QUOTE: "Well, you know that passion is a big part of what we do...if we don't have passion, then we are like everyone else - mediocre - and that's not good enough for me, our company, or our clients." From The Seed by Jon Gordon. Couldn't have said it better myself :-)
PARTNERS MEETING IS ON TUESDAY, NOVEMER 1 AT 9:30. The meeting will be on Tuesday’s until the completion of the BOLD classes in Baton Rouge.
LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN: www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com. The Number One and Oldest Secret To Success, as if you already didn’t know from Gymbeaux
ROBIN SHARMA VIDEO: http://www.robinsharma.com/stay-focused.php well worth your time to watch.
PREPARING FOR A TRAIN WRECK. Great advice from Joe Tye. http://tinyurl.com/3jt6ahr
ENCOURAGEMENT: By Jon Gordon. Finished Gordon’s latest book, The Seed. It is an inspirational novel (short, easy, entertaining and educational read) about the importance of finding your BIG WHY; your purpose in life. Highly recommended. See his web site at www.JonGordan.com. In the mean while read his article on “encouragement” at: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-103111-encouragement.html
By Wes Hopper
"Not managing your time and making excuses are two bad habits.
Don't put them both together by claiming you don't have the time."
Bo Bennett
People who are successful are that way because they get things done. And they get the right things done!
It's trite, but necessary, to remind ourselves that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Successful people make better choices of how to spend those precious 24 hours. Less successful people not only make poorer choices, but they often surround them with excuses.
-------------------------------------------HEY, if you're tired of the same old stuff in your life, change it! This program will show you how! It's simple and easy to understand and if you need help, coaching from me is included!
The excuses are usually some version of "I had to do this other thing because ....." followed by how it was someone else's fault.
Now let me point out that the real problem is not that you did something else, but that you blamed someone else! In other words, you gave away your power. You can regain your power easily by changing your wording. Instead of "I had to" be truthful and say "I chose to." Because you did.
Now you can separate out fact from fantasy. "I chose to spend 8 hours at my day job because that's how I pay the bills right now" is a rational choice. It feels like a "have to" but it's a choice.
So apply the "I choose" test to every use of your time. Take full responsibility. Make a conscious decision about the best choices.
Decide what you need to be working on, personally and professionally, and choose to do that work.
As Dr Wayne Dyer would say, "Excuses Begone!" Read his book for more.
Just by making the change from "have to" to "choose to" you'll be freeing yourself from excuses.
Now you can choose to manage your time, and you'll be getting things done.
The right things. Many blessings,
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