I attract to my life and business whatever I give my focus, thoughts and energy to, whether negative or positive.

You attract more of the negative things you think about as well as the positive.

Vibes: We pick up vibes to describe moods or feelings we are picking up. Vibes is short for vibration which is the Law of Attraction – becoming aware of the vibrations we both create in our own lives and that we experience around us.

The Law of Attraction is a science and it works. When you set up vibrations, positive or negative, the law is that it “matches” the vibration and then finds more of the same.

If you find you continually work with jerks in our business, the source of the jerks may be from your own thinking – “I always seem to get the jerks”.

Take accountability for attracting everything in your life. I have the ability to account for whatever it is that I am attracting into my life. Do I have the ability to change what I am attracting? Absolutely, to change your life, change the way you think about your life. This has been written for thousands of years starting with the Bible. “Ask and you shall receive!” Ask for negative – get negative. Ask for positive – get positive. Since we have a choice, why would anyone ever ask for negative? Because it is easier to be negative than positive!

There are only two kinds of vibrations, negative or positive.

As you read this you have a vibration and that vibration is being matched. For example if you are reading this and saying to yourself, this is hokey; that would be negative and nothing written here would change the way you think. “Thinking in a certain way” (Wallace Wattles) does not cost you a dime. By “certain way” can be negative thinking or positive thinking. If you want to know what kind of vibrations you are sending about money, open your wallet; about relationships, how’s that working for you; about not having buyers or sellers, what are you thinking and feeling about the market; it stinks? It’s down!

Three words in your vocabulary that cause you to send out negative vibes. Most people use them 150 times before noon.

  • DON'T
  • NOT
  • NO

When used, I just brought attention to that which I don’t want to bring attention, energy or focus to.

Think about it:

I don’t want to lose this sale
I don’t want more customers like that one
I don’t like what I am doing
I don’t like getting bills in the mail
I don’t like three putting (sorry, had to put that one in there)

You start to observe the things that you are getting and then look what is showing up in your life. The Law of Attraction is equally important in regards to negative and positive energy but it tends to work more on the negative because that is what we think about most.

Change the words:


Reframe the way you think and talk.

(Insert internal No sign with the words behind it)

When you go from what you don’t want to that which you do want, the words change, the vibration changes, your attitude changes not to mention having less of a negative affect on those people who are around you, feel your energy positive or negative, or hear your words. You are planting seeds in their minds, both positive and negative.

There is a difference between The Law of Attraction and The Law of Deliberate Attraction. Since the Law works almost 100% of the time, why not do it DELIBERATELY?

Three conditions or steps that need to be met to deliberately attract positive things into you life:

Formula for Deliberate Attraction

Step 1. Identify my desire
Step 2. Give my desire attention
Step 3. Allow it (be patient for it to occur and be aware of when it does)

If you like what you are getting, celebrate it and give it more of your energy and attention and focus. If you don’t like what you are getting, reframe the words you think and say (not to mention your body language – keep your chin up).

If you are in business and want to attract your ideal referral how do refer to the referrals you are currently getting or not? Reset your words. Identify what you want (your desire). Give the desire your positive full attention, focus and energy. Allow it to happen.

Referrals are easy to get a hold of. Referrals ask good questions. Referrals desire to buy or sell. Referrals are motivated. Referrals tell the truth. (For example, “buyers are liars”; we all have heard it and probably all have said it, especially you-know-who. If the Law of Attraction works and I believe it does, then every time you say “Buyers are Liars” you are setting up your environment to attract more buyers who also happen to lie.)

Learn to observe what you are getting in your life. Ask questions as to why this is happening both good and bad. If you want to attract something different, change your vibrations by changing the way you think and talk.

Step 3 is critical to the process - allowing it. People do steps 1 and 2 and then begin asking where is what I want in my life. If you are not allowing it to happen, if you are standing back wondering why it has not happened in your life yet, you are not allowing it to happen and such thinking are doubts and doubts are negative. Therefore you are not thinking positively, you are doubting it works or that it will happen and therefore your doubting thoughts tend to cancel out all the positive work you have done.

Allowing it – may be the missing piece to the Law of Attraction if you have been working with the Law.

If you desire something and it has not shown up as yet, you may (must) be doubting that you will receive it or deserve it.

Most people demand or expect proof and that may describe you and the way you think about the Law of Attraction.

Spend more time celebrating “what is” than trying to find proof that it is working.

The Law of Attraction at work; an example:

A lot of people use positive affirmations and they are very good but….

If you are over weight and you say “I have a lean slender body” and you look in the mirror, your subconscious mind is saying “No I don’t” so what you are saying and what you are thinking are working at cross purposes to each other. It is almost impossible for that not to happen. I personally (Gymbeaux) used a variation of this by using Joe Tye’s Direction-Deflection-Question (DDQ). I would simply ask myself “Is what I am about to eat or drink consistent with my desire to weight 185?” If the answer was yes, I would eat or drink it, if no, I would not. As a result, I loss 40 pounds. The DDQ was not a positive affirmation but it caused me to “think in a certain way” which is what Wallace D. Wattles said in his book The Science of Getting Rich written in 1910 from which The Secret was based; and The Secret IS The Law of Attraction!

If you want more buyers and sellers to come into your life, it is not enough to simply picture yourself as already having them in your life as so many people may have suggested because in your heart you KNOW you don’t. Therefore think in terms that “you are doing” something like attracting more happy, qualified, ready to sell, ready to buy, pleasant buyers and sellers into my life” thoughts.

I am going to suggest another technique that I have found works wonders for me on the golf course. It has been suggested by people far more intelligent that I am that our brains are computers, the best that has ever been created or probably will be created. We program computers; why not intentionally program our brains? Dr. Joseph Parent of Zen Golf suggested that before you approach your golf shot, get focused on what you want to happen; stand back from your golf ball and take a practice swing. But instead of just swinging for the sake of swinging, really feel the practice swing. Is that the swing you want to take when you hit the golf shot for real? If not, take another and another until you can feel it. The moment you really feel it is the swing you want to duplicate, tell your subconscious mind to “PROGRAM IT”, literally, like hitting the SAFE AS key on your computer’s keyboard. Since I have adopted this into my pre-shot routine on the golf course my shots have become much straighter and more like I had envisioned and my scores have begun to drop (that is a good thing for you-know-who).

Why would this technique not also work for our customers? I believe that a step that is missing in most of our lives, certainly not yours, is failure to give gratitude on a moment-to-moment and daily basis for the wonderful things we have or are about to receive. When was the last time you stopped and really thought about how grateful you were for the lead that just came into your life? Be honest. Have you ever, paused, and then just thought to yourself, “Thank you?” I doubt it. Instead, most of us immediately begin qualifying the lead as to just how real the lead is, should we spend any of our valuable time on this person, and we more often than not start with the negative thoughts about the person we are talking to trying to eliminate them rather than add them. Be honest, you know I am right on this. You are doubtful. What did Losier talk about above – doubt. If you immediately start “doubting” the validity of the lead in front of you, you are sending out negative vibrations and they are picked up by the customer and people around you. You know this is true because we all have done this – someone walks into the room, does not say a word and we ask – “What’s wrong?” Why do we do this? Because we “feel the negative vibrations, we see the frown on a person’s face, we sense something from that person’s body language, etc. – or they may have set the feeling because that is the way they always feel – they are plain and simple, a pickle-sucker!

Trying to work with The Law of Attraction costs you nothing. Doubt if you will and like so many have said: if something is free it must not have any value. If you want to write off the value of The Law of Attraction, that is your choice. A negative one I might add.

In my opinion, The Law of Attraction and having a happy attitude are almost one in the same thing. If you are grateful for waking up in the morning it is impossible to start the day being negative. If you are positive in your thoughts, always looking for the rainbow or silver lining, The Law of Attraction will naturally fall into place provided as Losier suggests, we allow it and we become observant of what we are attracting into our lives.

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