Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending September 2, 2011

QUOTE:  "It will make an immense difference with your faith and spirit whether you look upon civilization as a good thing which is becoming better or as a bad and evil thing which is decaying."  Wallace Wattles. Written in 1910!

FREE SOFTWARE SECURITY CHECK:  Check out www.Secunia.com.  It is a free download that can scan your software and check it against the most recent security updates.  Interesting program.

NEW FORM FOR OVERNIGHT COSTS ON HUD SALES.  There is a new form that a purchaser of HUD properties signs regarding the requirement to overnight HUD sale offers.  It is located on www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under Sales Forms and in the Sales Form Binder in the Resource Room.

VINCE LOMBARDI VIDEO CLIP – SAYS IT ALL!  http://www.lombardimovie.com/store

REALEMERGE:  For those who missed the lunch & learn regarding www.RealEmerge.com, you missed a good one.  The presentation by Frank Chimento was awesome and the rollout of the new real estate program using eMerge was fantastic.  You can check it on www.RealEmerge.com.  Most people go right to the pricing of products before they research exactly what it does.  If you check this out and I hope you do, remember this one thought; if this program could product just one closed sale from its use, it would pay for itself for the next 2 or 3 years.  The program is designed to almost run entirely on its own to keep in contact with those people for whom you have email addresses.

DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD ATTRACT THE FBI BY COPYING MONEY ON A COPY MACHINE?  Here is what www.Answers.com says about this issue:

There is a special board to prevent counterfeiting. If you copy money in color at the exact size (no increase or decrease in size) this board will blow, then you have to call for a service tech to come out. When the tech tries to order this board, they have to notify the FBI. Then the FBI comes out to visit you with the tech. Only copy in Black and white and increase or decrease the size by at least 5 Percent!

FALL RETREAT:  There is a huge turnout for this event and seating may not be available if you don’t sign up soon.  Notify AMY if you plan to attend.  The first today is FREE and NOLA Lending will be providing a bus for the first day only.  It will return AFTER the evening reception so plan accordingly.  Signup sheet for the bus is in the Resource Room.

REALIST.  If you have not tried out REALIST on the MLS site, you are truly missing out on some really neat information.  You can find the link once you log onto the MLS.  Look under SMART LINKS on the right of the screen and click it.  You will the link to REALIST.  Be patient, it takes some time to load but once it loads and you agree to the terms, it provides you such information as neighborhood information, CMA data, flood maps, neighbors, etc.  You will not regret trying this out.  Enter your own address, you will be amazed at how much information is on this site about your home.

COMING SOON!  IGNITE YOUR BUSINESS; IGNITE YOUR CAREER; IGNITE YOUR PASSION.  Keller Williams has retired the 4-4-3 training program and will launch IGNITE in late September.  I have already listed the classes that will be taught in the Market Center during the Month of October.  Watch for details as they are made available by KW.  You know this will be good.  Note:  I have been in real estate for more than 32 years.  Today I attended Bill Deshotels class on the HUD Statement and Closing Procedures and learned something; imagine that.  You are never too old or too experienced to become better at what you do.  Consider spending October becoming better at what you do; sign up for the IGNITE Classes when they become available.  Better yet, consider teaching them.  Check out the schedule on www.SlidellCalendar.com for OCTOBER.

TODAY’S SMILE:  What would you?  http://www.youtube.com/embed/-icgySC4e2c  Caution, this may be a bit over the top!  J

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending Aug 26, 2011

QUOTE:  “A leaders ability to accept change - adapt to change, convert change to opportunity, and communicate that opportunity to your team - is at the fulcrum point of their ability to succeed.”   ~Jeffrey Gitomer; The Little Book of Leadership. www.JeffreyGitomer.com

BUSINESS PLANNING CLINIC.  Friday, August 26, 9:00 to 4:00 in the Market Center.  This clinic will teach you how to analyze your business, help you discover your BIG WHY, identify exactly what you should do to not only discover your "numbers" but to also HIT your "numbers".  This is your best tool for success.  Sign up in the Resource Room.
NAPOLEON HILL IS THE REAL SECRET, by Jeffrey Gitomer.  I am a huge fan of Jeffrey Gitomer; this is one of his best, you can tell by the way it is written that it comes from his heart.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3O9o8uBpX%2Bwag%3D%3D

IN TOUCH, PAT ZABY CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, this may be worth looking in to.  Zaby is offering a 30 day free trial, check it out at:  http://member.patzaby.com/pod.aspx

FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE:  We have 46 people who have elected to “like” our Market Center Facebook Page.  Should be upwards of 100 because a lot of followers are from the real estate industry.  The page is kept up-to-date with all that is going on in our Market Center.  Please sign on and select “like” to keep abreast of the our events.  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Keller-Williams-Realty-Professionals/216460945070863

DANGERS OF TEXT MESSAGING AND DRIVING, video.  The video speaks for itself.  It doesn’t always happen to the other guy.  I have a personal rule that I simply do not use my telephone ever when driving.  If you have a need, pull over.  http://www.att.com/gen/press-room?pid=2964

THE POWER OF AN OUTSIDE VOICE, by Jon Gordon.  Someone locally says it, no big deal.  Someone from 50 miles away says the same thing, BIG DEAL!  What can we learn from this?  Great thought provoker:  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-082211-power-of-an-outside-voice.html

EXCERPT FROM JOE TYE’S LATEST EZINE:  The referenced free gifts have been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under eBooks.  Everything Joe writes is excellent!

If you believe things are going to get tougher before they get easier (I certainly do), then the best investment you can make in yourself is cultivating the mental and emotional toughness required to see the opportunity in every perceived crisis, and the courage to take action in the face of paralyzing fear. You must, in short, conquer your lesser self so that your best self can shine.  As my gift to you, click on this link to download the 91-page Winning the War with Yourself Field Manual, which includes as an appendix the special report "It's Better to Be a Three-Legged Coyote Than a Four-Legged Fur Coat " - which is filled with recommendations for escaping some of the more common traps in life and work.

The best investment you can make in your organization is fostering a spirit of cultural toughness. More than any other factor, this spirit characterizes each of the eight legendary business success stories profiled in my book All Hands on Deck: 8 Essential Lessons for Building a Culture of Ownership.
The one, of course, always leads to the other. The best way to foster cultural toughness in the organization is with training on values-based life and leadership skills. So as my second gift to you, click on this link to download our 32-page special report The Business Case for Values Training, which includes more than two dozen of the most important lessons we have learned over the past 15 years of providing this training.



"Whenever you do fall into the old ways of thought, correct yourself instantly, for when you are in the competitive mind you have lost the cooperation of the Universe."

Wallace Wattles

I remember watching a nature show on TV and seeing two hyenas fighting with one another over a piece of meat.
In the background not too far away was an entire carcass.

In the distance, as far as the eye could see, was an endless herd of the prey animals.
I thought, "Wow! What a perfect illustration of the competitive mind. Fighting over scraps in the midst of plenty!"

We all see through filters, and the filters are our beliefs. If our belief is that supply is limited, then that's what we will experience.
Wattles says that we lose the cooperation of the Universe.  Actually the Universe always cooperates with us, by agreeing with us.

If we believe in shortages, we get to experience shortages.
Then, like the hyenas, we end up fighting over the scraps.

Resolve to see only abundance.  There are enough ideas, enough customers, enough money and enough opportunities for your needs.
You are a creator, not a competitor. The Universe will cooperate with that.

Many blessings, Wes
PS - What? You don't have the 2010 ebook yet! Look what you're missing.  Over 260 pages of Daily Gratitude messages, some expanded and rewritten from the original. Get it today! http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kx6ZW&m=J3jAiyacwsR9M1&b=PshZ3LV2ExeQD84G.hhmXw

Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 2614
Prescott, AZ 86302

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending August 19, 2011

QUOTE:  "Every day is either a successful day or a day of failure, and it's the successful days that get you what you want. Do, every day ALL that can be done that day."  Wallace Wattles.  Think about that for just a moment.  At the end of the day, if you were to score your day, SUCCESS OR FAILURE, do you think you just might change the way you approach each day and do that little bit more to aim at success rather than expect failure?  Just asking…..

FIVE SIMPLE THINGS TO IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE, provided by www.SalesDog.com;  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2011/nl0538.htm

FLYING WITHOUT A PLANE OVER THE GRAND CANYON:  Amazing feat, amazing video:  http://timetosignoff.com/video/?id=16545

FIVE WAYS TO THRIEVE DURING TOUGH TIME TIMES by Jon Gordon;  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-081511-5-ways-to-thrive.html

I WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT”  I WANT TO THINK IT OVER!”  CRAP!  Jeffrey Gitomer hits another one on the head.  Keep in mind that Gitomer writes about sales in general so you have to adapt his teachings ever so slightly to apply them to real estate.  You are not selling a Snickers candy bar, you are selling a service; you are selling yourself and what you represent or “bring to the table”:  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OlipTR5B%2B8uQ%3D%3D

IT COULD NOT BE MORE OBVIOUS; the answer to two lingering questions; Is it a good time to buy?  Is it a good time to sell? by Rich Levin:  http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1297/it-couldn-t-be-more-obvious

MAKING A MEMORY OF THE FUTURE.  Joe Tye asks, why do people read horoscopes written by someone without specific power to see the future.  If that is the case why not write your own horoscope and read it every morning.  This article is about creating your own future memories ahead of time.  A lesson worth learning:  http://tinyurl.com/3mg92eb

AGENT BLUEPRINT, SEO FOR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS by Michelle Fradella.  Michelle is a broker/owner in Picayune, MS and she gave me permission to share her new book with you.  It is posted on www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document Section under eBooks.

THE POWER OF A SMILE, by Alen Mejar, great thought provoker.  http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2011/nl0539.htm#newsletter

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending August 12, 2011

QUOTE:  “Scars indicate where we’ve been, not dictate where we are going.”  David Rossi, Criminal Minds
MARKET CENTER FACEBOOK FAN PAGE:  Here it is; fresh out of the wrapper.  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Keller-Williams-Realty-Professionals/216460945070863?v=wall  PLEASE INDICATE YOU "LIKE" AND FOLLOW THE MARKET CENTER FAN PAGE.  Market Center activities and events will be posted on a daily basis.
FALL RETREAT, FREE, OPEN TO EVERYONE.  SIGN UP AND BRING A FRIEND:  Wednesday October 12 from 8:00 to 5:00.  Leadership Training with Shaun Rawls.  Break Out Sessions and Panels, eEdge, Listing & Buyer clinics, Lead Generation via Social Media, Short Sales, How to HUD, DISC, Best Practices for Assistants and others .  Vendor Exhibit Hall.  Afternoon session is for Masterminds including Leadership, Operations and Financials, Associate panels.  This day is free of charge.  Where?  Renaissance Riverview Plaza Hotel, 64 South Water St., Mobile AL.  Seating is limited to only 325 registrants - sign up early if you would like to attend.  So far we have 14 signed up from the Market Center.  This will be a great opportunity to not only learn what others are doing that is working, you can also network for future business.
SCAM EMAIL:  A lot of agents have been receiving an email where the customer indicates he wants to pay cash for a $700,000 plus home and to send him a contract to make it happen.  This appears to be a scam although what he hopes to achieve with it I am not certain.  Usually in such scams the sender eventually asks for personal information usually involving the transfer of funds so beware of such emails.
UNEMPLOYMENT MAPS:  This is not a political statement, on the contrary, watch how the map changes over time and keep your eye on the Slidell Area of the map; this is actually pretty incredible.  http://www.latoyaegwuekwe.com/geographyofarecession.html
ON SMART CALLING:  10 Quick Brief Tips by Art Sobczak  https://bbp.infusionsoft.com/he/22751074/98dd0282a4b841f9654c856e63b004d1
BROKER BIT – TIMELINES ON AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE:  The Louisiana Agreement to purchase has three areas that confirm the timeline of events.  The first is where the Designated Listing Agent signs the top of page one indicating that the Designated Listing Agent RECEIVED the Agreement including the Day, Date, and Time.  Then on page 6, the Designated Listing Agent again signs on line 328 indicating WHEN the Agreement was presented to the Sellers.  When the Designated Listing Agent returns the Agreement to the Buyer's Agent with the Seller's response, the Designated Buyer's Agent signs line 348 indicating WHEN the Agreement was presented BACK to the Buyers.  Someone reviewing the Agreements you are responsible for should be able to construct a timeline of events from the documents but when these spaces are left blank, reconstruction is impossible.  If you are working with another agent and  the agent fails to complete any of the required items, you should send the coop agent a request for the information to be completed and you should file your request with your paperwork on the transaction to demonstrate that you know the procedure but you cannot make someone else do what is required by the Real Estate Commission.  There is a FAX form in the Resource Room for this purpose.
NOTE FROM OUR JOPLIN, MO ADOPTED FAMILY:  “I want to let everyone know we spent our first night in our house Friday the 5th. It was wonderful I was so thankful to God to be home that I sat in the middle of living room and cried for an hour. I want to thank all of the KW Cares people for everything and your prayers. We still have a lot of outside work to do sure wish it would cool down.”
SOUND WAVES YOU CAN SEE.  This is an impressive video that has nothing to do with real estate.  http://www.wimp.com/supersonicflight/
MEGA AGENT CAMP, AUSTIN TX:  If you want to take your real estate career to new heights, attend Mega Agent Camp in Austin Texas September 20 and 21.  You can also attend Mega Technology Camp on September 19.  Go to www.kw.com and register today. 
As a broker in the NAR Broker Involvement Program, we occasionally send along a short info piece we believe merits your attention on an issue of public policy important to your business. While not a Call for Action (no action needed from you on this message), this is a summary of what the impact will be on home sales should Congress fail to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program by September 30, 2011, less than eight weeks from now. As you will see in reading this short report, the impacts are not at all good. This analysis was put together by the NAR Research department.
Congress has left Washington for the remainder of this month, and not set to return to the Capitol until after Labor Day. The House of Representatives passed the flood insurance reauthorization in July. Sadly the Senate has not. NAR currently has a Call for Action on the flood insurance issue, and we have twice emailed members and agents (in your offices) asking them to tell the Senate to reauthorize the flood insurance program.
We thank you for all you have done thus far in your participating in the program, yet the fact remains that just over 8% of NAR members have sent a message on this important issue. We urge you, to pass along this fact sheet, and urge your agents to take action if they have not done so. And since many Senators will be in their home states at their offices, perhaps if you have a moment you can call them and leave the message that the Senate must reauthorize the program as soon as they return to Washington. Ask your Senator to support the reauthorization. Phone numbers for Senate local offices can be found on the web. Go to www.senate.gov, click on "State" and select your Senator(s) and then click on their website, and look for Contact Us. Usually they show the state office location and phone number to call.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending August 5, 2011

QUOTE:  “We need better professionals - and more of them – the greater antidote for much of what ails business today.”  Bill Wiersma, The Power of Professionalism
LATEST NUGGET FOR THE NOGGIN:  CUSTOMER SERVICE R.I.P.  By Jim "Gymbeaux" Brown.  You tell me, is Customer Service dead?  When was the last time you received GREAT customer service?  When was the last time you GAVE GREAT customer service?  Want to read my thoughts on customer service, you can at:  www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.
AUGUST 4; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE U. S. COAST GUARD.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXxUp3Zb9R0&feature=related
LEARN HOW TO USE WWW.LINKEDIN.COM.  Wednesday wbinar at 1:00 CST every week.  http://learn.linkedin.com/training/  They require 10 or more registrants otherwise you will be asked to join a future webinar.  I have signed up for August 3, if you want to sit in with me I will be in the Large Training Room for 1:00 CST.  Webinar is 1 Hour and 45 Minutes so plan accordingly.
SLIDELL CALENDAR:  has the most up-to-date calendar of scheduled events in our Market Center.  If anyone has a correction or wants to include an item please send the specific information to JimBrown@gymbeaux.com.  You can access the Market Center Calendar in additional to a tremendous number of forms, articles and training by going to www.SlidellCalendar.com.  If any member of the Market Center has difficult accessing the calendar, please contact Jim Brown at JimBrown@gymbeaux.com.
ARE YOU IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA WORLD?  OR ARE YOU STANDING ON THE SIDELINES WAITING?  If you are waiting, you are trying to navigate a raging river – upstream.  Social Media is here, it is alive and it is thriving; are you?  Read Jeffrey Gitomer’s article, it may change your mind and your attitude towards getting engaged in Social Media:  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OV7O2%2BT9U9yA%3D%3D
SEA TURTLES….AND DISTRACTIONS THAT CAN LEAD US IN THE WRONG DIRECTION, by Jon Gordon.  http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-080111-distractions.html
WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE?  This is a pretty amazing video about saving a Humpback Whale:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBYPlcSD490
THE PYRMID OF SELF-BELIEF:  Joe Tye keeps it coming.  This needs to be shared with your children and grandchildren  I particularly like:  What do you see when you look in the mirror? A winner? A victim? You will never exceed your self-image.”  Read more at:  http://tinyurl.com/3b4gvdn 
To embed a streaming video to your website:
1. Upload your video to http://video.google.com or http://youtube.com/.
2. Go to the page where your video is posted on their public site and obtain the html code that is provided for you to "embed" that video into another website. If you are using Google Video, click on the “email-blog-post to MySpace” button, then on “Embed HTML”. On YouTube, you’ll see that code clearly available in the “Embed” field. Copy that code to the Windows clipboard.
3. Log in to your website admin tool and edit the page that you wish to embed the video on.
4. Click the "source" button on the toolbar of the text editor and you’ll see the source code that already exists for that page.
5. Put your cursor within the code in the location on the page that you'll want this video to display, right-click and choose “paste”.
6. Click the save button and preview your site.
7. If necessary, repeat steps 3-7 and move that source code around until you get the video to display nicely on that page.