QUOTE: The Challenge: Let others lead small lives; but not you! Let others argue over small things; but not you! Let others cry over small hurts; but not you! Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands; but not you! Author Unknown
WORD OF CAUTION. First, there have been over 5000 traffic deaths that involved the use of cell phones. A word to the wise should be sufficient but it is apparently not. Now there is a 20 year old girl who was texting on her cell phone and killed an 80 year old pedestrian and is being charged with vehicular manslaughter and could serve 6 or more years in jail. Again, a word to the wise should be sufficient. Another mail driver is already serving jail time for texting during an accident. DON’T USE YOUR PHONE WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING FOR ANYTHING; THE RAMIFICATIONS ARE JUST NOT WORTH IT.
HOW PABLO PICASSO ESTABLISHED VALUE: If this message doesn’t strike home, nothing will: http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0506.htm#continued
WI4C2TS SCREENSAVER. A WI4C2TS “cutesy” screensaver has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ Documents, Motivational folder. Use your CONTROL PANEL to load it as your screensaver once it is saved to your computer.
10 REAL ESTATE PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR from RISMEDIA, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11763
NO FEAR IN THE NEW YEAR article by Jon Gordon; great advice! http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-122710-no-fear-new-year.html
WHAT DAY(S) ARE YOU CELEBRATING AND WHY? Jeffrey Gitomer will make you think and isn’t that what this newsletter is all about, thinking? http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15965
EIGHT WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS IN 2011 article by Michael Setunsky, http://activerain.com/blogsview/2040544/eight-ways-to-increase-your-business-in-2011
JOE TYE’S PARADOX OF AUTHENTICITY, Jeaux tends to hit the nail on the head every time: http://tinyurl.com/22ow8jx
7 TIPS FOR USING SOCIAL NETWORKING TO ATTRACT GOOD LEADS AND REFERRALS, article by Gee Dunsten: http://tinyurl.com/22ow8jx
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 24, 2010
QUOTE: “The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.” Robert Bloch
HAPPY DIGITAL CHRISTMAS. This YouTube video link was provided by Sheryl Godwin. Very unique and creative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZrf0PbAGSk
WHAT HOLIDAY IS THIS ANYWAY? HAPPY WHATEVER. Only Jeffrey Gitomer can look at a holiday like this and he is as usual - right on! http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OcI8WAH66bcQ%3D%3D
LATEST NUGGET: Do You Change The Oil In Your Rental Car? By me, Jim "Gymbeaux" Brown at www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
ONLINE ONE-RATE MAILING OF PACKAGES: If you try to send a package and use the online postage system, the web site will ask you for the weight of the package seemingly going against what they advertise on television. The post office said to just estimate the weight, that they just want to know that you have not exceeded the 70 pound limit. You would think they would indicate that on the web site but they do not. www.usps.com/clicknship
WIND MITIGATION INSURANCE DISCOUNTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! All insurance companies are required to offer Louisiana homeowners “discounts, credits, or other rate differentials…” for particular construction techniques that help to reduce wind damage caused by hurricanes, tropical storms and other windstorm related claims. The document that describes this in detail has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document section in the Insurance Issues Folder. This could affect you and/or any of the people in your database who live in Louisiana. Would make a great mailout.
THE FOUR (OR FIVE) AGREEMENTS. The Four Agreements is a book written by don Miguel Ruiz and has been reissued as The Five Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz. Wes Hopper has written a brief summary of The Five Agreements that you can access by going to: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/2010/08/the-five-agreements/ You are highly encouraged to read The Four (or Five) Agreements or listen to it on CD. The CD will be included in the new Market Center Library audio bookcase in the very near future.
THE KEY TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS by Jon Gordon, who else? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-key-to-happiness-122010.html
C’MON PEOPLE, STOP POSTING VACATION PLANS ON FACEBOOK. For that matter stop posting a lot of personal information on Facebook that might give the criminal community an edge. This is a great and timely article: http://activerain.com/blogsview/2028685/c-mon-people-stop-posting-vacation-plans-on-facebook
NEAT DESK? Check out the scanner and software at http://store.neatco.com/. The scanner will scan your documents, business cards, receipts, just about anything and identify what it is and file it in the appropriate file on your computer. It looks very impressive. Cost is $399.95.
THIS SIMPLE TIP GENERATED 14 TRANSACTIONS IN JUST THREE MONTHS but it won’t work if you don’t read it. By Joe Stumpf http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1025/this-simple-tip-generated-14-transactions-in-just-three-months
THE MARKET CENTER LIBRARY is almost complete. 99% of the books are in place. There will be another book case added soon that will include a lot of CDs, DVDs and Cassette Tapes. There will eventually be in excess of 1000 titles to choose from on sales, self-improvement, inspiration, motivational, etc. There are only two point five rules:
1. Please write the title of the item(s) you are taking on the back of a business card and leave the card in the glass bowl on the book case. This will let someone know if a title they are looking for may be checked out.
2. When you are finished, please return the item(s) for the next person's use.
2.5. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the library you are more than welcome to do so.
6. Books are inexpensive. Sure, some books can be as much as $50, but for as little as $10, you can get the perfect gift for someone.
5. You can personalize the book you give. What makes a book really special is that you can write an inscription in it. It makes the book that you get for someone all the more personal.
4. A book will last a lifetime. A toy will eventually be discarded and a sweater will wear thin. A book, though, will forever grace the person's bookshelf. Every time they refer to the book that you gave them, they'll remember you.
3. You can literally do all your shopping in one place. Whether you stay home and shop online or you venture outside your house to a bookstore, you can get your shopping done in one place -- and probably in one trip.
2. There's nothing to worry about when buying a book. When you buy a book for someone, that's it. Wrap it, set it under the tree, and then watch the smile on the person's face as they see the book you bought for them. You don't have to worry about getting the wrong size, forgetting batteries, or hoping you got their favorite color.
1. There is something for everyone! From self-improvement to drama, from philosophy to how-to, your chances of picking a book the person will love is as close to 100% as you can get!
Even with those six great reasons, there is one more reason why books make the best gifts.
Bonus Reason Why Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts: Hopefully you and every member of your family are “learning based”; education is what you get when you read, experience is what you get when you don’t.
"The only person who always likes change is a wet baby. Sometimes change can be the last thing we want." Jeff Herring
It's a funny part of the human condition but most of us want to get different results in our lives without having to make any real changes.
We want the circumstances to change, oh yes, but not us.
But the funny thing is that when the circumstances do change, they seem to get worse.
It's actually scientific. If you remember some high school science you know about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Left to themselves, systems become more disorganized and chaotic over time.
Kind of like your life while you wait for things to get better, eh?
Now some people are willing to do a little work on themselves, but like the wet baby in our quote, they only want to do enough to get dry.
They're not willing to do the work on themselves that will keep them from getting wet again!
So what's the answer? Substantial change in your life requires substantial change in you. No shortcuts.
Transformative change that moves you to a new state of being takes work, but the results are worth it.
It means giving up the comfortable habits of today and developing the new and (at first) uncomfortable habits of tomorrow.
Pick a habit to change today.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it.
Get the info here: http://www.HowToCreateSuccess.com/
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Wes Hopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
QUOTE: “The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.” Robert Bloch
HAPPY DIGITAL CHRISTMAS. This YouTube video link was provided by Sheryl Godwin. Very unique and creative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZrf0PbAGSk
WHAT HOLIDAY IS THIS ANYWAY? HAPPY WHATEVER. Only Jeffrey Gitomer can look at a holiday like this and he is as usual - right on! http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OcI8WAH66bcQ%3D%3D
LATEST NUGGET: Do You Change The Oil In Your Rental Car? By me, Jim "Gymbeaux" Brown at www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
ONLINE ONE-RATE MAILING OF PACKAGES: If you try to send a package and use the online postage system, the web site will ask you for the weight of the package seemingly going against what they advertise on television. The post office said to just estimate the weight, that they just want to know that you have not exceeded the 70 pound limit. You would think they would indicate that on the web site but they do not. www.usps.com/clicknship
WIND MITIGATION INSURANCE DISCOUNTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! All insurance companies are required to offer Louisiana homeowners “discounts, credits, or other rate differentials…” for particular construction techniques that help to reduce wind damage caused by hurricanes, tropical storms and other windstorm related claims. The document that describes this in detail has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document section in the Insurance Issues Folder. This could affect you and/or any of the people in your database who live in Louisiana. Would make a great mailout.
THE FOUR (OR FIVE) AGREEMENTS. The Four Agreements is a book written by don Miguel Ruiz and has been reissued as The Five Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz. Wes Hopper has written a brief summary of The Five Agreements that you can access by going to: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/2010/08/the-five-agreements/ You are highly encouraged to read The Four (or Five) Agreements or listen to it on CD. The CD will be included in the new Market Center Library audio bookcase in the very near future.
THE KEY TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS by Jon Gordon, who else? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-key-to-happiness-122010.html
C’MON PEOPLE, STOP POSTING VACATION PLANS ON FACEBOOK. For that matter stop posting a lot of personal information on Facebook that might give the criminal community an edge. This is a great and timely article: http://activerain.com/blogsview/2028685/c-mon-people-stop-posting-vacation-plans-on-facebook
NEAT DESK? Check out the scanner and software at http://store.neatco.com/. The scanner will scan your documents, business cards, receipts, just about anything and identify what it is and file it in the appropriate file on your computer. It looks very impressive. Cost is $399.95.
THIS SIMPLE TIP GENERATED 14 TRANSACTIONS IN JUST THREE MONTHS but it won’t work if you don’t read it. By Joe Stumpf http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1025/this-simple-tip-generated-14-transactions-in-just-three-months
THE MARKET CENTER LIBRARY is almost complete. 99% of the books are in place. There will be another book case added soon that will include a lot of CDs, DVDs and Cassette Tapes. There will eventually be in excess of 1000 titles to choose from on sales, self-improvement, inspiration, motivational, etc. There are only two point five rules:
1. Please write the title of the item(s) you are taking on the back of a business card and leave the card in the glass bowl on the book case. This will let someone know if a title they are looking for may be checked out.
2. When you are finished, please return the item(s) for the next person's use.
2.5. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the library you are more than welcome to do so.
6. Books are inexpensive. Sure, some books can be as much as $50, but for as little as $10, you can get the perfect gift for someone.
5. You can personalize the book you give. What makes a book really special is that you can write an inscription in it. It makes the book that you get for someone all the more personal.
4. A book will last a lifetime. A toy will eventually be discarded and a sweater will wear thin. A book, though, will forever grace the person's bookshelf. Every time they refer to the book that you gave them, they'll remember you.
3. You can literally do all your shopping in one place. Whether you stay home and shop online or you venture outside your house to a bookstore, you can get your shopping done in one place -- and probably in one trip.
2. There's nothing to worry about when buying a book. When you buy a book for someone, that's it. Wrap it, set it under the tree, and then watch the smile on the person's face as they see the book you bought for them. You don't have to worry about getting the wrong size, forgetting batteries, or hoping you got their favorite color.
1. There is something for everyone! From self-improvement to drama, from philosophy to how-to, your chances of picking a book the person will love is as close to 100% as you can get!
Even with those six great reasons, there is one more reason why books make the best gifts.
Bonus Reason Why Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts: Hopefully you and every member of your family are “learning based”; education is what you get when you read, experience is what you get when you don’t.
"The only person who always likes change is a wet baby. Sometimes change can be the last thing we want." Jeff Herring
It's a funny part of the human condition but most of us want to get different results in our lives without having to make any real changes.
We want the circumstances to change, oh yes, but not us.
But the funny thing is that when the circumstances do change, they seem to get worse.
It's actually scientific. If you remember some high school science you know about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Left to themselves, systems become more disorganized and chaotic over time.
Kind of like your life while you wait for things to get better, eh?
Now some people are willing to do a little work on themselves, but like the wet baby in our quote, they only want to do enough to get dry.
They're not willing to do the work on themselves that will keep them from getting wet again!
So what's the answer? Substantial change in your life requires substantial change in you. No shortcuts.
Transformative change that moves you to a new state of being takes work, but the results are worth it.
It means giving up the comfortable habits of today and developing the new and (at first) uncomfortable habits of tomorrow.
Pick a habit to change today.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it.
Get the info here: http://www.HowToCreateSuccess.com/
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Wes Hopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 17, 2010
QUOTE: “Winners Never Cheat” Jon Huntsman Jr, the title of his book.
THIS ONE SAYS IT ALL, NEVER ME-JECT YOURSELF, by Joe Tye: http://tinyurl.com/2cdbe2l
ARE YOU SANTA CLAUS? This may be one of the coolest ads I have ever seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3k1SOE760Y
7 HABITS OF HIGHLY UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, by Drew Stevens, http://www.raintoday.com/pages/6598_7_bad_habits_of_highly_unsuccessful_sales_people.cfm
5 WAYS TO USE FACEBOOK AS A BRANDING TOOL, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11541
EVERNOTE SIMPLIFIES AN AGENT’S DAY: By Bernice Ross. This is too cool. Check it out; it’s free: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/berniceross/evernote-simplifies-agents-day
HULU.COM. If you have not seen this site, it is pretty special. You can access television shows and watch them on your computer. Check it out at http://www.hulu.com/.
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COOP LEASE COMMISSIONS – know how they are calculated. An article that explains how coop commercial real estate commissions are calculated has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Commercial folder.
KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL! Another gem by Jon Gordon. Short and very much to the point especially for the beginning of a new year: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-121310-keep-your-eye-on-the-ball.html
SPARK PLUG ON THE PARADOX OF AUTHENTICITY by Joe Tye. This is a great article and short. Please take a few moments to read and think about what Jeaux is saying: http://tinyurl.com/29xrcub
5 WAYS TO BUILD A BETTER BUSINESS PLAN, just in time for 2011, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
HOLIDAY SOUNDING BOARDS. MAKE CERTAIN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM, great seasonal article from Jeffrey Gitomer also just in time foryour2011 planning and goal setting: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEOS: Africa, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjbpwlqp5Qw
"I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room & read a book." Groucho Marx
How many hours do you have in your day? Most of us have about 24 of them.
Now, hours have a very unusual characteristic. You can't save them up for when you need them. Once they're gone, they're gone.
So what you do with them while you have them is very important.
We all have obligations for much of our time but we also have some hours every day that we can choose how to use.
Some people waste them, some people spend them, and some people invest them.
Our quote is from a man who is usually thought of as a wild and crazy comic actor. But the thought in his quote is very serious.
He's saying, "When the people around you are choosing to waste their time, you can and should choose to invest yours."
Invest in your education, invest in your goals and dreams, and invest in your future. Take every free minute that you have and invest it.
Investing in yourself pays compound interest. So make it a regular practice.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it. Get the info here:
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
THIS ONE SAYS IT ALL, NEVER ME-JECT YOURSELF, by Joe Tye: http://tinyurl.com/2cdbe2l
ARE YOU SANTA CLAUS? This may be one of the coolest ads I have ever seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3k1SOE760Y
7 HABITS OF HIGHLY UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, by Drew Stevens, http://www.raintoday.com/pages/6598_7_bad_habits_of_highly_unsuccessful_sales_people.cfm
5 WAYS TO USE FACEBOOK AS A BRANDING TOOL, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11541
EVERNOTE SIMPLIFIES AN AGENT’S DAY: By Bernice Ross. This is too cool. Check it out; it’s free: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/berniceross/evernote-simplifies-agents-day
HULU.COM. If you have not seen this site, it is pretty special. You can access television shows and watch them on your computer. Check it out at http://www.hulu.com/.
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COOP LEASE COMMISSIONS – know how they are calculated. An article that explains how coop commercial real estate commissions are calculated has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Commercial folder.
KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL! Another gem by Jon Gordon. Short and very much to the point especially for the beginning of a new year: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-121310-keep-your-eye-on-the-ball.html
SPARK PLUG ON THE PARADOX OF AUTHENTICITY by Joe Tye. This is a great article and short. Please take a few moments to read and think about what Jeaux is saying: http://tinyurl.com/29xrcub
5 WAYS TO BUILD A BETTER BUSINESS PLAN, just in time for 2011, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
HOLIDAY SOUNDING BOARDS. MAKE CERTAIN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM, great seasonal article from Jeffrey Gitomer also just in time foryour2011 planning and goal setting: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEOS: Africa, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjbpwlqp5Qw
"I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room & read a book." Groucho Marx
How many hours do you have in your day? Most of us have about 24 of them.
Now, hours have a very unusual characteristic. You can't save them up for when you need them. Once they're gone, they're gone.
So what you do with them while you have them is very important.
We all have obligations for much of our time but we also have some hours every day that we can choose how to use.
Some people waste them, some people spend them, and some people invest them.
Our quote is from a man who is usually thought of as a wild and crazy comic actor. But the thought in his quote is very serious.
He's saying, "When the people around you are choosing to waste their time, you can and should choose to invest yours."
Invest in your education, invest in your goals and dreams, and invest in your future. Take every free minute that you have and invest it.
Investing in yourself pays compound interest. So make it a regular practice.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it. Get the info here:
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 10, 2010
QUOTE: It’s not just hip to be happy-the “pursuit of happiness” is an inalienable right, according to this country’s founding documents. Success Magazine.
IMPORTANT COMPLIANCE ISSUE: Board dues must be paid by December 31st . Licenses must be renewed by December 31st otherwise you CANNOT conduct any real estate business. Failure to renew your board dues requires that your license be returned to the State.
5 TIPS FOR GROWING YOUR BUSINESS ON MOBILE PLATFORMS from Lowe’s Newsletter at: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11381
7 REASONS WHY YOUR HOUSE WON’T SELL: Right on the money! http://activerain.com/blogsview/1993651/7-reasons-why-your-house-won-t-sell
6 STEPS TO CONSISTENTLY LIST FSBOS by Josh Schoenly, http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1009/6-steps-to-consistently-listing-fsbo-s
THE POWER OF STORY by Joe Tye, the 4th in a series. http://tinyurl.com/25jlh47
YOUR PURPOSE MUST BE GREATER THAN YOUR CHALLENGES, by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-120610-purpose.html
CREDIT PROBLEMS? HERE IS A SITE THAT MAY HELP: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre13.shtm
CALL ME BACK AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, this is a priceless article by Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15962
HOW TO TURN YOUR OPEN HOUSE INTO A CLOSED TRANSACTION great suggestion by Joe Stumpf, http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/1015/how-to-turn-your-open-house-into-a-closed-transaction
IMPORTANT COMPLIANCE ISSUE: Board dues must be paid by December 31st . Licenses must be renewed by December 31st otherwise you CANNOT conduct any real estate business. Failure to renew your board dues requires that your license be returned to the State.
5 TIPS FOR GROWING YOUR BUSINESS ON MOBILE PLATFORMS from Lowe’s Newsletter at: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11381
7 REASONS WHY YOUR HOUSE WON’T SELL: Right on the money! http://activerain.com/blogsview/1993651/7-reasons-why-your-house-won-t-sell
6 STEPS TO CONSISTENTLY LIST FSBOS by Josh Schoenly, http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1009/6-steps-to-consistently-listing-fsbo-s
THE POWER OF STORY by Joe Tye, the 4th in a series. http://tinyurl.com/25jlh47
YOUR PURPOSE MUST BE GREATER THAN YOUR CHALLENGES, by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-120610-purpose.html
CREDIT PROBLEMS? HERE IS A SITE THAT MAY HELP: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre13.shtm
CALL ME BACK AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, this is a priceless article by Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15962
HOW TO TURN YOUR OPEN HOUSE INTO A CLOSED TRANSACTION great suggestion by Joe Stumpf, http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/1015/how-to-turn-your-open-house-into-a-closed-transaction
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