QUOTE: The Challenge: Let others lead small lives; but not you! Let others argue over small things; but not you! Let others cry over small hurts; but not you! Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands; but not you! Author Unknown
WORD OF CAUTION. First, there have been over 5000 traffic deaths that involved the use of cell phones. A word to the wise should be sufficient but it is apparently not. Now there is a 20 year old girl who was texting on her cell phone and killed an 80 year old pedestrian and is being charged with vehicular manslaughter and could serve 6 or more years in jail. Again, a word to the wise should be sufficient. Another mail driver is already serving jail time for texting during an accident. DON’T USE YOUR PHONE WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING FOR ANYTHING; THE RAMIFICATIONS ARE JUST NOT WORTH IT.
HOW PABLO PICASSO ESTABLISHED VALUE: If this message doesn’t strike home, nothing will: http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0506.htm#continued
WI4C2TS SCREENSAVER. A WI4C2TS “cutesy” screensaver has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ Documents, Motivational folder. Use your CONTROL PANEL to load it as your screensaver once it is saved to your computer.
10 REAL ESTATE PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR from RISMEDIA, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11763
NO FEAR IN THE NEW YEAR article by Jon Gordon; great advice! http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-122710-no-fear-new-year.html
WHAT DAY(S) ARE YOU CELEBRATING AND WHY? Jeffrey Gitomer will make you think and isn’t that what this newsletter is all about, thinking? http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15965
EIGHT WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS IN 2011 article by Michael Setunsky, http://activerain.com/blogsview/2040544/eight-ways-to-increase-your-business-in-2011
JOE TYE’S PARADOX OF AUTHENTICITY, Jeaux tends to hit the nail on the head every time: http://tinyurl.com/22ow8jx
7 TIPS FOR USING SOCIAL NETWORKING TO ATTRACT GOOD LEADS AND REFERRALS, article by Gee Dunsten: http://tinyurl.com/22ow8jx
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 24, 2010
QUOTE: “The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.” Robert Bloch
HAPPY DIGITAL CHRISTMAS. This YouTube video link was provided by Sheryl Godwin. Very unique and creative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZrf0PbAGSk
WHAT HOLIDAY IS THIS ANYWAY? HAPPY WHATEVER. Only Jeffrey Gitomer can look at a holiday like this and he is as usual - right on! http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OcI8WAH66bcQ%3D%3D
LATEST NUGGET: Do You Change The Oil In Your Rental Car? By me, Jim "Gymbeaux" Brown at www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
ONLINE ONE-RATE MAILING OF PACKAGES: If you try to send a package and use the online postage system, the web site will ask you for the weight of the package seemingly going against what they advertise on television. The post office said to just estimate the weight, that they just want to know that you have not exceeded the 70 pound limit. You would think they would indicate that on the web site but they do not. www.usps.com/clicknship
WIND MITIGATION INSURANCE DISCOUNTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! All insurance companies are required to offer Louisiana homeowners “discounts, credits, or other rate differentials…” for particular construction techniques that help to reduce wind damage caused by hurricanes, tropical storms and other windstorm related claims. The document that describes this in detail has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document section in the Insurance Issues Folder. This could affect you and/or any of the people in your database who live in Louisiana. Would make a great mailout.
THE FOUR (OR FIVE) AGREEMENTS. The Four Agreements is a book written by don Miguel Ruiz and has been reissued as The Five Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz. Wes Hopper has written a brief summary of The Five Agreements that you can access by going to: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/2010/08/the-five-agreements/ You are highly encouraged to read The Four (or Five) Agreements or listen to it on CD. The CD will be included in the new Market Center Library audio bookcase in the very near future.
THE KEY TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS by Jon Gordon, who else? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-key-to-happiness-122010.html
C’MON PEOPLE, STOP POSTING VACATION PLANS ON FACEBOOK. For that matter stop posting a lot of personal information on Facebook that might give the criminal community an edge. This is a great and timely article: http://activerain.com/blogsview/2028685/c-mon-people-stop-posting-vacation-plans-on-facebook
NEAT DESK? Check out the scanner and software at http://store.neatco.com/. The scanner will scan your documents, business cards, receipts, just about anything and identify what it is and file it in the appropriate file on your computer. It looks very impressive. Cost is $399.95.
THIS SIMPLE TIP GENERATED 14 TRANSACTIONS IN JUST THREE MONTHS but it won’t work if you don’t read it. By Joe Stumpf http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1025/this-simple-tip-generated-14-transactions-in-just-three-months
THE MARKET CENTER LIBRARY is almost complete. 99% of the books are in place. There will be another book case added soon that will include a lot of CDs, DVDs and Cassette Tapes. There will eventually be in excess of 1000 titles to choose from on sales, self-improvement, inspiration, motivational, etc. There are only two point five rules:
1. Please write the title of the item(s) you are taking on the back of a business card and leave the card in the glass bowl on the book case. This will let someone know if a title they are looking for may be checked out.
2. When you are finished, please return the item(s) for the next person's use.
2.5. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the library you are more than welcome to do so.
6. Books are inexpensive. Sure, some books can be as much as $50, but for as little as $10, you can get the perfect gift for someone.
5. You can personalize the book you give. What makes a book really special is that you can write an inscription in it. It makes the book that you get for someone all the more personal.
4. A book will last a lifetime. A toy will eventually be discarded and a sweater will wear thin. A book, though, will forever grace the person's bookshelf. Every time they refer to the book that you gave them, they'll remember you.
3. You can literally do all your shopping in one place. Whether you stay home and shop online or you venture outside your house to a bookstore, you can get your shopping done in one place -- and probably in one trip.
2. There's nothing to worry about when buying a book. When you buy a book for someone, that's it. Wrap it, set it under the tree, and then watch the smile on the person's face as they see the book you bought for them. You don't have to worry about getting the wrong size, forgetting batteries, or hoping you got their favorite color.
1. There is something for everyone! From self-improvement to drama, from philosophy to how-to, your chances of picking a book the person will love is as close to 100% as you can get!
Even with those six great reasons, there is one more reason why books make the best gifts.
Bonus Reason Why Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts: Hopefully you and every member of your family are “learning based”; education is what you get when you read, experience is what you get when you don’t.
"The only person who always likes change is a wet baby. Sometimes change can be the last thing we want." Jeff Herring
It's a funny part of the human condition but most of us want to get different results in our lives without having to make any real changes.
We want the circumstances to change, oh yes, but not us.
But the funny thing is that when the circumstances do change, they seem to get worse.
It's actually scientific. If you remember some high school science you know about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Left to themselves, systems become more disorganized and chaotic over time.
Kind of like your life while you wait for things to get better, eh?
Now some people are willing to do a little work on themselves, but like the wet baby in our quote, they only want to do enough to get dry.
They're not willing to do the work on themselves that will keep them from getting wet again!
So what's the answer? Substantial change in your life requires substantial change in you. No shortcuts.
Transformative change that moves you to a new state of being takes work, but the results are worth it.
It means giving up the comfortable habits of today and developing the new and (at first) uncomfortable habits of tomorrow.
Pick a habit to change today.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it.
Get the info here: http://www.HowToCreateSuccess.com/
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Wes Hopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
QUOTE: “The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.” Robert Bloch
HAPPY DIGITAL CHRISTMAS. This YouTube video link was provided by Sheryl Godwin. Very unique and creative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZrf0PbAGSk
WHAT HOLIDAY IS THIS ANYWAY? HAPPY WHATEVER. Only Jeffrey Gitomer can look at a holiday like this and he is as usual - right on! http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OcI8WAH66bcQ%3D%3D
LATEST NUGGET: Do You Change The Oil In Your Rental Car? By me, Jim "Gymbeaux" Brown at www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
ONLINE ONE-RATE MAILING OF PACKAGES: If you try to send a package and use the online postage system, the web site will ask you for the weight of the package seemingly going against what they advertise on television. The post office said to just estimate the weight, that they just want to know that you have not exceeded the 70 pound limit. You would think they would indicate that on the web site but they do not. www.usps.com/clicknship
WIND MITIGATION INSURANCE DISCOUNTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! All insurance companies are required to offer Louisiana homeowners “discounts, credits, or other rate differentials…” for particular construction techniques that help to reduce wind damage caused by hurricanes, tropical storms and other windstorm related claims. The document that describes this in detail has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document section in the Insurance Issues Folder. This could affect you and/or any of the people in your database who live in Louisiana. Would make a great mailout.
THE FOUR (OR FIVE) AGREEMENTS. The Four Agreements is a book written by don Miguel Ruiz and has been reissued as The Five Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz. Wes Hopper has written a brief summary of The Five Agreements that you can access by going to: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/2010/08/the-five-agreements/ You are highly encouraged to read The Four (or Five) Agreements or listen to it on CD. The CD will be included in the new Market Center Library audio bookcase in the very near future.
THE KEY TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS by Jon Gordon, who else? http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-key-to-happiness-122010.html
C’MON PEOPLE, STOP POSTING VACATION PLANS ON FACEBOOK. For that matter stop posting a lot of personal information on Facebook that might give the criminal community an edge. This is a great and timely article: http://activerain.com/blogsview/2028685/c-mon-people-stop-posting-vacation-plans-on-facebook
NEAT DESK? Check out the scanner and software at http://store.neatco.com/. The scanner will scan your documents, business cards, receipts, just about anything and identify what it is and file it in the appropriate file on your computer. It looks very impressive. Cost is $399.95.
THIS SIMPLE TIP GENERATED 14 TRANSACTIONS IN JUST THREE MONTHS but it won’t work if you don’t read it. By Joe Stumpf http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1025/this-simple-tip-generated-14-transactions-in-just-three-months
THE MARKET CENTER LIBRARY is almost complete. 99% of the books are in place. There will be another book case added soon that will include a lot of CDs, DVDs and Cassette Tapes. There will eventually be in excess of 1000 titles to choose from on sales, self-improvement, inspiration, motivational, etc. There are only two point five rules:
1. Please write the title of the item(s) you are taking on the back of a business card and leave the card in the glass bowl on the book case. This will let someone know if a title they are looking for may be checked out.
2. When you are finished, please return the item(s) for the next person's use.
2.5. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the library you are more than welcome to do so.
6. Books are inexpensive. Sure, some books can be as much as $50, but for as little as $10, you can get the perfect gift for someone.
5. You can personalize the book you give. What makes a book really special is that you can write an inscription in it. It makes the book that you get for someone all the more personal.
4. A book will last a lifetime. A toy will eventually be discarded and a sweater will wear thin. A book, though, will forever grace the person's bookshelf. Every time they refer to the book that you gave them, they'll remember you.
3. You can literally do all your shopping in one place. Whether you stay home and shop online or you venture outside your house to a bookstore, you can get your shopping done in one place -- and probably in one trip.
2. There's nothing to worry about when buying a book. When you buy a book for someone, that's it. Wrap it, set it under the tree, and then watch the smile on the person's face as they see the book you bought for them. You don't have to worry about getting the wrong size, forgetting batteries, or hoping you got their favorite color.
1. There is something for everyone! From self-improvement to drama, from philosophy to how-to, your chances of picking a book the person will love is as close to 100% as you can get!
Even with those six great reasons, there is one more reason why books make the best gifts.
Bonus Reason Why Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts: Hopefully you and every member of your family are “learning based”; education is what you get when you read, experience is what you get when you don’t.
"The only person who always likes change is a wet baby. Sometimes change can be the last thing we want." Jeff Herring
It's a funny part of the human condition but most of us want to get different results in our lives without having to make any real changes.
We want the circumstances to change, oh yes, but not us.
But the funny thing is that when the circumstances do change, they seem to get worse.
It's actually scientific. If you remember some high school science you know about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Left to themselves, systems become more disorganized and chaotic over time.
Kind of like your life while you wait for things to get better, eh?
Now some people are willing to do a little work on themselves, but like the wet baby in our quote, they only want to do enough to get dry.
They're not willing to do the work on themselves that will keep them from getting wet again!
So what's the answer? Substantial change in your life requires substantial change in you. No shortcuts.
Transformative change that moves you to a new state of being takes work, but the results are worth it.
It means giving up the comfortable habits of today and developing the new and (at first) uncomfortable habits of tomorrow.
Pick a habit to change today.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it.
Get the info here: http://www.HowToCreateSuccess.com/
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Wes Hopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 17, 2010
QUOTE: “Winners Never Cheat” Jon Huntsman Jr, the title of his book.
THIS ONE SAYS IT ALL, NEVER ME-JECT YOURSELF, by Joe Tye: http://tinyurl.com/2cdbe2l
ARE YOU SANTA CLAUS? This may be one of the coolest ads I have ever seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3k1SOE760Y
7 HABITS OF HIGHLY UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, by Drew Stevens, http://www.raintoday.com/pages/6598_7_bad_habits_of_highly_unsuccessful_sales_people.cfm
5 WAYS TO USE FACEBOOK AS A BRANDING TOOL, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11541
EVERNOTE SIMPLIFIES AN AGENT’S DAY: By Bernice Ross. This is too cool. Check it out; it’s free: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/berniceross/evernote-simplifies-agents-day
HULU.COM. If you have not seen this site, it is pretty special. You can access television shows and watch them on your computer. Check it out at http://www.hulu.com/.
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COOP LEASE COMMISSIONS – know how they are calculated. An article that explains how coop commercial real estate commissions are calculated has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Commercial folder.
KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL! Another gem by Jon Gordon. Short and very much to the point especially for the beginning of a new year: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-121310-keep-your-eye-on-the-ball.html
SPARK PLUG ON THE PARADOX OF AUTHENTICITY by Joe Tye. This is a great article and short. Please take a few moments to read and think about what Jeaux is saying: http://tinyurl.com/29xrcub
5 WAYS TO BUILD A BETTER BUSINESS PLAN, just in time for 2011, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
HOLIDAY SOUNDING BOARDS. MAKE CERTAIN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM, great seasonal article from Jeffrey Gitomer also just in time foryour2011 planning and goal setting: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEOS: Africa, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjbpwlqp5Qw
"I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room & read a book." Groucho Marx
How many hours do you have in your day? Most of us have about 24 of them.
Now, hours have a very unusual characteristic. You can't save them up for when you need them. Once they're gone, they're gone.
So what you do with them while you have them is very important.
We all have obligations for much of our time but we also have some hours every day that we can choose how to use.
Some people waste them, some people spend them, and some people invest them.
Our quote is from a man who is usually thought of as a wild and crazy comic actor. But the thought in his quote is very serious.
He's saying, "When the people around you are choosing to waste their time, you can and should choose to invest yours."
Invest in your education, invest in your goals and dreams, and invest in your future. Take every free minute that you have and invest it.
Investing in yourself pays compound interest. So make it a regular practice.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it. Get the info here:
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
THIS ONE SAYS IT ALL, NEVER ME-JECT YOURSELF, by Joe Tye: http://tinyurl.com/2cdbe2l
ARE YOU SANTA CLAUS? This may be one of the coolest ads I have ever seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3k1SOE760Y
7 HABITS OF HIGHLY UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, by Drew Stevens, http://www.raintoday.com/pages/6598_7_bad_habits_of_highly_unsuccessful_sales_people.cfm
5 WAYS TO USE FACEBOOK AS A BRANDING TOOL, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11541
EVERNOTE SIMPLIFIES AN AGENT’S DAY: By Bernice Ross. This is too cool. Check it out; it’s free: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/berniceross/evernote-simplifies-agents-day
HULU.COM. If you have not seen this site, it is pretty special. You can access television shows and watch them on your computer. Check it out at http://www.hulu.com/.
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COOP LEASE COMMISSIONS – know how they are calculated. An article that explains how coop commercial real estate commissions are calculated has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Commercial folder.
KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL! Another gem by Jon Gordon. Short and very much to the point especially for the beginning of a new year: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-121310-keep-your-eye-on-the-ball.html
SPARK PLUG ON THE PARADOX OF AUTHENTICITY by Joe Tye. This is a great article and short. Please take a few moments to read and think about what Jeaux is saying: http://tinyurl.com/29xrcub
5 WAYS TO BUILD A BETTER BUSINESS PLAN, just in time for 2011, from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
HOLIDAY SOUNDING BOARDS. MAKE CERTAIN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM, great seasonal article from Jeffrey Gitomer also just in time foryour2011 planning and goal setting: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11621
STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEOS: Africa, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjbpwlqp5Qw
"I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room & read a book." Groucho Marx
How many hours do you have in your day? Most of us have about 24 of them.
Now, hours have a very unusual characteristic. You can't save them up for when you need them. Once they're gone, they're gone.
So what you do with them while you have them is very important.
We all have obligations for much of our time but we also have some hours every day that we can choose how to use.
Some people waste them, some people spend them, and some people invest them.
Our quote is from a man who is usually thought of as a wild and crazy comic actor. But the thought in his quote is very serious.
He's saying, "When the people around you are choosing to waste their time, you can and should choose to invest yours."
Invest in your education, invest in your goals and dreams, and invest in your future. Take every free minute that you have and invest it.
Investing in yourself pays compound interest. So make it a regular practice.
You'll be grateful that you did.
Many blessings, Wes
PS - I want to help you find your purpose and follow your dream. This program has the tools you need. It's a home study, and includes coaching when you need it. Get the info here:
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/WesHopper
Horn Creek Productions LLC
PO Box 1402
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 10, 2010
QUOTE: It’s not just hip to be happy-the “pursuit of happiness” is an inalienable right, according to this country’s founding documents. Success Magazine.
IMPORTANT COMPLIANCE ISSUE: Board dues must be paid by December 31st . Licenses must be renewed by December 31st otherwise you CANNOT conduct any real estate business. Failure to renew your board dues requires that your license be returned to the State.
5 TIPS FOR GROWING YOUR BUSINESS ON MOBILE PLATFORMS from Lowe’s Newsletter at: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11381
7 REASONS WHY YOUR HOUSE WON’T SELL: Right on the money! http://activerain.com/blogsview/1993651/7-reasons-why-your-house-won-t-sell
6 STEPS TO CONSISTENTLY LIST FSBOS by Josh Schoenly, http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1009/6-steps-to-consistently-listing-fsbo-s
THE POWER OF STORY by Joe Tye, the 4th in a series. http://tinyurl.com/25jlh47
YOUR PURPOSE MUST BE GREATER THAN YOUR CHALLENGES, by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-120610-purpose.html
CREDIT PROBLEMS? HERE IS A SITE THAT MAY HELP: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre13.shtm
CALL ME BACK AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, this is a priceless article by Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15962
HOW TO TURN YOUR OPEN HOUSE INTO A CLOSED TRANSACTION great suggestion by Joe Stumpf, http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/1015/how-to-turn-your-open-house-into-a-closed-transaction
IMPORTANT COMPLIANCE ISSUE: Board dues must be paid by December 31st . Licenses must be renewed by December 31st otherwise you CANNOT conduct any real estate business. Failure to renew your board dues requires that your license be returned to the State.
5 TIPS FOR GROWING YOUR BUSINESS ON MOBILE PLATFORMS from Lowe’s Newsletter at: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11381
7 REASONS WHY YOUR HOUSE WON’T SELL: Right on the money! http://activerain.com/blogsview/1993651/7-reasons-why-your-house-won-t-sell
6 STEPS TO CONSISTENTLY LIST FSBOS by Josh Schoenly, http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/1009/6-steps-to-consistently-listing-fsbo-s
THE POWER OF STORY by Joe Tye, the 4th in a series. http://tinyurl.com/25jlh47
YOUR PURPOSE MUST BE GREATER THAN YOUR CHALLENGES, by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-120610-purpose.html
CREDIT PROBLEMS? HERE IS A SITE THAT MAY HELP: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre13.shtm
CALL ME BACK AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, this is a priceless article by Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15962
HOW TO TURN YOUR OPEN HOUSE INTO A CLOSED TRANSACTION great suggestion by Joe Stumpf, http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/1015/how-to-turn-your-open-house-into-a-closed-transaction
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending December 3, 2010
QUOTE: "Grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions, life satisfaction, vitality, optimism and lower levels of depression and stress. The disposition toward gratitude appears to enhance pleasant feeling states more than it diminishes unpleasant emotions." - Robert A. Emmons and Michael E. McCullough: Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness (copied from Joe Tye’s SparkPlug Ezine)
NEW AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE AND NEW PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORMS. The modification of the Agreement to Purchase and Property Disclosure form is becoming an annual event and 2011 is no exception. There are new forms that will go into effect on January 1, 2011. You can see the new forms at: http://www.larealtors.org/news/ArticleDetail.asp?ArticleID=3101 The changes are in yellow and blue. The new forms HAVE NOT as yet been posted to the Commission’s web site and as soon as they are they will be changed out in the Resource Room Forms book as well as on http://www.slidellcalendar.com./ For everyone’s information, it usually takes a few weeks for Formulator to change out their forms so be careful when you are writing contracts after January 1 that you are in fact using the latest version of the forms.
LISTING AGREEMENT ADDENDUM. The Listing Agreement Addendum form was last modified in November 2009. IT IS REQUIRED ON ALL LISTINGS, residential, commercial, LEASES, and land (especially the lease listings). The form was designed to protect YOU to insure you are compliant with the REALTOR Code of Ethics and it enables me to compare the advertised COOP Commission with what you intended to advertise by including it on the Addendum. You would be amazed at how many times the commissions are NOT in agreement. PLEASE DISPOSE OF ANY VERSION OLDER THAN 11/09.
FREE SUBLIMINAL VIDEO – STRONG WOMEN: You need headphones to listen along with the video: http://www.nelsonberrysubliminalblog.com/strong-woman-free-subliminal-video
HAPPINESS AT WORK by Jon Gordon. When you read this, remember, within the Keller Williams Realty organization EVERYONE is a LEADER, (that would also include you-know-who): http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-112910-happinessatwork.html
SPARKPLUG ON CREATING POWERFUL METAPHORS, a must read from Joe Tye. This really could change your life and business: http://tiny.cc/1e3qg
HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS; HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS, article by Jeffrey Gitomer, very timely and important: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15960
GOING BEYOND POSITIVE THINKING: A great article from the http://www.salesdog.com/ folks: http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0503.htm#continued
THE FOLLOWING IS A DAILY NEWSLETTER FROM LEW SMALLWOOD OF AUSTRALIA (thus the reason for the variance in spelling)
Often we observe someone rise from obscurity to achieve great success in life. They flash across the firmament like a shooting star, only to then crash and burn. Why is that so? Often it’s because their talent isn’t underpinned by strong character. Talent and hard work will take us to the top in any endeavour, but only a strong character will keep us there.
Outstanding character is more important than outstanding talent. Most talents are to some extent a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not a given, it’s not set in stone. It is a construct built on the foundation of our values and beliefs. It changes over time based on what it is we give our attention to. Character therefore can be both de-constructed and also re-constructed. It’s built brick by brick, through daily attention to our thoughts and choices and underpinned by our values. It’s built with courage and determination.
So what exactly is character? Character is comprised of the collective mental and moral qualities that distinguish each of us. It’s the sum total of the daily choices we make and our current character is a result of our past choices. Our character tomorrow will be a result of today’s choices. Our choices, as viewed through the prism of our character and our behaviours will become inevitably and eventually congruent. To change our character we need to simply change our choices. Because day by day, what we think, what we chose, and what we do is who we become.
Although there will always be differences of opinion as to what constitutes character, some traits appear to be universal. A recent survey found that integrity, truthfulness, compassion, responsibility, and reverence for life were considered the most important traits. From a practical perspective the world would not function properly if responsibility and truthfulness did not exist. Our character is revealed by our behaviour, and our behaviour is a reflection of our concerns. We cannot think one way and act another. People act in certain ways because they possess a particular philosophy, and we can understand their philosophy by observing their behaviours.
Often the most important aspects of our character are developed in adversity. And just like the best timber comes from the strongest trees; those that have been buffeted by the wind, and tested by the elements such that the tension creates fine close grained timber much prized by artisans and artists. So it is with character. I prize this poem but unfortunately I cannot reference the author. It’s titled: The common law of Life.
The tree that never had to fight: for sun and sky and air and light. But stood out in the open plain: And always got its share of rain; will never become a forest king. But will live and die a spindly thing.
The man who never had to learn to toil; to gain and work his patch of soil. Who never had to win his share; of sun and sky and light and air. Never became an inspiring man; but lived and died as he began.
Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger the wind the stronger the trees. The higher the sky the longer the length: the more the storm the more the strength. Through sun and cold by rain and snow; in both trees and men good timbers grow.
Where thickest is the forest growth. We find the patriarchs of both. And they hold counsel with the stars. Whose broken branches show the scars; of many winds and much of strife; this is the common law of life.
I encourage you to welcome the winds of adversity; they are a natural part of life. When we learn and apply its lessons we will develop a strong character, one that will sustain us in our journey through life.
NEW AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE AND NEW PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORMS. The modification of the Agreement to Purchase and Property Disclosure form is becoming an annual event and 2011 is no exception. There are new forms that will go into effect on January 1, 2011. You can see the new forms at: http://www.larealtors.org/news/ArticleDetail.asp?ArticleID=3101 The changes are in yellow and blue. The new forms HAVE NOT as yet been posted to the Commission’s web site and as soon as they are they will be changed out in the Resource Room Forms book as well as on http://www.slidellcalendar.com./ For everyone’s information, it usually takes a few weeks for Formulator to change out their forms so be careful when you are writing contracts after January 1 that you are in fact using the latest version of the forms.
LISTING AGREEMENT ADDENDUM. The Listing Agreement Addendum form was last modified in November 2009. IT IS REQUIRED ON ALL LISTINGS, residential, commercial, LEASES, and land (especially the lease listings). The form was designed to protect YOU to insure you are compliant with the REALTOR Code of Ethics and it enables me to compare the advertised COOP Commission with what you intended to advertise by including it on the Addendum. You would be amazed at how many times the commissions are NOT in agreement. PLEASE DISPOSE OF ANY VERSION OLDER THAN 11/09.
FREE SUBLIMINAL VIDEO – STRONG WOMEN: You need headphones to listen along with the video: http://www.nelsonberrysubliminalblog.com/strong-woman-free-subliminal-video
HAPPINESS AT WORK by Jon Gordon. When you read this, remember, within the Keller Williams Realty organization EVERYONE is a LEADER, (that would also include you-know-who): http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-112910-happinessatwork.html
SPARKPLUG ON CREATING POWERFUL METAPHORS, a must read from Joe Tye. This really could change your life and business: http://tiny.cc/1e3qg
HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS; HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS, article by Jeffrey Gitomer, very timely and important: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/View.html?id=15960
GOING BEYOND POSITIVE THINKING: A great article from the http://www.salesdog.com/ folks: http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0503.htm#continued
THE FOLLOWING IS A DAILY NEWSLETTER FROM LEW SMALLWOOD OF AUSTRALIA (thus the reason for the variance in spelling)
Often we observe someone rise from obscurity to achieve great success in life. They flash across the firmament like a shooting star, only to then crash and burn. Why is that so? Often it’s because their talent isn’t underpinned by strong character. Talent and hard work will take us to the top in any endeavour, but only a strong character will keep us there.
Outstanding character is more important than outstanding talent. Most talents are to some extent a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not a given, it’s not set in stone. It is a construct built on the foundation of our values and beliefs. It changes over time based on what it is we give our attention to. Character therefore can be both de-constructed and also re-constructed. It’s built brick by brick, through daily attention to our thoughts and choices and underpinned by our values. It’s built with courage and determination.
So what exactly is character? Character is comprised of the collective mental and moral qualities that distinguish each of us. It’s the sum total of the daily choices we make and our current character is a result of our past choices. Our character tomorrow will be a result of today’s choices. Our choices, as viewed through the prism of our character and our behaviours will become inevitably and eventually congruent. To change our character we need to simply change our choices. Because day by day, what we think, what we chose, and what we do is who we become.
Although there will always be differences of opinion as to what constitutes character, some traits appear to be universal. A recent survey found that integrity, truthfulness, compassion, responsibility, and reverence for life were considered the most important traits. From a practical perspective the world would not function properly if responsibility and truthfulness did not exist. Our character is revealed by our behaviour, and our behaviour is a reflection of our concerns. We cannot think one way and act another. People act in certain ways because they possess a particular philosophy, and we can understand their philosophy by observing their behaviours.
Often the most important aspects of our character are developed in adversity. And just like the best timber comes from the strongest trees; those that have been buffeted by the wind, and tested by the elements such that the tension creates fine close grained timber much prized by artisans and artists. So it is with character. I prize this poem but unfortunately I cannot reference the author. It’s titled: The common law of Life.
The tree that never had to fight: for sun and sky and air and light. But stood out in the open plain: And always got its share of rain; will never become a forest king. But will live and die a spindly thing.
The man who never had to learn to toil; to gain and work his patch of soil. Who never had to win his share; of sun and sky and light and air. Never became an inspiring man; but lived and died as he began.
Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger the wind the stronger the trees. The higher the sky the longer the length: the more the storm the more the strength. Through sun and cold by rain and snow; in both trees and men good timbers grow.
Where thickest is the forest growth. We find the patriarchs of both. And they hold counsel with the stars. Whose broken branches show the scars; of many winds and much of strife; this is the common law of life.
I encourage you to welcome the winds of adversity; they are a natural part of life. When we learn and apply its lessons we will develop a strong character, one that will sustain us in our journey through life.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending November 26, 2010
QUOTE: “I don’t want to get caught in my unawares” Rhonda Behrens
GRATITUDE STONE: This is a great time of the year to remind everyone of the Gratitude Stone concept. Put a small stone or marble in your pocket or purse. Every time you see or feel the stone stop and give thanks for all that you have to be grateful for. In the evening just before you go to bed, put the stone on your dresser and again give thanks. In the morning as you get ready for the day, put the stone in your pocket or purse and again stop, pause, and then give thanks for all that you are grateful for. It is impossible to be upset and grateful at the same time!
UNDERSTANDING “THANKS” SO YOU CAN SAY IT IN A BETTER WAY, another gem by Jeffrey Gitomer in regards to Thanksgiving: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OrWuT6TIxm5Q%3D%3D
17 IDEAS FOR MARKETING YOUR LISTINGS by Lowes; http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11188/
HOW TO REVIVE YOUR DEAD REAL ESTATE LEADS AND GET APPOINTMENTS NOW! By Joe Stumpf (one of the greatest teachers), http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/987/how-to-revive-your-dead-real-estate-leads-and-get-appointments-now
DID YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW GET KATRINA ROAD HOME FUNDS? IF SO THIS IS IMPORTANT. The property on which the road home funds were granted has recorded covenants that “run with the land” meaning the covenants will always be on record. The homeowner should request a release of the covenants provided all requirements of the covenants have been met. The web site at which this can be done is: http://www.road2la.org/homeowner/covenantrequesteform.htm
GRANDFATHERED FLOOD ZONES: The term “Grandfathered” has an implied meaning that if you qualified under one set of guidelines those guidelines will remain in effect regardless of what might come later. The term grandfathered appears in the flood insurance guidelines but it does not mean that a homeowner is truly grandfathered in regards to flood insurance premiums as compared to a flood zone. If a property were to be rezoned from a non-flood zone to a flood zone, the actual flood zone may be grandfathered. That would enable the homeowner NOT to have to comply with a higher base elevation, as an example. However, the flood insurance premium may remain the same for up to two years but then a higher premium will be applied. You should instruct your customers to meet with their insurance agent to ascertain exactly how the new flood plain maps may affect their insurance coverage.
THE POWER OF THANK YOU, by Jon Gordon. Great article for Thanksgiving: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-112210-thankyou.html
LICENSE RENEWALS: Louisiana License Renewals are now posted for your convenience on YOUR LREC Email account. Did not know you had one? You do. Go to http://www.lrec.state.la.us/ and click on My LREC Email on the upper right side of the screen. It is highly recommended that you forward your LREC Email to whatever Email service you routinely use otherwise you will never know you have an Email from the Louisiana Real Estate Commission unless you check this site on a regular basis. IF YOU DO NOT RENEW YOUR LICENSE BY DECEMBER 31, 2010, YOU MUST STOP ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES UNTIL YOU DO. Failure to comply with this regulation could result in a fine or disciplinary action or both.
BOARD DUES. If you have not already paid your 2011 REALTOR Board dues, there is a $50 late fee that is now due. If you are a member of NOMAR you have until November 30 to pay your dues before a late fee is imposed.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Reminder, you must have 12 hours of Continuing Education (Louisiana) and 4 hours of it MUST be on the Louisiana License Law. The Louisiana Real Estate Commission is conducting audits and you may have to prove that you have completed the required hours so keep your CE Certificates; you are encouraged to scan them and save them to your computer. ALSO AS A REMINDER, you must complete the Ethics Course required by the National Association of REALTORS. This course is required every 4 years and this 4 year cycle expires December 31, 2012. You can take this course FREE by going to www.REALTOR.org.
HOODOO ADVERTISING: This ought to get your attention. Great advertising article by Ian Grace: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/988/top-10-tips-for-writing-great-real-estate-ads-tip-no-1
BROKER BIT: AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE. The time-line on Agreements to Purchase is very important and you want to make certain to Dot your I's and Cross your T's to both protect your customers and you and to insure your Agreements can survive a legal review. The Designated Listing Agent is REQUIRED to sign the receipt on page one of the Agreement. If the Designated Listing Agent fails to sign the receipt it is your duty to request the signed receipt either by email or fax and then upload your email or fax to the paperless system to demonstrate that you have at least asked for the signature. The Designated Listing Agent is also required to complete line 331 on page 5 of the Agreement indicating when the Agreement was presented to the Sellers of the property. The selling agent is requires to complete line 351 indicating when the Agreement was presented back to the Buyers.
QUOTE: “I don’t want to get caught in my unawares” Rhonda Behrens
GRATITUDE STONE: This is a great time of the year to remind everyone of the Gratitude Stone concept. Put a small stone or marble in your pocket or purse. Every time you see or feel the stone stop and give thanks for all that you have to be grateful for. In the evening just before you go to bed, put the stone on your dresser and again give thanks. In the morning as you get ready for the day, put the stone in your pocket or purse and again stop, pause, and then give thanks for all that you are grateful for. It is impossible to be upset and grateful at the same time!
UNDERSTANDING “THANKS” SO YOU CAN SAY IT IN A BETTER WAY, another gem by Jeffrey Gitomer in regards to Thanksgiving: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3OrWuT6TIxm5Q%3D%3D
17 IDEAS FOR MARKETING YOUR LISTINGS by Lowes; http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11188/
HOW TO REVIVE YOUR DEAD REAL ESTATE LEADS AND GET APPOINTMENTS NOW! By Joe Stumpf (one of the greatest teachers), http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/987/how-to-revive-your-dead-real-estate-leads-and-get-appointments-now
DID YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW GET KATRINA ROAD HOME FUNDS? IF SO THIS IS IMPORTANT. The property on which the road home funds were granted has recorded covenants that “run with the land” meaning the covenants will always be on record. The homeowner should request a release of the covenants provided all requirements of the covenants have been met. The web site at which this can be done is: http://www.road2la.org/homeowner/covenantrequesteform.htm
GRANDFATHERED FLOOD ZONES: The term “Grandfathered” has an implied meaning that if you qualified under one set of guidelines those guidelines will remain in effect regardless of what might come later. The term grandfathered appears in the flood insurance guidelines but it does not mean that a homeowner is truly grandfathered in regards to flood insurance premiums as compared to a flood zone. If a property were to be rezoned from a non-flood zone to a flood zone, the actual flood zone may be grandfathered. That would enable the homeowner NOT to have to comply with a higher base elevation, as an example. However, the flood insurance premium may remain the same for up to two years but then a higher premium will be applied. You should instruct your customers to meet with their insurance agent to ascertain exactly how the new flood plain maps may affect their insurance coverage.
THE POWER OF THANK YOU, by Jon Gordon. Great article for Thanksgiving: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-112210-thankyou.html
LICENSE RENEWALS: Louisiana License Renewals are now posted for your convenience on YOUR LREC Email account. Did not know you had one? You do. Go to http://www.lrec.state.la.us/ and click on My LREC Email on the upper right side of the screen. It is highly recommended that you forward your LREC Email to whatever Email service you routinely use otherwise you will never know you have an Email from the Louisiana Real Estate Commission unless you check this site on a regular basis. IF YOU DO NOT RENEW YOUR LICENSE BY DECEMBER 31, 2010, YOU MUST STOP ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES UNTIL YOU DO. Failure to comply with this regulation could result in a fine or disciplinary action or both.
BOARD DUES. If you have not already paid your 2011 REALTOR Board dues, there is a $50 late fee that is now due. If you are a member of NOMAR you have until November 30 to pay your dues before a late fee is imposed.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Reminder, you must have 12 hours of Continuing Education (Louisiana) and 4 hours of it MUST be on the Louisiana License Law. The Louisiana Real Estate Commission is conducting audits and you may have to prove that you have completed the required hours so keep your CE Certificates; you are encouraged to scan them and save them to your computer. ALSO AS A REMINDER, you must complete the Ethics Course required by the National Association of REALTORS. This course is required every 4 years and this 4 year cycle expires December 31, 2012. You can take this course FREE by going to www.REALTOR.org.
HOODOO ADVERTISING: This ought to get your attention. Great advertising article by Ian Grace: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/988/top-10-tips-for-writing-great-real-estate-ads-tip-no-1
BROKER BIT: AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE. The time-line on Agreements to Purchase is very important and you want to make certain to Dot your I's and Cross your T's to both protect your customers and you and to insure your Agreements can survive a legal review. The Designated Listing Agent is REQUIRED to sign the receipt on page one of the Agreement. If the Designated Listing Agent fails to sign the receipt it is your duty to request the signed receipt either by email or fax and then upload your email or fax to the paperless system to demonstrate that you have at least asked for the signature. The Designated Listing Agent is also required to complete line 331 on page 5 of the Agreement indicating when the Agreement was presented to the Sellers of the property. The selling agent is requires to complete line 351 indicating when the Agreement was presented back to the Buyers.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
QUOTE: "We tend to minimize what we can accomplish, the goals we can reach, and for some equally strange reason, we believe others can reach heights which we cannot! We tend to overlook the fact that there is enormous undeveloped potential within each of us, a great reserve of talent and ability which we habitually fail to use." Earl Nightingale
NOW READ IT AGAIN: "I tend to minimize what I can accomplish, the goals I can reach, and for some equally strange reason, I believe others can reach heights which I cannot! I tend to overlook the fact that there is enormous undeveloped potential within ME, a great reserve of talent and ability which I habitually fail to use." How does that feel to you?
KEEP YOUR CONTINUING EDUCATION CERTIFICATES! The Louisiana Real Estate Commission is currently auditing agents continuing education certificates. It is not the responsibility of the Commission to maintain CE records therefore if your record is audited, you may have to provide copies of the classes completed. It is strongly recommended that you scan your certificates and keep thin as an electronic file on your computer in the event they are ever asked for.
10 TIPS TO BUILD REVENUE-GENERATING EMAIL MARKETING LISTS, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11049
5 SAFETY TIPS AGENTS SHOULD KEEP IN MIND WHEN WORKING WITH CLIENTS by Page Tepping through the Lowe’s site: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11084
NATIONAL ANTHEM SUNG BY A 5-YEAR OLD; INCREDIBLE: https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=db5ed59e2e&view=att&th=12c3b5db02ca72a7&attid=0.1&disp=attd&zw
7 WAYS TO GET COMFORTABLE WITH TWITTER, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11103
EVER WONDER HOW THE SPACE SHUTTLE GETS IN THE UPRIGHT POSITION? This is an amazing time lapse video: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=KZrFC988Thc
THE POWER OF POWER WORDS, by Joe Tye: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=p8vf59n6&v=001iXIUy3Vz-XxtROhsjrqW1FLFm5gaHBsYPpfoJJQowyf9P3pB8OZC9DWcuMPxM-yJcN6Ufi3QCeAy9b7E4-c3jzP_kzBj6AtCMQ4AhP55trPKsynD3xeMPk7Sha06Ni2bLcTddAzYfaA%3D
SET THE HOOK, GET THE CLICK, CAPTURE THE EMAIL ADDRESS AND BANK THE MONEY. Jeffrey Gitomer always has great things to say and make you think, this one is one of his best yet: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3Mew8bnTu4yeg%3D%3D
MEDLINEPLUS. This is a pretty amazing site in regards to health issues. Click on a health issue and gain access to video and text explanations. Very informative: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tutorials/
5 CONCEPTS TO GET LISTINGS SOLD IN TODAY’S MARKET, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11164
NOW READ IT AGAIN: "I tend to minimize what I can accomplish, the goals I can reach, and for some equally strange reason, I believe others can reach heights which I cannot! I tend to overlook the fact that there is enormous undeveloped potential within ME, a great reserve of talent and ability which I habitually fail to use." How does that feel to you?
KEEP YOUR CONTINUING EDUCATION CERTIFICATES! The Louisiana Real Estate Commission is currently auditing agents continuing education certificates. It is not the responsibility of the Commission to maintain CE records therefore if your record is audited, you may have to provide copies of the classes completed. It is strongly recommended that you scan your certificates and keep thin as an electronic file on your computer in the event they are ever asked for.
10 TIPS TO BUILD REVENUE-GENERATING EMAIL MARKETING LISTS, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11049
5 SAFETY TIPS AGENTS SHOULD KEEP IN MIND WHEN WORKING WITH CLIENTS by Page Tepping through the Lowe’s site: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11084
NATIONAL ANTHEM SUNG BY A 5-YEAR OLD; INCREDIBLE: https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=db5ed59e2e&view=att&th=12c3b5db02ca72a7&attid=0.1&disp=attd&zw
7 WAYS TO GET COMFORTABLE WITH TWITTER, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11103
EVER WONDER HOW THE SPACE SHUTTLE GETS IN THE UPRIGHT POSITION? This is an amazing time lapse video: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=KZrFC988Thc
THE POWER OF POWER WORDS, by Joe Tye: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=p8vf59n6&v=001iXIUy3Vz-XxtROhsjrqW1FLFm5gaHBsYPpfoJJQowyf9P3pB8OZC9DWcuMPxM-yJcN6Ufi3QCeAy9b7E4-c3jzP_kzBj6AtCMQ4AhP55trPKsynD3xeMPk7Sha06Ni2bLcTddAzYfaA%3D
SET THE HOOK, GET THE CLICK, CAPTURE THE EMAIL ADDRESS AND BANK THE MONEY. Jeffrey Gitomer always has great things to say and make you think, this one is one of his best yet: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3Mew8bnTu4yeg%3D%3D
MEDLINEPLUS. This is a pretty amazing site in regards to health issues. Click on a health issue and gain access to video and text explanations. Very informative: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tutorials/
5 CONCEPTS TO GET LISTINGS SOLD IN TODAY’S MARKET, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/11164
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Online Newsletter For The Week Ending November 14, 2010
QUOTE: “Today I will cook this delicious recipe for happiness. Take equal parts of faith and courage, add a large spoonful of optimism, mix well with a sense of humour, sprinkle with just a few tears and finally add a large helping of kindness. Bake in a good natured oven, and dust with laughter. Scrape away any self-indulgence that is evident. Now cut into thick slices and serve a portion to everyone that you know.” Lew Smallwood
LATEST NUGGET: How Are You Doing? Posted on http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/
IMPORTANT PAPERLESS NOTE: The items marked in RED are considered REQUIRED items therefor the list of forms in RED should be used as a check list to insure you are in fact submitting ALL the forms required. If for some reason the RED forms listed are not applicable, insert a note next to the form indicating why it was not uploaded. In regards to rentals, there is no place to insert the owners email address (at present) and some handwritten email addresses on the bottom of the Listing Addendums are simply too difficult to read correctly. Until the Dashboard is fixed, please type in the owners email address in the note section adjacent to the Listing Addendum Form. Also, the form REDHIBITION has been entered twice, one is for the actual Waiver of Redibition form and the other is for the Explanation of Redhibition. The second will hopefully be removed in the next upgrade. WHEN TWO AGENTS IN THE MARKET CENTER ARE LISTING AND SELLING AGENTS, both agents need to upload documents specific to their customer such as the Agency Disclosure. However, only one agent should submit the Greensheet for both agents.
TREMENDOUS RESOURCE SITE BUT ONLY FOR NOVEMBER: Click on this link to access FREE videos, ebooks, articles on Leadership and Effectiveness from some of the best leadership presenters in the business; it will overwhelm you with “stuff”: http://www.leadershipandinfluencesummit.com/ If you complete the sign in, tell them Joe Tye sent you.
TAKE ALGEBRA. WHY? I’LL NEVER USE IT IN REAL LIFE. Article by Jeffrey Gitomer: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PfWN0eGMW79w%3D%3D
WHAT SHOULD I TWEET, WHAT SHOULD I POST, HOW SHOULD I LINK? By Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PBewGQ1g1osg%3D%3D
THE POSITIVE SUCCESS FORMULA, article by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-110810-positivesuccessformula.html
7 LEAD CAPTURE IDEAS TO C RUSH THE COMPETITION: Article by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10904
KNOW THE ANTI-TRUST LAW OR GO TO JAIL! Wanted to get your attention. Yes, you can go to jail for violating the Federal Anti-Trust Laws so you MUST make it a practice to study the law. An anti-trust article has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Legal folder. It takes only a few minutes to read. The “meat” of the article has been hi-lited in RED. KNOW THE LAW!
5 WAYS TO POWER UP YOUR BUYER AND SELLER PRESENTATIONS by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10910
CONTINUING EDUCATION ONLINE COURSES, for both Louisiana and Mississippi: http://www.mckissock.com/
DECEMBER’S DANGEROUS DECISIONS. Timely article by Rich Levin: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/963/december-s-dangerous-decisions
PAT ZABY RECOMMENDATION. Pat has some great recommendations and/or notices that he emails out to his database, this one involves a WIDE-ANGLE digital camera: http://patzaby.com/emailtemplates/default.aspx?Id=cb3209f9-a4f6-4e96-8a68-24da10889a5b&ContactId=bd538096-1ac0-4855-b244-154fb8184b24
11 STEPS TOWARDS SUCCESS IN BUSINESS from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10252
BROKER BIT: When confused I typically take the choice that would seem to protect myself the most. There has been a discussion in regards to the use of OWNER/AGENT when you list a property that you own. The following is the actual section of the Rules and Regulations:
§2511. Agent Owner-Licensed Agent
A. A licensed broker or salesperson who offers property in which he or she owns any interest as being for sale or rent shall state in any advertising, and on any sign placed on the property, that he or she is a licensed real estate agent.
B. Any licensed broker or salesperson who advertises, or offers to purchase or rent property for his or her own full or partial interest shall state in any advertisement that he or she is a licensed real estate agent.
C. Including the term "licensed real estate agent" in any advertisement or on any sign shall be sufficient to satisfy this requirement.
D. This Section is not applicable to the sale, rental, or acquisition of property by licensees under a contractual agreement with a licensed Louisiana real estate broker.
§3501. Licensee as Principal in a Real Estate Transaction
A. The license status of a principal in a real estate transaction, whether individually or through an entity in which an interest is held by the licensee, shall be disclosed in writing to all other principals in the real estate transaction prior to entering into any real estate contract
OPINION: In 2511 it clearly states that if you list your personally owned property with a broker you DO NOT have to advise potential customers that you are an agent/owner but then 3501 contradicts that by stating you MUST notify potential customers IN WRITING PRIOR to entering into any real estate contract. How do you do that? Do you create a separate document that states you are a licensed agent and get that signed BEFORE you begin the contract process? I have always taken the position that you disclose up front in all that you do. The Louisiana Real Estate Commission has officially advised me that you do NOT have to include “licensed real estate agent” in your MLS, or on your yard sign if you choose not to and I can accept that. However, I still stand by my opinion that it is far better to be safe than sorry and that would mean disclosing.
LATEST NUGGET: How Are You Doing? Posted on http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/
IMPORTANT PAPERLESS NOTE: The items marked in RED are considered REQUIRED items therefor the list of forms in RED should be used as a check list to insure you are in fact submitting ALL the forms required. If for some reason the RED forms listed are not applicable, insert a note next to the form indicating why it was not uploaded. In regards to rentals, there is no place to insert the owners email address (at present) and some handwritten email addresses on the bottom of the Listing Addendums are simply too difficult to read correctly. Until the Dashboard is fixed, please type in the owners email address in the note section adjacent to the Listing Addendum Form. Also, the form REDHIBITION has been entered twice, one is for the actual Waiver of Redibition form and the other is for the Explanation of Redhibition. The second will hopefully be removed in the next upgrade. WHEN TWO AGENTS IN THE MARKET CENTER ARE LISTING AND SELLING AGENTS, both agents need to upload documents specific to their customer such as the Agency Disclosure. However, only one agent should submit the Greensheet for both agents.
TREMENDOUS RESOURCE SITE BUT ONLY FOR NOVEMBER: Click on this link to access FREE videos, ebooks, articles on Leadership and Effectiveness from some of the best leadership presenters in the business; it will overwhelm you with “stuff”: http://www.leadershipandinfluencesummit.com/ If you complete the sign in, tell them Joe Tye sent you.
TAKE ALGEBRA. WHY? I’LL NEVER USE IT IN REAL LIFE. Article by Jeffrey Gitomer: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PfWN0eGMW79w%3D%3D
WHAT SHOULD I TWEET, WHAT SHOULD I POST, HOW SHOULD I LINK? By Jeffrey Gitomer, http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PBewGQ1g1osg%3D%3D
THE POSITIVE SUCCESS FORMULA, article by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-110810-positivesuccessformula.html
7 LEAD CAPTURE IDEAS TO C RUSH THE COMPETITION: Article by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10904
KNOW THE ANTI-TRUST LAW OR GO TO JAIL! Wanted to get your attention. Yes, you can go to jail for violating the Federal Anti-Trust Laws so you MUST make it a practice to study the law. An anti-trust article has been uploaded to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ in the Document Section in the Legal folder. It takes only a few minutes to read. The “meat” of the article has been hi-lited in RED. KNOW THE LAW!
5 WAYS TO POWER UP YOUR BUYER AND SELLER PRESENTATIONS by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10910
CONTINUING EDUCATION ONLINE COURSES, for both Louisiana and Mississippi: http://www.mckissock.com/
DECEMBER’S DANGEROUS DECISIONS. Timely article by Rich Levin: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/963/december-s-dangerous-decisions
PAT ZABY RECOMMENDATION. Pat has some great recommendations and/or notices that he emails out to his database, this one involves a WIDE-ANGLE digital camera: http://patzaby.com/emailtemplates/default.aspx?Id=cb3209f9-a4f6-4e96-8a68-24da10889a5b&ContactId=bd538096-1ac0-4855-b244-154fb8184b24
11 STEPS TOWARDS SUCCESS IN BUSINESS from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10252
BROKER BIT: When confused I typically take the choice that would seem to protect myself the most. There has been a discussion in regards to the use of OWNER/AGENT when you list a property that you own. The following is the actual section of the Rules and Regulations:
§2511. Agent Owner-Licensed Agent
A. A licensed broker or salesperson who offers property in which he or she owns any interest as being for sale or rent shall state in any advertising, and on any sign placed on the property, that he or she is a licensed real estate agent.
B. Any licensed broker or salesperson who advertises, or offers to purchase or rent property for his or her own full or partial interest shall state in any advertisement that he or she is a licensed real estate agent.
C. Including the term "licensed real estate agent" in any advertisement or on any sign shall be sufficient to satisfy this requirement.
D. This Section is not applicable to the sale, rental, or acquisition of property by licensees under a contractual agreement with a licensed Louisiana real estate broker.
§3501. Licensee as Principal in a Real Estate Transaction
A. The license status of a principal in a real estate transaction, whether individually or through an entity in which an interest is held by the licensee, shall be disclosed in writing to all other principals in the real estate transaction prior to entering into any real estate contract
OPINION: In 2511 it clearly states that if you list your personally owned property with a broker you DO NOT have to advise potential customers that you are an agent/owner but then 3501 contradicts that by stating you MUST notify potential customers IN WRITING PRIOR to entering into any real estate contract. How do you do that? Do you create a separate document that states you are a licensed agent and get that signed BEFORE you begin the contract process? I have always taken the position that you disclose up front in all that you do. The Louisiana Real Estate Commission has officially advised me that you do NOT have to include “licensed real estate agent” in your MLS, or on your yard sign if you choose not to and I can accept that. However, I still stand by my opinion that it is far better to be safe than sorry and that would mean disclosing.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending November 5, 2010
QUOTE: "Go toward what attracts, excites or inspires you. Ask yourself what's worth the effort and the sacrifices that come with commitment to any big goal. Worthwhile goals demand effort, risk, and sacrifice. You have to persist through fear and doubt; you have to draw on inner resources and become more than you were before. You find out what you're made of." Dan Millman
LATEST NUGGET: “Your Signature” What does your signature say about you? The lost art of hand writing. http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/
IF YOU THINK YOU CAN. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!” Gymbeaux said, “If you think Open Houses work or if you think they don’t; you’re right!” Open houses are whatever you make of them. If you conduct an open house and no one shows up, does that mean they do not work? If you want to know what I know about conducting open houses, go to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ and search Documents and then Everything I Know and look for the Nugget on Open Houses. If you are reading this and do not have access to SlidellCalendar.com, email me at JimBrown@gymbeaux.com and I will send you a copy, insert OPEN HOUSE in the subject line.
7 REAL ESTATE SQUEEZE PAGE LEAD CAPTURE IDEAS, article by John Schoenly on Inman News: http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/953/7-real-estate-squeeze-page-lead-capture-ideas
ZILLOW CEO DISCUSSES EVOLVING REAL ESTATE MARKET: Good article: http://rismedia.com/2010-10-26/zillow-ceo-discusses-evolving-real-estate-market/
NEW HOME SALES CLIMB 6.6 PERCENT IN SEPTEMBER, Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10804
BEWARE OF ENERGY VAMPIRES, timely article given the Halloween season by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-110110-energyvampires.html. We have all had this situation occur the BIG question is are you the one sucking energy out of the conversation and room?
QUOTE: "Go toward what attracts, excites or inspires you. Ask yourself what's worth the effort and the sacrifices that come with commitment to any big goal. Worthwhile goals demand effort, risk, and sacrifice. You have to persist through fear and doubt; you have to draw on inner resources and become more than you were before. You find out what you're made of." Dan Millman
LATEST NUGGET: “Your Signature” What does your signature say about you? The lost art of hand writing. http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/
IF YOU THINK YOU CAN. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!” Gymbeaux said, “If you think Open Houses work or if you think they don’t; you’re right!” Open houses are whatever you make of them. If you conduct an open house and no one shows up, does that mean they do not work? If you want to know what I know about conducting open houses, go to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ and search Documents and then Everything I Know and look for the Nugget on Open Houses. If you are reading this and do not have access to SlidellCalendar.com, email me at JimBrown@gymbeaux.com and I will send you a copy, insert OPEN HOUSE in the subject line.
7 REAL ESTATE SQUEEZE PAGE LEAD CAPTURE IDEAS, article by John Schoenly on Inman News: http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/953/7-real-estate-squeeze-page-lead-capture-ideas
ZILLOW CEO DISCUSSES EVOLVING REAL ESTATE MARKET: Good article: http://rismedia.com/2010-10-26/zillow-ceo-discusses-evolving-real-estate-market/
NEW HOME SALES CLIMB 6.6 PERCENT IN SEPTEMBER, Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10804
BEWARE OF ENERGY VAMPIRES, timely article given the Halloween season by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-110110-energyvampires.html. We have all had this situation occur the BIG question is are you the one sucking energy out of the conversation and room?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Online Weekly Newsletter for the Week Ending October 29
QUOTE: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt. The big question is, do you believe in your own dreams?
NOVEMBER 2, 2010 – VOTE! For Slidell residents be aware, there are 10 Constitutional Amendments on the ballot and they are all important. Make sure you review the amendments BEFORE you get in the ballot booth and they are lengthy and complex. Visit this web site and enter your parish, ward and precinct and you will be provided with a sample ballot: http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/SampleBallotDatabase/tabid/917/Default.aspx FOR MISSISSIPPI, check http://www.sos.state.ms.us/Elections/2002Sample.pdf for a sample ballot for the state and your local area.
BOARD DUES: REMINDER: NABOR Board Dues are due November 15th. NOMAR Board Dues are due November 30th. Please make certain you advise the MCA when you have paid your dues.
2011 LICENSE RENEWAL: Here is the web address at which you can renew your Louisiana Real Estate License online. Remember you need to have 12 hours of CE this year 4 of which MUST be on the Louisiana Real Estate Law.
10 DO’S AND DON’TS FOR MAXIMIZING YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10747
HAPPY HALLOWEEN. WHAT DID YOU GO AS? I WENT AS A SALESMAN. A gem by Jeffrey Gitomer, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10747
WHAT THE LOCALS THINK WIDGET: This appears to be free. You enter a city and state and it finds testimonials from local residents. When you enter Slidell, Louisiana or Picayune, Mississippi you get no ratings, no recommendations. The site gives you a widget tag to copy and paste to your web site enabling anyone who visits your site to see what the “locals are saying” about our communities. This would be a great opportunity to solicit our databases to ask them for testimonials to put on the site and get a good rating for Slidell & Picayune. Check out the site at: http://www.streetadvisor.com/widgets/what-the-locals-think
YOUR MOST NEGLECTED CUSTOMER. WHO ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE CUSTOMERS? The answer may surprise you. Great article by Denise Lones: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/950/your-most-neglected-client
PLAY TO WIN article by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-102510-playtowin.html
10 TIPS FOR REAL ESTATE SUCCESS IN 2011: By Bernice Ross from Inman News. Success leaves clues. This will not be the first time you see notes such as these. After reading them, go to www.SlidellCalendar.com, go to the Document Section, look up PRODUCTIVITY and the scroll down to the New Commission Calculator. You only have to enter a couple of variable items and it will calculate for you how many listing and buyer appointments you need to make to earn the income you desire provided you have a specific number (the spread sheet will calculate that number for you) people in your database and that you contact them on a regular and systematic basis. Great article by Ms. Ross: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/berniceross/10-tips-real-estate-success-in-2011
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS. We are co-sponsoring the Chamber’s Business After Hours in the parking lot of our Market Center, Wednesday, October 27th Co-sponsors include: Bayou Title, Central Progressive Bank, Blizzard Beach, Expo Signs, Fish Window Cleaning, Home Bank, Lee R. Cosgrove with Edward Jones The Wine Market and Tropical Smoothie Cafe'. 5:00 to 7:00.
OUTSIDE THE BOX THINKING, an excerpt from The Little Black Book of Connections by Jeffrey Gitomer. “Every one of you has experienced a WOW! Very few of you have given one! Almost no one makes a goal or a resolution at the beginning of the year that says, “I gotta WOW! more people.” Bob Carr of TLC (sprinklers and outdoor lighting systems in Baltimore Maryland) is the only person I know with a “WOW Budget.”. He spends a hundred dollars a week wowing one customer at random. He’ll install an outdoor light that turns on when you drive up your driveway, or a timing device on a sprinkler. It’s a $5,200 (annual) budget that will earn him hundreds of thousands of dollars in business and fifty-two lifetime fans a year. In ten short years, Bob will have 520 loyal fans – otherwise known as loyal sales people – on his team. (Unless of course he doubles his budget.). (Not in the book, I have a friend who makes a substantial donation to a local charity in Jackson, MS every year. When he does, he identifies a portion of the donation to be in each name of some of his best customers/friends and then sends them a Christmas card that wishes his customer/friend a Merry Christmas and lets them know that a donation (undetermined amount) has been made in his or her name to (the charity selected). What are you doing and how much have you budgeted to create WOW! experiences for the people in your database? If you have not read Gitomer’s book, you have no idea what you are missing.
HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS? HAVE YOU COUNSELLED YOUR OWNERS ABOUT THIS? This is a great and timely article about insurance coverage on vacant homes. A word to the wise should be sufficient: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/maryumberger/5-insurance-tips-vacant-homes
NET WEAVERS INTERNATIONAL. It is all about Networking. This site refers you to resource material including a book and has a computerized self-analysis as to your networking skills. Check it out on: http://netweaving.com/
FOR YOUR CLIENTS; PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR WINTER WITH THESE SIMPLE TIPS, by Paige Tepping, from Lowe’s: Great tips to include in your blog to your customers: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10661
THE FIVE STEP FORMULA FOR CREATING A SUCCESSFUL MARKETING MESSAGE. Lowe’s article: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10344
CREATING A PAPER TRAIL; REMOVING THE POSSIBILITY OF CONFUSION: In a discussion with Caren Morgan we came up with the idea of sending an email to every coop agent who submits an accepted Agreement to Purchase on your listings. I have uploaded it to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ Document Section, Sales Forms. It is a word document that you copy and paste into your email to a coop agent upon immediately receiving an accepted Agreement to Purchase. In addition to saying “thank you” it establishes “expiration/completion dates” and identifies all the various documents that are available as attachments on the MLS. By sending out this email you are creating a paper trail and eliminating any chance of misunderstanding when it comes to critical dates. If you use it, I would upload a copy of what you sent to Paperless.
PERSONAL SECURITY REMINDER: Today I received what appeared to be an email from my bank stating they had new customer software in place and needed me to confirm my account. When I went to the web site it asked for information such as social security number, security code number from the back of my debit card, etc. I called customer service instead of responding on line and as suspected it was a fraud. Had a similar incident involved PayPal. The problem is that the emails and web sites appear to be real but they are not. Any time anyone asks you for your social security number or card security code you should have a huge red flag pop up in your head. For example the information they asked for they already had. The bank advised me that they would never ask for such verification through an email. The same holds true for the IRS – the IRS NEVER seeks info from you via email. Beware, be safe!
REMEMBER NEW ORLEANS? This is a 10 minute YouTube video that describes why no one owns the phrase “Who Dat”, especially the NFL. If you are from New Orleans, sit back, relax and then if you are like question whether progress is necessarily a good thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmbXwjnCxx4
In last week's Eaglezine I mentioned that starting today, and each week for 6 weeks, I would share one of the six keys to success. I started life coaching in 1994 and in the process, met literally thousands of interesting people - primarily in the U.S., Canada and Europe. In the process I became fascinated with why some people figure life out and others never do. My observation is about 85% never do and about 15% do. There are a lot of characteristics that can enhance one's progress, such as a good education, work ethic, integrity, etc.
My experience led me to identify six basic concepts that seem to make the major difference, so here we go. Number one is - 15% of the population are committed to "personal development" - every day committed to becoming the best person possible. It's almost a compulsion or as Jim Rohn says "Work harder on yourself than on your job." In my coaching I encourage clients to focus on their spiritual, health, relationship, emotional and intellectual areas of life. In the process, you will attract money- money is a by-product. So make a daily personal commitment to grow every day in every way possible. In the next 5 Eaglezines I will share the other 5 characteristics of 15 percenters.
NOVEMBER 2, 2010 – VOTE! For Slidell residents be aware, there are 10 Constitutional Amendments on the ballot and they are all important. Make sure you review the amendments BEFORE you get in the ballot booth and they are lengthy and complex. Visit this web site and enter your parish, ward and precinct and you will be provided with a sample ballot: http://www.sos.louisiana.gov/SampleBallotDatabase/tabid/917/Default.aspx FOR MISSISSIPPI, check http://www.sos.state.ms.us/Elections/2002Sample.pdf for a sample ballot for the state and your local area.
BOARD DUES: REMINDER: NABOR Board Dues are due November 15th. NOMAR Board Dues are due November 30th. Please make certain you advise the MCA when you have paid your dues.
2011 LICENSE RENEWAL: Here is the web address at which you can renew your Louisiana Real Estate License online. Remember you need to have 12 hours of CE this year 4 of which MUST be on the Louisiana Real Estate Law.
10 DO’S AND DON’TS FOR MAXIMIZING YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT from Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10747
HAPPY HALLOWEEN. WHAT DID YOU GO AS? I WENT AS A SALESMAN. A gem by Jeffrey Gitomer, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10747
WHAT THE LOCALS THINK WIDGET: This appears to be free. You enter a city and state and it finds testimonials from local residents. When you enter Slidell, Louisiana or Picayune, Mississippi you get no ratings, no recommendations. The site gives you a widget tag to copy and paste to your web site enabling anyone who visits your site to see what the “locals are saying” about our communities. This would be a great opportunity to solicit our databases to ask them for testimonials to put on the site and get a good rating for Slidell & Picayune. Check out the site at: http://www.streetadvisor.com/widgets/what-the-locals-think
YOUR MOST NEGLECTED CUSTOMER. WHO ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE CUSTOMERS? The answer may surprise you. Great article by Denise Lones: http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/950/your-most-neglected-client
PLAY TO WIN article by Jon Gordon: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-102510-playtowin.html
10 TIPS FOR REAL ESTATE SUCCESS IN 2011: By Bernice Ross from Inman News. Success leaves clues. This will not be the first time you see notes such as these. After reading them, go to www.SlidellCalendar.com, go to the Document Section, look up PRODUCTIVITY and the scroll down to the New Commission Calculator. You only have to enter a couple of variable items and it will calculate for you how many listing and buyer appointments you need to make to earn the income you desire provided you have a specific number (the spread sheet will calculate that number for you) people in your database and that you contact them on a regular and systematic basis. Great article by Ms. Ross: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/berniceross/10-tips-real-estate-success-in-2011
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS. We are co-sponsoring the Chamber’s Business After Hours in the parking lot of our Market Center, Wednesday, October 27th Co-sponsors include: Bayou Title, Central Progressive Bank, Blizzard Beach, Expo Signs, Fish Window Cleaning, Home Bank, Lee R. Cosgrove with Edward Jones The Wine Market and Tropical Smoothie Cafe'. 5:00 to 7:00.
OUTSIDE THE BOX THINKING, an excerpt from The Little Black Book of Connections by Jeffrey Gitomer. “Every one of you has experienced a WOW! Very few of you have given one! Almost no one makes a goal or a resolution at the beginning of the year that says, “I gotta WOW! more people.” Bob Carr of TLC (sprinklers and outdoor lighting systems in Baltimore Maryland) is the only person I know with a “WOW Budget.”. He spends a hundred dollars a week wowing one customer at random. He’ll install an outdoor light that turns on when you drive up your driveway, or a timing device on a sprinkler. It’s a $5,200 (annual) budget that will earn him hundreds of thousands of dollars in business and fifty-two lifetime fans a year. In ten short years, Bob will have 520 loyal fans – otherwise known as loyal sales people – on his team. (Unless of course he doubles his budget.). (Not in the book, I have a friend who makes a substantial donation to a local charity in Jackson, MS every year. When he does, he identifies a portion of the donation to be in each name of some of his best customers/friends and then sends them a Christmas card that wishes his customer/friend a Merry Christmas and lets them know that a donation (undetermined amount) has been made in his or her name to (the charity selected). What are you doing and how much have you budgeted to create WOW! experiences for the people in your database? If you have not read Gitomer’s book, you have no idea what you are missing.
HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS? HAVE YOU COUNSELLED YOUR OWNERS ABOUT THIS? This is a great and timely article about insurance coverage on vacant homes. A word to the wise should be sufficient: http://www.inman.com/buyers-sellers/columnists/maryumberger/5-insurance-tips-vacant-homes
NET WEAVERS INTERNATIONAL. It is all about Networking. This site refers you to resource material including a book and has a computerized self-analysis as to your networking skills. Check it out on: http://netweaving.com/
FOR YOUR CLIENTS; PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR WINTER WITH THESE SIMPLE TIPS, by Paige Tepping, from Lowe’s: Great tips to include in your blog to your customers: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10661
THE FIVE STEP FORMULA FOR CREATING A SUCCESSFUL MARKETING MESSAGE. Lowe’s article: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10344
CREATING A PAPER TRAIL; REMOVING THE POSSIBILITY OF CONFUSION: In a discussion with Caren Morgan we came up with the idea of sending an email to every coop agent who submits an accepted Agreement to Purchase on your listings. I have uploaded it to http://www.slidellcalendar.com/ Document Section, Sales Forms. It is a word document that you copy and paste into your email to a coop agent upon immediately receiving an accepted Agreement to Purchase. In addition to saying “thank you” it establishes “expiration/completion dates” and identifies all the various documents that are available as attachments on the MLS. By sending out this email you are creating a paper trail and eliminating any chance of misunderstanding when it comes to critical dates. If you use it, I would upload a copy of what you sent to Paperless.
PERSONAL SECURITY REMINDER: Today I received what appeared to be an email from my bank stating they had new customer software in place and needed me to confirm my account. When I went to the web site it asked for information such as social security number, security code number from the back of my debit card, etc. I called customer service instead of responding on line and as suspected it was a fraud. Had a similar incident involved PayPal. The problem is that the emails and web sites appear to be real but they are not. Any time anyone asks you for your social security number or card security code you should have a huge red flag pop up in your head. For example the information they asked for they already had. The bank advised me that they would never ask for such verification through an email. The same holds true for the IRS – the IRS NEVER seeks info from you via email. Beware, be safe!
REMEMBER NEW ORLEANS? This is a 10 minute YouTube video that describes why no one owns the phrase “Who Dat”, especially the NFL. If you are from New Orleans, sit back, relax and then if you are like question whether progress is necessarily a good thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmbXwjnCxx4
In last week's Eaglezine I mentioned that starting today, and each week for 6 weeks, I would share one of the six keys to success. I started life coaching in 1994 and in the process, met literally thousands of interesting people - primarily in the U.S., Canada and Europe. In the process I became fascinated with why some people figure life out and others never do. My observation is about 85% never do and about 15% do. There are a lot of characteristics that can enhance one's progress, such as a good education, work ethic, integrity, etc.
My experience led me to identify six basic concepts that seem to make the major difference, so here we go. Number one is - 15% of the population are committed to "personal development" - every day committed to becoming the best person possible. It's almost a compulsion or as Jim Rohn says "Work harder on yourself than on your job." In my coaching I encourage clients to focus on their spiritual, health, relationship, emotional and intellectual areas of life. In the process, you will attract money- money is a by-product. So make a daily personal commitment to grow every day in every way possible. In the next 5 Eaglezines I will share the other 5 characteristics of 15 percenters.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending October 22, 2010
QUOTE: “Do not argue with an idiots (especially you-know-who); they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” Unknown
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Remember you now need 12 hours of Continuing Education credit 4 hours of which MUST be on LA License Law. Check available classes locally and if needed you can also receive credit online at such places as Burk Baker School of Real Estate http://www.burkbaker.com/. If you are also licensed in Mississippi you are required to complete 16 hours of CE courses every two years license period. You can also earn CE credits by going to http://www.proeducate.com/. I used the Proeducate.com site to complete 30 hours of CE training for Mississippi and it was a great experience.
QUADRENNIAL ETHICS TRAINING. December 31, 2010 will be the end of the first two years of the period during which you MUST complete your Quadrennial Ethics training required by the National Association of REALTORS. I have not seen this course offered locally but you can take it online at http://www.realtor.org/ free of charge. You MUST take this class BEFORE December 31, 2012.
NEW ORLEANS EDITION OF “ENTERTAINMENT, THE PERFECT CLIENT GIFT”: You can purchase the New Orleans edition of the book that you can use for yourself or give to your customers that will provide them with discount and/or special offering coupons for businesses, restaurants, travel and hotel accommodations. The cost is only $15.75 per book. This was through an arrangement by NAR. Check them out at www.entertainment.com/NAR Use Customer ID 2033290558.
I’LL HAVE THE CHICKEN PLEASE, SAID THE SALESMAN. How do you measure up to Jeffery Gitomer’s latest article? http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PC8xM8DjfVFQ%3D%3D
A POSITIVE POINT OF VIEW – PPOV; Jon Gordon has written many great articles and books. I you want to learn from someone with a fabulous perspective, read any of Jon’s writings starting with this short article: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-positivepointofview.html
QUALITY PHOTOS ARE ESSENTIAL – TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY. Not mentioned in this article from Lowe’s is that you should avoid taking a photo of the front of the home what includes a lot of the driveway. If the driveway is on the left side of the house, take your photo from the right side and visa versa. http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10616
MOTIVATION, another gem from Jon Gordon ALSO there is a link to a free webinar involving leadership, check it out at: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-101810-motivation.html
WOULD BE INTERESTING TO SEE THIS GUY’S XRAYS; THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING: http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=db5ed59e2e&view=att&th=12bb18262386353e&attid=0.1&disp=attd&realattid=c9a31e564f79da65_0.1&zw
BE A BLAME BUSTER! Great article by John Miller http://outstandingorganization.com/blog/ While you are there, read some of the other articles written by John Miller. He has written a great book entitled The Question Behind The Question, QBQ that I highly recommend. http://qbq.com/books/question-behind-the-question.php
JETMAN FLIES IN FORMATION; another amazing video http://www.tvkim.com/watch/341/kims-picks-jetman-flies-in-formation
PEARL RIVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR LINK: A new link has been added to www.SlidellCalendar.com where you can access the Tax Collector’s office in Pearl River County Mississippi to check tax records. It is: http://deltacomputersystems.com/MS/MS55/plinkquerym.html
KEEPING YOUR KELLER WILLIAMS WEB PAGE UP-TO-DATE: If you have not already done it, go to http://www.twitter.com/ and set up an account. Then go to http://www.facebook.com/ and set up an account. Then go to http://www.kw.com/ and update your Keller Williams White Page account to include these two new links. While you are at it, why not also go to http://www.blogger.com/ and create a personal blog page. Once you do, add that to your Keller Williams White Page as well. Then make certain you have links to these sites located at the bottom of each page of your web pages.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Remember you now need 12 hours of Continuing Education credit 4 hours of which MUST be on LA License Law. Check available classes locally and if needed you can also receive credit online at such places as Burk Baker School of Real Estate http://www.burkbaker.com/. If you are also licensed in Mississippi you are required to complete 16 hours of CE courses every two years license period. You can also earn CE credits by going to http://www.proeducate.com/. I used the Proeducate.com site to complete 30 hours of CE training for Mississippi and it was a great experience.
QUADRENNIAL ETHICS TRAINING. December 31, 2010 will be the end of the first two years of the period during which you MUST complete your Quadrennial Ethics training required by the National Association of REALTORS. I have not seen this course offered locally but you can take it online at http://www.realtor.org/ free of charge. You MUST take this class BEFORE December 31, 2012.
NEW ORLEANS EDITION OF “ENTERTAINMENT, THE PERFECT CLIENT GIFT”: You can purchase the New Orleans edition of the book that you can use for yourself or give to your customers that will provide them with discount and/or special offering coupons for businesses, restaurants, travel and hotel accommodations. The cost is only $15.75 per book. This was through an arrangement by NAR. Check them out at www.entertainment.com/NAR Use Customer ID 2033290558.
I’LL HAVE THE CHICKEN PLEASE, SAID THE SALESMAN. How do you measure up to Jeffery Gitomer’s latest article? http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PC8xM8DjfVFQ%3D%3D
A POSITIVE POINT OF VIEW – PPOV; Jon Gordon has written many great articles and books. I you want to learn from someone with a fabulous perspective, read any of Jon’s writings starting with this short article: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-positivepointofview.html
QUALITY PHOTOS ARE ESSENTIAL – TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY. Not mentioned in this article from Lowe’s is that you should avoid taking a photo of the front of the home what includes a lot of the driveway. If the driveway is on the left side of the house, take your photo from the right side and visa versa. http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10616
MOTIVATION, another gem from Jon Gordon ALSO there is a link to a free webinar involving leadership, check it out at: http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-101810-motivation.html
WOULD BE INTERESTING TO SEE THIS GUY’S XRAYS; THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING: http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=db5ed59e2e&view=att&th=12bb18262386353e&attid=0.1&disp=attd&realattid=c9a31e564f79da65_0.1&zw
BE A BLAME BUSTER! Great article by John Miller http://outstandingorganization.com/blog/ While you are there, read some of the other articles written by John Miller. He has written a great book entitled The Question Behind The Question, QBQ that I highly recommend. http://qbq.com/books/question-behind-the-question.php
JETMAN FLIES IN FORMATION; another amazing video http://www.tvkim.com/watch/341/kims-picks-jetman-flies-in-formation
PEARL RIVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR LINK: A new link has been added to www.SlidellCalendar.com where you can access the Tax Collector’s office in Pearl River County Mississippi to check tax records. It is: http://deltacomputersystems.com/MS/MS55/plinkquerym.html
KEEPING YOUR KELLER WILLIAMS WEB PAGE UP-TO-DATE: If you have not already done it, go to http://www.twitter.com/ and set up an account. Then go to http://www.facebook.com/ and set up an account. Then go to http://www.kw.com/ and update your Keller Williams White Page account to include these two new links. While you are at it, why not also go to http://www.blogger.com/ and create a personal blog page. Once you do, add that to your Keller Williams White Page as well. Then make certain you have links to these sites located at the bottom of each page of your web pages.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending October 15, 2010
QUOTE: "YOU FALL PREY TO THE LAW OF DIMINISHING INTENT. We intend to take action when the idea strikes us. We intend to do something when the emotion is high. But if we don't translate that intention into action fairly soon, the urgency starts to diminish. A month from now, the passion is cold." Jim Rohn
LATEST NUGGET: I posted CONVINCED on http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/. It is based on some thoughts taken from Jeffrey Gitomer’s book, The Little Black Book of Connections.
RECOMMENDED READING: There are many books on the market that can help you develop your business but of all the books I have read, I believe there are four that should be considered REQUIRED READING. And while you read them, you might want to consider offering them to your children; they are listed in the order I would read them:
The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude, by Jeffrey Gitomer
The Little Black Book of Connections, by Jeffrey Gitomer
The Little Green Book of Getting Your Way, by Jeffrey Gitomer
Endless Referrals, by Bob Burg
QUESTION: Who are the 5 most important people in your life or who should be in your life that you need to develop a relationship with who could significantly improve your business? If you can identify them, are you working on developing a relationship with them? If not, why not? One of the five should be your Team Leader in the Market Center. At the risk of being immodest another should be me, your broker. The 30 plus years I have in the Real Estate Industry ought to be worth something to the development of your real estate career.
REINVENTING “LIFESTYLE” MARKETING. By Mary Umberger. This is a really interesting article about two agents definitely thinking outside the box in their marketing efforts. It will obviously not apply to everyone but it shows what outside the box thinking can do for your business; he said with a smile. http://www.inman.com/news/2010/10/11/reinventing-lifestyle-marketing
NET LISTINGS: What is a "net listing?" A net listing occurs when a property owner agrees to permit an agent to sell property where the owners pre-agrees to accept a certain amount and the listing agent/broker's commission is the difference between the actual sales price and the owner's agreed to amount. Net listings are illegal in many states but not in Louisiana or Mississippi. In some states where net listings are legal the local MLS systems have rules in place that prohibit them from being entered into the MLS system, GESRIN being one of those MLS systems. For the most part Net Listing are strongly discouraged because the opportunity for conflict of interest is so great. Since you are required to present all offers it is even possible that a seller may accept an offer less than initially agreed upon which would result in the listing agent earning nothing for his or her efforts. In those cases where the property sells for considerably more than what the owner had initially agreed to, the difference may so great that it creates difficulties between the owner and the agent/broker. Simply put, Net Listings are strongly discouraged.
MUST I DISCLOSE MY CLIENT RELATIONSHIP? This was taken from the Mississippi Broker Buzz and is an excellent article. A very good rule-of-thumb to follow is – disclose. There is so much more to lose by not disclosing than by disclosing so why wouldn’t you disclose?
What are the disclosure requirements when your clients are family members?
Question: I'm listing a property and the sellers are my brother and sister-in-law. Am I required to disclose that?
Answer: Article 4 of the Code of Ethics covers disclosure of personal interest in property. "REALTORS® shall not acquire an interest in or buy or present offers from themselves, any member of their immediate families, their firms or any member thereof, or any entities in which they have any ownership interest . . . without making their true position known to the owner or the owner's agent or broker."
"Immediate family" is defined in the Code and in the Arbitration Manual to include "the REALTORS®'s spouse and their siblings, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and other descendants."
Disclosure also is required when selling property that you own or in which you have any interest: "REALTORS® shall reveal their ownership or interest in writing to the purchaser or the purchaser's representative."
However, the obligation to disclose that you're working with an "immediate family" member applies only to situations in which your family member is the buyer.
In your situation representing sellers, you're obligated to disclose ownership or "any interest" in the property being sold. That would include any legal ownership or possible future ownership, such as through inheritance. (Gymbeaux Note: This was a new revelation to me but when you think about it, it makes good sense.)
For example, if your brother had named you as a beneficiary or heir of the property in his will, you would be best served by disclosing that interest in the property.
But, if you have no possibility of inheriting the property, you would likely not have any current or future interest in the property requiring disclosure under the Code. Always remember that state license law could require additional or different disclosures of "interests" or "relatives' interests" in representing a family member.
By Bruce Aydt. Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine
LATEST NUGGET: I posted CONVINCED on http://www.nuggetsforthenoggin.com/. It is based on some thoughts taken from Jeffrey Gitomer’s book, The Little Black Book of Connections.
RECOMMENDED READING: There are many books on the market that can help you develop your business but of all the books I have read, I believe there are four that should be considered REQUIRED READING. And while you read them, you might want to consider offering them to your children; they are listed in the order I would read them:
The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude, by Jeffrey Gitomer
The Little Black Book of Connections, by Jeffrey Gitomer
The Little Green Book of Getting Your Way, by Jeffrey Gitomer
Endless Referrals, by Bob Burg
QUESTION: Who are the 5 most important people in your life or who should be in your life that you need to develop a relationship with who could significantly improve your business? If you can identify them, are you working on developing a relationship with them? If not, why not? One of the five should be your Team Leader in the Market Center. At the risk of being immodest another should be me, your broker. The 30 plus years I have in the Real Estate Industry ought to be worth something to the development of your real estate career.
REINVENTING “LIFESTYLE” MARKETING. By Mary Umberger. This is a really interesting article about two agents definitely thinking outside the box in their marketing efforts. It will obviously not apply to everyone but it shows what outside the box thinking can do for your business; he said with a smile. http://www.inman.com/news/2010/10/11/reinventing-lifestyle-marketing
NET LISTINGS: What is a "net listing?" A net listing occurs when a property owner agrees to permit an agent to sell property where the owners pre-agrees to accept a certain amount and the listing agent/broker's commission is the difference between the actual sales price and the owner's agreed to amount. Net listings are illegal in many states but not in Louisiana or Mississippi. In some states where net listings are legal the local MLS systems have rules in place that prohibit them from being entered into the MLS system, GESRIN being one of those MLS systems. For the most part Net Listing are strongly discouraged because the opportunity for conflict of interest is so great. Since you are required to present all offers it is even possible that a seller may accept an offer less than initially agreed upon which would result in the listing agent earning nothing for his or her efforts. In those cases where the property sells for considerably more than what the owner had initially agreed to, the difference may so great that it creates difficulties between the owner and the agent/broker. Simply put, Net Listings are strongly discouraged.
MUST I DISCLOSE MY CLIENT RELATIONSHIP? This was taken from the Mississippi Broker Buzz and is an excellent article. A very good rule-of-thumb to follow is – disclose. There is so much more to lose by not disclosing than by disclosing so why wouldn’t you disclose?
What are the disclosure requirements when your clients are family members?
Question: I'm listing a property and the sellers are my brother and sister-in-law. Am I required to disclose that?
Answer: Article 4 of the Code of Ethics covers disclosure of personal interest in property. "REALTORS® shall not acquire an interest in or buy or present offers from themselves, any member of their immediate families, their firms or any member thereof, or any entities in which they have any ownership interest . . . without making their true position known to the owner or the owner's agent or broker."
"Immediate family" is defined in the Code and in the Arbitration Manual to include "the REALTORS®'s spouse and their siblings, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and other descendants."
Disclosure also is required when selling property that you own or in which you have any interest: "REALTORS® shall reveal their ownership or interest in writing to the purchaser or the purchaser's representative."
However, the obligation to disclose that you're working with an "immediate family" member applies only to situations in which your family member is the buyer.
In your situation representing sellers, you're obligated to disclose ownership or "any interest" in the property being sold. That would include any legal ownership or possible future ownership, such as through inheritance. (Gymbeaux Note: This was a new revelation to me but when you think about it, it makes good sense.)
For example, if your brother had named you as a beneficiary or heir of the property in his will, you would be best served by disclosing that interest in the property.
But, if you have no possibility of inheriting the property, you would likely not have any current or future interest in the property requiring disclosure under the Code. Always remember that state license law could require additional or different disclosures of "interests" or "relatives' interests" in representing a family member.
By Bruce Aydt. Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending October 8, 2010
Quote: Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "We are what we think about all day long."
BROKERTIP: Joe Tye said, “Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed.” Are you passionate about your “job?” If you find yourself complaining about everything, you are not passionate about what you do. Complaining accomplishes nothing. Last evening while attending my grandson’s soccer game, the coach for one of the teams that was scheduled to play AFTER my grandson’s game started to complain that the game was “already one minute over the scheduled time to complete it and that they needed to get off the field now.” We are talking about 6 and 7 year olds. The coach was not only out of line, his language and body language was not something you want a 6 or 7 year old to see or hear. The point is that it was obvious he did not like doing what he was doing or being where he was at. Someone passionate about what they were doing would have simply taken the kids to a side area and have them start warming up instead of making a spectacle of himself. Do you analyze your words, attitude and body language? If so, what do you see and hear? Are you certain? What does an observer see and hear, chances are, they are not the same thing. Life is all about attitude and your attitude is a choice you make every day when you first wake up. You can choose to be positive and significant or you can choose to be negative and a jerk; it is really that simple! Do you know how many jerks there are in the world; we do not need another one just in case you-know-who reads this.
THE STRANGEST SECRET by John Boe. This is all about the one thing that you can do that when done could all but guarantee your success, or not. If you read nothing else for the rest of your life, read this very short article; it says it all! http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0495.htm Gymbeaux Note: You really are what you think about most. You have a choice between positive self-talk and negative self-talk. When you realize just how important self-talk is, you will want to eliminate ALL negative self-talk. You will also want to eliminate all reference to metaphors like, “hanging around”; is that the mental image you want your subconscious mind to consider – hanging by a noose, I think not yet that is what we all do. You are not doing “fine”, you are GREAT and getting greater by the minute.
THE PIZZA PHILOSOPHY. WHAT TOPPINGS DO YOU OFFER (OR NOT), by Jeffrey Gitomer. This is a very timely article with one business after another making financial cuts to their service and products. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NIOld8SDwFpA%3D%3D
KNOW YOUR COMPANY’S CORE VALUES AND MISSION STATEMENT? If not Joe Tye would fire you! Great article by Joe Tye: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=p8vf59n6&v=00153jkMsybZmisLbNKLdZLDyzYmDy4Bh4kDSIjT2AG8sPlI_SnXYovfbr5nmKT1iTIMVPePnxqAebx0LW5i-osWhF5KUPju51rCaE6otMLv-Q%3D
GET OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE; IT IS DESTROYING YOUR BUSINESS by Denise Lones http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/928/get-out-of-the-comfort-zone-it-039-s-destroying-your-business
7 WAYS PERFECTIONISM STOPS YOU FROM SUCCESS: Very good article except that perfectionism in completing your forms (like filling in ALL the blanks) is something that defines your professionalism. Don’t confuse what is very important with what is not necessarily important. http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/925/7-ways-quot-perfectionism-quot-stops-you-from-success
THE CURSE OF EXPERIENCE, LEARN TO THINK LIKE A ROOKIE, by Jon Gordan. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-100410-curseofexperience.html
NEW RICHARD PAUL EVANS BOOK HITS THE STREET. If you like Christmas books with a great message and story you will love anything written by Richard Paul Evans. His new book is out, Promise Me and you can not only watch a short movie trailer, you can actually read the first two chapters on this site: http://www.richardpaulevans.com/i/promise-me-promo
10 TRAITS BUYERS SEEK IN SALES SUPERSTARS, by Ken Thoreson: http://www.raintoday.com/pages/6403_10_traits_buyers_seek_in_sales_superstars.cfm
SHOULD THE SELLER ATTEND THE HOME INSPECTION: Come on, who has not asked that question? Here is one agent’s answer: http://activerain.com/blogsview/1883198/should-the-seller-attend-the-home-inspection-
FAXZERO: If you find yourself somewhere and needing to fax a document with no fax machine, you can go to http://www.faxzero.com/ and do so without a fax machine. You can either type out a message to send to a fax or send a document that you have on your computer to a fax all at no cost. The program has a fee if you want to subscribe but you do not have to in order to send a simple fax. I would suggest that you bookmark this site as you never know when it will come in very handy.
THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF BRANDING by Denise Lones, Very good video: http://brokeragentsocial.com/TheLonesGroup/videos/642
5 TIPS TO MAKE SURE YOUR WEB SITE IS GETTING THE EXPOSURE YOU NEED, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10369
5 STEP FORMULA FOR CREATING A SUCCESSFUL MARKETING MESSAGE by Lowe’s; http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10344
From page 22, The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude ®:
Positive attitude cdomes from within.
Positive attitude has nothing to do with what happens to you.
It’s what you do with, and how you react to, what happens to you
Positive attitude comes from your ability to process thoughts in a positive way, regardless of the circumstance. And it’s never 100%. That’s why, in spite of your determination to be positive at every moment, you’ll have highs and lows based on your thought process and your vulnerability to others.
HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: The more you work on your attitude, the less vulnerable you become to the negative aspect of it.
The most interesting aspect of attitude is that “instant’ only applies to the negative part. Someone can make you angry (negative) in a second, but it can take years to achieve the positive. Positive attitude comes from your own thought process combined with your determination to stay in the right frame of mind. It ain’t easy to get there, but it’s worth it once you do.
In my opinion The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude by Jeffrey Gitomer should be a must read for everyone regardless of age or business; it is that good. Answer this one question: When was the last time
BROKERTIP: Joe Tye said, “Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed.” Are you passionate about your “job?” If you find yourself complaining about everything, you are not passionate about what you do. Complaining accomplishes nothing. Last evening while attending my grandson’s soccer game, the coach for one of the teams that was scheduled to play AFTER my grandson’s game started to complain that the game was “already one minute over the scheduled time to complete it and that they needed to get off the field now.” We are talking about 6 and 7 year olds. The coach was not only out of line, his language and body language was not something you want a 6 or 7 year old to see or hear. The point is that it was obvious he did not like doing what he was doing or being where he was at. Someone passionate about what they were doing would have simply taken the kids to a side area and have them start warming up instead of making a spectacle of himself. Do you analyze your words, attitude and body language? If so, what do you see and hear? Are you certain? What does an observer see and hear, chances are, they are not the same thing. Life is all about attitude and your attitude is a choice you make every day when you first wake up. You can choose to be positive and significant or you can choose to be negative and a jerk; it is really that simple! Do you know how many jerks there are in the world; we do not need another one just in case you-know-who reads this.
THE STRANGEST SECRET by John Boe. This is all about the one thing that you can do that when done could all but guarantee your success, or not. If you read nothing else for the rest of your life, read this very short article; it says it all! http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0495.htm Gymbeaux Note: You really are what you think about most. You have a choice between positive self-talk and negative self-talk. When you realize just how important self-talk is, you will want to eliminate ALL negative self-talk. You will also want to eliminate all reference to metaphors like, “hanging around”; is that the mental image you want your subconscious mind to consider – hanging by a noose, I think not yet that is what we all do. You are not doing “fine”, you are GREAT and getting greater by the minute.
THE PIZZA PHILOSOPHY. WHAT TOPPINGS DO YOU OFFER (OR NOT), by Jeffrey Gitomer. This is a very timely article with one business after another making financial cuts to their service and products. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3NIOld8SDwFpA%3D%3D
KNOW YOUR COMPANY’S CORE VALUES AND MISSION STATEMENT? If not Joe Tye would fire you! Great article by Joe Tye: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=p8vf59n6&v=00153jkMsybZmisLbNKLdZLDyzYmDy4Bh4kDSIjT2AG8sPlI_SnXYovfbr5nmKT1iTIMVPePnxqAebx0LW5i-osWhF5KUPju51rCaE6otMLv-Q%3D
GET OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE; IT IS DESTROYING YOUR BUSINESS by Denise Lones http://www.brokeragentsocial.com/article/928/get-out-of-the-comfort-zone-it-039-s-destroying-your-business
7 WAYS PERFECTIONISM STOPS YOU FROM SUCCESS: Very good article except that perfectionism in completing your forms (like filling in ALL the blanks) is something that defines your professionalism. Don’t confuse what is very important with what is not necessarily important. http://brokeragentsocial.com/article/925/7-ways-quot-perfectionism-quot-stops-you-from-success
THE CURSE OF EXPERIENCE, LEARN TO THINK LIKE A ROOKIE, by Jon Gordan. http://www.jongordon.com/newsletter-100410-curseofexperience.html
NEW RICHARD PAUL EVANS BOOK HITS THE STREET. If you like Christmas books with a great message and story you will love anything written by Richard Paul Evans. His new book is out, Promise Me and you can not only watch a short movie trailer, you can actually read the first two chapters on this site: http://www.richardpaulevans.com/i/promise-me-promo
10 TRAITS BUYERS SEEK IN SALES SUPERSTARS, by Ken Thoreson: http://www.raintoday.com/pages/6403_10_traits_buyers_seek_in_sales_superstars.cfm
SHOULD THE SELLER ATTEND THE HOME INSPECTION: Come on, who has not asked that question? Here is one agent’s answer: http://activerain.com/blogsview/1883198/should-the-seller-attend-the-home-inspection-
FAXZERO: If you find yourself somewhere and needing to fax a document with no fax machine, you can go to http://www.faxzero.com/ and do so without a fax machine. You can either type out a message to send to a fax or send a document that you have on your computer to a fax all at no cost. The program has a fee if you want to subscribe but you do not have to in order to send a simple fax. I would suggest that you bookmark this site as you never know when it will come in very handy.
THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF BRANDING by Denise Lones, Very good video: http://brokeragentsocial.com/TheLonesGroup/videos/642
5 TIPS TO MAKE SURE YOUR WEB SITE IS GETTING THE EXPOSURE YOU NEED, by Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10369
5 STEP FORMULA FOR CREATING A SUCCESSFUL MARKETING MESSAGE by Lowe’s; http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10344
From page 22, The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude ®:
Positive attitude cdomes from within.
Positive attitude has nothing to do with what happens to you.
It’s what you do with, and how you react to, what happens to you
Positive attitude comes from your ability to process thoughts in a positive way, regardless of the circumstance. And it’s never 100%. That’s why, in spite of your determination to be positive at every moment, you’ll have highs and lows based on your thought process and your vulnerability to others.
HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: The more you work on your attitude, the less vulnerable you become to the negative aspect of it.
The most interesting aspect of attitude is that “instant’ only applies to the negative part. Someone can make you angry (negative) in a second, but it can take years to achieve the positive. Positive attitude comes from your own thought process combined with your determination to stay in the right frame of mind. It ain’t easy to get there, but it’s worth it once you do.
In my opinion The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude by Jeffrey Gitomer should be a must read for everyone regardless of age or business; it is that good. Answer this one question: When was the last time
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending October 1, 2010
QUOTE: "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body," --Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.
CRITICAL LEASING INFORMATION: There are more leases being written than ever before and care MUST be taken to protect your owners and more importantly YOU - BEFORE a tenant moves into a property. You MUST do a walk through on the property and get the tenant’s agreement as to the property condition and have them accept the condition of the property IN WRITING BEFORE THEY MOVE IN. To protect YOU and your OWNERS you are strongly encouraged to take your digital camera along and photograph any damage, areas that need repairs, etc. This will not only protect your owners it will also protect the tenants from being required to repair items upon termination that were pre-existing prior to occupancy. Make certain you upload all documents to paperless including deposit checks, final walk thrus, lead base paint disclosures, mold & mildew disclosures and yes Residential Property Disclosures on properties that you list (even though the Real Estate Commission does not require it on rentals – the Market Center does). ALSO AS A REMINDER, whenever you list a property as a lease, YOU NEED TO INCLUDE THE LISTING AGREEMENT ADDENDUM to insure you are in compliance with the REALTOR Code of Ethics.
HOMETOWN FRONT PAGE: Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger....you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place. You can spend a lot of time here. Click on readable PDF to make paper easier to read. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/ Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course).. AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.
REALLY SCARY QUIZ: This is a terrific test. And it shows results in a number of ways. It sure indicates that the majority of Americans don't know what's going on. No wonder our politicians take such advantage. Interesting and simple test. Its astonishing that so many people got less than half right. These results say that 80% of the (voting) public doesn't have a clue an that's pretty scary. http://pewresearch.org/politicalquiz/quiz/index.php
NEW CPR TECHNIQUE IS MUCH SIMPLIER. Thank you from Dr. Tom Hill. This new CPR technique is much simpler, and certification is not required. Below is a video regarding the latest CPR procedure. Forward this link to your friends and family. You never know, a life may be saved utilizing this new procedure. Go to: http://medicine.arizona.edu/spotlight/learn-sarver-heart-centers-continuous-chest-compression-cpr
10 WAYS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES TO USE LINKEDIN: From Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/9055
THOUGHT DEDICATION. YOU DECIDE WHAT TO THINK AND HOW TO REACT. Article by Jeffrey Gitomer you do not want to miss, it could make a significant difference in your tomorrows. With all that is going on in government and the world, it is extremely easy to wake up and feel bad about everything; almost all of which neither one of us has any control over. Jeffrey puts it all into perspective in this article. When you finish reading the article, make a promise to purchase and more importantly read and study Gitomer’s book, The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude; you won’t regret it. Maybe one of the best books ever written that could change the way you think about life, family and business. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PxJtI5%2Bb3pZg%3D%3D
New FHA Mortgage Changes H.R. 5981
Beginning October 4, 2010, new FHA Mortgage changes will be coming through, due to bill H.R. 5981 signed into law August 11th, 2010.
Credit scores. The FHA has never used credit scores as one of its approval metrics, until now. It’s proposing to implement a minimum credit score of 500.
Monthly fees. This charge will likely rise from 0.55 percent of the loan balance annually to 1.5 percent. On a $200,000 mortgage, this change would raise the monthly insurance premium from $92 to $250.
Upfront fees. The higher monthly fee will be offset by a lower upfront insurance fee. The FHA has said it will drop its current upfront fee of 2.25 percent to 1 percent. This change reduces the upfront fee on a $200,000 mortgage from $4,500 to $2,000.
Down payment. There has been some talk of raising the FHA mortgage down payment requirement from 3.5 percent to 5 percent across the board. However, it looks as though the agency will only raise it for borrowers with credit scores that fall between 500 and 580. These people will pay as much as 10 percent down, which equates to $20,000 on a $200,000 loan.
Seller contributions. The FHA currently allows home sellers to contribute up to 6 percent of the selling price to an FHA buyer. Typically, the seller would cover some of the upfront closing costs, and additionally make an adjustment to the sale price. Now, the agency wants to reduce this seller contribution cap to 3 percent. FHA policymakers believe that sellers were artificially inflating home prices to award the contribution. Doing so puts the FHA at risk and ultimately costs the borrower more.
Time magazine is being overly pessimistic in its recent cover piece that called into question the benefits of homeownership. In fact, now is a great time to buy. And, what's more, tomorrow will be a great time to own, because the fundamental strength of homeownership hasn't changed.
Why is now a great time to buy? Here are 10 reasons:
1. You can get a good deal. Prices are down 30 percent on average. They're at a level that makes sense for people's income.
2. Mortgages are cheap. At 4.3 percent on average for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, your costs to own are down by a fifth from two years ago.
3. You can save on taxes. When you add up the deductions for mortgage interest and others, the cost of owning can drop below renting for a comparable place.
4. It'll be yours. The one benefit to owning that never changes is that you can paint your walls orange if you want (generally speaking; there might be some community restrictions). How many landlords will let you do that?
5. You can get a better home. In some markets, it's simply the case that the nicest places are for-sale homes and condos.
6. It offers some inflation protection. Historically, appreciation over time outpaces inflation.
7. It's risk capital. If the economy picks up, you stand to benefit from that, even if you're goal is just to have a nice place to live.
8. It's forced savings. A part of your payment each month goes to equity.
9. There is a lot to choose from. There are some 4 million homes available today, about a year's supply. Now's the time to find something you like and get it.
10. Sooner or later the market will clear. The U.S. is expected to grow by another 100 million people in 40 years. They have to live somewhere. Demand will eventually outpace supply. (Wall Street Journal, Brett Arends)
CRITICAL LEASING INFORMATION: There are more leases being written than ever before and care MUST be taken to protect your owners and more importantly YOU - BEFORE a tenant moves into a property. You MUST do a walk through on the property and get the tenant’s agreement as to the property condition and have them accept the condition of the property IN WRITING BEFORE THEY MOVE IN. To protect YOU and your OWNERS you are strongly encouraged to take your digital camera along and photograph any damage, areas that need repairs, etc. This will not only protect your owners it will also protect the tenants from being required to repair items upon termination that were pre-existing prior to occupancy. Make certain you upload all documents to paperless including deposit checks, final walk thrus, lead base paint disclosures, mold & mildew disclosures and yes Residential Property Disclosures on properties that you list (even though the Real Estate Commission does not require it on rentals – the Market Center does). ALSO AS A REMINDER, whenever you list a property as a lease, YOU NEED TO INCLUDE THE LISTING AGREEMENT ADDENDUM to insure you are in compliance with the REALTOR Code of Ethics.
HOMETOWN FRONT PAGE: Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger....you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place. You can spend a lot of time here. Click on readable PDF to make paper easier to read. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/ Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course).. AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.
REALLY SCARY QUIZ: This is a terrific test. And it shows results in a number of ways. It sure indicates that the majority of Americans don't know what's going on. No wonder our politicians take such advantage. Interesting and simple test. Its astonishing that so many people got less than half right. These results say that 80% of the (voting) public doesn't have a clue an that's pretty scary. http://pewresearch.org/politicalquiz/quiz/index.php
NEW CPR TECHNIQUE IS MUCH SIMPLIER. Thank you from Dr. Tom Hill. This new CPR technique is much simpler, and certification is not required. Below is a video regarding the latest CPR procedure. Forward this link to your friends and family. You never know, a life may be saved utilizing this new procedure. Go to: http://medicine.arizona.edu/spotlight/learn-sarver-heart-centers-continuous-chest-compression-cpr
10 WAYS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES TO USE LINKEDIN: From Lowe’s: http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/9055
THOUGHT DEDICATION. YOU DECIDE WHAT TO THINK AND HOW TO REACT. Article by Jeffrey Gitomer you do not want to miss, it could make a significant difference in your tomorrows. With all that is going on in government and the world, it is extremely easy to wake up and feel bad about everything; almost all of which neither one of us has any control over. Jeffrey puts it all into perspective in this article. When you finish reading the article, make a promise to purchase and more importantly read and study Gitomer’s book, The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude; you won’t regret it. Maybe one of the best books ever written that could change the way you think about life, family and business. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PxJtI5%2Bb3pZg%3D%3D
New FHA Mortgage Changes H.R. 5981
Beginning October 4, 2010, new FHA Mortgage changes will be coming through, due to bill H.R. 5981 signed into law August 11th, 2010.
Credit scores. The FHA has never used credit scores as one of its approval metrics, until now. It’s proposing to implement a minimum credit score of 500.
Monthly fees. This charge will likely rise from 0.55 percent of the loan balance annually to 1.5 percent. On a $200,000 mortgage, this change would raise the monthly insurance premium from $92 to $250.
Upfront fees. The higher monthly fee will be offset by a lower upfront insurance fee. The FHA has said it will drop its current upfront fee of 2.25 percent to 1 percent. This change reduces the upfront fee on a $200,000 mortgage from $4,500 to $2,000.
Down payment. There has been some talk of raising the FHA mortgage down payment requirement from 3.5 percent to 5 percent across the board. However, it looks as though the agency will only raise it for borrowers with credit scores that fall between 500 and 580. These people will pay as much as 10 percent down, which equates to $20,000 on a $200,000 loan.
Seller contributions. The FHA currently allows home sellers to contribute up to 6 percent of the selling price to an FHA buyer. Typically, the seller would cover some of the upfront closing costs, and additionally make an adjustment to the sale price. Now, the agency wants to reduce this seller contribution cap to 3 percent. FHA policymakers believe that sellers were artificially inflating home prices to award the contribution. Doing so puts the FHA at risk and ultimately costs the borrower more.
Time magazine is being overly pessimistic in its recent cover piece that called into question the benefits of homeownership. In fact, now is a great time to buy. And, what's more, tomorrow will be a great time to own, because the fundamental strength of homeownership hasn't changed.
Why is now a great time to buy? Here are 10 reasons:
1. You can get a good deal. Prices are down 30 percent on average. They're at a level that makes sense for people's income.
2. Mortgages are cheap. At 4.3 percent on average for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, your costs to own are down by a fifth from two years ago.
3. You can save on taxes. When you add up the deductions for mortgage interest and others, the cost of owning can drop below renting for a comparable place.
4. It'll be yours. The one benefit to owning that never changes is that you can paint your walls orange if you want (generally speaking; there might be some community restrictions). How many landlords will let you do that?
5. You can get a better home. In some markets, it's simply the case that the nicest places are for-sale homes and condos.
6. It offers some inflation protection. Historically, appreciation over time outpaces inflation.
7. It's risk capital. If the economy picks up, you stand to benefit from that, even if you're goal is just to have a nice place to live.
8. It's forced savings. A part of your payment each month goes to equity.
9. There is a lot to choose from. There are some 4 million homes available today, about a year's supply. Now's the time to find something you like and get it.
10. Sooner or later the market will clear. The U.S. is expected to grow by another 100 million people in 40 years. They have to live somewhere. Demand will eventually outpace supply. (Wall Street Journal, Brett Arends)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Online Newsletter for the Week Ending September 24
QUOTE: The Major Key to Your Better Future Is YOU. Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth. It's really the open door to it all. In fact I'd like to have you memorize a most important phrase. Here it is: "The major key to your better future is YOU." --by Jim Rohn
LATEST NUGGET: Are You A Wandering Generality or a Meaningful Specific? www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
FLOOD INSURANCE UPDATE. As you know the current National Flood Insurance Bill will expire on September 30th. Apparently Senator Vittor of Louisiana authored a bill in the U. S. Senate on 9/21 and the Senate passed it. It now goes to the House for review and hopefully approval. The sad part is that they knew this bill was about to expire on September 30 and waited until September 21 to even begin the process. You decide if that is responsible government. I encourage you to write your representatives and voice your concern that this program is crucial to the recovery of the U. S. Housing Market and it needs more attention paid it its passing.
YOUR SIX POWERFUL MENTAL FACULTIES, great article by Wes Hopper. You don’t want to miss this one: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/
WHY THE LAW OF ATTRACTION DOESN’T WORK, another in a series by Wes Hopper well worth reading. http://www.monisticidealism.com/
A WINNER’S ATTITUDE. Good reading from SalesDog. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0492.htm
SELLER TIPS: 13 UNIQUE WAYS TO SELL YOUR HOME article by Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10167
NARDiGras, THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ANNUAL CONVENTION is in New Orleans this year from November 5-8. You can register by going to http://www.realtor.org/convention.nsf/pages/registration You can sign up for the entire convention ($380), a one-day pass ($150), or, a pass to the Expo (market area) only ($25.00). There are always great education opportunities at these conventions and you will never have a better opportunity to network. This is your business convention. Sign up before October 15 and your pass will be mailed to you instead of standing in line at the center.
I’M NOT IN A SLUMP; THE ECONOMY IS, article by Jeffrey Gitomer. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PVZuH64kJKgQ%3D%3D
10 WAYS REAL ESTATE AGENTS CAN USE TH IPAD TO STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION: By Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10000
SOLAR ELECTRICITY FOR WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT: Check out this site, http://www.mysolarbackup.com./ You can purchase an electric generator with its own solar panel to generate the electricity from the sun to operate the generator.
Your Future Is in Your Mouth
By Keith Harrell (www.KeithHarrell.com)
Many of us are familiar with the childhood taunt, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Although it was a great way to act as though the unkind words that were said to us didn't matter, the truth of the matter is that words do hurt.
What hurts more than what other people say are the words you say about yourself. Negative words may have been spoken over you all of your life. But you don't have to become what other people say. You can rise above any unkind words that were said about you or to you (or by you).
You may not realize it, but you are where you are today because of the words you have spoken about yourself. This is so because your future is in your mouth. Your future is not in what other people say about you.
So the key to changing your circumstances and your life is to change what you're saying.
Take a good look at your life and compare it to the words that are coming out of your mouth. Are you saying things like, "I'll be the first one in my company to get laid off." "I'll never find a job in an economy like this." "Everyone in my family died of cancer. It's only a matter of time before I'm diagnosed with it." (“Why do I always seem to get the difficult customers?” “I’m no good at calling FSBOs.” “I’m not creative.” “I’m not a good writer.” “I can’t do it.”)
Are you starting to see the connection?
The more you say something, the more you believe what you are saying. Expectation goes hand-in-hand with what you believe, and it won't be long before you see what you are expecting. (And ultimately attracting more of into your life – The Law of Attraction.)
Unfortunately, many people have fine-tuned the art of negativity. And their negative prophecies are quickly fulfilled. But your words can change your life for the better.
You can start by saying things like: "I'll never go under because I'll conquer every challenge I face." "I'll beat cancer." "I'll always find a way to pay the mortgage."
Words are containers. So why not fill them with a bright future instead of a mediocre existence. The choice is up to you. Remember, your future is in your mouth.
Have a Super Fantastic Week!
Dr. Attitude
By Jon Gordon
It’s big but you can’t see it. So great that if you could see it you wouldn’t believe it. It’s your destiny and it’s calling you. If you don’t believe me just remember Albert Einstein. He could not speak until he was four years old. He did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was mentally challenged. Or how about Beethoven. His music teacher said, "As a composer he is hopeless.” And let’s not forget Muhammad Ali. His teacher once told him he wouldn’t amount to anything. He showed her and the world that he was the greatest after all.
The Google guys tried to sell their business to Yahoo for a few million dollars and were told to come back when they were finished with their little school project. Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple. We all know Helen Keller’s story and we certainly all know our own story.
Every day we face challenges, fears, obstacles, and negativity that hits us with left jabs and right hooks. We get so caught up in the details of bills, job pressures, raising kids, fixing the house, car payments, trying to make a living and a hundred other to-dos, that we can’t even see over the piles of paper on our desk never mind—our future success.
But when times are tough and your bills are bigger than the balance in your checking account; or when your business has slowed down and you’re not sure what to do next; or when your future is uncertain and all feels hopeless... these are the times when you need to realize the most—that you are part of a bigger plan. There is greatness in you. There is a Big Life Plan for you.
Your destiny sits inside your soul like DNA sits inside your genes. You may not be able to see it but its there—waiting to unfold if you let it. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the crashing waves. Instead jump those waves and keep your head up looking out into the horizon.
And if you experience a wave so big that there is no way you can jump it, then ride it. Learn from the surfer who challenges wave after wave, growing stronger, developing more balance, and becoming more skilled every day. A smooth ocean never made a skilled surfer and a struggle-free existence never made a meaningful, great life.
The next time you are facing a difficult situation remember that there is more than what is in front of you. There is a challenge, a lesson, and a plan.
Emerson said "The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."
Don’t let fear get in the way of the life that is meant for you. Einstein, Beethoven , Muhammad Ali, and Helen Keller show us that anything is possible. They are real people who overcame their obstacles and doubters and discovered their greatness.
Trust that there is a plan for you and let the possibilities unfold. In the process you will discover the great things you are born to do. You don’t have to push. Just trust and your destiny will meet you when the time is right.
Share your comments on our blog or Facebook page.
-Jon Gordon
LATEST NUGGET: Are You A Wandering Generality or a Meaningful Specific? www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com
FLOOD INSURANCE UPDATE. As you know the current National Flood Insurance Bill will expire on September 30th. Apparently Senator Vittor of Louisiana authored a bill in the U. S. Senate on 9/21 and the Senate passed it. It now goes to the House for review and hopefully approval. The sad part is that they knew this bill was about to expire on September 30 and waited until September 21 to even begin the process. You decide if that is responsible government. I encourage you to write your representatives and voice your concern that this program is crucial to the recovery of the U. S. Housing Market and it needs more attention paid it its passing.
YOUR SIX POWERFUL MENTAL FACULTIES, great article by Wes Hopper. You don’t want to miss this one: http://www.dailygratitude.com/blog/
WHY THE LAW OF ATTRACTION DOESN’T WORK, another in a series by Wes Hopper well worth reading. http://www.monisticidealism.com/
A WINNER’S ATTITUDE. Good reading from SalesDog. http://www.salesdog.com/newsletter/2010/nl0492.htm
SELLER TIPS: 13 UNIQUE WAYS TO SELL YOUR HOME article by Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10167
NARDiGras, THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ANNUAL CONVENTION is in New Orleans this year from November 5-8. You can register by going to http://www.realtor.org/convention.nsf/pages/registration You can sign up for the entire convention ($380), a one-day pass ($150), or, a pass to the Expo (market area) only ($25.00). There are always great education opportunities at these conventions and you will never have a better opportunity to network. This is your business convention. Sign up before October 15 and your pass will be mailed to you instead of standing in line at the center.
I’M NOT IN A SLUMP; THE ECONOMY IS, article by Jeffrey Gitomer. http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3PVZuH64kJKgQ%3D%3D
10 WAYS REAL ESTATE AGENTS CAN USE TH IPAD TO STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION: By Lowe’s, http://rismedia.com/lowes/8355/10000
SOLAR ELECTRICITY FOR WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT: Check out this site, http://www.mysolarbackup.com./ You can purchase an electric generator with its own solar panel to generate the electricity from the sun to operate the generator.
Your Future Is in Your Mouth
By Keith Harrell (www.KeithHarrell.com)
Many of us are familiar with the childhood taunt, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Although it was a great way to act as though the unkind words that were said to us didn't matter, the truth of the matter is that words do hurt.
What hurts more than what other people say are the words you say about yourself. Negative words may have been spoken over you all of your life. But you don't have to become what other people say. You can rise above any unkind words that were said about you or to you (or by you).
You may not realize it, but you are where you are today because of the words you have spoken about yourself. This is so because your future is in your mouth. Your future is not in what other people say about you.
So the key to changing your circumstances and your life is to change what you're saying.
Take a good look at your life and compare it to the words that are coming out of your mouth. Are you saying things like, "I'll be the first one in my company to get laid off." "I'll never find a job in an economy like this." "Everyone in my family died of cancer. It's only a matter of time before I'm diagnosed with it." (“Why do I always seem to get the difficult customers?” “I’m no good at calling FSBOs.” “I’m not creative.” “I’m not a good writer.” “I can’t do it.”)
Are you starting to see the connection?
The more you say something, the more you believe what you are saying. Expectation goes hand-in-hand with what you believe, and it won't be long before you see what you are expecting. (And ultimately attracting more of into your life – The Law of Attraction.)
Unfortunately, many people have fine-tuned the art of negativity. And their negative prophecies are quickly fulfilled. But your words can change your life for the better.
You can start by saying things like: "I'll never go under because I'll conquer every challenge I face." "I'll beat cancer." "I'll always find a way to pay the mortgage."
Words are containers. So why not fill them with a bright future instead of a mediocre existence. The choice is up to you. Remember, your future is in your mouth.
Have a Super Fantastic Week!
Dr. Attitude
By Jon Gordon
It’s big but you can’t see it. So great that if you could see it you wouldn’t believe it. It’s your destiny and it’s calling you. If you don’t believe me just remember Albert Einstein. He could not speak until he was four years old. He did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was mentally challenged. Or how about Beethoven. His music teacher said, "As a composer he is hopeless.” And let’s not forget Muhammad Ali. His teacher once told him he wouldn’t amount to anything. He showed her and the world that he was the greatest after all.
The Google guys tried to sell their business to Yahoo for a few million dollars and were told to come back when they were finished with their little school project. Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple. We all know Helen Keller’s story and we certainly all know our own story.
Every day we face challenges, fears, obstacles, and negativity that hits us with left jabs and right hooks. We get so caught up in the details of bills, job pressures, raising kids, fixing the house, car payments, trying to make a living and a hundred other to-dos, that we can’t even see over the piles of paper on our desk never mind—our future success.
But when times are tough and your bills are bigger than the balance in your checking account; or when your business has slowed down and you’re not sure what to do next; or when your future is uncertain and all feels hopeless... these are the times when you need to realize the most—that you are part of a bigger plan. There is greatness in you. There is a Big Life Plan for you.
Your destiny sits inside your soul like DNA sits inside your genes. You may not be able to see it but its there—waiting to unfold if you let it. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the crashing waves. Instead jump those waves and keep your head up looking out into the horizon.
And if you experience a wave so big that there is no way you can jump it, then ride it. Learn from the surfer who challenges wave after wave, growing stronger, developing more balance, and becoming more skilled every day. A smooth ocean never made a skilled surfer and a struggle-free existence never made a meaningful, great life.
The next time you are facing a difficult situation remember that there is more than what is in front of you. There is a challenge, a lesson, and a plan.
Emerson said "The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."
Don’t let fear get in the way of the life that is meant for you. Einstein, Beethoven , Muhammad Ali, and Helen Keller show us that anything is possible. They are real people who overcame their obstacles and doubters and discovered their greatness.
Trust that there is a plan for you and let the possibilities unfold. In the process you will discover the great things you are born to do. You don’t have to push. Just trust and your destiny will meet you when the time is right.
Share your comments on our blog or Facebook page.
-Jon Gordon
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