Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Online Newsletter for the Week Ending March 16

QUOTE:  "I wish to say what I think and feel today, with the proviso that tomorrow perhaps I shall contradict it all."  Ralph Waldo Emerson (Poet, 1803-1882)

FROM THE WORLD OF STEVEN WRIGHT:  I bought some batteries, but they weren't included. So I had to buy them again. 

WISDOM FROM MICHAEL DUNN, author of “What’s the BIG Secret?”  Change occurs in our outward life little by little; your finances, relationships, and environment.  But internally, it can change quickly by gaining control of your thoughts which are the rudder of your emotions.  http://michaelpdunn.blogspot.com/

JOE TYE ON NEGATIVE TOXIC ATTITUDES:  As usual, Jeaux hits the nail on the head. Time to examine your attitude and how you respond to life’s daily activities.  There is a link to a great video within the article and also linked below in case you missed it in the newsletter.  http://tinyurl.com/86arwuy

HOLY BAT*&$% BATMAN!  Amazing video about a roof repair and bats.  You won’t believe this one.  http://www.videofantastica.com/view_video/111489/

DO YOU HAVE AN ELEVATOR PICTURE?  We have heard of the Elevator Pitch, but how more effective would an Elevator Picture be?  When someone asks you what you do, “It will be much faster if I show you.”  What this video by Andy Horner, Ace of Sales.  Gymbeaux Guess:  Maybe 3 people will watch this video and run with the idea; that means over 75 will not.  Kind of proves Horner’s point.  http://www.andyhorner.com/blog/are-you-smarter-at-selling-than-a-missionary/

WHAT IS CROWD SPRING?  It is a unique web site, www.crowdspring.com.  You tell them what you want and they send out your requirements to numerous designers who design a product (campaign) for you and then you can buy it if you want to from the designer you choose.  Great for creating ad campaign visuals. 

DON’T BUNGEE JUMP NAKED, humorous video by Jeanne Robertson.  Too funny.  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=L1_W0LCHwK4

IF THIS WERE NOT TRUE IT WOULD BE REALLY FUNNY:  Video from Louis C.K. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOzNrO54xsY

NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO WRITE:  By Jeffrey Gitomer.  Gitomer tells you how he got started and more importantly continued.  If you don’t want to write for the public, write for your children.  Long into the future, your writings will mean more to your family than you can ever imagine when they no longer have you to talk to.  http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ViewPublicArticle.html?key=ajcdMibak3Mw1IPXuIW0pg%3D%3D


PERSONAL SAFETY ISSUE:  This information was provided by Dr. Tom Hill in his weekly Eagle Institute Ezine and is pretty amazing.  It involves YOUR personal safety and what you occasionally cannot see that is actually there. 

Motion Induced Blindness

This is frightening! It works exactly like it says, and is one major reason people in cars can look right at you (when you're on a motorcycle or bicycle)---AND NOT SEE YOU.

From a former Naval Aviator--

This is a great illustration of what we were taught about scanning outside the cockpit when I went through training back in the '50s. We were told to scan the horizon for a short distance, stop momentarily, and repeat the process. I can remember being told why this was the most effective technique to locate other aircraft. It was emphasized (repeatedly) to NOT fix your gaze for more than a couple of seconds on any single object.

The instructors, some of whom were WWII veterans with years of experience, instructed us to continually "keep our eyes moving and our head on a swivel" because this was the best way to survive, not only in combat, but from peacetime hazards (like a midair collision) as well. We basically had to take the advice on faith (until we could experience it for ourselves) because the technology to demonstrate it didn't exist at that time. http://www.msf-usa.org/motion.html

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