QUOTE: "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body," --Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.
CRITICAL LEASING INFORMATION: There are more leases being written than ever before and care MUST be taken to protect your owners and more importantly YOU - BEFORE a tenant moves into a property. You MUST do a walk through on the property and get the tenant’s agreement as to the property condition and have them accept the condition of the property IN WRITING BEFORE THEY MOVE IN. To protect YOU and your OWNERS you are strongly encouraged to take your digital camera along and photograph any damage, areas that need repairs, etc. This will not only protect your owners it will also protect the tenants from being required to repair items upon termination that were pre-existing prior to occupancy. Make certain you upload all documents to paperless including deposit checks, final walk thrus, lead base paint disclosures, mold & mildew disclosures and yes Residential Property Disclosures on properties that you list (even though the Real Estate Commission does not require it on rentals – the Market Center does). ALSO AS A REMINDER, whenever you list a property as a lease, YOU NEED TO INCLUDE THE LISTING AGREEMENT ADDENDUM to insure you are in compliance with the REALTOR Code of Ethics.
HOMETOWN FRONT PAGE: Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger....you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place. You can spend a lot of time here. Click on readable PDF to make paper easier to read. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/ Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course).. AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.
REALLY SCARY QUIZ: This is a terrific test. And it shows results in a number of ways. It sure indicates that the majority of Americans don't know what's going on. No wonder our politicians take such advantage. Interesting and simple test. Its astonishing that so many people got less than half right. These results say that 80% of the (voting) public doesn't have a clue an that's pretty scary. http://pewresearch.org/politicalquiz/quiz/index.php
NEW CPR TECHNIQUE IS MUCH SIMPLIER. Thank you from Dr. Tom Hill. This new CPR technique is much simpler, and certification is not required. Below is a video regarding the latest CPR procedure. Forward this link to your friends and family. You never know, a life may be saved utilizing this new procedure. Go to: http://medicine.arizona.edu/spotlight/learn-sarver-heart-centers-continuous-chest-compression-cpr
10 WAYS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES TO USE LINKEDIN: From Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/9055
THOUGHT DEDICATION. YOU DECIDE WHAT TO THINK AND HOW TO REACT. Article by Jeffrey Gitomer you do not want to miss, it could make a significant difference in your tomorrows. With all that is going on in government and the world, it is extremely easy to wake up and feel bad about everything; almost all of which neither one of us has any control over. Jeffrey puts it all into perspective in this article. When you finish reading the article, make a promise to purchase and more importantly read and study Gitomer’s book, The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude; you won’t regret it. Maybe one of the best books ever written that could change the way you think about life, family and business. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PxJtI5%2Bb3pZg%3D%3D
New FHA Mortgage Changes H.R. 5981
Beginning October 4, 2010, new FHA Mortgage changes will be coming through, due to bill H.R. 5981 signed into law August 11th, 2010.
Credit scores. The FHA has never used credit scores as one of its approval metrics, until now. It’s proposing to implement a minimum credit score of 500.
Monthly fees. This charge will likely rise from 0.55 percent of the loan balance annually to 1.5 percent. On a $200,000 mortgage, this change would raise the monthly insurance premium from $92 to $250.
Upfront fees. The higher monthly fee will be offset by a lower upfront insurance fee. The FHA has said it will drop its current upfront fee of 2.25 percent to 1 percent. This change reduces the upfront fee on a $200,000 mortgage from $4,500 to $2,000.
Down payment. There has been some talk of raising the FHA mortgage down payment requirement from 3.5 percent to 5 percent across the board. However, it looks as though the agency will only raise it for borrowers with credit scores that fall between 500 and 580. These people will pay as much as 10 percent down, which equates to $20,000 on a $200,000 loan.
Seller contributions. The FHA currently allows home sellers to contribute up to 6 percent of the selling price to an FHA buyer. Typically, the seller would cover some of the upfront closing costs, and additionally make an adjustment to the sale price. Now, the agency wants to reduce this seller contribution cap to 3 percent. FHA policymakers believe that sellers were artificially inflating home prices to award the contribution. Doing so puts the FHA at risk and ultimately costs the borrower more.
Time magazine is being overly pessimistic in its recent cover piece that called into question the benefits of homeownership. In fact, now is a great time to buy. And, what's more, tomorrow will be a great time to own, because the fundamental strength of homeownership hasn't changed.
Why is now a great time to buy? Here are 10 reasons:
1. You can get a good deal. Prices are down 30 percent on average. They're at a level that makes sense for people's income.
2. Mortgages are cheap. At 4.3 percent on average for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, your costs to own are down by a fifth from two years ago.
3. You can save on taxes. When you add up the deductions for mortgage interest and others, the cost of owning can drop below renting for a comparable place.
4. It'll be yours. The one benefit to owning that never changes is that you can paint your walls orange if you want (generally speaking; there might be some community restrictions). How many landlords will let you do that?
5. You can get a better home. In some markets, it's simply the case that the nicest places are for-sale homes and condos.
6. It offers some inflation protection. Historically, appreciation over time outpaces inflation.
7. It's risk capital. If the economy picks up, you stand to benefit from that, even if you're goal is just to have a nice place to live.
8. It's forced savings. A part of your payment each month goes to equity.
9. There is a lot to choose from. There are some 4 million homes available today, about a year's supply. Now's the time to find something you like and get it.
10. Sooner or later the market will clear. The U.S. is expected to grow by another 100 million people in 40 years. They have to live somewhere. Demand will eventually outpace supply. (Wall Street Journal, Brett Arends)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending September 24
QUOTE: The Major Key to Your Better Future Is YOU. Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth. It's really the open door to it all. In fact I'd like to have you memorize a most important phrase. Here it is: "The major key to your better future is YOU." --by Jim Rohn
LATEST NUGGET: Are You A Wandering Generality or a Meaningful Specific? www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
FLOOD INSURANCE UPDATE. As you know the current National Flood Insurance Bill will expire on September 30th. Apparently Senator Vittor of Louisiana authored a bill in the U. S. Senate on 9/21 and the Senate passed it. It now goes to the House for review and hopefully approval. The sad part is that they knew this bill was about to expire on September 30 and waited until September 21 to even begin the process. You decide if that is responsible government. I encourage you to write your representatives and voice your concern that this program is crucial to the recovery of the U. S. Housing Market and it needs more attention paid it its passing.
YOUR SIX POWERFUL MENTAL FACULTIES, great article by Wes Hopper. You don’t want to miss this one: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/
WHY THE LAW OF ATTRACTION DOESN’T WORK, another in a series by Wes Hopper well worth reading. http://www.monisticidealism.com/
A WINNER’S ATTITUDE. Good reading from SalesDog. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0492.htm
SELLER TIPS: 13 UNIQUE WAYS TO SELL YOUR HOME article by Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10167
NARDiGras, THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ANNUAL CONVENTION is in New Orleans this year from November 5-8. You can register by going to http://www.realtor.org/convention.nsf/pages/registration You can sign up for the entire convention ($380), a one-day pass ($150), or, a pass to the Expo (market area) only ($25.00). There are always great education opportunities at these conventions and you will never have a better opportunity to network. This is your business convention. Sign up before October 15 and your pass will be mailed to you instead of standing in line at the center.
I’M NOT IN A SLUMP; THE ECONOMY IS, article by Jeffrey Gitomer. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PVZuH64kJKgQ%3D%3D
10 WAYS REAL ESTATE AGENTS CAN USE TH IPAD TO STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION: By Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10000
SOLAR ELECTRICITY FOR WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT: Check out this site, http://www.mysolarbackup.com./ You can purchase an electric generator with its own solar panel to generate the electricity from the sun to operate the generator.
Your Future Is in Your Mouth
By Keith Harrell (www.KeithHarrell.com)
Many of us are familiar with the childhood taunt, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Although it was a great way to act as though the unkind words that were said to us didn't matter, the truth of the matter is that words do hurt.
What hurts more than what other people say are the words you say about yourself. Negative words may have been spoken over you all of your life. But you don't have to become what other people say. You can rise above any unkind words that were said about you or to you (or by you).
You may not realize it, but you are where you are today because of the words you have spoken about yourself. This is so because your future is in your mouth. Your future is not in what other people say about you.
So the key to changing your circumstances and your life is to change what you're saying.
Take a good look at your life and compare it to the words that are coming out of your mouth. Are you saying things like, "I'll be the first one in my company to get laid off." "I'll never find a job in an economy like this." "Everyone in my family died of cancer. It's only a matter of time before I'm diagnosed with it." (“Why do I always seem to get the difficult customers?” “I’m no good at calling FSBOs.” “I’m not creative.” “I’m not a good writer.” “I can’t do it.”)
Are you starting to see the connection?
The more you say something, the more you believe what you are saying. Expectation goes hand-in-hand with what you believe, and it won't be long before you see what you are expecting. (And ultimately attracting more of into your life – The Law of Attraction.)
Unfortunately, many people have fine-tuned the art of negativity. And their negative prophecies are quickly fulfilled. But your words can change your life for the better.
You can start by saying things like: "I'll never go under because I'll conquer every challenge I face." "I'll beat cancer." "I'll always find a way to pay the mortgage."
Words are containers. So why not fill them with a bright future instead of a mediocre existence. The choice is up to you. Remember, your future is in your mouth.
Have a Super Fantastic Week!
Dr. Attitude
By Jon Gordon
It’s big but you can’t see it. So great that if you could see it you wouldn’t believe it. It’s your destiny and it’s calling you. If you don’t believe me just remember Albert Einstein. He could not speak until he was four years old. He did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was mentally challenged. Or how about Beethoven. His music teacher said, "As a composer he is hopeless.” And let’s not forget Muhammad Ali. His teacher once told him he wouldn’t amount to anything. He showed her and the world that he was the greatest after all.
The Google guys tried to sell their business to Yahoo for a few million dollars and were told to come back when they were finished with their little school project. Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple. We all know Helen Keller’s story and we certainly all know our own story.
Every day we face challenges, fears, obstacles, and negativity that hits us with left jabs and right hooks. We get so caught up in the details of bills, job pressures, raising kids, fixing the house, car payments, trying to make a living and a hundred other to-dos, that we can’t even see over the piles of paper on our desk never mind—our future success.
But when times are tough and your bills are bigger than the balance in your checking account; or when your business has slowed down and you’re not sure what to do next; or when your future is uncertain and all feels hopeless... these are the times when you need to realize the most—that you are part of a bigger plan. There is greatness in you. There is a Big Life Plan for you.
Your destiny sits inside your soul like DNA sits inside your genes. You may not be able to see it but its there—waiting to unfold if you let it. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the crashing waves. Instead jump those waves and keep your head up looking out into the horizon.
And if you experience a wave so big that there is no way you can jump it, then ride it. Learn from the surfer who challenges wave after wave, growing stronger, developing more balance, and becoming more skilled every day. A smooth ocean never made a skilled surfer and a struggle-free existence never made a meaningful, great life.
The next time you are facing a difficult situation remember that there is more than what is in front of you. There is a challenge, a lesson, and a plan.
Emerson said "The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."
Don’t let fear get in the way of the life that is meant for you. Einstein, Beethoven , Muhammad Ali, and Helen Keller show us that anything is possible. They are real people who overcame their obstacles and doubters and discovered their greatness.
Trust that there is a plan for you and let the possibilities unfold. In the process you will discover the great things you are born to do. You don’t have to push. Just trust and your destiny will meet you when the time is right.
Share your comments on our blog or Facebook page.
-Jon Gordon
LATEST NUGGET: Are You A Wandering Generality or a Meaningful Specific? www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
FLOOD INSURANCE UPDATE. As you know the current National Flood Insurance Bill will expire on September 30th. Apparently Senator Vittor of Louisiana authored a bill in the U. S. Senate on 9/21 and the Senate passed it. It now goes to the House for review and hopefully approval. The sad part is that they knew this bill was about to expire on September 30 and waited until September 21 to even begin the process. You decide if that is responsible government. I encourage you to write your representatives and voice your concern that this program is crucial to the recovery of the U. S. Housing Market and it needs more attention paid it its passing.
YOUR SIX POWERFUL MENTAL FACULTIES, great article by Wes Hopper. You don’t want to miss this one: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/
WHY THE LAW OF ATTRACTION DOESN’T WORK, another in a series by Wes Hopper well worth reading. http://www.monisticidealism.com/
A WINNER’S ATTITUDE. Good reading from SalesDog. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0492.htm
SELLER TIPS: 13 UNIQUE WAYS TO SELL YOUR HOME article by Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10167
NARDiGras, THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ANNUAL CONVENTION is in New Orleans this year from November 5-8. You can register by going to http://www.realtor.org/convention.nsf/pages/registration You can sign up for the entire convention ($380), a one-day pass ($150), or, a pass to the Expo (market area) only ($25.00). There are always great education opportunities at these conventions and you will never have a better opportunity to network. This is your business convention. Sign up before October 15 and your pass will be mailed to you instead of standing in line at the center.
I’M NOT IN A SLUMP; THE ECONOMY IS, article by Jeffrey Gitomer. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PVZuH64kJKgQ%3D%3D
10 WAYS REAL ESTATE AGENTS CAN USE TH IPAD TO STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION: By Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10000
SOLAR ELECTRICITY FOR WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT: Check out this site, http://www.mysolarbackup.com./ You can purchase an electric generator with its own solar panel to generate the electricity from the sun to operate the generator.
Your Future Is in Your Mouth
By Keith Harrell (www.KeithHarrell.com)
Many of us are familiar with the childhood taunt, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Although it was a great way to act as though the unkind words that were said to us didn't matter, the truth of the matter is that words do hurt.
What hurts more than what other people say are the words you say about yourself. Negative words may have been spoken over you all of your life. But you don't have to become what other people say. You can rise above any unkind words that were said about you or to you (or by you).
You may not realize it, but you are where you are today because of the words you have spoken about yourself. This is so because your future is in your mouth. Your future is not in what other people say about you.
So the key to changing your circumstances and your life is to change what you're saying.
Take a good look at your life and compare it to the words that are coming out of your mouth. Are you saying things like, "I'll be the first one in my company to get laid off." "I'll never find a job in an economy like this." "Everyone in my family died of cancer. It's only a matter of time before I'm diagnosed with it." (“Why do I always seem to get the difficult customers?” “I’m no good at calling FSBOs.” “I’m not creative.” “I’m not a good writer.” “I can’t do it.”)
Are you starting to see the connection?
The more you say something, the more you believe what you are saying. Expectation goes hand-in-hand with what you believe, and it won't be long before you see what you are expecting. (And ultimately attracting more of into your life – The Law of Attraction.)
Unfortunately, many people have fine-tuned the art of negativity. And their negative prophecies are quickly fulfilled. But your words can change your life for the better.
You can start by saying things like: "I'll never go under because I'll conquer every challenge I face." "I'll beat cancer." "I'll always find a way to pay the mortgage."
Words are containers. So why not fill them with a bright future instead of a mediocre existence. The choice is up to you. Remember, your future is in your mouth.
Have a Super Fantastic Week!
Dr. Attitude
By Jon Gordon
It’s big but you can’t see it. So great that if you could see it you wouldn’t believe it. It’s your destiny and it’s calling you. If you don’t believe me just remember Albert Einstein. He could not speak until he was four years old. He did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was mentally challenged. Or how about Beethoven. His music teacher said, "As a composer he is hopeless.” And let’s not forget Muhammad Ali. His teacher once told him he wouldn’t amount to anything. He showed her and the world that he was the greatest after all.
The Google guys tried to sell their business to Yahoo for a few million dollars and were told to come back when they were finished with their little school project. Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple. We all know Helen Keller’s story and we certainly all know our own story.
Every day we face challenges, fears, obstacles, and negativity that hits us with left jabs and right hooks. We get so caught up in the details of bills, job pressures, raising kids, fixing the house, car payments, trying to make a living and a hundred other to-dos, that we can’t even see over the piles of paper on our desk never mind—our future success.
But when times are tough and your bills are bigger than the balance in your checking account; or when your business has slowed down and you’re not sure what to do next; or when your future is uncertain and all feels hopeless... these are the times when you need to realize the most—that you are part of a bigger plan. There is greatness in you. There is a Big Life Plan for you.
Your destiny sits inside your soul like DNA sits inside your genes. You may not be able to see it but its there—waiting to unfold if you let it. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the crashing waves. Instead jump those waves and keep your head up looking out into the horizon.
And if you experience a wave so big that there is no way you can jump it, then ride it. Learn from the surfer who challenges wave after wave, growing stronger, developing more balance, and becoming more skilled every day. A smooth ocean never made a skilled surfer and a struggle-free existence never made a meaningful, great life.
The next time you are facing a difficult situation remember that there is more than what is in front of you. There is a challenge, a lesson, and a plan.
Emerson said "The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."
Don’t let fear get in the way of the life that is meant for you. Einstein, Beethoven , Muhammad Ali, and Helen Keller show us that anything is possible. They are real people who overcame their obstacles and doubters and discovered their greatness.
Trust that there is a plan for you and let the possibilities unfold. In the process you will discover the great things you are born to do. You don’t have to push. Just trust and your destiny will meet you when the time is right.
Share your comments on our blog or Facebook page.
-Jon Gordon
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week ending September 17, 2010
QUOTE: "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." - Mark Twain
LATEST NUGGET, POSTED SEP 13: Read Between The Lines. Food for thought. Check it out to find out if you are guilty. http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/
WHAT IS APPROPRIATE DRESS FOR A REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL by Marti Cliff. Ms. Cliff is right on with her article, the question is, “Is she talking about you?” We have a very reasonable dress code in the Market Center which is posted in the Resource Room. Dress that would be considered inappropriate in the office would definitely include shorts, torn jeans, sweats, etc. Remember our customers come to the Market Center and even though you “think” you will be in and out and not noticed, that is simply not the case – you will be noticed either by your teammates or our customers. http://activerain.com/blogsview/1853393/what-is-appropriate-dress-for-a-real-estate-professional-
5 HEADLINE STRATEGIES TO USE EVERY DAY, article link written by Bernice Ross, http://www.realestatecoachradio.com/. There is a very interesting link to an Ad Evaluation program that you can use to rate the strength of your ad headers.
BACK TO WORK; BACK TO SALES; BACK TO REALITY. Most sales people, especially in real estate (but certainly not you) use the summer to offer up a lot of excuses such as vacation time, kids are out of school, too hot, etc. This is Jeffrey Gitomer’s response: http://perfectconnectiongolfswing.com/free-golf-video-lessons-6?source=fb&creative=a6
THINK LIKE A GOLFER, link to an article written by Jon Gordon; very good tip: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-091310-thinklikeagolfer.html
7 SIMPLE TRANSPARENT SELLER TIPS; timely article by Jim Gainer: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/904/7-simple-transparent-seller-tips
TOP 5 AD MISTAKES, from The Real Estate Book, http://www.realestatebookla.com/trebfiles.html
MARKETING PIECES THAT WORK, written by Bob Corcoran, http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/907/marketing-pieces-that-work
FREE PRINTABLES. Have not used this site but it appears to have hundreds of items you can print for free. Check it out for yourself at http://www.freeprintable.net/
BUSINESS MARKETING NETWORK (ONLINE, WITH FREE MEMBERSHIP): http://www.viralso.net/main/authorization/signUp?
DAILY DISCOUNT COUPONS FOR THE NEW ORLEANS AREA: Check out this site where they will send you a daily email providing you with a discount on a New Orleans area business: http://www.sermonspice.com/search?Category=All&q=Football+Coach
REFINANCING MORTGAGE MIGHT HAVE ITS DRAWBACKS. Another great article provided by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10125
MEDICAL NEWS: CANCER: I was shocked to learn today that 1 out of every 2 men and 1 out of every 3 women will experience some form of cancer in their lifetime. That is unbelievable. STAPH INFECTIONS: Over the past year I also discovered just how easy it is to acquire a Staph Infection having had it twice in less than a year. On both occasions I had what appeared to be a red ant bite that just would not go away. The Dermatologist took a sample to be tested and the Staph infection was diagnosed. Here is a web site that explains Staph Infections. Recommending you pay attention to what your body is telling you. http://www.medicinenet.com/staph_infection/article.htm. FLU SHOTS, it is that time of year again and everyone is encouraged to get a flu shot provided your physician agrees. If you find yourself coming down with the flu or severe cold systems try to stay away from the office. This is especially true for children who stay home from school because of flu-like symptoms, please do not bring them into the office. I think everyone would agree that spreading flue and cold germs is not a good thing.
FOR YOUR CLIENTS: HOW TO CHOOSE A HOME – TIPS TO MAKE SURE YOU DON’T SETTLE. Great article from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/9645
DAILY INSPIRATION from Wes Hopper. Receive these every weekday; a great way to start your day. You can subscribe by going to http://www.CreateSuccessSeminars.com/sgr.html. This article is especially important to real estate agents or anyone in sales. You WILL get MORE of what you THINK OF; that’s a fact.
"If you complain, you'll remain, but if you praise, you'll be raised."Joel Osteen
I love today's quote because it gives us an easily memorized phrase to help us remember that what we put our emotional energy into is what'll grow in our life.
When we complain, we remain in the circumstances that we're complaining about. That's where we're putting our energy, so we get more of it.
Complain about your boss, and she'll get meaner. Complain about your job, and it'll get worse. If you
complain about your kids, you can expect trouble and you'll get it. (Gymbeaux Note: Same applies if you complain about your customers; you’ll get more of the same type of customers.)
Stop right now and answer this question: what is your favorite thing to complain about? Hmmm, interesting, eh? So here's a better approach. As Joel recommends, find something to praise. (Gymbeaux Note: A tip from Dr. Joseph Parent, author of Zen Golf. Keep a note pad with you for a week. Make three columns. Column 1, “I complained”; Column 2, “Someone else complained but I listened”; Column 3, “Someone else complained I excused myself.” Every time you catch yourself complaining about something put a mark in Column 1. When you catch yourself listening to someone complaining put a mark in Column 2, if you engage in the conversation put a mark in Columns 1 & 2. Every time you hear someone complaining and excuse yourself from the conversation, put a mark in Column 3. You ARE going to be surprised at the results.)
In every situation and every person there's something good to focus on. Find it and praise it. Remind
yourself of it every time you're tempted to complain.
The first thing you'll notice is how much better you feel. After all, how do you feel complaining? Pretty rotten, right? Why do that to yourself?
So the first result is that you'll feel much better, more optimistic, more hope. It's worth doing just for that!
But over time you'll notice that you have less and less to complain about, even if you wanted to. Oh,
there's always something you could complain about, but you'll find that you're not even tempted.
You'll know that what you put your energy into is what grows, and that you really enjoy putting your
energy into what's right. You'll be grateful you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - This is just one of the powerful ideas that you will get in Bob Proctor's "Science of Getting Rich" program. If you buy it from him, and many do, right now it's $1, 997.
Don't tell anyone, but I have a few copies, with all the CDs, manual and workbooks for 1/8 of that price! That's an 88% discount and you get 3 months of personal coaching access to me for any questions you have. http://www.CreateSuccessSeminars.com/sgr.html
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
LATEST NUGGET, POSTED SEP 13: Read Between The Lines. Food for thought. Check it out to find out if you are guilty. http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/
WHAT IS APPROPRIATE DRESS FOR A REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL by Marti Cliff. Ms. Cliff is right on with her article, the question is, “Is she talking about you?” We have a very reasonable dress code in the Market Center which is posted in the Resource Room. Dress that would be considered inappropriate in the office would definitely include shorts, torn jeans, sweats, etc. Remember our customers come to the Market Center and even though you “think” you will be in and out and not noticed, that is simply not the case – you will be noticed either by your teammates or our customers. http://activerain.com/blogsview/1853393/what-is-appropriate-dress-for-a-real-estate-professional-
5 HEADLINE STRATEGIES TO USE EVERY DAY, article link written by Bernice Ross, http://www.realestatecoachradio.com/. There is a very interesting link to an Ad Evaluation program that you can use to rate the strength of your ad headers.
BACK TO WORK; BACK TO SALES; BACK TO REALITY. Most sales people, especially in real estate (but certainly not you) use the summer to offer up a lot of excuses such as vacation time, kids are out of school, too hot, etc. This is Jeffrey Gitomer’s response: http://perfectconnectiongolfswing.com/free-golf-video-lessons-6?source=fb&creative=a6
THINK LIKE A GOLFER, link to an article written by Jon Gordon; very good tip: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-091310-thinklikeagolfer.html
7 SIMPLE TRANSPARENT SELLER TIPS; timely article by Jim Gainer: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/904/7-simple-transparent-seller-tips
TOP 5 AD MISTAKES, from The Real Estate Book, http://www.realestatebookla.com/trebfiles.html
MARKETING PIECES THAT WORK, written by Bob Corcoran, http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/907/marketing-pieces-that-work
FREE PRINTABLES. Have not used this site but it appears to have hundreds of items you can print for free. Check it out for yourself at http://www.freeprintable.net/
BUSINESS MARKETING NETWORK (ONLINE, WITH FREE MEMBERSHIP): http://www.viralso.net/main/authorization/signUp?
DAILY DISCOUNT COUPONS FOR THE NEW ORLEANS AREA: Check out this site where they will send you a daily email providing you with a discount on a New Orleans area business: http://www.sermonspice.com/search?Category=All&q=Football+Coach
REFINANCING MORTGAGE MIGHT HAVE ITS DRAWBACKS. Another great article provided by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10125
MEDICAL NEWS: CANCER: I was shocked to learn today that 1 out of every 2 men and 1 out of every 3 women will experience some form of cancer in their lifetime. That is unbelievable. STAPH INFECTIONS: Over the past year I also discovered just how easy it is to acquire a Staph Infection having had it twice in less than a year. On both occasions I had what appeared to be a red ant bite that just would not go away. The Dermatologist took a sample to be tested and the Staph infection was diagnosed. Here is a web site that explains Staph Infections. Recommending you pay attention to what your body is telling you. http://www.medicinenet.com/staph_infection/article.htm. FLU SHOTS, it is that time of year again and everyone is encouraged to get a flu shot provided your physician agrees. If you find yourself coming down with the flu or severe cold systems try to stay away from the office. This is especially true for children who stay home from school because of flu-like symptoms, please do not bring them into the office. I think everyone would agree that spreading flue and cold germs is not a good thing.
FOR YOUR CLIENTS: HOW TO CHOOSE A HOME – TIPS TO MAKE SURE YOU DON’T SETTLE. Great article from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/9645
DAILY INSPIRATION from Wes Hopper. Receive these every weekday; a great way to start your day. You can subscribe by going to http://www.CreateSuccessSeminars.com/sgr.html. This article is especially important to real estate agents or anyone in sales. You WILL get MORE of what you THINK OF; that’s a fact.
"If you complain, you'll remain, but if you praise, you'll be raised."Joel Osteen
I love today's quote because it gives us an easily memorized phrase to help us remember that what we put our emotional energy into is what'll grow in our life.
When we complain, we remain in the circumstances that we're complaining about. That's where we're putting our energy, so we get more of it.
Complain about your boss, and she'll get meaner. Complain about your job, and it'll get worse. If you
complain about your kids, you can expect trouble and you'll get it. (Gymbeaux Note: Same applies if you complain about your customers; you’ll get more of the same type of customers.)
Stop right now and answer this question: what is your favorite thing to complain about? Hmmm, interesting, eh? So here's a better approach. As Joel recommends, find something to praise. (Gymbeaux Note: A tip from Dr. Joseph Parent, author of Zen Golf. Keep a note pad with you for a week. Make three columns. Column 1, “I complained”; Column 2, “Someone else complained but I listened”; Column 3, “Someone else complained I excused myself.” Every time you catch yourself complaining about something put a mark in Column 1. When you catch yourself listening to someone complaining put a mark in Column 2, if you engage in the conversation put a mark in Columns 1 & 2. Every time you hear someone complaining and excuse yourself from the conversation, put a mark in Column 3. You ARE going to be surprised at the results.)
In every situation and every person there's something good to focus on. Find it and praise it. Remind
yourself of it every time you're tempted to complain.
The first thing you'll notice is how much better you feel. After all, how do you feel complaining? Pretty rotten, right? Why do that to yourself?
So the first result is that you'll feel much better, more optimistic, more hope. It's worth doing just for that!
But over time you'll notice that you have less and less to complain about, even if you wanted to. Oh,
there's always something you could complain about, but you'll find that you're not even tempted.
You'll know that what you put your energy into is what grows, and that you really enjoy putting your
energy into what's right. You'll be grateful you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - This is just one of the powerful ideas that you will get in Bob Proctor's "Science of Getting Rich" program. If you buy it from him, and many do, right now it's $1, 997.
Don't tell anyone, but I have a few copies, with all the CDs, manual and workbooks for 1/8 of that price! That's an 88% discount and you get 3 months of personal coaching access to me for any questions you have. http://www.CreateSuccessSeminars.com/sgr.html
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Online Newsletter For The Week Ending September 10, 2010
QUOTE: "Every achiever that I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when I began to believe in me.'" Dr. Robert H. Schuller Minister and Author
LATEST NUGGET: EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT MARKETING AND ADVERTISING (Or Almost Everything), by Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown and published on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.
PRACTICING SAFE REAL ESTATE. As your Designated Broker I have for years heard the comments about “nit-picking” the submission of forms and folders. Here is an article that should be required reading for everyone regarding self-protection of your business.
FACEBOOK POST FROM A FRIEND OF MINE. Life is funnier than fiction. So, have you ever seen a friend on their cell phone at the grocery store and they are so focused being on their phone that they don't notice you? So you decide to run up to them with your cart and scare them and yell "get off your phone and pay attention!"? Well that happened to me today, but just when I got to the woman, charging my cart and about to yell, she turns around and looked horrified, and I realized I don’t know her.
BROKER BIT: Question: Can a seller require a buyer to use a specific title company? As in the case of most things, I am sure there are exceptions but if the RESPA regulation speaks for itself, the answer would be no. One exception would be if the seller was prepared to pay for any title company costs that otherwise would be paid for by the buyer. If the buyer pays for such costs, the buyer should have the opportunity to make a decision as to what Title Company to use. Here is the RESPA Section 9 regulation.
Section 9: Seller required title insurance
Section 9 of RESPA prohibits a seller from requiring the home buyer to use a particular title insurance company, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale. Buyers may sue a seller who violates this provision for an amount equal to three times all charges made for the title insurance.
Comment: Laws, rules and regulations are strange entities in that most laws “presume” that licensed professionals know or are familiar with them. This means that in the case of Section 9 RESPA would “assume” you know the meaning of the Section. As such, the question is: Could you as a licensed real estate agent be held responsible for not informing the seller that the seller could be found in violation of Section 9 if the seller requires the buyer to use a specific Title Company and for the buyer to pay the Title Company’s costs. Maybe so; maybe not. Personally I would not want to test the Feds on this one. There are posted articles that suggest that Section 9 only applies to government backed loans. Almost all loans are government backed.
YOUR STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS: WINNING THE “MENTAL GAME” OF REAL ESTATE, article written by Denise Lones: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/900/your-strategy-for-stress-winning-the-quot-mental-game-quot-in-real-estate
TIPS FOR SELLING WITH EMAILS, written by Dalton Johnson and published on SalesDog.com. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0491.htm
LATEST NUGGET: EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT MARKETING AND ADVERTISING (Or Almost Everything), by Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown and published on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com.
PRACTICING SAFE REAL ESTATE. As your Designated Broker I have for years heard the comments about “nit-picking” the submission of forms and folders. Here is an article that should be required reading for everyone regarding self-protection of your business.
FACEBOOK POST FROM A FRIEND OF MINE. Life is funnier than fiction. So, have you ever seen a friend on their cell phone at the grocery store and they are so focused being on their phone that they don't notice you? So you decide to run up to them with your cart and scare them and yell "get off your phone and pay attention!"? Well that happened to me today, but just when I got to the woman, charging my cart and about to yell, she turns around and looked horrified, and I realized I don’t know her.
BROKER BIT: Question: Can a seller require a buyer to use a specific title company? As in the case of most things, I am sure there are exceptions but if the RESPA regulation speaks for itself, the answer would be no. One exception would be if the seller was prepared to pay for any title company costs that otherwise would be paid for by the buyer. If the buyer pays for such costs, the buyer should have the opportunity to make a decision as to what Title Company to use. Here is the RESPA Section 9 regulation.
Section 9: Seller required title insurance
Section 9 of RESPA prohibits a seller from requiring the home buyer to use a particular title insurance company, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale. Buyers may sue a seller who violates this provision for an amount equal to three times all charges made for the title insurance.
Comment: Laws, rules and regulations are strange entities in that most laws “presume” that licensed professionals know or are familiar with them. This means that in the case of Section 9 RESPA would “assume” you know the meaning of the Section. As such, the question is: Could you as a licensed real estate agent be held responsible for not informing the seller that the seller could be found in violation of Section 9 if the seller requires the buyer to use a specific Title Company and for the buyer to pay the Title Company’s costs. Maybe so; maybe not. Personally I would not want to test the Feds on this one. There are posted articles that suggest that Section 9 only applies to government backed loans. Almost all loans are government backed.
YOUR STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS: WINNING THE “MENTAL GAME” OF REAL ESTATE, article written by Denise Lones: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/900/your-strategy-for-stress-winning-the-quot-mental-game-quot-in-real-estate
TIPS FOR SELLING WITH EMAILS, written by Dalton Johnson and published on SalesDog.com. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0491.htm
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