Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending January 30

QUOTE: “No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women." - President Ronald Reagan

JIM'S M&M GROUP, there will be a class on Monday February 1 but the rest of February will be determined by the speed of recover from surgery. Watch this newsletter for a more concrete schedule.

THE IMPORTANCE OF IDENTIFYING OUR PURPOSE IN LIFE, by Lew Smallwood. Smallwood posts numerous blogs to his blog site. Look for this title at: http://dynagroup-online.blogspot.com/

PHOTO TRICKS TO SELL YOUR HOME. This is a blog from a photographer specifically regarding homes for sale. 5 tricks. I would like to add that try not to take the photo from the driveway side of the home. The photo should contain as little concrete as possible. As a reminder, the photo placed on the MLS CANNOT CONTAIN THE YARD SIGN IN ANY WAY. http://moneywatch.bnet.com/saving-money/blog/ask-agent/real-estate-photography-tricks-from-larry-lohrman/1415/

REAL ESTATE AGENTS; DO NOT BECOME EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED; Great article by Jim Crawford, you don’t want to miss this one, we all have been guilty of this at one time or another, hopefully not often: http://activerain.com/blogsview/1452580/real-estate-agents-do-not-become-emotionally-involved-

HOW’S YOUR BUSINESS? A FEW LESSONS FROM THE NOW! Another gem from Jeffrey Gitomer. http://activerain.com/blogsview/1452580/real-estate-agents-do-not-become-emotionally-involved-

THE POWER OF POSITIVE INTERACTIONS: By Jon Gordon, who else? We can all take a lesson from this one: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-012510-positiveinteractions.html

PRETTY SPECIAL VIDEO, thank you Stacey Chehardy for submitting it: http://www.nragive.com/ringoffreedom/nr_j0199_landing.html

REAL ESTATE WEB SITE: www.ZoomSwap.com. Don’t know much about it; when checked, there were no homes listed in the St. Tammany area.

MISSISSIPPI LISTING AND BUYING FORMS. There were two new folders added to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Documents that now include the forms necessary to list properties in Mississippi and to write contract to buy property in Mississippi. Of course you have to be licensed in Mississippi to do either. All the necessary forms have been uploaded to SlidellCalendar.com.


Dear Fellow REALTOR®,

By now, we all know about the severe devastation caused by the earthquakes in Haiti. NAR is helping answer the calls for help in two key ways.

First, we are contributing $550,000 to charities that will help bring much-needed supplies and care to the people of Haiti. Included in that sum is $100,000 donated by our REALTOR Benefits® Program partner, Lowe’s®, which we have matched at $100,000. From that we will donate $50,000 to The Harvest of Haiti, founded by REALTOR® Patrick Moore, a 2007 Good Neighbor Award winner. Patrick has done great work for several years in Haiti supporting orphans, delivering clean water and providing medical care for more than 3,500 people a year.


We are also contributing $500,000 to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, which is supporting earthquake recovery efforts with immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. For up-to-the-minute information about these efforts, visit NAR's Haiti relief page on REALTOR.org.

Second, I have asked NAR to accept donations from REALTORS® through the REALTORS® Relief Foundation. Please consider giving today. To make a donation, go to www.realtor.org/relief and complete the contribution form.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

REALTORS® have earned a reputation for our compassionate work on behalf of others – both here in the United State and around the world. I hope you will join our latest efforts and bring that same compassion and hope to people who desperately need it.


Vicki Cox Golder, CRB

2010 NAR President


We are continually receiving the same discrepancies on listings and sales and I need your full attention.

Discrepancies on listings and sales not only create extra time and paperwork, it could cost you dearly in the event one of your files is ever examined by an outside examiner for a court case or the real estate commission. I am asking that you please pay attention to these issues:

1. The Listing Agreement Addendum is REQUIRED by the Market Center on ALL listings, not just residential sales but rentals, land, commercial - ALL listings. It insures YOU are in compliance with the REALTOR Code of Ethics AND it gives me the authority to accept the listings via email as compared to preparing letters and enclosures.

2. When you scan and save a file, please use the highlight feature of the paperless system to identify EVERY type of file you are saving. Files are being saved under just one name, example, MLS and then every type of form is saved under that one name. By highlighting each form name and then saving the file, each form included will be displayed on your dashboard. This is especially true for forms not listed and you are to use the MISCELLANEOUS feature where you can both save AND NAME the form(s) saved and submitted. And because it has happened more times than it should, agents are saving documents under a specific file name, like MLS, and when opened it contains something other than the MLS sheet.

3. The Dashboard should be used as a checklist for your files to make certain you have addressed all issues. If for some reason you have not included one of the forms listed in RED, you must include a NOTE as to why the form(s) was not included.

4. VERY IMPORTANT. If you are selling a Market Center listing AND it has not as yet been entered into the Paperless system, you can not enter it as a sale in the Paperless system unless the listing agent enters it first. Otherwise you submit your paperwork as you did in the past. The best way to resolve this issue is to simply ask the listing agent if the listing was entered or is the listing agent going to enter it since there is a contract on the property.

5. Final Walk Throughs: You need to protect yourself and the interests of your buyers and sellers by conducting a final walk through a couple of days before the closing. If not conducted, how can you be assured that everything is working, the building is still there and the appliances that were to be left are still there?

6. PRICE REDUCTIONS/WITHDRAWALS/EXTENSIONS - EVERYTHING. Once you enter a file into the paperless system you MUST then enter everything that happens to that file such as a price reduction, extension, withdrawal, any notes that need to be saved, etc. If it happens to a listing or sale it must be scanned and then uploaded to the paperless system.

INTERESTING NOTE: This past week two Mississippi RE Commission Investigators visited the Market Center and I had a great conversation with them. They said they were always amazed at how many real estate agents work sellers not knowing for certain that they were the actual owners of the property being listed. Searching the tax rolls is the first step in this process and any discrepancy in names should be a huge red flag to you to research further. You can also research the Clerk of Court records online to ascertain who originally purchased the property, example, two people, and if now only one is selling the property you need to know why and under what authority. If the owner is a corporation, you need a corporate resolution specifically stating who within the corporation or LLC has the authority to list and or buy the specific real estate in question.

Reflections on Your Greatness; by Michael Dalton Johnson

You are great. You are far greater than you imagine. You are a unique entity given the power to create your own life. When you look outside yourself for self-definition you are giving your power away. However, when you understand and accept that you alone possess the power to define yourself and your life, there are dramatic changes. You will find new clarity, focus and confidence. You'll also find that using this incredible gift is both exhilarating and challenging.

You are in charge. Think of your life as a movie. You are the writer, director, producer and star. You choose your co-stars and extras. Whether the movie is a smash or a flop is in your hands.

Your thoughts determine your outcomes. This is one of the great mysteries. There are a lot of theories about this phenomenon but no one really knows how it works. However, it does work and reveals the astonishing power of your thoughts. If you think you are average, you are. If you think you can't win, you won't. Conversely, if you see yourself succeeding, you will. If you expect great things to come to your life, they're on their way.

You bring others with you. Your courage and confidence to examine your life and make changes will have a profound effect on those around you. When you lift yourself up, others are lifted up too.

Your life. Your responsibility. The first and most important rule is to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Following this rule puts you in command. Winston Churchill said, "The price of greatness is responsibility." While I'm certain he was talking about fighting wars and leading nations, his statement applies to your life as well.

You have the power. Life will inevitably send you your share of setbacks, problems, disappointments and losses. These things are beyond your control. How you react to them is not. Listen to the voice within you and realize you have a choice. You have the greatness to persevere, to forgive, to smile, to lift yourself and others up and to move on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Online Newsletter for January 23, 2010

Quote: "When reciting affirmations, feel the words in your heart as you say them and know that what you feel you'll create." Peggy McColl, Arthur of Relax Your Way to Wealth http://relaxyourwaytowealth.com/

TEXTING IS NOT AN OPTION: This is a great article by Jeffrey Gitomer who like me could be considered and “old guy”. It is time to come of age, read this article about “texting”. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15928

RAISE YOUR CREDIT SCORE, a free teleseminar but space is very limited. If you don't need the info for yourself, think about the buyers you are working with. You can sign up at: http://www.raiseyourcreditscore.us/?sig=18

JOE TYE’S SPARK PLUG ON THE POSITIVE APPROACH TO NEGATIVE PEOPLE. This Spark Plug Newsletter was written for companies to work with negative people within the organization. The question should be, are you one of the negative people that needs to be worked with? Hmmmmmm? http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001bHw_LhcjpQpA3DyhfjBFKwgmHXDNKhlFy0-RzrRMDvKOPxqhwuGcHLBYQjHRDW8E-QshXDn_gDy9P9CCpq-3MC09wv0_eoBgzOIx66simU6dMn46_vYBTLzoBDxlavf1h4eghFaXkvM%3D

LIST PROPERTIES ON THE NET FOR FREE! http://www.upillar.com/. This is a site where you can advertise items for sale FREE. There is a real estate section where it appears you can not only list properties you can also post a personal ad. FREE is always good. Since you are trying to attract interest in a bedroom community of New Orleans, you might want to list your properties for sale under New Orleans (or New Orleans-Slidell if it permits it).

PAT ZABY NEWSLETTER, - including Help Them Get What They Want; Financing Concessions Will Make The Difference; Dialogs You Can Use and Reduce Mailing Costs. Pat always has great stuff and this link to his newsletter is no different: http://www.patzaby.com/newsletter/?Id=76c5505b-765d-40b1-89b7-056c132b921f

STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS, Embracing Empowering Beliefs Energizes Your Life, Lew Smallwood blog, if it is not the featured blog when you access it, search the site but while there look around all his articles are great! http://dynagroup-online.blogspot.com/

2010: PREPARING FOR PROFIT AS THE MARKET TURNS: 90% of home buyers are using the internet to find their next home with over 1 in 3 finding the home they purchased online1. If you aren't getting at least 36% of your business from the internet, something is broken. Attend this insightful session presented by Joe Sesso, National Speaker of REALTOR.com®, to learn about valuable marketing tools, tactics and technologies that will help you get ahead of the changing market in 2010. This is a FREE program. I signed up.

City: New Orleans¸ LA
Date: Wednesday¸ February 10¸ 2010
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Four Points by Sheraton New Orleans Airport
6401 Veterans Memorial Boulevard
Metairie¸ LA 70003

To Register: http://realtor.com/realestateseries/register/index.php?e=2010Q1JSneworleans

TAX DEDUCTION FORM FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A tax deduction worksheet has been uploaded to www.Slidellcalendar.com in the Documents section under Forms, Miscellaneous. Remember, you can be as creative as you desire on your tax statement but you need to be ready to justify/defend your deductions in the event of an audit. If you want online info, go to www.TaxReductionInstitute.com. I have called to see when the next class in the New Orleans area will be and will post the information when received.

AL E. GATOR. This is an excerpt from Bob Burg’s new book Go-Givers Sell More – an outstanding read. “At Marie Jakubiak’s accounting firm in Michigan, new clients are not simply greeted by name the first time they walk into the office: they are also greeted by a sign that says, “Welcome to our new client, Mary Jones!” with their name surrounded by fresh flowers.” We use to put up welcome signs on the alligator in the front office every time we had a customer coming into the office. Customers were typically very impressed. I think it is something we need to do once again. This takes only a few seconds to create. It works every time it is tried, so why did we stop doing it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Online Newsletter for January 16

Quote: “Excuses should be laughed at, not dignified as they often are today. Excuses and responsibility cannot coexist. If there’s anything in our life that’s not the way we want it to be, we are responsible for changing it. Whether it’s something big or small, we are still responsible, and each time we give an excuse we diminish our respect, our credibility, and our integrity in our own eyes as well as the eyes of others. Each time we make an excuse, we reinforce our propensity to make even more excuses in the future, and excuse making becomes an infectious cultural habit. As humans, we love to rationalize our ineptitude. Unless we make a commitment to the choice of excuse-free living, we’ll always be able to find fresh excuses. The next time we feel the urge to utter an excuse, we should all remember the slogan of the Paralympics: What’s Your Excuse? THE ONLY THING MORE DAMAGING TO OUR CHARACTER THAN MAKING AN EXCUSE IS MAKING THE SAME EXCUSE TWICE.” From The War on Success by Tommy Newberry, an absolute must read.


For the system to properly work, everyone MUST use the latest edition of the Market Center Addendum to the Listing Agreement dated November 2009. It has a provision that the Sellers initial to authorize an email broker acceptance of the file. THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Uploading files seems to be misunderstood. When you take a listing, put all of your forms into one pile. Then, one form at a time, sort the pile into three piles. The first pile would be all forms that MUST be uploaded to the MLS system like Property Disclosures, Lead Base Paint, etc, These forms would require a Purchasers signature/initial to complete the sale or of particular interest to the purchasers like a survey. The second pile of forms would all forms that are NOT LISTED in the list of forms on the paperless home page. Examples of these would be Surveys, Short Sale Documents, Plat Maps, anything not listed in red or black on the home page. The third pile would be those forms listed on the paperless home page BUT WHICH ARE NOT GOING TO BE UPLOADED TO THE MLS, examples, Listing Agreement, Addendum to the Listing Agreement, Tax Roll, etc. Then go to the bottom of the paperless home page, highlight ALL the documents that are being uploaded to the MLS. If there are any documents being uploaded like a Survey that you want to make available to a purchaser then it should be in this pile and you need to use the MISCELLANEOUS feature where you can NAME the document being included.

You will know you have done this correctly when you see on your Dashboard the files you have uploaded and the file contains the names of ALL the documents you have scanned and uploaded.
Anyone having problems with this, please attend a Technology Thursday class or the Monday M&M which is now at 9:30.

OTHER ISSUES: If you are listing a property FOR SALE and FOR LEASE, you must enter it twice. Please understand, if it is sold, you then have to close out the LEASE folder as well as the FOR SALE folder. One goes into the closed sale section of our files and the other into the withdrawn section.

EVERY LISTING, REPEAT, EVERY LISTING requires a Addendum to the Listing Agreement. This is the document that insures you are in compliance with the REALTOR Code of Ethics as well as giving the Broker authority to accept the file by email instead of a paper response.

GARBAGE IN – GARBAGE OUT: If you are using forms that have been faxed and faxed and subsequently reduced and faded, that is exactly what you will be saving to the permanent file. Scan your documents as FULL SIZE documents not severely reduced copies that are impossible to read. Remember, you will only be able to retrieve what you have saved to the file, good, bad or indifferent in quality.

MISSISSIPPI LISTINGS AND SALES – are to be included in the paperless system. Forms specific to Mississippi should be entered as MISCELLANEOUS until such time as the home page of the paperless service can be amended to include a Mississippi Only section.

BROKER NOTE: The paperless system is truly remarkable. The home page should be used by everyone as a check-off list of all documents. Remember any listed in RED are required but there will be times when even required documents are not applicable in which case you simply add a note saying so. If you submit your file and have not accounted for at least all the required forms you should automatically know it will be incomplete and require additional work. While the paperless system will save hundreds of dollars in paper costs its true value is insuring compliance with the law, rules and regulations of our industry and I know that is what we all want.


More housing markets are forecast to experience appreciation in 2010 as the nation's real estate markets move closer to stabilization. The Best 25 Housing Markets named annually by Housing Predictor hold the strongest likelihood of housing inflation of all 250 market predictions issued.
Rank Real Estate Market Forecast

1. Cleveland, OH 10.4%
2. Columbus, OH 9.4%
3. Cincinnati, OH 8.8%
4. Toledo, OH 6.5%
5. Lafayette, LA 5.4%
6. Des Moines, IA 5.1%
7. Arlington, VA 4.8%
8. Juneau, AK 4.2%
9. Davenport, IA 4.2%
10. Baton Rouge, LA 4.0%
11. Austin, TX 3.6%
12. Marquette, MI 3.2%
13. Fargo, ND 3.1%
14. Charleston, WV 3.1%
15. Iowa City, IA 3.1%
16. Shreveport, LA 2.9%
17. Bismarck, ND 2.9%
18. Rapid City, SD 2.8%
19. Philadelphia, PA 2.7%
20. Grand Rapids, MI 2.7%
21. Sioux Falls, SD 2.7%
22. Morgantown, WV 2.6%
23. Omaha, NE 2.5%
24. Bellevue, NE 2.3%
25. Pittsburgh, PA 2.3%

Note: While Slidell is not specifically listed, three Louisiana municipalities are and that is good news for our area. St. Tammany was virtually unaffected on an internet map that tracked the unemployment throughout the entire country over the past 5 years or so. That too is good news for our area.

HELPING ANIMALS: www.FREEKIBBLE.com for dog lovers and www.FREEKIBBLEKAT.com for cat lovers gives food to dogs and cats in shelters when you correctly answer a daily trivia question. You can also sign up for them to send you a daily email that would then make this automatic for you to remember all of our furry friends!!!!!! Thank you Dana Kelm for the information.

WCR LUNCHEON: Friday, January 29, 11:30 at Todd Schaeffer’s Family Restaurant, 348 Robert Blvd. $20.00 Members; $23.00 Non-Members. To make reservations, call Stephanie Turnage 710-0585 or Kelly Bernard Ferrer, 788-6602.

A VIDEO YOU WON’T SOON FORGET: www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=9xwCG0Ey2Mg

10 TIPS TO BE YOUR BEST, by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-011110-10tipstobeyourbest.html

TAKE THE AMERICAN HISTORY EXAM at www.AmericanRevolutioncenter.org. 83% of Americans fail this exam.

WHERE IS SALES? WHERE IS SALES? HOW ARE SALES? By Jeffrey Gitomer. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PdgseleaeLBw%3D%3D

BOOK: THE FIFTH AGREEMENT by Don Miguel Ruiz. Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements which was a national best seller and was discussed at several Team Leader Mastermind Sessions; it is really a great book. Ruiz has a new book out expanding on the Four Agreements that is explained in this link: http://www.elabs6.com/functions/message_view.html?mid=474994&mlid=20949&siteid=12346080&uid=007a532802

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Online Newsletter for January 9th

QUOTE: "Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored." Earl Nightingale 1921-1989, Radio Announcer, Author and Speaker

REMINDER - Effective January 1, 2010 the Residential Property Disclosure will be REQUIRED to be attached to all applicable listings in the MLS within 7 days of listing entry. This rule applies to existing active listings also. Note if a seller of a property is exempt from the Residential Property Disclosure, then the Informational Statement Page for the Residential Property Disclosure shall be attached to the MLS listing within 7 days.

JOE TYE: Everything Joe Tye writes is great but this is his greatest and if you pay attention it really could change your life; it has mine. Take the Self-Empowerment Pledge at: http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001PEzLWYs7lNK7HHgmCxtjFPAfyf73Uw5nCaKcCUGakKJOkrpLpVpApmrEeRIHpSzev4LMRtx-8yLFxPRDZmMLMQ0mRR0CBSzJxoXubK2ZKGe3vkP4xMpmIMK1DoX-G32LdI3wtgxfKQQ%3D

JEFFREY GITOMER: Happy New Year! What Are You Going To Do With It? As you read this article, think of the words of Bob Proctor to Leslie Householder when she said her mind is always thinking. Proctor said, “Your mind is not always thinking, your mind is busy but not always thinking.” There is a difference and that is what Gitomer would like for you to do in 2010, not just think but THINK DIFFERENTLY! http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3P3STtm17%2F9qg%3D%3D

LEW SMALLWOOD: Language for a More Effective Life. Another great Smallwood article that seems very appropriate for the New Year. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3P3STtm17%2F9qg%3D%3D

Standard of Practice 3-1. To be effective, any change in compensation offered for cooperative services must be communicated to the other REALTOR® prior to the time that REALTOR® submits an offer to purchase/lease3 the property. (Amended 1/10)

Standard of Practice 3-9: REALTORS® shall not provide access to listed property on terms other than those established by the owner or the listing broker. (Adopted 1/10)

Article 11
The services which REALTORS® provide to their clients and customers shall conform to the standards of practice and competence which are reasonably expected in the specific real estate disciplines in which they engage; specifically, residential real estate brokerage, real property management, commercial and industrial real estate brokerage, land brokerage, real estate appraisal, real estate counseling, real estate syndication, real estate auction, and international real estate.

REALTORS® shall not undertake to provide specialized professional services concerning a type of property or service that is outside their field of competence unless they engage the assistance of one who is competent on such types of property or service, or unless the facts are fully disclosed to the client. Any persons engaged to provide such assistance shall be so identified to the client and their contribution to the assignment should be set forth. (Amended 1/10)

Standard of Practice 11-1
When REALTORS® prepare opinions of real property value or price, other than in pursuit of a listing or to assist a potential purchaser in formulating a purchase offer, such opinions shall include the following unless the party requesting the opinion requires a specific type of report or different data set:
1) identification of the subject property
2) date prepared
3) defined value or price
4) limiting conditions, including statements of purpose(s) and intended user(s)
5) any present or contemplated interest, including the possibility of representing the seller/landlord or buyers/tenants
6) basis for the opinion, including applicable market data
7) if the opinion is not an appraisal, a statement to that effect (Amended 1/10)

Standard of Practice 12-5
REALTORS® shall not advertise nor permit any person employed by or affiliated with them to advertise real estate services or listed property in any medium (e.g., electronically, print, radio, television, etc.) without disclosing the name of that REALTOR®’s firm in a reasonable and readily apparent manner. (Adopted 11/86, Amended 1/10)

Standard of Practice 15-2
The obligation to refrain from making false or misleading statements about competitors, competitors’ businesses, and competitors’ business practices includes the duty to not knowingly or recklessly publish, repeat, retransmit, or republish false or misleading statements made by others. This duty applies whether false or misleading statements are repeated in person, in writing, by technological means (e.g., the Internet), or by any other means. (Adopted 1/07, Amended 1/10)

Standard of Practice 15-3
The obligation to refrain from making false or misleading statements about competitors, competitors’ businesses, and competitors’ business practices includes the duty to publish a clarification about or to remove statements made by others on electronic media the REALTOR® controls once the REALTOR® knows the statement is false or misleading. (Adopted 1/10)

Standard of Practice 16-20
REALTORS®, prior to or after their relationship with their current firm is terminated, shall not induce clients of their current firm to cancel exclusive contractual agreements between the client and that firm. This does not preclude REALTORS® (principals) from establishing agreements with their associated licensees governing assignability of exclusive agreements. (Adopted 1/98, Amended 1/10)

ONE YEAR DOWN, THREE TO GO. Please remember you are required to complete the National Association of REALTORS Quadrennial Ethics Training. You can take it online free of charge by going to WWW.REALTOR.ORG Don’t wait until the last minute.

10-12 CORRIDOR NEWSLETTER. Covington the site of an Indoor Sports Arena and other local news: http://www.1012corridor.com/archives/1012-corridor-weekly/latest/

CELL PHONE AND ELECTRICAL CHARGER FIRES: There has been a report regarding a car fire that originated at a cell phone charger that was plugged into the cigarette lighter but the phone was not connected. The following site explains that chargers apparently CAN be the source of fires when left plugged in even though nothing is being charged. It would appear that being safe is far better than being sorry even thought the incidents have not as yet been commonplace: http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/c/cell-chargers.htm

THE SELF EMPOWERMENT GUIDEBOOK, by Chris Cade. According to the cover, a simple but powerful guide for realizing your greatest potential. It is an eBook that has been uploaded to www.SlidellCalendar.com in the Document section under eBooks. Really positive reading.

5 PERFECT “SPARE TIME” ONLINE BUSINESSES: This is for what it’s worth: http://www.theperfectbizfinder.com/blog/yanik/?dip=xt32q

20 TIPS FOR A POSITIVE NEW YEAR by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-010410-20tips.html

REAL ESTATE BOOK. When you advertise with The Real Estate Book you have instant referral of your listing to a lot of different web sites. Check them out here: http://www.realestatebookla.com/trebfiles.html

CREDIT CARD FRAUD. Should not have to tell people this but if you receive a call from a supposedly credit card company wanting to verify information and they give you the last four digits of your social security number DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFORMATION. Never give anyone your private information over the phone. If they are a legitimate credit company that you have an account with they already have all your information and will NEVER ask you for it over the phone. As obvious as this may appear, it just happened to a friend so it does happen and it happens more frequently with older people. Spread the word! Use the Internet. If you have caller ID you can simply enter the number, usually an 800, or 888 or other toll free number in Google and it will tell you if it is legitimate.